Rating:  Summary: I actually sat through this...who am I kidding? Review: ...my finger was on the fastforward button most of the way. But never fear, I did see all the 'good parts', which I will be sure to list in a moment. So, consider this a review of half the movie. The part I saw was worth half a star, so maybe the rest was worth maybe another half a star.Where to start, where to start? How about my excuse for checking this out; my friend was actually the one who bought it, and I had been eyeing the dvd on his shelf for awhile. Time after time I asked to borrow it, and time after time he warned me not to. In true horror movie fashion, I didn't heed his advice...and paid for it... Ah, but there are laughs aplenty. I'll go in order: the opening fight scene is a riot, with so many missed punches you would think they were shadow boxing. Mr. Estevez, who looks like a rattier version of Emilio, plays one of the workers leery of a recently excavated werewolf skeleton that has - bone ears. I would be leery as well. This is followed by alot of silliness. One of the workers was cut by the jawbone of the skeleton and turns into a wolf over the course of twenty long movie minutes in one of the most tedious transformations in werewolf history. He then alternates in appearance from hairy wolfman makeup to ape suit to hand puppet. Good stuff. And then our hero is infected with werewolf-itis, and his girlfriend, talking like the great-grandaughter of the gypsy woman in 'The Wolfman' proclaims 'Paul, you eez war-wulf'. He then hilariously twitches as he changes to romp after a couple making out. This leads to two of my favorite scenes. 1) he kills a young girl, chasing her through the night. She falls into a mud puddle and attacks! He throws her into the puddle - and looks at the camera as if the director tells him, 'hey man, you've got to kill her now.' Then he pounces, necking her better than her lover did moments earlier. 2) Yes, the pool hall scene. Tons of fluff, and no one notices the hero changing into a werewolf right at the booth! He then rampages through the hall, kills two men outside its door and runs off. ...moments later, cut back to the hall and the bodies are gone, a few people enter and everyone's still having a good time. His girl is still playing pool and it's super. I'm not sure if the straight faces managed by the cast are due to the skill or unawareness of the actors that what they were doing was utterly terrible. And think, it took two guys to write the script! If you want jump cuts galore, no gore, shaggy ape suits, dreadful day for night photography, and a story that makes no sense - check this one out!
Rating:  Summary: This Werewolf movie is so cool! Review: Basicly what this werewolf movie is a low budget laugh fest and that`s what makes it good.I have seen Werewolf several times and each time I watched the film it gets better and better! I will tell a few things that happens in Werewolf.We see Sam the Keeper who is basicly a Santa Clause in hunter gear with a shotgun that he says that it keeps the flies down.He also gives alot more info in the film.Another honerable mention is when Joe Estevez and his friend has silver bullets and we don`t even know how they got themand who could ever forget when Paul was in his house teasing to be a werewolf! He just stops transforming when when Natilie came in,that there was the was great part of the film!There is alot more of mistakes including terrable editing and really bad dialouge but that doesn`t bother me because that what makes Werewolf special. I really like this movie because just about everything is entertaining.If you are looking to buy or looking to see a new werewolf flick look nofurther than to get Werewolf! It`s one of my favorite films and I think it`ll be one of your`s too!
Rating:  Summary: Did You Know??????????????? Review: Did you know that Jorge Rivera costarred with John Wayne and many other famous actors? Did you know that Richard Lynch was a classically trained actor? Did you know that Joe Estevez is a "B" movie king? The lead in this film had never acted before. The female lead was being groomed by Tony Zarindast to be the next Marylyn Monroe yet she could hardly speak english. The script was being written daily while shooting. Billy went on to Co-Star in the T.V. Series "WILDWEST SHOWDOWN" as Dogbreath and Star in a Dentyne commercial. As well as the WILD WILD WEST STUNT SHOW at Universal Studios. Did you know that? Did you know that the film was shot mostly in Nevada and never in Arizona and that it was originally titled ARIZONA WEREWOLF? Keep an open mind about this film. Put yourself in front of or behind the camera if you can. Imagine how much fun this was and how much pleasure the end result has given so many people. Everyone should be so lucky to be a part of film history, and have a legacy, oscar potential or not,that will live longer than any of you.
Did you know that Billy has been on a seven year hiatus and will be making his comeback soon? So keep your eyes open for WEREWOLF II. Oh yes, did you know that Billy costarred with Pam Anderson in BAYWATCH? So catch a glimpse as soon as you can. Halloween would be a great time. With friends and the kids. Its better for them than most of the trash today.
Rating:  Summary: A very fun B-flick! Review: Even though this movie lacks the standard nudity and gore that usually acompany a fun bad horror movie, everything about it is so unbelievably wretched that you just can't help but love it. Bad special effects, bad writing, bad directing, bad acting, bad editing, bad badness, werewolf skeletons with ear bones, puppet werewolves, and accents that just do not make sense abound in this flick. It's just so amazingly awful that you laugh and have a great time with the movie despite your every instinct to burn the film and everyone who had any involvment with it. This will definitely be hated now, but 30 years from now, like Plan Nine from Outer Space, it will be a cherished film by all bad movie fanatics.
Rating:  Summary: This is The Find of the Century Review: First of all, the title of this movie should be "Waar-wolf". When the actors in a movie can't even pronounce the title of the film properly you know you're in trouble. The main plot revolves around a science team's discovery of werewolf bones in the desert, yet we never see them do any scientific research with the remains throughout the entire film. Look for the werewolf head in a box with poles & strings included. A security guard werewolf who is co-herent enough to drive & signal at intersections... but drives head-on into a bunch of oil drums. The fact that the car explodes before it even hits the oil drums just tops off that scene! I'm glad that the sound people had enough sense to drown out the dialouge with pointless ambiant noise. The acting was so bad, I'm convinced that they were all porn stars. REALLY BAD porn stars since the only love scene seems to have been cut right out of the film. All I can say is: "I think it's a Waaar-wolf" and what the hell is with Joe Estevez?
Rating:  Summary: Very boring movie Review: Had high hopes that this would be a great movie after seeing the name of the movie and the great illustration on the box. Was very disappointed. Kept waiting for it to go somewhere with the story line, but it went nowhere. Finally fell asleep waiting for something to happen.
Rating:  Summary: NO STARS REALLY Review: Horribly abysmal, mindless, poorly acted, directed, written, you name it..this movie is so bad, it's not even funny!!!!! Avoid at all costs!
Rating:  Summary: NO STARS REALLY Review: Horribly abysmal, mindless, poorly acted, directed, written, you name it..this movie is so bad, it's not even funny!!!!! Avoid at all costs!
Rating:  Summary: You MUST be kidding me. Review: How could the filmmakers responsible for this silly piece of trash have believed that it was good in ANY way? It's boring, not scary, poorly acted and has a ridiculous non-ending. At least Plan 9 from Outer Space was FUNNY.
Rating:  Summary: Total crud Review: I bought the VHS copy for the hologram on the cover. That was better than any special effect in the film. the guy in the bear suit who falls onto a mattress covered by leaves is totally hilarious. Joe Estevez is terrible as a Mexican. The woman in it is such a bad actress, I assumed she was there to drop blouse. No such luck. Check out the transformation in the hospital - it's totally tedious. But the highlight is the ageing security guard turning into a were-wolf as he speeds along in his car. That's got to be a first. It is so totally diabolical, I can't say. Tony Zarandista should be allowed to make another movie, just as long as he promises not to get any better. "Geniuses", "wunderkinds" and so forth are ten a penny. Zarandista is that rare thing - devoid of talent.