Rating:  Summary: This is no Hollywood movie!!! Review: ...I wasn't much of a fan of Karl Urban's, my mother was, so when I got this movie for her, I saw it with her. Now I can say I'm a pretty big fan of Karl Urban's... I love strange and bizar movies, and this is one of'em! 5 stars from me, I'd give it more if I could. And although it's great on vhs, I find the sound is a little more thrilling on dvd.
Rating:  Summary: I have a thing for NZ movies... Review: but even if you don't, this dark thriller will keep you guessing. The computer animation for the actual demons is a little cheesy but it isn't so bad that it ruins the suspension of disbelief. I liked the cinematography and make-up was pure artistry. The fact that most of it was shot at night lends to the eerie quality of the picture. The story was exciting. The main character, Harry, played by Karl Urban, was very well acted. You felt for the poor guy who has this normal life and then is thrown into a situation where he questions reality. I am now a big Karl Urban fan. This movie is definitely worth a look. If you like horror, suspense, or just a walk on the weird side...this movie is for you.
Rating:  Summary: this was bad Review: Cheaply done, and it shows. Now i'm a kiwi and am interested in films about satan/demon's as i'm a Christian and like films that say the devil and God exist but i had real trouble sitting through this one. Too much foul language caused me to turn on the director's commentary and not to listen to the film. I had fun with that though, the director thought this was a masterpiece!!Story is about a man who is interested in studying the occult (not really explained) is kidnapped by satanists and tortured. I won't ruin the plot but he is stalked by "demons" which resemble charecters from the mummy but this is pure cheap cgi. Demons don't go about killing people either, they need humans to do this and might I say they have an easy job of finding willing subjects. There main aim at the moment is to [misdirect] people and society and to cause hatred towards Christianity, also they are rampant in propagating false religions. Now I appreciate the director making a film about this subject matter but if he is going to call it "the unrefutable truth about demons" he needs to do his research more. The best book for this is funnily enough the New Testament where demons are shown to be fallen angels and evil spirits who possess, opress and tempt humankind to act like animals, to sin and defy God. They are still rampant in today's society and have control of most of Hollywood. These demons's are subject to Bible believing Christians so our friend in this movie should have found someone like me who could teach him how to resest the devil and cause him to flee. Yes I know it's only a movie!! I believe their is a new film out called "Exorcism" in the states that will be far more accurate to the truth, look out for it. Now if you are not a Christian you will probably be scared by movies such as this one and "the exorcist". I as a Christian do not fear unclean spirits. For a better movie on this subject see "exorcist 3", "the ninth gate", "the omen", "megiddo", "bless this child", all available on amazon. I will wait for the new exorcism movie to be available on dvd, it looks well done and will tell more of the "truth about demons" than this poorly done effort. Thanks for reading and if you want to know more or just hassle me then email me. God bless.
Rating:  Summary: The Price of Calling People Frauds Review: Despite being a movie of obvious budgetary limitations, I still thought that "The Irrefutable Truth About Demons" was still a pretty good movie. In fact, knowing what sort of monetary crimps they were under, I was actually fairly impressed with the finished product. The movie basic hinges around the premise that there are indeed demons in the world, and that these demons do indeed inflict us no matter what we think. The poor, unfortunate main character of the film, Harry Ballad, finds this out the hard way when he discovers that his books on "uncovering frauds" has marked him as its next victim. After discovering a package in the mail showing him the face of his adversary, he finds himself surrounded by droves of dying friends and a web of intrigue that only a female ex-cult member can help him live through. Combine this with the fact that he's being chased by an eclectic band of cultists and, better yet, a demon, and you get the portrait of a man living a very bleak life. My only complaint is that the movie hinges more on the continued threat of the demon that is stalking poor Mr. Ballad and not on shots of the demon itself. In fact, I counted only three areas with the demon actually in them, and one of those was a bit on the "too quick to see well" side. This was a shame, too, because one of the shots of the demon making its way down a building looked nice. Still, the mood is creepy enough to keep a person tied to it and the ending is funny, in a somewhat unexpected way. That said, it is worth checking out in my mind, but you do have to like constraints to enjoy this.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Little gem Review: I thought this little horror film from New Zealand was brillant. WHile it followed some of the conventions of B movie Horror, it was original where it counts. I have never seen anything like the scene where the hero literally has his heart stolen. A little stunner, well worth the rent.
