Rating:  Summary: Darker and Bloodier Sequel works Review: Hellbound is a gothic, bloody, gory, gloomy film that might be more Hellraiser than Hellraiser. If that makes sense.Though not directed by Clive Barker, it has his input, and the makers of this film made this a real horror sequel, continuing the story of Kirsty and family and coloring in the Cenobites further. We even get a little bit of insight into the origins of Pinhead which will be further explored in Hellraiser 3. Is this film incoherent at times? Yes. Is the plot addled? Yes. Is there A LOT of gore including head drilling, skinning, maggots, decapitation, throat slashing, and brain sucking? Yes. But if you're looking for more gloom and gothic atmosphere a la the original Hellraiser, then you'll enjoy this. Hellbound is darker and has a more cynical tone than original film. Here we find the outre Dr. Channard heading up his own psychiatric institute where Kirsty Cotton has been brought following the events of the night in the original Hellraiser. As shes goes on and on about boxes and demons and her father in Hell the hospital medicates her. But it turns out not only does Channard believe her, but he's been waiting for this his whole life. He's a closet Hellraiser fanatic, so to speak, owning 3(!) boxes, having studied the mind as a labyrinth, and searched for the pleasure the Cenobites offer. It's not long before the Cenobites are summoned and Kirsty, Channard, and a newly resurrected Julia from the original are running around Hell's garish-set hallways. All 4 Cenobites are back again, though a different actress plays the slashed-throat female, giving her a decidedly different expression. Pinhead gets more screen time (of course) and we even get his origin, making him more than a boogeyman. Just remember, this is a gory film, even by today's horror film standards. A lot of skinned bodies, a lot of hooks in flesh. A long and extended scene of a fan slashing himself slowly to death. But it all serves some twisted material which will definitely help you get in touch with your dark side. Highly recommended for horror fans.
Rating:  Summary: Time to Play Review: Take all of the delightfully sickening gore of the original Hellraiser, multiply it ten times or so, throw in a deliciously wicked new source of evil, and then provide some background on the origin of Pinhead and his fellow Cenobites, and you have Hellraiser 2: Hellbound. I love the original movie, but this sequel is even better in so many ways. It essentially picks up the story from the end of the first movie (providing almost too many flashbacks to make sure you are up to speed), where Kirstie (Ashley Laurence) has seen her uncle return to life sans skin to team up with her wicked stepmother to kill her father, and she has somehow survived two encounters herself with the Cenobites. Little did she know that her troubles were really only beginning. We find her in a mental hospital run by the cold and calculating Dr. Cannard (played to the hilt by Kenneth Cranham), who, as luck would have it, has been secretly delving into the secrets of the puzzle box himself. He manages to get the bloody mattress upon which Julia died and brings her back to life with the help of some of his most insane patients. He and Julia use a young girl unable to speak but gifted at solving puzzles to call forth the Cenobites and enter their world to satiate the mad doctor's deep need to "know." Kirstie and the mute girl follow them into the infernal labyrinth where they encounter Kirstie's old friend Pinhead, who allows Kirstie time to explore because, after all, "we have eternity to know your flesh." When Julia takes Dr. Cannard to Leviathan, lord of the labyrinth, god of flesh, hunger, and desire, he becomes a new force for evil in that realm. Before the movie ends, there are some very dramatic events that add much depth to the entire Hellraiser series. This is a gory movie; make no mistake about that. If you don't want to see the human body mutilated in a number of fascinating ways, this is not the movie for you. As a horror fan, I love the blood and guts, especially since it seems necessary rather than gratuitous to satisfy the requirements of this story. Some of the special effects are a little cheesy toward the end, but one must remember this movie came out in 1988. The original movie seemed pretty limited in scope, providing just a peek into the Cenobites world. This sequel broadens that scope immensely and leads us on a visual journey of wonder and horror through the labyrinth which the Cenobites call home. While the first movie naturally made one wonder where the Cenobites came from, this sequel provides many answers. We learn much about Pinhead in particular, getting visual evidence of the manner in which he earned his nickname. There are aspects about the movie's conclusion I did not particularly care for, but these issues are less important for those who are not hard core horror connoisseurs. This is not a slasher film; those who squirm their way through a Jason or Freddy movie may find themselves unprepared for the extent of the horror in this movie. Those of us who like our horror bloody and disturbing, though, will use this as the benchmark by which we compare all future gory movies.
