Rating:  Summary: Cute, Nice Time Spending Review: This one's really cute. Simple frame story - girl moves to a new town, girl meets strange girls, with even stranger hobbies. As they get off the bus in the movie, the bus driver tells them "Watch out from the wierdos".. so they answer "We are the wierdos".. That they are. It's so refreshing to finally see (well, it's a 96 movie, so the use of the word "finally" isn't appropriate) a teenage movie that has more in it than sex and parties. That is a plus, the movie does not go there, although it had its opportunities, since it takes place in that age vicinity and is, I suppose, intended for teenagers. Don't get me wrong. It's not a deep movie. There's a lot of hocus-pocus going around, which can be pleasant to toy with in your own mind and imagine what could happen if this movie had any connection to reality. However, there is that little pinch of realness, where each girl faces her own fears and thoughts using the magic, wanting to let it all go. I liked this. It's a cute movie, with nice graphic and sound FXs. Not a must, but sure is not a waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: This movie was great, despite it's fictional entities Review: When I first saw this movie I was blown away buy it. Since then it has become one of my favorite movies of all time. Like many other people this movie gave me false ideas about Witchcraft, which I found otherwise as fictional. Even now as a practitioner of Wicca I still find it to be a great movie. This movie was made for entertainment purposes and not to persuade or disuade anyone one way or the other. Fairuza Balk as Nancy was awesome. She played and looked the part so well and I don't think anyone could have done a better job. The movie is based around three teenage girls classified as the misfits of the school. They come together to form a small coven and cast spells one themselves and other people. Sarah is the newcomer who is quickly accepted into their circle. As the movie progresses things get out of hand and Nancy ends up way in over her head and it's up to Sarah to use her powerful inheritated gift of magick to stop her. I suggest this movie for anyone who wants to be thrilled.
Rating:  Summary: The Craft (1996) Review: No matter how many times I see this movie, I still find it hard to resist. This is the movie that made me a fan of Neve Campbell's. The creators decided to make a film where witches are no longer old hags. They decided to make a film where witches are high school teenage girls.
Robin Tunney is in the role of Sarah, a teenage witch who has had a hard life. She is moving to L.A. with her father and his girlfriend, Jenny. In her first day of school, a catholic school I might add, Sarah meets and befriends three other witches: Nancy (played by Fairuza Balk), Bonnie (played by the sexy Neve Campbell), and Rachelle (played by Rachel True). The four form a coven and promise to be friends forever, until one night, Nancy surrenders to the higher power by envoking the spirit, which drives her to insanity, causing her to ruin their friendship with Sarah. Now Sarah must confront her former friends by envoking the spirit and proving that she is strong, just like her mother, who died while giving birth, not to mention, who was also a witch. Some people said that this was a cheesy film. Again, those people have proven themselves to be brain dead. They wouldn't know a good movie, even if it bit them on the ... This is a great film. It's a movie that will definitely "cast a spell on you".
Rating:  Summary: The Craft is the best! Review: This awesome movie, with a great cast, is about Sarah Bailey (Robin Tunney:"Vertical Limit", "Empire Records") who moves from San Fransisco, to Los Angeles, and goes to a Catholic school. She immediantly falls into a group of three girls, Nancy (Fairuza Balk:"The Waterboy", "Almost Famous"), Bonnie (Neve Campbell:"Scream", "Party of Five"), and Rochelle (Rachel True), who everyone says are witches, and they are. Sarah also meets a boy named Chris (Skeet Ulrich:"Scream", "The Newton Boys"), who she went out with once, then spread a rumor that she was really bad in bed. She got mad, but yet she still really liked him. They had a ceremony to take power into themselves and for there wishes to come true; Sarah: for Chris to love her, Bonnie (who has burn scar all over her back and arm): wishes for her scars to go away, Rochelle: for a really bitchy blonde named Laura (Christine Taylor;"The Brady Bunch Movie") to stop being really rude to her, and Nancy: to take in all the power of Manol (who is like their God). Sarah is getting sick of Nancy's antics and wants to leave the circle. I'm not going to say the end, but I think it's great, and kind of freaky. I hope you'll love it as much as I do.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad Review: I found this movie to be a very gripping one, with creepy and thrilling moments aplenty. I saw Fairuza Balk in *The Island Of Dr. Moreau* also. She seems to be very good at portraying women whose elevators don't go all the way to the penthouse. She's well cast as Nancy, a tragic figure who burns for success but self-destructs when she does get it, managing to infect her best friends with her insanity and dragging them into trouble. More significantly from my viewpoint, here is a non-stereotypical movie about Witches that, while sacrificing realism for entertainment value somewhat, doesn't once again lope around the already deeply rutted prejudicial track about Earth Religions: portraying paganism as Satanism, pagan deities as demons, and witches as essentially evil. This is one of the antiquated notions we as a society need to get rid of. The special effects do seem a little too gaudy and gratuitous at times. The four teen witches become too proficient in magick too quickly for real life and there's some other stuff (like hiding in mirrors) that violates reality. And where is the Goddess? But basically, Paganism is treated in a balanced, reasonable manner. Robin Tunney's good witch Sarah is the one who does well in the end--through her reliance on an essentially benign pagan god, and on her own sound sense of ethics.
