Rating:  Summary: Childs Play..! -Cheating it's way in popularity..!! Review: I love; -"child's Play 3." -It's one of the best; -and I compare too the original when the first film came out..? -Isaw this in theatres. -I laughed out loud at some of the funny gore scenes that chucky does at the military..? -Their are great ending moments of this sequel. -Yes. -It finally brings back the old spark of the first film.? -The second sequel was alwfull; -and; -boring..! -But I loved how these two had the cut scenes on T.V. -Their are two different endings for; -"Childs Play 2." -They shown on; -T.V.. -Can you imagine if they released the T.V. -Version pass you..? "Childs Play 3." -Ignore the foster home rutine; -and send Andy Barkley; -Justin Whalin; -two; -Military school; -and he will be bullied sun of a gun ho can not stick up for him self. -He has a romace with a military hottie. -And befriends with; -black kid; -Tyler..! -I love; -Chucky's; -line.? Here; -"Hay kid; -Chucky's going too be a bro."? -He also is bullied by a military meanie in this one..? -I love the carnival ending here.. -I'm glad that T.V. -made lots of cuts on the edited; -"Childs Play 3.." -Version.. -Lets hope it does not pass us by; -I love two relive Chucky's; -rampaging and funny moments again.. -Brad Dorif; -and; -music is great..? Video Version; -Edited version needs two get with it and have the T.V. Version of both films..? -I have; -"Bride of Chucky.." -Ronny Yu; -did a terrible job..? -The script scene out of shape on DVD and; -Video..? -Their where different new cut scene on that one..! I hope a fan agrees with me on this..?
Rating:  Summary: Classic Review: The reason I'm giving this movie 5 stars is because it is a pure classic in my life. This was the only chucky movie I ever saw as a kid. I recorded it on a tape from usa. And yes, of course. It scared the hell out of me. And I love it. The movie is starring: Justin Whalin as ANDY. No Alex Vincet. (didn't you get enough of him in 1 and 2?)It was funny, Justin Whalin also came out on a disney movie too, called: "Susie Q". So everytime I would see that, I would say "Hey! He's from the chucky movie!" About the movie, he finds andy in a military camp, at he's 16, but instead he tries to hunt down another kid, Tyler. And kills eveyone who gets in his way, Andy tries to stop him. And lots of guns are used too. And the movie end up at a fair. Out of all the chucky movies, CHILD'S PLAY 3. Chucky is deffinetly at his evilist! Except the tv version held chucky back, it was edited for gore, languege, an for its runnig time. But finnaly on dvd! YES!!! First in line!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: It's about time for Child's Play 3 to be released on DVD! Thank you Universal. Child's Play 3 is a great sequel. Although Child's Play 2 is my personal favorite, Child's Play 3 scores well. I would recommend it to whoever is a fan of the original. It's too bad that really the feel of the "Child's Play" series has ended with Bride of Chucky. Now, don't get me wrong, I loved Bride of Chucky... but I believe with the addition of Bride of Chucky, we may never see the Andy storyline that we all loved in the first three films. I guess all good things have to end sometime. Purchase this DVD!
Rating:  Summary: The Joke isn't funny anymore. Review: Nor is it scary. It takes a really horrible director and writer to destroy a blockbuster box office smash series. The second sequels are always the victims to crazy script writers and directors. (Example: Child's Play 3, Alien 3, Omen III: The Final Conflict.) In this wanna-be re-hash of the original, we expected, as much hype as it got, a non-stop, tongue in cheek, roller coaster ride. In whole, it [was bad]. I was 12 when I first saw it and I was so angry, that I (And most of the audience) walked out the theatre demanding refunds. I really don't know what ...Bender was on at the time. And the script must have been written in at least one day, because it came out not even exactly one-year after it's predecessor. There must have been so much ad-libbing it wasn't funny. The first two did very, very well in the box office, this one wasn't even on the top 50. It's a shame to see this one stain the 'Child's Play' family name. And it lacks originaility. Stupid characters, cheesy plot, non-stop laughable death scenes, and dumb acting. The movie starts out with the Play Pals factory being re-opened and a machine digging into Chucky's ribs. It's stupid to see Chucky back, since his death scene was so terrible in the last. So his blood infuses inside a new Good Guy doll (Stupid). He kills the owner of Play Pals. The rest of the movie is corny, you won't believe! 16 year old Andy Barclay (Justin Whalin) is being transfered to a military school. It's stupid because it doesn't say why he is going there. The plot holes are so abundant in this film. Chucky also wants to transfer his soul into a new child, which is also dumb. It's up to Andy to save him. First mistake: Making Andy a grown up. It's ridiculous to see Mr. Whalin stumble over one-liners. The writer/director could have given the role to Alex Vincent who did an awesome job playing a traumatized Andy. Second screw up: Making Andy a hero instead of a victim. I always liked the idea of Chucky trying to take over Andy's soul. Whalin makes Andy a wuss, also. Whatever happend to the tough as nails, no nonsense Andy Barclay we've known in the first two? The military settings was also unnecessary. I wish they hired me in charge of the writing/directing. I sure would have had it somewhat like the oringinal with the Chuck still trying to get inside Andy's body. I know it sounds monotonus, but there shouldn't have even been a 'Child's Play 3'. It's not a wonder why we haven't seen these actors and actresses on any other movies besides this garbage. It's fun in own little trashy way. NOT! ...