Rating:  Summary: Why Hellbound is weird. Review: Firstly, Hellbound:Hellraiser 2 does not beat it's original, but that's ok, coz very few sequels ever do. Now with Hellbound there's really two ways to approch it. #1 is to sit there, wracking your brain, and trying to make sence of the whole thing. And #2 is to put your chair right infront of the T.V., turn the lights down low (to create the horror movie atmosphere)press play, settle down and stare at the screen for a hour and a half. I chose the latter, which was probably for the best, because otherwise I'd probably be up all night. But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this movie is confused or that it doesn't make sence or anything. What I mean is that I think they just tried to fit too much into one movie. There's enough matirial for two movies.But, hey I still like it. Let's take a look-see: The new characters (Dr.Charnard, Tiffany) are both interesting (perhaps a little disterbed,but who cares?) plus Kirsty returns but Steve managed to slip out of it.But here's the part that trips me up: Dr. Charnard lets a mental paceint slice himself up royaly on the mattress containing Julia's soul, thus resurecting her.Resurecting Julia. Who in their right mind would do it? Well Dr.Charnard falls in love with her,(and makes out with her) even though she's a skinned corpse (eaww!). Anyway off they all head down to hell. Actually I found the concept that everyone has their own,personal hell very intreiging. That was heaps interesting. So anyway everyone's there and Dr. Charnard gets turned into a Cenobite, who's linked directly to Levithan. And so there's another who's trying to kill Kirsty and co. Also Julia gets hers back on Frank for killing her in the original. But I think the best part of all is when Kirsty confronts the Chatterer, Butterball, Pinhead and She-who-must-not-be-named with their own humanity. But God knows how she managed to reconise Pinhead from the picture of Elliot Spencer. But then, God has no part in this flick. Also, I really liked the part in the beginning when they showed us how Elliot Spencer was transformed into Pinhead. A painful and nasty process, but not half as painful as watching TVSN from 7 til 12, but that's a different story. So it really is quite a good movie with some killer moments. And as for the gore, well there's a *$@%load of it. But it wasn't actually as bad as I had expected it to be. But here's the thing with splatfestival movies like it: they are compleate gross-outs at first, but after a while one just get so used to the grossness of it that the gore just washes over one. That's what I think of that aspect of Hellbound. But hey if I didn't want, dicapitation,skinning,throat cutting and dismembering I should've rented Bambi instead. Am I right? or am I right? So no I really did like Hellbound, but it don't beat the original or Hellraiser 3. So all in all I recomend it, your suffering will be legendary even in hell!
Rating:  Summary: HELLBOUND: HELLRAISER 2 ¿ a gory and dark sequel Review: "Definitely not one for the weak of stomach, Hellbound takes up where the first Hellraiser left off, piling on the gore to near camp levels." True, true, true... The blood and gore truly piles up, and you begin to think of ALL humans are nothing more than a means to see blood. It is, however, still fresh and original, despite tedious moments, and Clive Barker keeps it darks and brooding. Hospitalised following her last misadventure, Kirsty (Ashley Laurence) implores authorities to destroy a bloody bed at the carnage scene, but the enigmatic Dr. Channard (Kenneth Cranham) brings an addled patient there and unleashes a dread Cenobite instead. The patient's bloodshed is truly gruesome, as the doctor purposely lets the man cut himself. But, as the movie convention goes, he is quickly and resourcefully tortured in the depths of the Cenobite hell. Clare Higgins returns, and she doesn't have any skin. Luckily, once she gets it back, Kirsty, at some moment, puts it on and has it slip off. 'Nuff said. It isn't meant to be groundbreaking - just a throwaway second part, letting us watch some great effects and watch the makeup artistry. RECOMMEND? Yes - but don't take it seriously. Not for the haters of gore.
Rating:  Summary: 3.5stars- A Worthy Continuation of Hellraiser Review: This is the only true sequel to the original Hellraiser. The cenobites return and all the main characters are back. In this movie, Kirty Cotton travels to hell along with a muted young girl by the name of Tiffany in an attempt to rescue her father's soul, yet finds a nice surprise waiting for her in hell in the form of the Cenobites, her stepmother, Frank, and a crazy doctor. Full of vivid and violent imagery, Hellbound:Hellraiser 2 takes further in the world of hell by offering the ideas of Leviathan and the creation of the cenobites. It is not as gruesome or as fun to watch as the first Hellraiser, but it is as good as many horror sequels can get. The ideas brought forth in this movie have been with heated debate among Hellraiser fans. This is definitely the most involved into the inner workings of Hellraiser mythology. Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 is indeed not for those with a weak stomach and I suggest it for fans of the original and of the series only. The atmosphere of this movie and the feel is one that cannot be denied. After this, the series went into a slump until regaining steam with Inferno. This remains a classic along with the original. It is certainly not as entertaining and perhaps a bit tedious, but that does not stop it from being a worthy horror sequel.
Rating:  Summary: not all its cracked up to be.... Review: it is quite boring but apart from that it's okay i suppose. it's not got pinhead in it very much, just like the first one.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as HELLRAISER, but not bad. Review: Not as good as HELLRAISER but better then from all these too many Jason, Freddy Krueger, etc, etc, etc sequels that don't end win they should, (there are 10 FRIDAY THE 13THS now). I think it was some king of a attempt to be a "drug out" horror fantasy sequel made in the "style" of HELLRAISER creator Clive Barker. Now I think they were on something, this movie is weird, a little disturbing and gory (gorier then the first film), some thing that mote sequels don't got. It is set after the first film, Kristy wakes up in an asylum only to find that the puzzle box has been opened by a other sinister sensualist and her evil stepmother has returned (naked and with no skin, does like Frank in part 1). Pinhead is less seen this time, but your eyes will never wath to stop looking once they are on the screen. This will not make any sense if you have not seen part 1, but it does not make a lot of sense any way. 1988. New World. 95 MINS. (Uncut Version: 98 MINS). Rated R for Some Disturbing Images, Graphic Horror Violence, Sexuality and Language.
