Rating:  Summary: Milla Jovovich Kicks Serious Zombie Butt! Review: "I shot her five times, How was she still standing? (rapid machine gun fire) B---- Isn't standing now."""This is Going to slow us down." Resident Evil: Based on the super popular video games of the same name. Basic plot, OH Geeeze Meathead don't spoil it for the rest of us who might want to see it. Players of the Resident Evil series of video games will recognise many of the scenes and plot elements. I didn't becuase I haven't played the games except maybe the first or second one once or twice (whichever one starts outside the mansion). OK so without giving too much away, a deadly virus breaks out in a super secret experimental laboratory complex that is controled by a supercomputer Named "The Red Queen" that has gone out-of-control so the powers that be send in the marines so to speak (a special forces type paramilitary unit). Meanwhile the main character Alice played by Jovovich has amnesia, a side effect of nerve gas released by the Red Queen, and slowly regains her memory as events unfold. Yes there are intentional parralels to Louis Carols Alice In Wonderland. I enjoyed this movie although you do have to turn off your brain as with most other movies of this genre. An interesting bit of trivia is that Night of the Living Dead (1968) Director George A. Romero, was originally on board to write and direct, but left the project due to creative differences over the script. The sound is typical Sci-fi, Horror, suspense heavy metal type music scored by Marco Beltrami and get this Marilyn Manson. Oddly enough despite that bizarre match up the music works. As for the plot etc... The result is something like Demon Seed meets Night of The Living Dead, meets Lara Croft - Tomb Raider with a little Total Recall and Raiders of The Lost Ark thrown in. I liked one scene which according to Internet Movie Data Base was inspired by and is very similar to a scene in the Canadian movie The Cube. My entertainment dollar was well spent even with the slightly cheesy CGI effects and occasional cheap Zombie makeup mixed with just plain gory Zombie makeup. BTW they don't ever call the undead creatures Zombies, they usually refer to them as the monsters or creatures or things, wouldn't you? The Quality is very good overall so out of 5 stars or discs or thumbs or whatever you wants. I give Resident Evil a 4 for the sound and the picture quality a 4.5
Rating:  Summary: My take Review: First off, I have never played the game so I was able to watch the movie unbiased. Which I guess worked to my favor since I absolutely love this movie. I know people who played the game don't really care for it because it doesn't follow but I loved it. I loved it because it is a good concept movie, which you don't get a whole lot these days. My favorite person was Caplan. I wish he made it to the end but you can't have everything right? Anyway, the movie starts out in the Hive. You get a look at someone throwing a vile in the lab and running. You see three different settings going on. The Red Queen notices the broken vile and takes action. People are killed by drowning, falling in the elevator or by the halox (is the spelled right?). Then cut to Alice, who is in the shower and apparently has fainted. The movie is perfect, simply because a movie can't be perfect. Your going to get some people saying the hated it and some people saying it was ok and some people loving it. I think it is definately worth seeing for yourself and making up your own mind. The last scene of the movie (I won't go into detail), I think is the best scene. In one scene, Milla portrays just about every emotion there is in this one scene. Scared, confused, disoriented, terrified, amazement, wonderment, lonliness, hurt, betrayal, strength and courage. See the movie, if only one time and draw your own opinions. Go in with an open mind and come out with your conclusion.
Rating:  Summary: Good in it's own right. Review: For anyone who has the strategy guide to the new GameCube edition of the original Resident Evil game, you'll find that the development team of RE has called this movie a good "trailer" (whatever that means) and that Milla Jovovich did a good job with it. This leads me to believe that Capcom isn't overly happy with the end result. Who cares...it's solid in it's own right and doesn't pretend to be the game, but rest assured it is well based upon the concept of the game franchise, maybe more in spirit than actual application and a welcome addition. Of the horror films that have come out in recent years, excluding Hollywood smashes such as "The Sixth Sense," or "The Others," and so on. "Resident Evil" happens to be the best, more intelligent than "Jason X," and the last 2 "Alien" movies. The movie begins with a very familiar concept to the hardcore RE gamers. The breakout of the virus, S.T.A.R.S. team infiltration, and so on. I don't feel the need to rewrite the synopsis of the movie, which you can get from the Official movie website and Amazon's own review. What I am going to say is that there's plenty of action, gore, mutated zombies, zombie-dogs and so on. Milla Jovovich will keep keep you enthralled herself, I guess that's reason enough for men to see it, ya? The "Red Queen" is the eeriest thing in the movie, "You're all going to die here." Not an original line, but the visual and tone of her/it is quite enough to give you the chills. I recommend watching the movie to find out what the "Red Queen" is. To me that was a reason to stay in my seat and be thankful that there were other people in the theater. The DVD is a hit, sharp, crisp, and chillingly Gothic. All the things I love. I gave it 4 stars because I wanted a game controller. No I didn't, believed that didn't you? The reason I left one star of is because the movie is shorter than what it could be, even though it doesn't appear that way when watching it. All thing's being equal, well that's a crock line, but who cares, ya? If you're a horror fanatic, or like the occasional, twisted and demented scare, this one's a good choice. Rating:  Summary: A well done movie that delivers thrills and chills. Review: Hmm. Zombies, monsters and hardened commandos...oh my! When I heard Sony was doing a Resident Evil movie, I was excited and uneasy at the same time. Usually video game movies are[junk] (with the exceptions of Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider). I'm happy to say I was proven wrong. This movie delivers the thrills and horror that has made the game series so successful. It's not as gory as all those ridiculous war movies and such that are out these days...but it still manages to capture the true atmosphere and sense of helplessness that made gamers the world over fall in love with the series in the first place. The music, direction,acting and dialogue is incredibly good. And the best part is, you don't need in-depth knowledge of the series to understand the movie. As for the whiners complaining how it [copied] elements from other movies...give it up! 95% of movies have at least one thing they've taken from other flicks. It's not the first time a movie's done and it sure won't be the last. Bottom line is, this movie is good. If you love being scared, buy it when it comes out on DVD. I guarantee you you'll be sleeping with the night light on for weeks after.
