Rating:  Summary: Midnight MESS Review:
A promising premise (reminiscent of stories in "Under the Fang") and a somewhat creative opening few minutes -- tracking a vampire apocalypse from the point-of-view of TV news clips -- are red herrings in this presumably straight-to-video release.
Wherever the dividing line is between "low-budget" and "no-talent", this movie is well on the losing side. The acting is entirely amateur and ranges from the sub-par (for example, the goth youth collaborators) to the merely dull (alcoholic hero Father Joe) to the whopping ludicrous (Marvin Schwartz as a Catholic priest). The direction as such is incomprehensible.
A dreadful, rambling script is partially credited to horror author F. Paul Wilson, who also briefly appears -- or so it says on the box cover.
Don't be misled by the colorful video box! This trash is impossible to watch in its entirety, and not worth the wear on your DVD player.
Rating:  Summary: why???? please tell me why? Review: after viewing this, i wished for the days of public stoning to be brought back. and everyone connected to this abomination to be truly held accountable for the waste of resources the performed. worst yet, they are from my state, i have a feeling these were the same gothic wanna be's that congregated for years in the Barnes & Noble coffee shop of Bricktown. All talking about making a vampire film... GOD HELP US, THEY HAVE!!!! (the apocalypse is nopt far behind)
Rating:  Summary: why???? please tell me why? Review: after viewing this, i wished for the days of public stoning to be brought back. and everyone connected to this abomination to be truly held accountable for the waste of resources the performed. worst yet, they are from my state, i have a feeling these were the same gothic wanna be's that congregated for years in the Barnes & Noble coffee shop of Bricktown. All talking about making a vampire film... GOD HELP US, THEY HAVE!!!! (the apocalypse is nopt far behind)
Rating:  Summary: The worst film I have ever seen Review: I am not being overly dramatic when I say this is the worst movie I have ever laid my eyes on. In fact I do not even consider it a movie, but instead a student project that somehow got on DVD. ANYONE who tells you they enjoyed this movie either worked on it or was under the influence of some psychotropic drug.I rented this at blockbuster and almost felt the need to go back and destroy every copy on the shelves as a public service. I hate this movie so much I am currently trying to contact the people that made it to tell them how much I hate the movie and them. PLEASE, PLEASE do not rent or buy this DVD. The only reason to watch this DVD is if you hate yourself. Trust me when I say even if you hate yourself, you don't deserve this.
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Rubbish Review: I bought this DVD based on the fact that it was taken from a story by F. Paul Wilson (The Keep, Nightworld, The Tomb etc.) Mr. Wilson has produced some excellent work in the past, and still does, but this story isn't one of them. The story line is weak, the characters shallow and uninteresting and the holes in the plot are big enough to drive a truck through. Despite the world being controlled by Vampires there are an awful lot of night walks going on, I call them walks as no one seems to be in a hurry to get to safety. Night trips also seem to be the time to get really important work done, and no it's not to kill the Vichy ( the name given to the human army that protect the vampires during the day) oh no, important trips seem to be visiting friends and getting tattoos. We are constantly reminded that the vampires took over the world because we dropped the ball and they got organised, however every vampire we see, other than the main baddy (and I'll come to him later) were all slavering, hissing creatures with no more intelligence than a zombie from a Romero film. How they got organised I'll never know. I was looking forward to this story coming out as a novella, due later this year I believe, but based on this drivel, I certainly won't be buying it. OK, that's the story, but what of the film? Well! Bad acting, terrible editing, shaky sets and special effects that I have seen carried off with more skill back in the 1980s all go to making this poor story a terrible movie. The vampire leader is terrible, not only is he the only vampire that doesn't look dead his acting ability is as dead as his character. Do yourselves a favour, leave this one alone - it really is bad. If you want a good apocalyptic vampire story read AfterAge by Yvonne Navarro or Armageddon by Derek Gunn, which as well as being better than this is also available free on the Internet.