Rating:  Summary: The Best of All Time Review: If you are a horror movie fan like me, this is the movie for you. This movie has it all gore,flesh ripping, blood, guts and sex. The cenobites are the best character demons ever made for a movie. They are truly evil. I think this one was better than the first one only b/c it explores the unimagainable. it lets us into there world and we don't want to leave without seeing what happens. I mean lust, sex, violence,we are all interested in a certain way. This movie explains that the greatest treasure is not always what you may think. I think that 1, 2, and 3 are the greatest gore movies of all time. Storyline is terrific. I like the way these movies make you feel guilty and downright weird. They make you feel like PINHEAD is your neighbor. The scene on the bed and the doctors patient is the most disturbing deathe scene of all time. This movie will scare you and make your skin crawl and have you not wanting to solve any puzzles
Rating:  Summary: This sequel will tear your soul apart !!! Review: Before I even begin my review, I will just state that the first film, "Hellraiser", is the best one. "Hellbound" however, is almost as brilliant as the first one. Of course there is gore galore; it's based on a Clive Barker book! How could you expect anything else?! I also thought that the story was brilliant; especially how Doctor Channard becomes the most poweful Cenobyte and how Pinhead, Chatterbox, Female Cenobyte and Butterball all sacrifice themselves to defeat him and, in doing so, redeem themselves and find solace in death. Now, normally my review would end here but I have to bring up one thing that REALLY cheesed me off... HOW IN ALL THE NINE HELLS IS A THIRD HELLRAISER EVEN POSSIBLE?!?! If Pinhead was freed by his sacrifice, there should not have been a third one at all!!! He was no longer Pinhead!!! Yet all of a sudden he magically appears in Part III?!?! I DON'T THINK SO!!! Anyway, enough of my ranting... I need some Vanilla Quik!!! :)
Rating:  Summary: Why Hellbound is weird. Review: Firstly, Hellbound:Hellraiser 2 is not just a second-rate sequel, but expands on, and perhaps even betters it's original. Now with Hellbound there's really two ways to approch it. #1 is to sit there, wracking your brain, and trying to make sence of the whole thing. And #2 is to put your chair right infront of the T.V., turn the lights down low (to create the horror movie atmosphere)press play, settle down and stare at the screen for a hour and a half. I chose the latter, which was probably for the best, because otherwise I'd probably be up all night. But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this movie is confused or that it doesn't make sence or anything. What I mean is that I think they just tried to fit too much into one movie. There's enough matirial for two movies.But, hey I love it. Let's take a look-see: The new characters (Dr.Charnard, Tiffany) are both interesting (perhaps a little disterbed, but who cares?) plus Kirsty returns but Steve managed to slip out of it.But here's the part that trips me up: Dr. Charnard lets a mental paceint slice himself up royaly on the mattress containing Julia's soul,(very nasty) thus resurecting her. Resurecting Julia. Who in their right mind would do it? Well Dr.Charnard falls in love with her,(and makes out with her) even though she's a skinned corpse (nice, hey?). Anyway off they all head down to hell. Actually I found the concept that everyone has their own, personal hell very intreiging. That was heaps interesting. So anyway everyone's there and basicly all hell breaks loose, thus the expression. Dr. Charnard gets turned into a Cenobite, who's linked directly to Levithan. And so there's another who's trying to kill Kirsty and co. Also Julia gets hers back on Frank for killing her in the original. But I think the best part of all is when Kirsty confronts the Chatterer, Butterball, Pinhead and She-who-must-not-be-named with their own humanity. But God knows how she managed to reconise Pinhead from the picture of Elliot Spencer. But then, God has no part in this flick. Also, I really liked the part in the beginning when they showed us how Elliot Spencer solved the dreaded box and was transformed into the delightfuly nasty demon, Pinhead. A painful and traumatic process, but not half as painful as watching TVSN from 7 til 12, but that's a different story. So it really is quite a good movie with some killer moments. And as for the gore, well there's a (...) load of it. Come on, let's face it; this movie can't go more than 1 minute without spearing, killing, sliceing, diceing, cutting, gutting, you get the idea. But here's the thing with splatfestival movies like Hellboud: they are compleate gross-outs at first, but after a while one just get so used to the grossness of it that the gore just washes over one. That's what I think of that aspect of Hellbound. But hey if I didn't want, dicapitation,skinning,throat cutting and dismembering I should've rented Bambi instead. Am I right? or am I right?
This is, without a doubt one of the nastiest, most sadistic movies I have ever witnessed. Infact I wouldn't even call this a movie, it's more like an experience. So all in all I really loved it, delightfully gory.It may even be better original and Hellraiser 3. So I recomend it,(if you can take it) your suffering will be legendary even in hell!