Rating:  Summary: Leaves you wanting more!!! Review: I don't know how anyone (other than a true horror hater) cannot like this movie. I've played the game since it's first release, and once I heard Tomb Raider was coming to theater I had my fingers crossed that Resident Evil would soon follow. I didn't think that Tomb Raider did the game justice, but with Resident Evil the cast and crew have more than captured the feel of the game, they've taken the idea and properly put it down on film. I'm sure we all agree that is one tuff task. I've heard a lot of nonsense about the zombies not looking real enough and that the monsters weren't scary looking enough...Hogwash. I mean these zombies aren't the "rotted in the ground for years" type of zombie, their freshly killed zombies. What's a freshly killed zombie supposed to look like? Pretty much like a person that's just been killed I would guess. Anyway, the zombies were quite fitting to the plot in my view. And the monster at the end looks just like something out of the game, another good job done in my opinion. The computer guarding Umbrella's underground hive was a really good addition to the overall monster theme of the movie. It definitely added an interesting twist to the first parts of the film. If I HAD to pick out weak points of the film it would be, the hidden/secret object format the game follows. The group finds it clues/keys/guns a little too easily, but we only have a limited amount of time, so looking for a key for 30 minutes like the game would have been a tad much. And not to give any of the movie away, but I do think the dogs should have had a wee bit bigger of a part. But other than that, this is one of the best zombie movies to date, and I look forward to RE2 which should be soon to follow.
Rating:  Summary: Flawed, But Very Good Review: I would rate the video game movies like this: 1- Resident Evil 2- Mortal Kombat 3- Final Fantasy 4- Tomb Raider 5- Mortal Kombat: Anilation 6- Double Dragon 7- Street Fighter The history of video game movies has been rocky, but this one restores my faith in the genre. I saw it twice in the theatre, and I will be watching it a infinite amount of times on DVD. Something I did not like about it was the lack of gore. That is something Resident Evil [the game] had been known for. But it did not disappoint me as much as other games to movie adaptations. It starts out with a fatal mistake of a virus being unleashed in a place called The Hive. A computer then kills everyone in the building. A elite team of soldiers has been sent to clean up the mess. It's ending leaves it wide open for a sequel, which I really REALLY want to see. Mill Jovovich gives a great performance in the movie along with the other actors. This is a good movie and you will most likely enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: fun---but i'll take the game any day..... Review: I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, and have trouble disliking anything related to the series (I even thought that RE survivor for PC was pretty good). This movie on the other hand was a let down for me. Gone is the creepy atmosphere, the feeling of suspence, and the over all fright factor the game created for so many. This has instead been replaced with a slick sci-fi-action movie with some sub-par acting and some reasonable special effects. The movie follows the game's story VERY loosly (there are still zombies, there are still guns, there are still comando-people, there is a high-tech lab, and they threw in the Licker monster from RE2....thats about it), which is one of the main reasons I was disapointed with this film. Many of the fans know and love the twisting, mysterious story of the orrigional game, and it has been replaced with a movie that is remanesent of Starship Troopers (not that this is particularly bad, but it is a huge change from the orrigional story). All-in-all, this was not a bad movie by any means, and is a fun action flick that you should at least rent, however, I believe RE fans will be some what disapointed. If you have no idea what Resident Evil is, or have never played any of the award winning games, you will probably enjoy the movie a lot more.
