Rating:  Summary: Good Sequel Review: This movie got some bad reviews.. and the only reason i can think why is because people were dissapointed that it wasnt the same format as the first movie... well wake up people, they couldnt do that again.. it would be pointless. so they attempted to make a 'real' movie this time, but based on real life events that followed when the first movie was released. this is really a great movie and it really makes you think at the end. just what is the truth?
Rating:  Summary: This book of shadows should never have been opened Review: I thought I would go back and see if this movie is as horrible as I remember it being. It is. I can only hope that few other people have had the misfortune of seeing this celluloid monstrosity twice. One is hard pressed to say which is worse-the overdramatic acting or the hopeless script. The promos promised to take us back into the woods, but we spend almost the whole movie knocking around an old abandoned warehouse converted into a home by the local psycho. The four people making up the Blair Witch tour group are possibly even more annoying than the guide-a spooky-looking Goth girl with an attitude, a disbelieving writer and his seriously disturbed, recently impregnated girlfriend, and a hot redheaded Wiccan whose nude scenes are the only positive contribution any one makes to this film. Then there is the constantly fuming Sheriff Craven yelling and cursing all the time, adding even more misery to the experience of the viewer. The frequent time shifts between past and present serve only to make a nonsensical plot completely incomprehensible. Don't count on a big finish; this thing just ends suddenly, as if the filmmakers ran out of money and had to shut down production all of a sudden. This DVD does feature a bunch of special features, but so did the Titanic, and we all know how that journey turned out. The most important thing to keep in mind about this film is the fact that, despite its promises, it really has nothing to do with the Blair Witch. Oh, they talk about her and show us Coffin Rock and the foundation of Parr's house and a few ghostly images of children, but The Book of Shadows does little more than parody everything that was so fascinating and innovative about the Blair Witch Project. Thanks to Heather, Josh, and Michael's incredible, unscripted performance in the original, the legend of the Blair Witch may indeed never die-this will only be despite the determined attempt made to kill it by the makers of this atrocious sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Leave Your Expectations At The Door...... Review: I've been badmouthing this film since I saw it on the opening day of it's original theatrical run, and to tell you the truth, I hated it so much that if I didn't get it bundled together with the DVD of Blair Witch Project, I never would have watched it again. I'm sort of glad I did give it a second look, though. I think I've been somewhat unfair... Judged on it's own, setting aside preconceived notions and expectations of what a sequel SHOULD be, Book of Shadows ain't half bad. Certainly it was badly received, and killed off a potentially HUGE franchise, but the story it presents certainly is original. Rather than send another bunch of college students into the woods in search of either the Witch or the missing filmmakers from the original, we are presented with a group of 5 diverse people who are all obsessed with the FILM. Yup, rather than a straight sequel, Book of Shadows takes place in the "Real" world, where Blair Witch is just a movie.....The five go on a "Blair Witch Hunt" tour, staying in the ruins of killer Rustin Parr's house, and sometime during the night, their camera equipment is destroyed, and they can't account for a few hours of missing time. They DO find their videotapes, however, and return to their tour-guide's home to go over the tapes and see just what happened during those lost hours... Book of Shadows plays with the character's (And the viewer's) perceptions of what is and isn't real; Are these people really being persecuted by a malignant force, or has their belief in the power of the Blair Witch mythology driven them insane? Perhaps their belief has made the myth real...? The movie's style is miles apart from the original, opting for gruesome close-up's of knives going into stomachs, loud, mood-killing Marilyn Manson music, and often ham-handed dialogue, but for all that, it remains an intriguing story. Certainly anyone who loves horror movies has seen worse. I think Book of Shadows just couldn't win either way. If they hewed too closely to the original, it would have been dismissed as a rip-off. As it is, Director Joe Berlinger was castigated for straying too far.... The DVD is interesting because it is half DVD, half CD, with the CD side featuring a few rock songs from the soundtrack, and Carter Burwell's entire score, which is EXCELLENT. The DVD side features commentary by the Director, a Godhead music video, a hidden theatrical trailer, huge cast & crew bios and filmographies, hidden clues to decipher the Witch's runes, "The Secret of Esrever" featurette, which is kinda cool, and a lot of fun easter eggs. Not a bad movie, on second thought.....give it another try.
Rating:  Summary: Kim Director is a 10 on the babe list (good movie too) Review: Kim Director is the main reason I watch this movie repeatedly. She is hot as the goth, heavy metal chick. Totally different than the original, BW2 has some scares and mind twisting scenes. A lot of people didn't like this film, but I did. The special features is a bit corny. 'The secrets or esrever' is kind a dumb. You watch the thing in reverse (esrever=reverse) and write down little letters in the bottom of the screen; grave, water, etc. Then you're supposed to go back and watch the movie again for clues. 'Grave' is an easy one. When we first meet Kim laying on the tomb smoking a cigarette (looking hot did I mention this already?). The grave changes names. Oooh big scare, the Blair Witch is tampering with the film, yawn. Hey it ain't for everybody. Like I said I watch it for Kim.
