Rating:  Summary: The Message Behind The Entertainment Review: Director Andrew Fleming's 1966 film "The Craft" is many young adults' introduction to magick and witchcraft. The film lacks more recent films' spectacular special effects. The film's dialogue specifically denies the *common* categorizations 'light (benign) magick' and 'dark (chaotic) magick'. The film's special effects overemphasize the creation of cockroach hordes (symbolizing filth). Yet the film's dialogue and symbolism otherwise accurately portrays the language and concepts of magick and witchcraft.The film's plot is straightforward. Sarah, who dabbles in magick, moves to a new town and school. Sarah meets three young women who actively practice magick. The four young women's combined magickal powers take them farther than they anticipated. Sarah practices light magick and she chooses not to join her three friends' dark magick practices. This refusal plus social jealousy motivates a witch war -- the three friends attack Sarah magickally. Magick and witchcraft are popular because magick and witchcraft bestow power upon their users. The three friends create chaotic situations to harm Sarah -- to defend herself Sarah must fight chaos. *Self-respect* gives Sarah power to fight the chaos. "The Craft" is not a philosophically deep film, but it is entertaining and its positive message raises it above many of today's young adult films.
Rating:  Summary: Okay hi.. Review: So any of you that think Witchcraft/Wicca is bogus, yeah you're just like the people that think Christianity is bogus. It's a religion, and this movie does not portray it right. And the thing with the crosses, yeah, the day I did a report on Wicca in a class i wore my cross. It's just something to wear, it has nothing to do with anything. Whatever. This movie is okay, aside from the fact that it spawned a billion little teeny boppers deciding that they thought they were witches. It does have a decent message though how not to mess with the powers. I'd rather watch Charmed.
Rating:  Summary: The Craft: The evil will obsess you!!! Review: In our opinion the film "The Craft" is the best film dealing with witches we have ever seen. It is about a girl who is new at high school where three girls already expected her. This group of girls is looking for the fourth girl who should join their group because of obtaining the power of North, South, West and East. Together they practise many rituals by adoring the God "Manon". First they have been a good team and have had a lot of fun but later it becomes a nightmare because one of the four witches wants to get the whole power... The film has not only a great plot, but also very good actors, appropriate music and very much suspense. But we would not recommend this film to people who dislike occultism and stuff like that. All in all we rate the film "The Craft" with four stars. That means VERY GOOD!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Craft... Review: The movie begins in the ubiquitus fashion, amongst a lovely storm. The aesthetics are pleasing to the eye, the grey rainy sky, & the New England-esque architecture. There's the Catholic School, & the pleasant plaid skirts with the knee-high socks that would melt the plaster off them walls. Crucifixes here & there, an icon, candles, the usual sights & sounds of a Catholic institution. The four main characters go about using some Witchcraft, which is decidely weakan in style, to accomplish petty & superficial ends. As they dabble on, the inevitability of the other extreme becomes evident. Never is a true balance exhibited, i.e., cursing those who deserve it, unrepentantly gaining lust desires, & uncompulsive healings. And when it is done, there is always some guilt-baiting involved. Like when one of the girls curses another, who was rotten, & really deserved the hex, the pseudo-"witch" felt guilty upon seeing her victim suffer. In reality, this would cause a reversal. What she SHOULD have done, is revel in her rightful victim's pangs of lamentation, laughed loudly, & reminded her of her remarks. That's Diabolic Justice for you. Another neophyte uses a red candle to enslave a would-be lover, who almost becomes her rapist. Although it was remarkable, & rather moving when one of the girls healed herself. The pretentiousness of the ultra-bunny girl of the group, who attempted to bind the eventual protagonist, cause the most impressive, & complimentary change in her. She really became quite an inspiring hellion. This is when the movie really picked up. But just as she became delightfully wicked, the immoralization begins. This is a good time to stop the tape.
Rating:  Summary: Atmospheric, Intense, and Thrilling Review: I think the Craft is one of the best movies on Wicca that Hollywood has made thus far; yet is still lacking authenticity in some ways. What I especially liked about this movie is that it creates an atmosphere of wonder. The magic shop along with the props used in it were extremely well thought out. The score was also amazing, as the music seemed to create the atmosphere. Some of the most subtle special effects were the ones that caught my attention and left me thinking long after the movie was over.
Rating:  Summary: Bewitchingly Scary Review: Firstly, I'm not into magik or Wicca or anything like that so my review is not based on whether or not it was realistic or whatever, bla bla bla.. I haven't seen a movie for years, since The Shining in fact, which actually got the old fear glands pumping and gave me that scary kind of buzz that gets your heart pumping and you find yourself thinking lots of weird thoughts... An extremely slickly shot, fast paced movie, the acting was pretty good if a little over stylised. A great supernatural thriller with a fantastic end scene. See it.
Rating:  Summary: Great entertainment...though not true-to-life. Review: As the spotlight reviews say, it's a good movie. Wonderful actresses, all of them. However, I wouldn't recommend it for those just starting on the path of life, as it's not true-to-life. There are many versions and faces of truth; this, however, is not one of them. Okay, I'll shut up now. =^) Wonderful movie.
Rating:  Summary: Take it for what it is... Review: I love this movie! It's charming, fun, and actually has a decent message behind all the special effects. In response to people who were less than complimentary: 1. I am not the normal demographic for the film (my own high school days being far behind me). 2. Don't confuse Wicca and Witchcraft. 3. This is a Hollywood movie and a horror/comedy to boot. Are we holding it to higher standards than, say, "Big Trouble In Little China"? 4. If you don't think witchcraft is real, see number three. 5. If you think your religion was smeared or degraded, see number three. 6. If this isn't what "real" witches do, see number three.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully disturbing... Review: The storyline and special effects were wonderful--all the actresses were perfect in their respective roles as a coven of teenage witches who get more than they bargained for when they invoke the power of Manahl (not sure if I spelled that right--lol)...unusual, disturbing--fantastic!
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining enough Review: I give The Craft three starts because I found it was entertaining enough. That's it. As for whether it realistically portrayed witchcraft--cough! cough!--WHO CARES! The only thing real about witchcraft is the persecution suffered by many charlatans and muddled-brained folks, as well as quite a few innocents, in the hands of people even more warped. And Wicca--what is Wicca? Simply a twentieth-century invention. That whole Goddess story, as anyone who's at least half informed knows, is nothing more than the product of the thesis of a very imaginative female anthropologist, whose name I do not wish to remember (as Cervantes would put it) so that those curious enough do a little research and find the truth on their own. If you're a kid, well, hopefully, you'll grow up one day. The Craft is alright; mediocre, tolerable, passable. The acting is quite bad, but that's probably the director's fault--the actors hover between dramatic and dark comedic histrionics. The story is mediocre. Some of the effects are cool. Entertaining enough.