Rating:  Summary: The Chuck is Back! Review: Andy Barclay is one of the few pepole who has met Chucky and lived to tell about it, even though few belived him and therefore became Chucky's victims. But now, years later the president of the Play Pals company decides to put the good guy dolls back in production. When the factory is cleaned up, some blood from the melted remains of Chucky drips in to the tank of melted plastic wich is used to make new dolls. And Chucky is once again back from the dead. Andy is now a teenager and has been sent to an millitary school were the treatment isn't very good. And of course his old childhood playmate Chucky shows up to make things worse. And truly underated flick, I was expecting an standard slasher with a touch of comedy and that's pretty mutch what I got. Chucky is great as always, and gives us enough memorable quotes to laugh at. The gore and the kills is also good. Especially the scene with Chucky and the barberer was truly hillarious. If you're a fan of the first two, you'll problably find this one entertaining as well. I loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Widescreen R2 DVD is available. Review: Why there is no R1 release for this entertaining but strictly routine horror/comedy is beyond me. Universal seem to have a thing about not releasing some much wanted back catalogue sequels, such as this, Fletch Lives and Jaws 3. The UK DVD has only a trailer as an extra and comes with Dolby Stereo sound and a passable 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer. If you are a fan then it's worth spending the dollars on.
Rating:  Summary: Same Plot but with a different setting. Review: Eight years later, after the death of Chucky (Voiced by Brad Dourif). Several parts of the doll body has been melted down and redid the original image of the body to a new body, thanks for the help of his blood, being back alive again. Chucky is still wandering, where is the boy, who wanted to transfer his soul to. Is now 16 and enrolled to a military school, grown to be a teenager (Justin Whalin). But when Chucky actually tracks him down again but this time, Chucky is Manipulate a pre-teen boy (Jeremy Sylvers) and Chucky wants to transfer his soul to him, instend. Now grown teen, who beat, Chucky twice, now has to stop him again. Directed by Jack Bender-Who is actually a T.V. Director, made a clever sequel, although, it has the same story but the filmmakers manages to make it different as possible. Don Mancini, who wrote, the first two has some funny lines and situations that Highlight this One. Which is much better and entertaining than the first two. But it didn't do well at the Box Office as the Another two movies. It's a fast moving, likable sequel, which most people though, it was the last Chucky flick. Grade:B+.
Rating:  Summary: Retardedly Entertaining! Review: This remains my least favorite chucky film, but, I tturn up seeing this one more than the other three, let's face it, it isn't shakesphere, but just good ol' late 80s, early 90's horror. Cjild's Play is a classic and has good acting, ingeious storytelling, and full of fun, Child's Play 2 is more focused on Chucky and his dark humor, Child's Play 4 (aka Bride of Chucky) has the most interesting story since part 1, but part 3 is nothing but a gore-fest, which is what these films mostly are, and Child's Play 3 delivers comedy, some pop-out moments (which aren't all that scary), action, adventure, and peril. There is some good acting, like when the paintball games begin, but as said in earlier reviews, why see this movie for good acting?
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST OF THE SERIES! Review: Those movie critics are really dumb for hating this movie.Oh,you say this movie is unwatchable,but you think the Bear is something worth watching.Forget what the movie critics tell you.Don't listen to what they say.See something that you want to see,not something someone else wants you to see. With that out of the way,this movie was the best out of all the Chucky movies.It even has some really funny parts in it too.The movie has alot of bloody death scenes(one being the garbage truck scene).This movie is really good from beginning to end.If you like scary movies,then you need to see this movie.It is great. Peace Out.
Rating:  Summary: Worth Watching And Buying!! Review: This movie is my least favorite of the Child's Play series. But it is entertaining and worth seeing and buying. Justin Whalin is *FANTASTIC* in this movie. I just bought the DVD (PAL format only) from eBay. The PAL format will only work with DVD players that are PAL compatible. So once I found out that my DVD player is PAL compatible I had to buy it so that I will have all of the Child's Play DVDs (I only have to get Child's Play 2 and The Bride Of Chucky). Child's Play 3 is only available on DVD in countries like the United Kingdom, Scotland and Austraila. I first got my DVD player because I couldn't find Child's Play One on VHS in any store (to buy). All I could find it on was DVD. So I got a DVD player and my first DVD was Child's Play One. If you haven't seen the Child's Play series I suggest renting the series from your local video. My favorite Child's Play movies are Child's Play 2 and The Bride Of Chucky. I can't wait until they are released next month on DVD.