Rating:  Summary: Promising...but falls short of potential Review: I liked this movie and its story of uniting some of the best-known characters in classic adventure stories for a single quest. It had a lot of potential but fell far short of its goal.The movie opens in 1899 when leading countries at the time face an unknown menace that is trying start a world war. England's MI-5 decides to unite the best heroes of their time to fight against this phantom menace, and Alan Quartermain is asked to lead it. I won't give away the rest of the plot but, in the beginning, the movie looks very promising. By the time it ended, however, I wasn't exactly sure what happened to the plot and was left wondering what is was that I saw. I had to see the movie one more time to understand what was going on. I'm giving this movie three stars because the storyline takes a backseat to the action and special effects. They, of course, are superb but with an undeveloped storyline, there is little substance to the movie as a whole. I looked at the Deleted Scenes and most of them were scenes that would've helped the storyline and added depth to the characters. So if you like a lot of action, lots of special effects, and don't mind a poorly developed story, then this is the movie for you.
Rating:  Summary: A good Saturday matinee action film Review: Allan Quartermain is called back to England by the British government to help stop a mysterious villain know as The Phantom from taking over the world. With a team of well-known literary characters -- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Tom Sawyer, Dorian Gray, Wilhelmina Harker, Captain Nemo, and an Invisible Man -- he sets sail for Venice to stop the Phantom. Not a bad action film for a Saturday matinee, full of explosions, chases and evil plots. One of the main problems, though, is the special effects. A few of them are quite good, such as the Invisible Man, but the majority tend to be very two-dimensional. They look like computer-generated images, and, sadly, the movie relies on them, instead of the story and characters, to carry the film. Also, for gathering such a great array of actors -- Sean Connery as Allan Quartermain, Jason Flemyng as Jekyll/Hyde, Richard Roxburgh as M, and Peta Wilson as Mina Harker, to name a few -- they are given very little to do, and almost no time is given to get to know the characters, almost as if the creators took advantage of the fact that the viewer alredy knows who they are. The "making of" featurette on the DVD is very good, actually showing shots being set up and filmed, mixed in with director and actor commentary. Not a bad action movie, but not too memorable, either.
Rating:  Summary: League of Sean Connery and Some Extraordinary Unmentionables Review: This film is an absolute mess. The one redeeming quality is Sean Connery's acting and charisma, but there is NOTHING else here. Sean Connery seems to have thrown his lot in with some extremely lack-luster talent here. Granted, I can see why some women find Stuart Townsend pretty, but every role he's in seems to place a rather smug "Gosh, I know I'm beautiful" look on his face. I mean, Dorian Gray...an IMMORTAL? Please. Mina-the occasional vampire lady-seems on the verge of evoking some sort of emotion, but just can't get past the costume. One laughably memorable moment is where she looks frightened in the car as Dorian jumps off to supposedly attack some bad guys. A few seconds later, she positively growls something to the effect of, "These men are mine!" whilst launching herself into attack. Fear...anger...whatever. It's in the script, right? Jekyll/Hyde...I won't even go there. And the Invisible Man was too smarmy for my taste. Despite the lack of talent, there may have been some room for good story, character development, etc., but there's nothing there either. The evil Phantom wants to take over the world, or some foolish nonsense of the sort, and there are plot twists and double-crosses that perhaps an 8-year old might be taken aback with a childish, "I didn't see that coming, Daddy!" Funny, the rest of the adult audience could see a lot of this nonsense straight off the bat. One prime example of where character development fails centers around the loss of Sean Connery's son in the film, but even the Phantom's taunting doesn't even get a rise out of him. The American who is oh-so-obviously-a-detached-replacement-of-a-son hardly conjures any tears, sympathy, or any emotive response for that matter. Effects. Special effect-wise, you can see why this movie was made because this movie seems to be nothing but. No CGI in the world can save a bad movie and this is one shining example. Skip it. I bought it out of curiosity, sadly, but I'm glad that I missed it in the theater.
Rating:  Summary: Well....... It's violent? Review: I'll give it that. It's fairly violent. There's plenty of beating up and general slaughter, but with a noticeable absence of gory bits. However, I don't think that it is worth the criticism that it has received. It has a certain amount of action in it, some comedy, a small amount of romance and a few plot twists. If this sort of thing does not attract you, don't go and see it. On the whole, while the plot may be a little confusing, I think that it isn't a bad film and I liked it enough to go and see it twice. Anyone who disagrees with me, tough.
Rating:  Summary: A complete waste of celluloid Review: A complete waste of celluloid, even my 11 year old hated it. It could have been much better, but then you would have to make the characters interesting. A wandering plot, 1-dimensional characters with insipid dialog. dumb, dumb, dumb. And I like alot of B flicks.... Did Sean Connery really need the money this badly? Lets take up a collection......
