Rating:  Summary: wan sequel to a true original Review: As one who actually liked the original film (and, yes, I saw it long after the initial media hype had died down), I can’t say that I expected much from this newest addition to the franchise. The first film was such a unique work stylistically that, even less than most films, it definitely did not cry out for replication. Actually, this new film starts off rather well, choosing to acknowledge the reality of not only the original project but also the media ballyhoo and frenzy that attended it. The film cleverly lampoons the cottage industry that sprang up around the first film, catering to tourists who descended in droves on the once-peaceful town of Burkittsville, Maryland, where the original fictional “documentary” was set. Taking over the reins from the first film’s creators, writer Dick Beebe and writer/director Joe Berlinger create a scenario in which a group of fans, obsessed with the original film, embark on a “Blair Witch” tour that, naturally, turns out to be more than they bargained for. By eschewing fancy special effects of any kind and hewing closely to the “reality” conferred by its documentary style approach, the original film managed to convey a real sense of mounting terror as the people involved became more and more terrified and confused by what was happening to them. The makers of the sequel attempt to create essentially the same impact here but with far less effectiveness. Part of the problem is that the demands made on a big budget studio production are obviously worlds apart from those made on a small independent film in which experimentation and imagination are often allowed - and even, at times, encouraged - to flourish. As a result, the makers of the new film violate the very less-is-more credo that made the original film work in the first place. Thus, as these new characters begin to spiral down into confusion, terror and madness, we are offered a plethora of quick cut glimpses of demons, ghosts, flashbacks etc. that are more distracting than terrifying. We could believe what was happening to the characters in the original film because the single-camera technique made it all seem so plausible and real. This film just feels like the typical stock horror film, filled with fancy techniques but little of the stuff that true nightmares are made of. More often than not, the viewer feels more like laughing at the silliness of the proceedings than gasping. Eventually, even the dialogue seems to be providing an almost subconscious running commentary on the film itself as the characters yell out at various points such pearls of wisdom as “This is too weird” and “This makes no sense.” The story does a nice job at the end showing how what is captured on film or tape may not necessarily correlate with the facts of history. And, I guess, we are also encouraged to read the film in two ways – as both a genuine horror story in which the Blair Witch is somehow exercising her supernatural powers or as a study of mass psychosis playing havoc with a group of emotionally off-kilter people. Yet, in the long run, “Book of Shadows” just doesn’t seem worth the effort. Any way you slice it, a horror film that doesn’t horrify has failed to live up to its calling. Stick with the original model this time around.
Rating:  Summary: I liked it Review: This film does what no other sequel has done: it comes right out and TELLS you, right off the bat, that the first movie was a work of fiction, and that the second movie was a "dramatization" of the events that happened following the release of the first one. In other words, BOS is a very subtle satire on the films that get made to cash in on national phenomena, and I find that very clever. It also stands up on its own terms. Sort of. Anyway, the movie has a sort of nested irony that I enjoyed, as well as a few genuinely scary moments. The DVD also has the complete soundtrack on the other side! Very clever.
Rating:  Summary: Stop Trashing This Movie!! Review: This movie was fantastic, I have NO idea why people are talking trash about it, I think it is because they are comparing it to the first one, this movie should not be even in the same sentence as the first one, it is an entirely different movie in and of itself, and a real good one, The only problem I had with it was they kept intercutting the shots of the people getting brutally murdered, which eliminated any suspense, but I thought the story was great, the acting was awesome, and the music made the movie more creepy to watch, it is not one of those jump out of your seat scary movies, it is a chilling commentary on what is percieved as real and what is percieved as myth, and I think this movie comments on that very well. I think Joe Berlinger is a fantastic director, there are some similarities between this movie and his documentary "Paradise Lost: The Child Murders At Robin Hood Hills" that too is a chillling movie, and it's fact, so If you love this movie , check "Paradise Lost" out. I think the people who trashed this movie need to look closer at it, they just might be surprised at the inner story, they need to stop looking on the outside. This doesn't mean to scare, I think it provokes thought, more than scares, although it does have it's chilling moments, so just loosen up and look closer.
Rating:  Summary: Be ashamed, be very ashamed! Review: To say this movie was a disappointment would be a colossal understatement. Truthfully, I didn't hold high hopes going into it but I've been surprised before. Needless to say "Blair Witch 2" was not one of those scenarios. My reasons for having faith in a sequel were the amazing legacy of its predecessor "The Blair Witch Project" and the news that documentarian Joe Berlinger would direct this time around. Outside of those two things, however, the outlook looked pretty bleak. That's the one area in which this movie didn't disappoint. What's so bad about this movie? Answer: Whatta ya got. I couldn't possibly chronicle all of its sins in this space but what I will do is run down some of the more obvious ones. First of all there's the acting, which, say what you will about the first film, but this new cast makes Heather, Josh, and Mike look like Academy award material. Then there's the writing which is bad enough on its own but coupled with the acting it sounds even worse, if you can imagine such a thing. Now onto the plot, which is all over the board. There's no direction so in that respect playing chutes and ladders offers more structure. And lastly, it has a rushed feeling which is perceptible to everyone who watches it. It is painfully evident that "Book of Shadows" was pushed through production as fast as possible to insure that it made it to theaters before the gravy train that was the "Blair Witch Project" came to a halt. In summation, there is absolutely no redeeming value to "Blair Witch 2". Don't buy it, don't rent it, don't even look at the lobby card. This movie is deplorable!