Rating:  Summary: Cronenberg meets Hammer in pulp classic Review: I've read some negative things about this film on the net, so when I saw it at the Melbourne Film Festival, I was not expecting too much. Hell, it proves there are a lot of idiots out there. This is one of the strangest, most mind altering horror films I've seen in a long time. Beautifully shot, some absolutely classic scenes; beware the villian inserting his fingers into the hero's chest, this film is how horror films should be. Transgressive, strange, exciting and just damned good fun too.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth About This Stinkaroo Review: Just imagine your run-off-the-mill, cliché-ridden Hollywood "occult shocker" (e.g. Lost Souls), but with thick Kiwi accents, abismal acting (some Marilyn Manson wannabes as members of a santanic cult particularly stand off) and a really, really, *really* low budget (piss-poor CGI and make-up effects included). What you get is this sorry crap of a movie. How this certified stinker supposedly became a "cult sensation" is really beyond me. Stay the hell away from demons *and* from brain-damaged horror nerds praising such utter dross. Jeez.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth About This Stinkaroo Review: Just imagine your run-off-the-mill, cliché-ridden Hollywood "occult shocker" (e.g. Lost Souls), but with thick Kiwi accents, abismal acting (some Marilyn Manson wannabes as members of a santanic cult particularly stand off) and a really, really, *really* low budget (piss-poor CGI and make-up effects included). What you get is this sorry crap of a movie. How this certified stinker supposedly became a "cult sensation" is really beyond me. Stay the hell away from demons *and* from brain-damaged horror nerds praising such utter dross. Jeez.
Rating:  Summary: Not the truth about demons Review: Now I like a good supernatural thriller, check out some of my lists, but this one was below par. I understand it was made on the cheap and it's also a new zealand film of which I am one, but it's writing is the main thing that let it down. They had a good idea but dropped the ball on this one. If you are going to make a movie about demons and call it "the irrefutable truth about demons" then you can at least do your homework and see if what you are saying has any basis. The best place to learn about demons is the New Testament, (you know, the Bible). Demons are fallen angels and evil spirits who were thrown out of heaven after pledging their allegiance to Lucifer or Satan. When thrown to earth they need to possess a human to find expression, hence we have today countless individuals under the demons' control committing heinous acts and living in gross perversions. Yes demons are real, and yes they exist today. Fortuanlty as a Christian I have power over them. Having gotten that off my chest, Karl Urban is a good actor and the girl who played his girlfriend is very attractive. The cgi, whilst cheesy, is kinda effective. I was annoyed with the constant profanity, (swearing), so switched on the directors commentary which might I say was very entertaining, he really thought he was making a masterpiece, and he was very exciting about the "upcoming sex scene"!! If you want a better demon film try "Exorcist 3", "Bless this child", "the Omen", or the upcoming dvd "exorcism" which reports show has more truth about demons in it than this one.
Rating:  Summary: appaling. Review: Now, I like B grade movies, good horrors, religious thriller, but this stunk. I suggest if someone wants to make a movie called "the irrefutable truth about demons," that they should do their research on what demons are and how they act. The New Testament is a great place to start. Now I'm one of those "crazies" who actually believe in the existence of demons, I see their work everyday living in this moral cesspool of a world. They are to blame for all the unpleasant happenings in this world in one way or another and are driving the current campaigns to make certain lifestyles more acceptable, (need I say more). Badly written is my main complaint, plus far too much profanity, I switched off the main sound and just listened to the director's commentary for most of this debacle. Check out "Exorcist 3" if you want a more accurate depection or better yet start reading the Bible, you can buy it over there, I don't believe it's been banned in America...yet. Have a good day.