Rating:  Summary: The #1 Horror Flick 2001 Review: it is not very scary but but i has a great plot!
Rating:  Summary: Just a correction ... Review: Just wanted to correct some false information regarding this. As I am (or was) a comic book nerd, I noticed the error in some of these reviews citing Tim Vigil as the writer of the story. Tim Vigil was the artist who helped create Faust, with David Quinn, who wrote the book, and the screenplay to this movie. With that said, this flick was horrendously bad. Being familiar with the comic book's excessive gore, sex, and mysticism, the movie came off as a pathetically sugar-coated version of the extremist stand the book took. Watered down and held down by a mediocre budget, this movie is bad in almost all possible ways. Jeffrey Combs should have stayed out of this one, as I normally like his work. Avoid this film at all costs. I knew it was trouble when I found out the film was going to be rated "R." To truly create Faust on the big screen, at least an "NC-17" was necessary, if not an "unrated."
Rating:  Summary: Im damned if I know what to make of this . . . Review: Let me begin by saying that I am a big Brian Yuzna fan. Since he (and Stuart Gordon) exploded onto the screens in the 80s with RE-ANIMATOR I have been hooked. It's also been great to see that they have both consistently worked in the horror and fantasy genre ever since, cranking out gems like SOCIETY, CASTLE FREAK and THE BEYOND. This now brings me to FAUST. I have been looking forward to this first release from Yuzna's new spanish film studio for a long time. Then I got to see it . . . the film is very weird. It has a strong spanish feel to it (obviously), but it also tries to pander to the US market (also quite obvious). But, this is where the movie ultimately fails. By trying too hard to be american, the entire movie comes across very fake and awkward. The problems come very early on. Lead actor Mark Frost is drastically underwritten and therefore displays the emotional range of a paper cup. His eternal grimacing face reminds me of Beaker from THE MUPPETS. The always excellent Jeffrey Combs seems uncomfortable in his miscast role of the tough inner-city cop. (See him shine in THE FRIGHTENERS and the pointless I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER). Andrew Divoff excels (as always) but his character too seems underwritten to the point that when he comes on screen I almost forgot why he was actually in the film. Oh yeah, he's the villain . . . The female members of the film are very good. Isabelle Brook is a strong performer and holds the emotional arm of the film really well. The deliciously villainous Monica Van Campen camps it up in a major way to steal all of her (very brief) scenes. Screaming Mad Georges' effects work is yet again imaginative and strange, and cinematographer Jacques Haitkin gives the movie a vibrant and exotic look. Comic-book writer Tim Vigils' script is littered with cliche and none of the dramatic horror that the comic book itself had. When Frost turns into the clawed creature of the title, he comes across as a second rate villain from the 60s BATMAN TV show, and not a hardcore horror icon that was present in the Rebel Studios original comic. The disc itself is good. There are two commentary tracks (one by Yuzna - informative and interesting) and one by Mad George, Divoff and Haitkin - okay, Divoff has a great voice). The picture quality is sharp and the soundtrack is good. All in all, the movie is okay - not one of Yuzna's best efforts, but whatever he makes it is certainly a lot more exciting than a lot of horror movies out there. One thing puzzles me about this LIONS GATE ENTERTAINMENT disc though, is that it doesn't seem to have an MPAA rating. Can anyone tell me if this is the unrated version? Or is it the R? It's just that I heard the unrated version was very extreme and had to be cut, and this doesn't seem all that gory a movie. Anyway, onto the next. Maybe Yuzna's next movie BEYOND RE-ANIMATOR will deliver the undead goods, and give Jeffrey Combs another chance to bring out his best role . .