Rating:  Summary: 'BLAIR WITCH 2' a sorry, sappy sequel... Review: First, I loved The Blair Witch Project, it was original, and very entertaining to the vunerable imagination. So, of course, I was very thrilled to go see the sequel, Book of Shadows. I wasn't sorry to see it, but I was disappointed as well. Style seems to be the biggest wound left unhealed for BW:2. You cannot expect a movie filmed in one style to have a profitable and enjoyable sequel the second time around filmed in a completely different style (even though the first 10 minutes of BW:2 is filmed in the documentary style as the first one was). A different director this second time around also seems to contribute to the style of the second, and it doesn't help. The vision of the first is remade, revamped, and lost! The dialogue is also very foot in mouth, too scripted... I wasn't convinced. The groundbreaking techniques and audience participation of the first film are as lost as Josh, Heather, and Mike were in the woods! BW:2 is for the breast-fed audience who were unwilling to give in to suspension of disbelief in the first film. You either loved it or hated it. I loved BW:1, but find little to love about BW:2. Do yourself a favor and stick with Blair Witch 1, or check out the Blair Witch Trilogy PC Games from Gathering of Developers, which stay true to the style and suspense the Blair Witch was developed upon. Book of Shadows makes an unwelcome addition to the Blair Witch Saga. See it if you must, but it hardly fits the bill...
Rating:  Summary: A Helluva Lot Better than the first Review: I recently watched Book Of Shadows and I have to say it is a lot better than the original. I say they should have made Book Of Shadows first then the first one
Rating:  Summary: Psychological thriller with attitude, hokey characters Review: The sequel to BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (an okay horror movie representing a triumph in marketing skill) is a gutsy departure from the first, in style, form, and tone. Instead of a "horrormentary," this is a straightforward psychological thriller which jars the narrative with hallucinogenic red herrings and fantasies that may or may not be clues to what is going on. There is also some wit in the film's conceit, which centers on a young man who makes money off the BLAIR WITCH phenomenon by selling merchandise and giving tours of the woods. Unfortunately, the characters are so hokey and two-dimensional there is little suspense for them. One simply waits to see how the film will play out. Also, the sequel is taking what plays like a conscious slap at critics of the first film who protested the stereotyping of witches, by feasting up an even bigger stereotype.
Rating:  Summary: an ok movie Review: Not everyone liked this movie they said it was weird and hard to follow but I like it I think that to many people expected the same movie as the first one,but I think the fact it's not the same kind of movie makes it good it has a really dark feel to it and creates some good atmosphere but isn't really all that scary.But the suprise ending kind makes up for it.
Rating:  Summary: BETTER THAN THE FIRST Review: This movie was interesting and watchable, not like the original which gave me a headache in the theater. The premise of Blair Witch Project was great, but so poorly executed. It was so boring. Are we supposed to believe that these are film students when they can't even hold their cameras still? This sequel is typical horror fare, but I liked the story and the acting was much better than the original. The script was better also, it at least refrained for using the F word in every sentence. Question: After the hallucination with Stephen and Erica at the table, the word NO appears on the window behind them. That wasn't listed in the clues. Also, I don't understand the letters OR on the rug. Can anyone give insight?
Rating:  Summary: Why Does Everybody Say This Movie Is A Total Dissapointment Review: The reason why I even bothered to watch this movie because I love horror movies. After all the hype of the first blair witch movie which, I could not beleive i wasted my time going to the theartes to watch such a horrible movie. Since the first balir witch was so bad I decided to wait this sequel to come out on dvd. So when I finally saw it, I did indeed realized it was far from a classic and the plot was very confusion also it was a very weird movie but it was sure as hell better than the first blair witch project. I am also aware that the acting was a bit shaky but I mean come the first blair witch movie acting was not any better. This movie actually had moments of suspense which a horror movie should be about unlike the first blair witch movie. I actually would have mind watching it in the theaters, Unlike the first blair witch I totally wasted my time going the theaeters for it. I predict when Blair Witch 3 (The Prequel) comes out in thearters in summer of 2002 it will be equal to or better than blair witch 2, but I know it will be better than the first blair witch movie.