Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever Review: This is my favourite movie. A few of the actors weren't very well known and it was the director's first movie, yet they still managed to put a good movie together. People often complain about dumb things like the attire (hello, it was 1981) and those weird elements often in demonic horror films. It was wonderfully dark and suberbly made. I would DEFINETLY recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Rather Well Made Review: This is my favourite movie. I don't get all the rubbish about it being so terrible. Maybe it's because I read the book(which I think actually came after the movie) first, so I knew what to expect. Sam Neill was the perfect Antichrist. Their are some great, gorey scenes, the music was very fitting, and most of the acting isn't all that bad. I would recommend this movie, unless you are very squeamish. Also, if you can, read the book first.
Rating:  Summary: From the book of Revalations Review: "Behold the Lion of Judah! The Messiah, who first came as child But returns not as a man, but as King of Kings To rule with power and glory forever "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things have passed away" REVELATIONS XXI:4 Well, the above gives away the ending. But you will really enjoy this movie. Of course, it isn't as good as the first Omen, and arguably not as good as the second Omen either. But, this movie does have my favorite scene of all time in it's ending. The scene where the downfall of the Antichrist prophecy is fulfilled. And Damien's last words that he speaks to Jesus; "You have won,,,,Nothing" Get this movie, but get the other two first. DO NOT get the box set with The Omen 4. That movie is not even part of the trilogy, and was a cheap Showtime original movie. It is not any good! But all three of these are!
Rating:  Summary: A Strong Satisfying Sequel, Which is not for all tastes. Review: 20 years later, Now Damien (Sam Neill in a Terrific Performance) is become ambassador of England to becoming President of the United States to be the Ruler of the World. When a Priest (Led by Rossano Brazzi) and His Group have the only Weapon to Kill-Damien Thorn, the Son of the Devil. Directed by Graham Baker (Alien Nation) is Different and Stronger than the first two films. Well-Written by Andrew Birkin (The Messenger:The Story of Joan of Arc). This Sequel is Pretty Much faithful to the Bible. Another Unique Score by Jerry Goldsmith. This was Supposed to be the Last of the Series but in 1991, that made a T.V. Film, the True Last of the Sequel about Damien`s Daughter. Exective Produced by Richard Donner (The Lethal Weapon Series). Panavision. Grade:A-.
Rating:  Summary: Maltin Type Review Review: A slight tad worse than its two predeccesors, this film involves once devil child Damien Thorn (Sam Niel) thirty-two and ambassador to great Britain. However, unknown to his partner and hypnotized people, he is thwarting a revenge against Jesus. however, he must get rid of the priest's on his tail. This film is nicely entertaining, but SO WIERD! Many things are left hanging. Some (though not many) eerie moments and good acting help what could have been mess. New title: Omen III The Final Conflict. Next, and last, chapter: Omen IV The Awakening. Rated R
Rating:  Summary: Like A Trip To Hell Review: After 1978's "Damien: Omen II" gave insight to his plan to take over the family business, you'd think 1981's "Omen III: The Final Conflict" would have Damien Thorn wreaking havoc all across the world. Instead, he's not. He's hunting for foxes in the English countryside, leaving his dirty work to an evil rottweiller. There are several reasons why this sequel doesn't work. First, the actors are terrible. Sam Neill, a versatile British character actor who can usually be counted on to create top - notch roles, is wooden as Damien. It was obvious this was not his starmakiing vehicle. He had to wait until Steven Spielberg cast him in "Jurassic Park" to become a familliar name. Veteran character actor Rosanno Brazzi fairs only slightly better as the leader of a group of monks out to kill Damien once and for all. Unknown British actress Lisa Harrow is trechorous as a news reporter who romances Damien until she finds out his true indentity. Adding to this, Jerry Goldsmith's score is lackluster, the direction is awful, and there is not one scary moment in the entire film. A big mar on a classic film series.
Rating:  Summary: Too tedious Review: Although I liked the Omen and it's first sequel, I didn't like this one. Although many saw it as a good completion to the trilogy (which wasn't the case with Omen 4) I grew tired of it. This film relied more on religion than horror. Sam Neill is well cast as Damien as battle of heaven of hell clash but I found it tedious, I couldn't understand the boring storyline of Judgement Day and Christ and the Devil. I never was a religious follower in the first place. The film has a clever plot, but that's all really. It didn't hold my attention for too long.
Rating:  Summary: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes..." Review: Although THE OMEN and DAMIEN: THE OMEN II are scary films, as a Christian, this one is by far the best in the series. Even though it is not 100% Biblically accurate, I felt that the Bible's message was represented accurately, and it does seem to follow Biblical prophecy very well. My favorite thing about the film is the ending, where Jesus returns "not as a child, but as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords." Sam Neill played Damien Thorne with scary realism and exciting presence. The only thing that could've been kept out was the sex scene (even though it's not as bad as the scenes in HIGHLANDER: THE FINAL DIMENSION and HIGHLANDER: ENDGAME). For anyone and everyone interested in Bible prophecy and exciting conflict. Grade: A+
Rating:  Summary: The worst of the series Review: As a big fan of the first two Omen movies, I had high hopes for Omen III: The Final Conflict. Unfortunately, the movie did not live up to my expectations. First, the movie was completely inaccurate. I realize that this is a fictional story, but it would have been much scarier if it had been Biblically accurate. Without certain Biblical facts about the antichrist and the end-times, the movie loses all credibility. Damien and the world around him could have been portrayed much better. For instance, where was the Mark of the Beast? Details such as this would have made this movie a true horror film. Instead, its just a cheap B movie. They also portrayed Jesus Christ's return in a most ridiculous manner- as a newborn infant. Damien is also portrayed as a mean guy who is practically brainwashing his followers, unlike the real antichrist of the Bible which will be a trusted man who brings people together in the name of peace before leading them into destruction and ultimately hell. I'm not saying that this should have been a big religious movie, but since Damien was supposed to be the antichrist- the director should have at least made an attempt for some Biblical accuracy.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been better Review: As a fan or the Omen trilogy the last one I thought fell a little flat. Sam Neil does a good job as Damien and there are some creepy scenes but the film never realizes it's potential. The whole movie the characters discuss the final confrontation between Damien and Christ and there really is none to speak of.