Rating:  Summary: FAR BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL Review: I found the 1988 version of the Blob much better than the original because for one, it has spectacular special effects, the best parts are the lady in the phone booth and the guy being pulled down the drain. Using effects makes this Blob alot scarier than the 50's Blob. I would also take Kevin Dillon over Steve McQueen as a hero anyday. This movie is a must see for horror fans,if not only for the effects(which will definitely please any gore fans) See it!
Rating:  Summary: True 80's Horror Review: 1988's The Blob is a sure horror movie for any type of horror movie fan. And for a remake, it does justice for its original. A feat some remakes never come close to doing. Maybe that's just my personal opinion, and I stand true to it. The film's not just an update to the 1958 version of The Blob, it's more of a different turn on the story. We're taken to a small town where basically everyone knows everyone. It's your average day Mayberry type deal. We're introduced to many residents of the town, but the two main ones are the star cheerleader (Shawnee Smith as Meg Penny) and the town rebel (Kevin Dillon as Brian Flagg). When the two cross paths as a result of some of the blob's terror, we follow these two as they fight for their town and for their lives. The Blob has a pretty equal formula for a great, fun horror movie. Of course for any horror movie, there's got to be tense scenes. The film has it's share of some. Most noteable are the whole diner / diner lady chase scene, and the oh-too-great theatre / sewer chase scene. Those two scenes are basically the whole movie, but they make for great viewing! Not only for the intensity, but for the great shooting and colorizations that are there. And the gore? Aw man, the gore is plentiful here. We get gooey body parts, the blob engulfing and then melting body parts off, and more of the gooey melted body parts. It's crazy. Yet not totally overdone. If I dare say, "tastefully" done to please any gore fiend. As usual, for any horror movie, we get cliched characters, but they are all handled well here. Shawnee Smith is wonderful as the heroine. She kicked major [behind] here. Kevin Dillon is kind of stale at some times in the movie, but he pulls through and makes a viewer happy. The supporting cast have their own little perks. Chuck Russell, director of The Blob, knew what he was doing when he made this movie. And in itself, 1988's The Blob has become it's own cult classic.
Rating:  Summary: That guy on the cover looks like he enjoys the stuff Review: Put words in his mouth people! Look at the cover and think about what he would say! like "I like gak! YUM YUM YUM! IM not steve! ARGH! I'm purple! I hate that color! ARGH! the title is going to fall on me! How the hell did I get stuck in this stuff again? wheres my rapid fire!? OOOOOoooo I'm going to get you WOOOSHY-WOOSH! Can you guess what I'm doing? But I did stay at a holiday inn express." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!
Rating:  Summary: Best Horror Movie Ever Made!!! Review: The Blob is 1980's horror at its VERY BEST!!! None of that CGI stuff --- were talking PURE animatronics and puppetry, in full effect! The outcome is a Blob, that to me at least, looks very real --- couple that with the fact that all of the attack scenes and dead bodies were done up with real makeup (once again, no CGIing) and we've got VERY realistic, bloody, scenes I must say that the attacks in this movie are INNOVATIVE!!! Most movies today would avoid showing you what actually takes place (take The Ring, for example, which cuts away whenever the GOOD stuff happens) --- The Blob, on the other hand, leaves NOTHING at one's imagination.... I recall a scene where The Blob pulls an entire man into a sink drain or when it depresses the entire face of one woman --- seriously, this is some serious attack stuff Is the plot good? Actually, yes! I loved the plot! I don't wanna give too much away, but I think it very much symbolizes that 1980's feel of insecurity over one's own government --- the source of more problems than solutions (perhaps the filmmaker was a Reagan Republican?) and of course, ya gotta love the sultry, Shawnee Smitth! The Blob is significant because, shortly after, most horror movies abandoned puppeteering and makeup, in favor of CGI and graphics --- making The Blob, truly, the pinnacle of what yesterday's technology could offer ---- and in this filmmaker's opinion, I'm inclined to say that yesterday's technology was a lot more fun (so far) This movie should be required within every DVD collection, especially horror/scifi ones! Thank you for reading my review and happy buying!
Rating:  Summary: "It's Coming For Us!" Review: What an awesome horror flick from the late '80s! This 1988 remake of the 1956 Blob movie is soooo much better because of the amazing special effects that will COMPLETELY gross you out! The characters are believable and there's little if any cheesy lines through out the whole movie. The most memerable and truly gut-wrentching scenes is the guy being sucked down the kitchen sink by the blob, the lady in the phone booth, the kid in the sewer and a few other sickening parts. Definently one of the most frightning films I have ever seen. (Along with "The Excorcist", "Urban Legend" and the original "Scream") I highly recommend "The Blob" for your horror\sci-fi collection!
Rating:  Summary: Jelly good fun Review: The Blob is a fun movie. It is nothing more. It is nothing less. It won't win any awards for acting or plot, but then it was never really meant to. You see, this '80s remake of the 1950-something [ahem] "classic" is really just a ridiculous b-movie with fancy special effects. The plot is almost as absurd as the title, following what appears to be a colossal alien jelly as it rampages through an American town, munching on its inhabitants and generally being a bit of a nuisance. Cue face melting, blood spurting and lots and lots of gore. The acting is as cheesy as everything else in the movie, and the very idea of a psychotic blob murdering people is somewhat laughable, but as i already mentioned, this is an entertaining Saturday night horror film.