Rating:  Summary: come on, wheres the love! Review: Man, did some of the reviewers here miss the ball on this one. So serious! This was not a serious film people, yo! When monica van campen's breasts blew up to the size of farm fair pumpkins in one scene, the film lost any pretense to horror it might have had. But ho! All was not lost. This film has enough bloody sauce to satisfy gore and action lovers alike. And speaking of action, the previously mentioned von campen provides all the gratuitous nudity one can ask for this side of a xxx rating. What a succubus! My TV screen sprouted devil horns and smoked whenever she appeared! Then theres the subdued but supremely evil performance of Andrew Divoff as "M". Theres corny heavy metal loops thrown in every time theres a battle! Faust comes out in all his plastic devil suit glory! Yeah he looks like a halloween ... party reject..who cares! The dude kicks! Yeah, humunculus (or (whatever the demon at the end is named) looks like he was conjured up on a commodore vic 20 (R.I.P) but again, so what? This movie is good times. The sound rocks. The picture is clean and crisp. The acting is passable (except for jeffery combs who's just here to help milk the fanboys). To sum this one up, its fun, its action, its T&A and its a lot of carnage. So cut it a break. If it didnt do justice to some stupid comic or book, so what. If you haven't seen this yet, leave the fanboy bagage at the door and just enjoy the movie.
Rating:  Summary: STINKS - to say the least! Review: Man, this one is really bad. I can sit through anything, but geez! Yuzna really messes up big time. I'm not familiar with the comic book this horror flick is based on and it may hold some appeal to fans of that series, but any normal horror film viewer will surely find this excruciating to sit through. I have read that the R-rated cut is the only version available on US video/DVD and surely this doesn't help matters. I saw the film on premium cable TV (where it 'premiered at 3am - if that's any clue) and it was listed as "UNRATED", but from watching it, it was clearly the edited R print. Every gore scene was edited so quickly that it was almost impossible to figure out what was going on half the time. Not that you really care, anyway. Scenes are cleary edited down eliminating obviously over-the-top gore that you can tell must have once been there. And if a movie really stinks - and this one does - at least some wild unedited gore efx would make it easier to sit through. But the R version is just lacking all the way around. The film looks cheap (you can just 'feel' the film crew working right out of camera range). The actors all try to ham it up and fail miserably. Jeffrey Combs is slumming it again playing the same crazed character he always does. The "Wishmaster" guy is here sans makeup - he needs some, trust me. The female lead is as dull as dirt with that stupid phony accent trying to make it seem like she's intelligent. And then there's all those stupid monster-slime effects - man are they bad - they so much scream ***80's***!!!! Yep, I believe they were done by Screaming Mad George and they look just as rubbery and fake as they did 15 years ago. And don't even get me started on the demon Faust character's superhero (???) suit. Hahahaha! Boy...it's hard to believe this got made in the 21st century. I usually find Yuzna's films to be quite entertaining and some of them actually quite excellent....but FAUST is disastrous. Even if it was the uncut version, it would still be a mess --- just a slightly more watchable one. You've been warned. If you must subject yourself to this tedious home movie, brew up a LOT OF COFFEE and have that ffwd button ready. The pits.
Rating:  Summary: Fans of the comic WILL be EXTREMELY disappointed Review: Most of the actors (not Combs) do a fine job with the material given them (Even the Scott Wieland lookalike as John/Faust). Sad thing is, the material [makes me sick]. Somehow Yuzna and crew manage to turn the underground hardcore comix classic (which I've collected since issue 1) into a low-budget softcore joke. Watching it I kept asking myself - WHY WHY WHY???? Why is M a dracula wannabe with thinning WHITE hair? Why does Faust have cool metallic claws (as in the comic) but a latex-organic suit that he "morphs" into like some x-mutant clone? Why is there a cheesy scene in which M morphs Claire into a big-titted blob puddle? Why is there a cheesy-looking hellspawn worm-thing at the end? Why am I laughing at all of this? Why am I crying as the credits roll? My guess is that Faust creators Quinn and Vigil took the money and ran. I hope they are as disappointed in this film as the fans will be and option to make a real one in the future. Provided any filmmaker truly has the balls to make Faust as seen on paper. You'd think it would be easy - the storyboards are right there on the page. I guess that would require some level of respect for the orginal material in the first place.