Rating:  Summary: The New Generation of Witches! Review: No more old hags in tattered clothing cackling around a large black cauldron- this is the new generation of witches, and they are in the form of four rebellious girls that go to a Catholic High School. No warts, no toothless grins, just average- looking girls that decide to thrawt nature and their troublesome lives by getting involved with witchcraft. It starts out with the lead character Sarah coming to a new town and feeling totally different, as she always has, and immediately falls into what most mothers would call 'the wrong crowd', and this crowd is three outsiders who had been waiting for their fourth corner, which in witchcraft is to make a circle and give the four witches in this circle powers they can be able to use to their own advantage. But as the girls have fun with their magical abilities for a short while, Sarah starts to realize the negative affects these gifts give on the people around them, as well on her three friends themselves. But it's too late when Sarah begins to see this, and her three friends are too proud of their powers, especially Nancy, the head of this clan. And they're hungry to do much more- with or without Sarah's assistance. I honestly thought this movie would be a dud when my friend recommended it to me, since most teen horror films are never truly powerful or captivating, but I found this movie to be a true gem. Like my friend did, I highly recommend this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fiction at it's most entertaining.. Review: This is a film made purely for entertainment purposes. I can undestand why some people wouldn't like this movie, as I am a witch(not the back-stabbing 'paranoid' black magick type) and I find it offensive at times about how witchcraft is portrayed.Other than that, great acting by Neve Campbell and Fairuza Balk(a real witch too!!). Basically tells the story of Sarah, a newcomer to a Catholic school who is eager to make friends and incidently turns up in the wrong crowd. Some truth in it of course, but mostly just promotes the message that witches they can get whatever they want, whenever and however they want whether anyone likes it or not. Includes a cool levitation scene and some special effects. Not the most startling movie but a must see if your into the whole mystical and rebellious teenage stage..
Rating:  Summary: Creepy, Atmospheric, and Darkly "Cool" Review: After not seeing The Craft for a while, I'd completely forgotten how much I loved the movie. Not because I'm into the actual craft, or because I'm a major die hard fan of anyone in the movie. It's because The Craft is a genuinely creepy atmospheric film with a side of witty humour and truthful underlying messages. Sarah (Robin Tunney) is the new girl at school. Always never being able to fit in, she instantly falls into a group of misfit girls: Nancy (Fairuza Balk), Bonnie (Neve Campbell), and Rochele (Rachel True). All four girls have an interest in witchcraft, and they further their interests by having a complete circle, and finding a power within them. While the power in Sarah is a true power, Nancy - dubbed as the leader of the group - takes the power and abuses it. Using it to harm people, and to get her way. When a certain thing goes wrong, Sarah wants out of the circle, but the others will not have it. Now Sarah must believe in her power to stop Nancy and co. from taking her life. Unfortunately, The Craft came out right before the success of teen horror that started with Scream (Also starring Neve Campbell and Skeet Ulrich). But it still grossed a good amount in theatres, and deserves what it made, and more. Robin Tunney is great as our lead. Her subtle emotions and knack of sarcasm made her character likable. Neve Campbell's character was the less seen, but she made it memorable. Rachel True brought a lot of charm and wit to the movie. Now, Fairuza Balk . . . that girl took her part and played it to the full extent. You'd truly think she was as crazy as her character had become, it looked so real. Very creepy and downright scary. Kudos to the Fairuza Balk. Skeet Ulrich and Christine Taylor are the victims here, and both play their supporting parts very good. Columbia TriStar once again pleases DVD buyers with an awesome dvd presentation. The menus are very antimated with sound and movement (Although side menus are usually static). Picture and audio are great. No glitches from what I saw. There are 3 deleted scenes. The first two were very interesting with the first giving more depth between Robin Tunney and Neve Campbell's characters. There's an interesting behind-the-scenes featurette, as well as a commentary. As usual, there's the theatrical trailer and cast & crew bios. All very interesting. Undeniably, this DVD is a good buy. The feature film alone is well worth any buy.
Rating:  Summary: The Craft Review: I think The Craft is one of the most entertaining movies ever made. The cast is wonderful, the plot is real good, and it was just about made the best it possibly could be. Now, I guess there was some footage, about 5 minutes, that wasn't needed, but that didn't really take away anything. It's a real interesting movie to watch and it's involving. I bet most people tried that "Light as a feather, stiff as a board" trick. The movie has humor yet it's serious, and lots of people are probably saying "Oh, this isn't witchcraft." I don't really know, but witchcraft isn't just one thing, theres lots of different things that can happen.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie...shame about the Craft? Review: My, people are upset at this one, aren't they? Okay, it may misrepresent the Craft, but the Titanic was rather misleading, as was many other films we could all mention. I'm going to take the film at face value. It's a movie for young adults, let's be honest. I watched the film, and was intrigued by the special effects. The character which (of course) makes the film, is Nancy. There is nothing like seeing a good old psychotic episode, which she provides on regular occasions. Top marks to the actress. I think that yes, this is a Hollywood film, but what do you expect? It's clever enough to make you believe in it, and if it's wrong, then won't that prevent anyone trying to copy it? Mainly 'cos it won't work...one hopes. My only critique of the film was the finale...shorter than I had expected after that build up. Anyway, watch the film and enjoy, don't take it for real, and have a good laugh at Nancy. Just don't try it at home, kids.