Rating:  Summary: Terror Has No Shape...But It Looks Kinda like Jell-O Review: Chuck Russell's 1988 version of the classic horror film THE BLOB is really less a remake and more what is nowadays called a "re-imagining." Both films have the same fundamental plot: Gelatinous hunk of sentient goop piggybacks to Earth on a meteor, then proceeds to eat--or, more accurately, dissolve and absorb--every living creature it encounters, while in the mean time, two in-the-know teenagers try to warn the incredulous populace of a nearby rural town. The original 1958 production, starring a young Steve McQueen, is a satire of 1950s white-bread conservatism, as well as a tongue-in-cheek parody of that decade's popular sci-fi and horror films. The more recent film, on the other hand, is basically straight-on horror, and fans of the older film should therefore not delve into the newer one with the hopes of finding that familiar gee-whiz tone--it just ain't there. As a basic '80s horror flick, however, the 1988 incarnation of THE BLOB is actually quite good. The story is fairly tight and gripping, and there aren't too many noticeable plot holes. The two principal characters are, in contrast to the original, earnest and fairly accurate depictions of teens from the film's era, and the two actors portraying them--Kevin Dillon and Shawnee Smith--are decidedly adequate for the task. There is, of course, more blood and guts in this film than in the original, with several shots peering into the insides of the translucent monster as its human meals dissolve in potently acidic digestive juices. And though the amorphous lump of goo here bears a stronger resemblance to Jell-O than to its hip 1950s predecessor--yes, Steve McQueen's globular extraterrestrial nemesis actually looks pretty cool, despite the stop-motion technique used to animate it--the special FX in this film are very well done and quite realistic, and the aforementioned "digestion" scenes will definitely delight gore hounds. Although there is no doubt that Chuck Russell's 1988 "re-imagining" of THE BLOB is built on the dusty foundation of the first, making a qualitative comparison of the two is really unjustified, as each filmmaker created their work with different ends in mind. As mentioned before, the 1958 film presents a satirical and parodic look at the decade in which it was made, whereas the 1988 film offers up straightforward scares, thrills, and chills. Consequently, each film will evoke a different response from the audience--one a smirk, the other gooseflesh. So although the 1988 version does not have the multi-layered subtext of the film that came before it, it certainly is a generator of goose bumps aplenty, and as such, it is just as successful--if not just as "good"--as the original. The Columbia/Tristar DVD edition of 1988's THE BLOB offers a crisp widescreen digital transfer at a very reasonable price, so even those who find they like this version but still prefer the original can afford to have BOTH versions in their collections.
Rating:  Summary: That guy on the cover looks like he enjoys the stuff Review: Put words in his mouth people! Look at the cover and think about what he would say! like "I like gak! YUM YUM YUM! IM not steve! ARGH! I'm purple! I hate that color! ARGH! the title is going to fall on me! How the hell did I get stuck in this stuff again? wheres my rapid fire!? OOOOOoooo I'm going to get you WOOOSHY-WOOSH! Can you guess what I'm doing? But I did stay at a holiday inn express." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!
Rating:  Summary: Be afraid Review: I thought maybe this was going to be another B-movie remake of a classic with lame affects since it was the eighties. I was extremely surprised to see how real everything looked. the special effects were incredible considering it was somewhat low-bugdet. The underrated actors played good rolls too, especially Shawnee Smith. Donovan Leitch, brief but efficient. When a strange comet crashes to earth, in the small town of Arborville, and it contains a strange adhesive like gel, what is it? When people of the small quiet town start to disappear without a trace, the residence who are left know something has to be wrong. Witnesses claim that the thing that came to earth has been devouring people by absorbing, and melting them. As the blob gets bigger, the population of the town gets smaller. Things get even stranger though. Before anyone even knows what's going on, a shadowy organazation group made up of scientists has been investigating the site where the thing crashed. As the scientists grow even more interested, the Blob grows even bigger, and nothing in it's path will stop it. I have to say, all the versions of the blob had pretty good special effects for their time. The first was good for thrills, the sequel to the first was good for laughs, and the last one was made for extreme gross outs, and scares. Make sure to sleep with your fire extinguisher after watching this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great special effects for its time...NOT BAD AT ALL Review: If you're looking for some top-notch acting...this is NOT for you. If you're looking for CGI special effects...this is NOT for you either. If you're looking for a killer script...well, this just may be that "killer" script you're looking for. What THE BLOB definately does have is some fantastic special effects, great shocking moments and one slimmy-mean BLOB. When THE BLOB captures its prey, it is frightening. Not to mention, creepy and graphic(and I mean it is graphic to the bone). I'm not crazy about some of the clay-mation effects. Thankfully there isn't many of these scenes. Sadly, some of the acting is poor. At times, it just seemed rushed or possibly the director didn't want to shoot some of the scenes over and try to get a better take. However, I'd say there's more "good" acting then bad. Maybe it's just an '80's thing? What really drew me in was how intense THE BLOB scenes were. There's a very good character build-up and when someone got killed...I felt it. Many kudos for that. I hate it when a horror flick just kicks right in and starts killing people. Those kind of movies have no emotional tie and really all you're doing is watching a blood-fest. If I'm going to watch someone die, there'd better be emotional tie with a purpose! THE BLOB has all the purpose in the world, TO GROW! Not a bad popcorn movie...NOT BAD AT ALL.