Rating:  Summary: The worst... I've ever seen... Review: Now, I like horror movies. I like cheap B horror movies. But this..This is an embarrasment to filmmaking. The acting is atrocious. The dialogue is laughable. The special effects..ha! And those expecting any ultra-violence similiar to that of the comic book...Look somewhere else. The main character (the Faust character) is barely in "costume" and in the few fight scenes he does have...the violence is equivalent to that of the lamest of horror movies. It doesn't come close to comparing to the harshness of the comic. And the character known as "M" is played by the most unfrightening and uncharismatic actor I've ever seen. This "M" is supposed to be scary? Is he supposed to have an aura of power? Laughable white hair and acne scars is all that he does have. And the make-up on the Faust character looks like Jim Carrey in "The Mask". Terrible! The last battle scene looks like it was choreographed by the same person who's done the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, complete with the ridiculously huge, plastic demon-monster. This movie doesn't deserve even one star. Jeffery Combs is terrible in this part. I know he has ties with Brian Yuzna... but they should NOT have picked him for this maverick cop role. He's the quintessential dork and while it may work for him in some films, it is completely inappropriate in this movie. But maybe we can't blame him since the dialogue was horribly written. This movie was so utterly a waste of time; I wouldn't wish it on any poor soul. It doesn't help that they filmed it in Spain. Many of the extra "unknown" actors that they used couldn't act themselves out of a paper bag, and that Mark Frost guy who plays "Faust"..spare us. While offering some welcomed comic relief, his facial contortions (not to mention his lazy eye) are unbelievably retarded. If you like the comic, do yourself a favor and skip this movie. Two thumbs down.
Rating:  Summary: Ever see ghoulies? Review: Oh the costumes the worst. It looks like Chris Farley dressed up in a Noid costume (remember the Noid?) with PJ bottoms and Wolverine claws. When I was a kid I thought it was really kewl and neato to buy Faust comic books One of the real drawbacks of the comic book was that it had a lot of text and a lot of subplots. The movie clears up a lot of my misconceptions, (For instance: the presence of a discernable timeline) which is good. The bad news is now I like the comic book a lot less--which brings me to the title. Ghoulies I think had the same problem: you don't really want anyone to achieve whatever small victory. Its man vs. nature instead of something else, which is ok, if the characters are rounded and developed enough--but this is an ACTION flick, not steel freakin a beakin magnolias, kay? Right so its different than Spawn or Blade or any of those other doomed comic book heroes, but different isn't always better ya gotta know. All that aside, I still cant believe Tim Vigil would want the movie in color, let alone allow his work to be unappreciated by this script/directing etc.
Rating:  Summary: Faust: Love it, hate it, or both Review: OK, here's my thoughts on the movie adaptation of the famed gothic-horror-erotica comic book: In order for a movie to truly capture the essence of Faust: Love of the Damned, the movie would have to be a freaky XXX adult movie. No ifs ands or buts about it. This version was either rated R or UNRATED. I think it would have been much better if it was Japanese animation! I've read the comics and quite frankly, David Quinn, the author of the comics, couldn't put every detail into the film script: some stuff was added, some was left out, and some was a jarbled confusing mess! The movie could have been a WHOLE LOT BETTER, but if you read the comics, you'd probably figure that if Faust was made true to the comic, it would have been probably banned in 80 countries around the world (or probably even more!). The only character I felt they at least got partially right was Clare, M's "wife" (the woman with the two-toned hair). Many reviewers felt confused as to why M melted Clare. Well, in the comic, Clare insults M's authority and basically tells him that without her he's nothing. Well, M shows her who's the boss!(...) She was just melted, but M revived her after she learned "humility". That's about it. Jade, I felt so-so about. Goodness, they really messed up John!!! In the comic, he's portrayed as a sympathetic, yet dealy insane, kinda guy. His love for Jade comes through in the comic. But in both movie and comic, the costume is downright laughable! So Faust came out before Spawn but I really couldn't stop laughing at John's costume which is a crazy funny hybrid of Spawn/Wolverine and Batman!!!! Even as I type this review, I start cracking up! So remember folks,Faust: Love of the Damned is just an extremely poor adaptation of an EXTREMELY ADULT comic that depicted bestiality (Clare did a snake for Christ's sake and demons!), devil worship, blood drinking, loads of dismemberment, gratuitous sex, cannibalism, gay sex and the list just goes on and on!
Rating:  Summary: flop Review: The movie Faust tries to follow in the foot steps of Spawn? Save your money! If you must see it, be warned: the acting is lousy. However, it does have its great action moments.