Rating:  Summary: Four words...Action - Fun - Action & Fun!!! Review: I am not a big fan of big budget action movies, I absolutely HATED "Pirates of the Carribean" and I actually watched this movie under protest...meaning my wife wanted to see it and I was forced to sit through it. I've read the lousy reviews here and the sadistic opinions from movie critics and had no interest at all in seeing this film. Much to my surprise, it was very, very entertaining! A bit short on story, but BIG on FUN, BIG on ACTION and, if you have a home entertainment sysyem with Dolby 5.1, ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS on SOUND. To make a long story short, I would actually watch this movie again, and coming from an "indy film" fan like myself, I think that's pretty amazing (and so does my wife.) It's definately worth AT LEAST a rent, for the FUN of it. Also, I think it's a really good flick for kids even though it was givin a PG-13 rating. A bit scary & violent at times, but no more so than something you'd see anytime on the Sci-Fi channel.
Rating:  Summary: What were they thinking??? Review: This is an awful movie. I love Sean Connery but he had no business being in this movie! I wish I could get my money back! I would give this a "0" rating if one existed!
Rating:  Summary: As bad as it gets Review: Abysmal. Abysmal. Abysmal. * Cardboard characters about whom you couldn't care less. * A plot developed in Kindergarten. * Dialogue that had to be heard to be believed. * And all with less dramatic tension than watching paint dry. Truly one of the worst movies one could ever have the misfortune to see. Avoid at all costs. One final thought - just how do movies like this ever get made? Could be subject matter for a college thesis.
Rating:  Summary: I wanted to like this film Review: Ah!!!!!!! this film pissed me off! and I'm saying this as someone who hasn't even read the comic, had I done so I'd expect to be even more pissed off. O.K point by point, 1 to 5: Tom Sawyer (I don't care if I've spelt his name right) Whta a pointless person to add, forn one he is just to bloody good, all the other characters have a untrustworthy quality but with him you just always know he is going to do the right thing, which is just so bloody boring! And why the hell can he drive a car that well, that is an adavanced machine invented by nemo, he could of never driven a car before, so why doesn't he keep talling and where is the gear crunching that comes from all learner drivers poor clutch control 6: the invisable man, why is he a cockney thief, why don't they keep it to the source material and have him be the inventor of the formula and genrally that's what is wtrong with this whole film, it strays from the original characters from the source novels without any good cause what so ever, AND where this was worse was with the added character of Dorian Gray, now I was quite happy with this inclusion becuase of my love for thew oscar wilde novel (which if you haven't read, I do reccommend)this is a great character, but they juist had to mess up the whole premiss, firstly he would not die if he looked at his own picture, indeed in the book he on numrious occasions goes into the locked room in which he keeps his picture to look at it, he only dies when he attempts to destroy the painting, which does not just as it happens bare the wieght of his age but also of all his sins, and why does Dr Jeckel have to use the formula to turn into Mr Hyde, when we know that in the novel he's conection with the Mr Hyde character by the end means that is no longer required for him to change, also on this front while I thought it an intrguing idea to link him with the Ape from 'Murder's in the Rogue Morgue'I have to disagree on the conceptulisation here of hyde, as a beast, rather than simply than an evil but normally built man as the best portrayals of him tend to be. Well I've finished the rant now, this movie is a mess.
Rating:  Summary: What was this poor excuse of a film? Review: 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' is a film that incorporates many colourful characters such as Dr.Jekyll, Mr. Hyde and Captain Nemo. Sean Connery plays the old adventurer Allan Quartermain who is given a mission along with the so-called comic creatures who include Shane West (Hello? He isn't invisible, nor is he immortal, all he can do is shoot a gun. His addition to the film was pointless. Obviously the director knew that because of his looks, this film would attract the girls) 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' is another forgettable film that was trying to cash in on the successes of comic book inspired films such as 'The Hulk', 'Spiderman' and 'X Men'. Unfortunately, this film does not have the high caliber performances seen in films like X Men, it is just an extremely poor version of what could have been an adventurous and enjoyable cinematic experience. The idea is great: it would be wicked to see different characters from stories being visually brought to life by the right people but LXG does not succeed. This film's actors are miscast (what is Sean Connery doing in this? He can play suave like no other but he is too old and tired to be running around). The plot felt used and I even lost recognition of what was happening in the story because the film had no fluidity. There are some real awful films that you can see and this is one of them so if you feel like seeing visual rubbish, go ahead but otherwise, spare yourself!