Rating:  Summary: John Carpenter's best since Halloween Review: This is without question one of the most freakiest movies out there. This movie just goes to show that you don't need alot of profanity, nudity, and gore to have a good horror film. What I really like about Village of the Damned is that it doesn't lose its scariness. I have watched it quite a bit and I still get a tad scared every time I see it. John Carpenter also does a good job with the music which adds some creepy effects to the movie. The main reason I don't give Village of the Damned a 5th star is because it is somewhat slow starting out but it does a great job eventually picking up. If you are someone who has nightmares from watching scary movies, I wouldn't recommend seeing this.
Rating:  Summary: I loved this movie!! Review: This movie is one of the creepiest I've ever seen !! It seems so real! I love Mark Hamill as Reverend George. It was a top-notch performance! Beware the children!! It makes me want to reconsider having my own kids. Don't listen to the ones that totally bash this movie,it's awesome! However, if you get scared easily, have a weak stomach,or a weak heart for that matter, I wouldn't recommend that you watch this movie. For those of you that like to have the sh** scared out of you, this movie is the one for you!!!
Rating:  Summary: I only have eyes for you dear Review: This movie which holds it own is a remake of the 1960 film classic which in turn was based on the book "The Midwich Cuckoos" ISBN: 0899683878. The small town of Midwich one-day falls inexplicably asleep. Many accidents occur due to the sudden narcolepsy, which is exaggerated in John carpenter style. The result is that several of the village females including a virgin is in a motherly way. They all have their bouncing white hair babies the same day and as with the cuckoo eggs, they are too in love to notice the little quirks about having to control or punish everyone. Compound this by other villages that fall to the same fate and you have an epidemic that threatens to wipe out the human race. What action can be taken? Is it too late? If he/she were your child what would you do?
Rating:  Summary: If you like creepy... Review: This movie, as expected, is creepy. Those kids made me want to re-consider having my own. It's a good movie and it has good actors. If you're a Mark Hamill then check out his portrayal of Revrend George. If you like creepy then by all means rent this movie, if you get scared easily, I wouldn't recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: "Beware the children..." Review: This remake of the classic 1960 chiller is one of John Carpenter's more underrated films and never fails to disappoint for overall creepiness. Christopher Reeve (in his final big screen role before his paralyzing accident) plays a town physician who discovers that 10 women in his small town are all inexplicably pregnant at the same time after all waking up from a mysterious sleep inducing myst. When the children are born, they all look basically the exact same and can control people's minds. The original Village of the Damned is one of the creepiest films of all time, basically because of the fact that it's not what you see, but what you don't see, that gives you those chills down your spine. In this remake, Carpenter goes for his usual blend of shocks and gore that do lower the overall creepy atmosphere of the film, but all together Village of the Damned is still a shocker that does it's job well. Also featuring Kirstie Alley and Mark "Luke Skywalker" Hamil.
Rating:  Summary: "Beware the children..." Review: This remake of the classic 1960 chiller is one of John Carpenter's more underrated films and never fails to disappoint for overall creepiness. Christopher Reeve (in his final big screen role before his paralyzing accident) plays a town physician who discovers that 10 women in his small town are all inexplicably pregnant at the same time after all waking up from a mysterious sleep inducing myst. When the children are born, they all look basically the exact same and can control people's minds. The original Village of the Damned is one of the creepiest films of all time, basically because of the fact that it's not what you see, but what you don't see, that gives you those chills down your spine. In this remake, Carpenter goes for his usual blend of shocks and gore that do lower the overall creepy atmosphere of the film, but all together Village of the Damned is still a shocker that does it's job well. Also featuring Kirstie Alley and Mark "Luke Skywalker" Hamil.
Rating:  Summary: As usual, this makes me want to see the original Review: This was a good idea but it comes off a bad, made-for-TV movie. Where was John Ritter? And they made poor Mark Hamill weird. However, the strength of the movie was the little actress who played Maura. It's not easy to play a bad little girl. She does as well a job as McCormack in "The Bad Seed". Most child actors overact. However, her dialogue between her father (as a representative of the adult normal world) is very riveting (not to mention logical) and she gives her part the right amount of eerieness. My favorite line from her: "Things are going to change around here." I want to say that to my boss.The little boy who played David is also touching. Everyone else-- a Bronx cheer! However, Kirstie Alley does show a hint of being able to be a good villian ala Christopher Walken.
Rating:  Summary: Oft-neglected Carpenter classic deserves another chance... Review: Unless you've been a Carpenter fanatic since the 70s, chances are you've approached his work, like I have, in a roundabout fashion. For most, it all started with HALLOWEEN, then went on to other "can't miss" classics like THE THING and THE FOG. From there we work backwards, finally taking the time to view the ones that casual fans disregard - PRINCE OF DARKNESS, CHRISTINE and finally, VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED. As most everyone knows, VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED is a remake of a 1960 film of the same name directed by Wolf Rilla and, as with many remakes, critics seem predisposed to prefer the original and trash the revision. While the 1960 original is indeed an effective thriller, Carpenter fans would do themselves a disservice to write this 1995 version off entirely. To do so would deprive one's self of 98 genuinely creepy minutes simply drenched in classic Carpenter chills and atmosphere. From the well-choreographed blackout sequence early on to the nail-biting finale, the entire film maintains the trademark sense of dread and quiet horror that the finest Carpenter films are known for. In addition, a criminally underrated cast absolutely shines here - from Christopher Reeve proving once again that he was so much more than a one-dimensional Superman to Mark "Don't Call Me Luke Skywalker" Hamill, who easily provides the most intense performance in the film, to even Kirstie Alley, who plays it absolutely straight as a government scientist who knows what's really going on. As in all of Carpenter's finest films, he assembles an ensemble cast that clicks from the start and establishes distinct characters with real personality quickly, adding a depth that many films in this genre lack. The only downfall to the film are the children themselves. In full-color the white hair seems a little silly and the lead child, Mara, just doesn't come across as cold and commanding as she needs to. Still, the sublime source material can't go wrong and under the masterful guidance of John Carpenter, the result is a thoroughly entertaining, frequently chilling film, easily comparable to to the feel of Carpenter's '86-'88 trifecta, BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA, PRINCE OF DARKNESS and THEY LIVE. Well worth the addition to any Carpenter fan's library.
Rating:  Summary: Yay for the demon kids. Review: Village of the Damned is a remake of a 1960 version, which is based on a book, The Midwich Cuckoos. Village of the Damned is about a small town in which everybody passes out. Nobody can get in or out. When they wake up, 10 women are pregnant, one a virgin. Only 9 of the children are born; one is stillborn. These children have platinum white hair and cool emotionless personalities. It turns out they can control bodies and read minds. People seem to have mixed feelings about this movie. Some say it ..., and others say it was great. Some feel halfway. So, of course, my opinion might be different than yours. I'm one of the people who loved it. Most of the acting was good, like Christopher Reeve, who did a good performance as the father of Mara, the leader of the children, who was played by Lindsey Haun. Lindsey did a great job as the emotionless, cruel child. Thomas Dekker was good as David, the one good child, teetering between emotionless and being normal. The special effects are good, but this wasn't too scary; though it did have freaky moments that made you jump. It was violent and kinda gory at times.