Rating:  Summary: If you like the game, you'll like the movie Review: Resident Evil is a movie version of what is called "Survival Horror" in the gaming industry. The ideas and a number of scenes are directly inspired by the Resident Evil Games. Milla wakes up, naked in a shower and has no memory of the past. She is in a large mansion. Soon she is beset by commandos who claim she is one of them and that they work for the Umbrella Corporation. In the mansion is an underground train station that leads to a large underground research facility that is in trouble. In the facility, known as The Hive, the team is trying to shut down an AI computer that killed everyone in the facility. Aside from the killer AI, there are plenty of zombies and even a monster. The team must defeat these and get out before the facility becomes completely sealed. Milla's character is central to the movie and she slowly regains her memories as the plot advances. We come to know her better and feel sympathetic for her. All of this is bound up and painted with classic elements of horror and action and blended so well you don't really notice the switches. Camera angles, stunts and atmosphere really push the viewer's buttons and keep the fear and adrenaline running. As the film nears its conclusion, the viewer tries to guess just what is going to happen and how it will be resolved, but the surprises keep coming until the final scene. Very fun with a minimum of blood and gore for this type of movie, but with plenty of action and spookiness.
Rating:  Summary: Better Than Tomb Raider Review: Resident Evil is from the source movie goers have learned to fear most--video games. Resident Evil joins the glittering pantheon of such other video game to movie translations such as Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and even Super Mario Brothers. It's certainly better than most of these but still is far from being a great horror film. The original game started with the simple and uncluttered premise of being stuck in an isolated mansion with mysterious flesh eating mutated zombies and assorted other biological abberations that had to be fought past in order to find out that the whole mess originated from corporate experimentation in biological weaponry. The game showed through clever use of shock effects, disturbing dramatic camera angles, and cinematic music that video games could be as scary and suspenseful as any horror film. In this way the game was a groundbreaker and amazingly influential and popular. Now several years and game sequels later we have Resident Evil the movie. The film clutters up the premise quite a bit. Beginning with some unexplained corporate espionage that causes a spooky HAL like computer to kill everyone in the Umbrella building (or as it is explained later an underground hive) it cuts immediately to a half naked Milla Jovovich (she of the crazy red hair in The Fifth Element) waking up with amnesia in a shower and wandering alone in a strangely deserted palatial mansion that the computer is also monitoring. Where are the zombies? They do eventually show up and the creators of this film also borrow heavily from past successes such as Aliens, The Matrix, 2001:A Space Odyssey, and maybe even a little Memento. The result is a mess and some of the action is incomprehensible sometimes it seems certain characters make their escapes out of impossible situations by simply being edited out of them. But the movie keeps moving frenetically and sometimes entertainingly along anyway. The rest of the plot revolves around the mystery of the sabotage and a trip down into the sealed hive to solve the mystery. Fans of the video games will be disappointed to not see Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine make an appearance. Also zombies, hunters and mutant dogs are pretty much the only mutant monsters you get. As far as the cast goes moviegoers will be left mainly remembering Jovovich's charming beauty and Michelle Rodriguez's(from the much superior low budget Girlfight) tough funny turn as one of the band of clean up soldiers who accompany Jovovich down into the hive. Sure its a lift of Private Vasquez's character from Aliens but Rodriguez has such a gritty delivery that she makes the tired dialogue sound fresh and intentionally amusing. The thudding rock score by Marilyn Manson does little to help and the various creatures are not imaginative enough to really inspire any horror. There are various shock effects tactics employed throughout the film to keep moviegoers from getting restless. The movie is an okay ride and probably worth a peak if you're a big zombie or Resident Evil fan. Most of us will get more out of watching Aliens again.
Rating:  Summary: RESIDENT EVIL 0; GOT BLOOD? Review: when i first saw this adaptaion of Capcom's Awesome game series, i was left questioning; "where were the major characters like Chris (redfield) Jill, barry, wesker etc...but i realized that this movie was basically a prequel to the RE series. i guess that makes more sense. but as a whole i thought the movie wasn't as bad as i first thought, after seeing it over it's even better. paul anderson's latest game to movie attempt surpasses his movie adaptation of mortal kombaT. The actors didn't really stand out enough for me except michelle rodrigquez (a hottie even with the tomb raideresque tomboy shorts) and this colin salmon guy who played commando leader one. too bad the producers offed him after the first 20 or so minutes. the score was a combination of metal and syncronization the best computerized horror/sci fi soundtrack sine john carpenter's escape from ny. my fav moments had to be the dog scene, red queen's warning and esp[ecially the last 10 minutes which i won't give it away for those who haven't seen it. i can't wait for the sequel. hmm with resident evil,blade and now spiderman, sci/fi comic movies are making a big comeback mainstream 2002 will be best remembered for a trio of all too cool flicks which no doubt i'll own on DVD.