Rating:  Summary: This DVD+CD may not play in all players. Review: i like the movie but on the back of the dvd case it says:"Notice: This DVD+CD may not play in all players.May cause damage to in-dash car audio systems." it didn't work that well in my home player. my player made a grinding noise so i took it out
Rating:  Summary: Better than advertised Review: Good Movie. First off, I think this movie is underrated and that most missed the entire point of the movie. I highly suggest listening to the commentary track with the director. He explains that the movie is about the blurred line between fiction and reality and what happens when those lines get crossed. As he said, it would have been easy to do a traditional sequel that everyone was expecting, but the way he did it was perfect. Had he done it like most thought he would, shoot it on a handheld camera and keep the story in the woods and have bad things happen to them would not be as clever as having it be about 5 obsessed fans of the first fictional movie nor would it have had the social statement the film ended up having. So if he did do it the other way perhaps it would have been good, and then you know what would happen next, there would be a 3rd, and a 4th movie all doing the same thing in the same setting, thus ruining the franchise by rehashing the same thing over and over which, thankfully this film didn't since the original is excellent and the sequel takes a new turn. Both movies are excellent and work well both together and separately. Also, as the director states he wanted to delete some of the scenes that were in the movie so I would love to see them release a directors cut of the movie keeping true to his vision. So blame the studios for not keeping it the way the director wanted it, although it still is good with the scenes. There are some freaky moments in the movie and some touches and odes to the original. Its good to see it have a cult following and in that way it kind of reminds me of sequels to two other great movies/shows that the originals were great and the sequels were highly criticized, those movies being: "the exorcist 2", and "fire walk with me" (the prequel movie to the twin peaks tv show, both twin peaks are excellent, although exorcist 2 was pretty bad it had its moments though, but the 3rd one was good) For fans of the original blair witch, I recommend the movie "The Last Broadcast" which was actually released before "The Blair Witch" If your a fan of the blair witch and you haven't seen it, its definetly worth checking out. All in all, watch this movie again or for the first time and I think you'll find that it has its good moments and isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
Rating:  Summary: it LOOKS all wrong Review: no suspense -- a "shock" here and there isnt suspense, and the film looks like every other bad genre teen horror flick you'd never want to watch twice. actually, it's hard to get all the way through this once. the soundtrack is a minus: the songs just seem pasted on. impossible to care about any of these characters or what happens to them. even after hearing it was bad, i was hoping to be surprised, even if just in some trashy way. no chance, im sorry to say.
Rating:  Summary: Fairly good "sequel" Review: On par, this sequel has absolutely nothing to do with the first "Blair Witch Project," which was simply a great innovative approach to horror films. But this is mainly entertaining all by itself, only naming the three students in the first film and nothing more, except adding onto the faux myth of the Blair Witch, that much is evident. The plot is original, though it's filled with blood and gore, for mainly horror slash-'em-up flicks, but some tightly woven suspense and the finale are a plus. If you're a die-hard fan of the fabled 1999 faux "documentary," you'll probably be disappointed. If you're a casual viewer, you might think better of it. The movie is good, just not as good as the first and is a far cry from being a superb horror film, like "Halloween" and "An American Werewolf In London," but it's still fun entertainment. Rated R for horror violence/gore, sexuality/nudity, drug use, and for language.
Rating:  Summary: They said 'What the hell was that?' - I'm with them.... Review: I'm a massive fan of the original. I make no attempt to cover that fact up. So, you may assume that I'll either love this, for adding to the terrifying aura of the first, or I'll loath it for spoiling the amazing tension and fantastic story. So, why the bizarre 'middle-of-the-road' score? Well, because. That's exactly what the film is. Middle of the road. And on thinking about it, it really has little to do with the first film, only loosely based on the fake myth of the first. The trouble is, it throws far too much in to the mix, and relies to heavily on the knowledge of the viewers. What your left with is a film that's far too confusing for it's own good, and horror that's so subtle it's practically none existent. The overall feeling is "It's good, but not what I expected. Or wanted." I really hope Blair Witch 3 is still going ahead, because it's still possible to bring this fantastic, rich story back to life. In the meantime, though, BURN THE WITCH!
Rating:  Summary: Better Than The Original Review: I didn't want to watch this at first because the original movie was so bad (it just wasn't scary, it was boring, and the characters were so idiotic and annoying I spent the entire movie rooting for the witch, hoping she would kill them quickly). I finally relented and rented this one. It is by no stretch of the imagination a great horror film, but it at least had some suspense which is something the first movie lacked. I'm glad I didn't watch it in the theater but it was a decent rental.
Rating:  Summary: "Film lies, Erica. Video tells the truth." Review: As a sequel to the highly successful indie film THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, the film is average. But as a stand alone film, it's great! With that in mind, Joe Berlinger's sequel to BLAIR WITCH is a great stand-alone film. It's commentary, on how some people can become so enamored with something, and it causes those devotees to either go crazy or blank out for several hours, is pretty freaky in it's own right. And the film does leave you in a kind of "spooked" at the end, even though the original BLAIR WITCH left most of the viewers up all night. The film has good acting performances, decent visual effects, fine storytelling, and looks great in 1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen. The DVD is good as well. Berlinger's commentary track is great thing to listen to, and I have yet to try "The Secret of Esrever*" featurette. The CD side has some great instrumental tracks (the songs aren't that great. Godhead's "The Reckoning" is the best song). The DVD is a good buy. I recommend it! Grade: A+ *Esrever= "Reverse" spelled backwards.
Rating:  Summary: Just Average Review: Not what I thought it was going to be about. It's nothing like the original which I think is a mistake. The producers decided to rely on conventional movie making. The results are just average at best. Nothing special here. Very sad because they could have done much more.
Rating:  Summary: horrible! Review: here we are to rate this sort of horror film. is this a horror film?or better.....is this a film? i don't think so cos everything is just so bad made that the movie can only make laugh!believe me when i say it's no reasons to be seen...if u wanna have a nice time u'd better go buying something else such as a comedy......don't u? 1 star is just too much.........
Rating:  Summary: Is this really a sequel? Review: Is this really a sequel? I thought the original was nothing special. The main characters were so insensitive with their self assured arrogance I do not see how anyone could have cared what happened to them. So why make a sequel. However it does not even look like a sequel. It looks more like a spin-off of a mediocre TV show. Just change the channel please.