Rating:  Summary: A good premise and then this one goes right down the tubes Review: Actually, the initial link between "Book of Shadows" and "The Blair Witch Project" is pretty good, especially when you think about the problems Hollywood would have coming up with a sequel to the most successful Independent film of all time (although it is about to get passed by "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," which is just so ironic on so many levels). After all, you cannot simply find another bunch of film left behind from another bunch of young documentarians who disappear while wandering around lost in the woods. So the idea of having the second movie follow around a small group of people who thought the first movie was real is pretty inspired. I am sure we all know someone who swallowed "The Blair Witch Project" promotional routine hook, line and sinker (I will never forget the look on my oldest daughter's face when I told her the movie was a "fake"; after all, she saw the documentary on television...), so this is a pretty good idea. However, one good idea does not a good movie make. My expectations for the second Blair Witch film as soon as I heard once was planned was simply that we were going to actually SEE something this time around. "The Blair Witch Project" is one of the great shaggy dog stories of all time. You keep waiting for something big to happen and it really never does. A ghostly white figure in the distance would have been something to freak everybody out, but the two big moments of that first film come down to untying a dirty bundle (and saying to yourself "ewww...what the hell are those things?" because you are not sure) and a guy standing in a corner (which is set up by the only post production bit of filming in the movie). So, I figured that like the difference between "Halloween" and "Halloween II," we would be seeing a lot more in "Book of Shadows." While this is certainly true on one level, in terms of half naked bodies at least, this sequel ends up resembling "Halloween III," the infamous horror film sequel that had pretty much nothing to do with the original. Think about it: take away the opening of this film where the Blair Witch tour begins and the connections between the two films becomes extremely tenuously, especially once these poor young things end up holed up in a building rather than being lost in the woods. Yes, "Book of Shadows" certainly has a more explicit punch line than "The Blair Witch Project," but once again you end up sitting there going "Wha-at?" This is not only becomes the film has been messing with your mind (seeing is not to be confused with believing), but also because whatever evil is behind the bad things that happen in this film is clearly not the same evil that was behind the first one. You have to admit that there is a qualitative difference between hanging stick figures from trees in the deep woods or leaving a bunch of cut up corpses on Coffin Rock and the mondo mind-bending that happens in this film. However, I do have to admit that there was one other good idea it this film, which was that this group does indeed find some film of their jaunt through the woods: but it is of themselves doing weird, wild, wacky things the night before that none of them remember. Unfortunately, this is not a set up for something great, but rather a clue as to what is "really" going on. After this effort it should be impossible for them to come up with a "Blair Witch 3" off of this one, which is no big loss. The original has its nice little niche in horror film history and that will just have to do
Rating:  Summary: Who's afraid of the big bad witch ? Review: Book of Shadows is absolutely nothing like The Blair Witch Project. It deals with events after the first movie, and with the consequences of the first movie, and that's the only thing that makes it a sequel to The Blair Witch Project. It has the same concept though- a bunch of people go into the woods and are really messed up by the forces of pure, dark evil ( oh, those wacky Wiccans ). I loved the Blair Witch Project. I thought it was the very best and the very scariest horror movie ever made. And this movie ? It was one of the most disturbing horror movies ever made. In it we see a miscarriage, insanity, bloodshed... Yes, we've seen these things before in movies. But... The Book of Shadows is different. It is deeply, deeply disturbing and unsettling. But it doesn't leave you feeling dirty or unclean. The Book of Shadows is also a lot smoother than the Blair Witch Project, and a lot slicker. The first movie was rough and erratic, bouncing and shivering its way along. This one slips and slides... not on the surface of your skin, but in your bone marrow. If you liked the original movie, you might despise this movie. You might hate every single second of The Book of Shadows. And if you didn't like the original movie ? You might love this one. And if you haven't seen the original movie ? You might also love The Book of Shadows. Or you might hate it. There's only one way to find out. So step inside a vision of insanity unlike anything you've ever experienced before...
Rating:  Summary: Very Scary Horror Movie - An Outstanding Masterpiece Review: This movie is sooo scary. Great camera work, suspensful plot, superb acting and a surprising ending. I highly recommend this movie to every horrorfan, but don't compare it with the first, because this are two different kinds of movies.
Rating:  Summary: Pitiful, Unworthy Of Title Review: This movie should not even have been made. It stunk to high heaven. It is unworthy of being called a sequel as well as a part of the blair witch phenomenia. The acting was poor, the plot made absolutely no sense, especially since there was no shred of info about the blair witch with the exception of the girl freaking out at the end. It wasn't worth seeing in the movie and a definite waste of money to rent. I think I will stick with blair witch project and the books, to chuck this tape in the garbage.
Rating:  Summary: Scariest movie I have ever seen Review: WOW! This movie is a masterpiece. It's scarier than Halloween I or The Shining. CHECK IT OUT!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: MUCH MUCH better than the stupid first Review: I didn't like THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT because it isn't scary, (the scariest in this movie was Heathers voice *gg*), the camera work was terrible and the ending stupid. But BLAIR WITCH 2 is the opposite: Here are very great actors (congratulation to Kim and Jeff, they are the best), a suspensful plot, a "usual" camera work and a surprising ending. I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone. who loves Horror movies. HAPPY NIGHTMARES!! ;))