Rating:  Summary: Truly horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I can honestly say this is the absolute worst piece of junk ever made in the history of moving pictures. I would not wish this movie on anyone. I would use this film as a means of torture for any terrorists we may capture. It would be a sure way of getting them to give us any vital information we need in order to better secure our country. They would beg us to turn this garbage off to stop the pain!!! Put it this way........I would rather be dragged though the streets naked, tarred and feathered and on fire hitched to the back of a street sweeper on a 150 degree day in the desert than have anyone expose themselves to this film. Yes, I would take the bullet for anyone reaching for this title off the Blockbuster shelf. (that's where I rented this one.) I live in the area in which this movie was filmed. Well, not in the towns shown in the film, but I know the towns. If I had known these guys were shooting this crap here, I would have given them a greyhound ticket to get the h**l out my area and stop spreading toxic waste into the area. I can go on and on and on about how bad this film is, but it would be too easy. The writing in my review is 100 times better than the dialogue in this movie!!! OK, I will stop. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE NO ONE GET THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: THIS MOVIE RULES!! Review: I loved it, it's got a vibe you can relate to. For a low budget, indie film compilled of mostly non actors, it was well done. The FX are cool, and I love the melting scene... And that Vichey...played by Rev is HOT!!! Buy it, you won't be sorry...
Rating:  Summary: RATING?? NO STARS MORE LIKELY Review: I was severely disappointed (to say the least) after watching ONLY the first FIVE MINUTES of this horrible movie. I recieved this as a gift because I am a huge F PAUL WILSON fan. I knew this movie was going to be bad after the opening credits. I'll admit, I am no fan of "Goth" and most vampire movies are generally lacking, but I could have made a better version of this movie with friends and family and my personal video cam. I was in utter shock that F Paul Wilson even bothered with this. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THEM TOUTING HIS NAME. This DVD is worse than movies like "Ishtar" and "Heaven's Gate"
Rating:  Summary: RATING?? NO STARS MORE LIKELY Review: I was severely disappointed (to say the least) after watching ONLY the first FIVE MINUTES of this horrible movie. I recieved this as a gift because I am a huge F PAUL WILSON fan. I knew this movie was going to be bad after the opening credits. I'll admit, I am no fan of "Goth" and most vampire movies are generally lacking, but I could have made a better version of this movie with friends and family and my personal video cam. I was in utter shock that F Paul Wilson even bothered with this. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THEM TOUTING HIS NAME. This DVD is worse than movies like "Ishtar" and "Heaven's Gate"
Rating:  Summary: Truly horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: If someone invites you over to their house to watch this vampire movie and they will provide pizza and beer - all free and no cost to you - still hesitate about going. Some people are giving this movie good reviews; some say there is some good acting; another person loved the make-up - we must be watching different versions of this movie.... ACTING: There are no actors. Just local kids/friends/relatives who were asked "Do you want a part in my movie? We're going to film it all this weekend." NO ONE can act. SPECIAL EFFECTS: A few bright flashes of light - likely a deer jacking night light from some guys truck. MAKE-UP: You could do better with a "Hugo, Man of a THousand Faces" puppet. PLOT: OK - I'll give them some credit here. An initially good idea that vampires now outnumber humans. Has potential. There are a few sparkles such as humans who help the vampires being called Vichy. Also an interesting scene were a little girl acts like a lure for humans in order to see her mother again. But nothing makes up for the dumb, dumb situations that develop. For example, vampires control the night, so a young girl is getting a tatto over at the local peddlers' place. It's now night. There's a bang on the door. "Oh that must be my Dad come to walk me home." So she opens the door and voila - mindless vampires. Wouldn't someone have thought to put a viewing port in the door? If the night is so dangerous then why are you getting a tattoe in the first place? CHARACTERS: Who? For all the talk - do we really care if any of them survive? So just a bad movie. Run away for it. Wait for it to come to the $4.99 bin at Walmart. Should be there by June 2003 or so. Kevin