Rating:  Summary: so horrible it's hillarious Review: This movie sorta has the Plan 9 From Outer Space thing going...so horrible it's hillarious. I don't know if this was supposed to be a horror movie with some comedy elements or a comedy with horror elements but all I know is I was on the floor laughing. Just look at the in jokes and dialogue "Free at last , free at last , thank God almighty free at last" should be enough to get the NAACP protesting. "A friend with weed is a friend indeed"..HILLARIOUS..don't watch films like this wanting a brilliant filmmaking achievement , watch it when you need a good chuckle..and if you have a good sense of humor
Rating:  Summary: Who are we kidding? Review: This is the worst film ever made. Everyone knows it. Even Iced T. Not even Ben Affleck could have saved this. This was the worst Warwick Davis film since Leprechaun 3. Nobpdy should see this. I would watch the pest three times in a row before I sat through this again. It's almost as bad as Pearl Harbor.
Rating:  Summary: Demented Pot o' Gold Review: I rented this flick not expecting much, really. Man alive, was I surprised! This movie is delightfully goofy and extremely original. It was a real breath of fresh air... which is becoming increasingly hard to find in a business where unwatchable "teen horror" movies like "Jeepers Creepers" and "Idle Hands" run rampant.The movie itself has a storyline that you won't see ANYWHERE else. The special effects were surprisingly well done. The cast was very likable. The ending was satisfying and VERY funny. The extras on this DVD were also nice, especially considering the small budget of the film. If you're a fan of horror, buy this movie. If you're a fan of comedy, buy this movie. It's the best of both worlds. A real hoot that has a few really cool scares! Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Tizzzight .... Review: Yo Wazzup. Ma name is Dre and I saw Lep in da Hood last night at my girl's crib. This movie was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny. It should be illegal to classify it as Horror. My favorite part was when he was interacting with the bar tender! If you haven't seen it, you betta go get it! It's worth the money
Rating:  Summary: Wilted Clover Review: I must admit, I saw the first Leprechaun movie years ago and thought that it was an original, freaky deaky concept that had me running from real leprechauns like a frightened gazelle. But after two, and then four trips to the end of the rainbow, the pot of gold seemed to lose its luster and weight. Warwick Davis is a very talented actor, who carried movies like this one and Willow (with Ice Man from Top Gun)on his back like the Globe of Atlas. He worked with what he had and bathed in a warm pool of success for a brief period. But Leprechaun movies beyond the initial one were just so overkill that he eventually was in outerspace and now he's kicking it with washed up gangster rappers. I'm sorry it just doesn't fly. New Jack City was Ice-T's last decent outing and that was in the late 80's. He should hang up the holster and Davis should at least attempt to find greener pastures.
Rating:  Summary: great, wacky, and inventive Review: a great, wacky, and inventive movie in the spirit of Leprechaun 3. It's sad that Trenchard-Smith couldn't pull through on 4 (it was a complete mess/waste of time), but we're back with a new director and some new tricks. This one's really worth watching, and surprisingly enough, the DVD presents it in its matted widescreen aspect ratio. A great buy, one of my first and favourite DVDs.
Rating:  Summary: I Wants Me Money Back! Review: OK, it wasn't that bad, I just really wanted to get to use that line for once (my friend who went to see Lep 1 in the theater yelled it out during the movie and got a huge ovation). My same friend also made a good point about watching the Lep series in general: you know exactly what you're getting up front. It's not like after the movie you're going to say to yourself, surprised, "well, THAT was a total piece of (bad word rhyming with "hit")". You can't really be mad at yourself. It's not like going to see, say, Whipped or 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag where you think you might actually laugh once or twice at something or enjoy the movie at some points, but end up wanting to punch everyone involved in the face (even Joe Pesci). No-one tricked you into it. Anyway, this one was better than part 4 (In Space), but of course that's not saying much. The best one of the series (I can't believe I'm saying that-I should say "the least painful to sit through" instead) was the one set in Vegas. This one I rented mainly because I heard it was mildly amusing, better than part 4, but mainly I wanted to see Ice-T in a 70's pimp outfit sporting a big 'fro. I think the whole budget went towards paying his salary and they didn't have much left over for costumes, special effects, sets, etc. Oh well, it still beat 'Play it to the Bone'. This one had at least some entertainment value because it didn't take itself too seriously. A couple of things happened I didn't expect. Of course, couple things also happened that I didn't WANT to happen but had a horrible premonition that they were going to, such as the Leprechaun smoking a blunt and rapping (though not at the same time, Thank God). They were a few times I was surprised to burst out laughing at stuff that I think was supposed to intentionally be funny. There was one particularly funny moment when the heroes are hiding from the Leprechaun that was worth the money I paid to rent it, because it was exactly like a scene from Scooby-Doo (in fact, I think it WAS a scene they stole from Scooby-Doo, but at least they stole from something amusing). I thought at first it was just because I had the flu at the time I watched it and had lots of Nyquil, but then my husband laughed at it too. There's another scene where two characters are having a very serious discussion about how to go after the Lep -- this is after a tragic event occurs, so I figured the movie was going to stop trying to be funny-- and you see that one of them is holding "Leprechauns For Dummies". For some reason (maybe this time it was the Nyquil) that also struck me as pretty amusing. I bet some overly politically correct people would be really offended by this movie. For instance, you could easily have a Leprechaun 5: In the Hood Drinking Game with your friends (hey, you could use Nyquil! It's even green) during the movie just by drinking every time a character says, "a'ight", "yo", "homie", or "that (same bad word as before) is WHACKED, man!". So, while on the negative side, we have the fact that the movie is completely stupid and mindless, with little gore, and really cheap production values, we do have the positives of a few good laughs and the fact that it would anger the overly PC. I've seen a lot of horror movies WAY worse and more insulting to viewer's intelligence, so I didn't really want my money back after I rented it.
Rating:  Summary: More funny than it is scary. Review: I'm a fan of the "Leprechaun" series,so as soon as I found out that the fifth film in the series was released,I had to have it. I was not dissapointed at all,in fact I was pleased with my purchase,it was worth the twewnty dollars I spent on it.I felt that "Leprechaun in the hood" was actually more funny than it was scary.I would reccomend watching "Leprechaun in the hood" first,and if you like it, then check out the first "Leprechaun".
Rating:  Summary: RIGHT!!! HA HA HA Review: LEP, was the stupides horror movie I ever saw... The only reason I gave it a five is because it is hell of a comedy... What a flop this movie is. ha ha ha... I just can't help myself... It's sad when you walk into the rental store to rent this movie... even the employes say it's horrible... This movie would have had a lot more play if it was put in the comedy section...
Rating:  Summary: a bad, very bad movie Review: If you like this movie you are a skat-muncher...pure and simple.