Rating:  Summary: PHANTOMS Review: PHANTOMS is a science-fiction, horror thriller based on the novel by Dean Koontz. The residents of a small Colorado town have mysteriously vanished, and only a few survivors remain. It seems that an evil force known as "The Ancient Enemy" has come up from deep in the earth, and it has the ability to take on the shape of whatever it kills. It's up to the small group of survivors to try to find a way to keep "The Ancient Enemy" from wiping mankind off the face of the earth. This is a good, decent, horror movie!
Rating:  Summary: Affleck is the BIZ-OMB! HARSH! Review: Don't go checking out them girly movies that they only show at those artsy places. Get the mack-daddy of all Affleck flicks!
Rating:  Summary: I read the book and wish it would of stayed that way! Review: I think Dean Knootz is a very fun author to read. I picked up this book because a friend said it was good. The book was good, but not Knootzs best. I rented the movie because I wanted to see how much the book and movie differ. Well, to say it in a nice way - Read the book. The movie is all over the place. I know that they had a budget and had to fit the whole story in less than two hours, but then WHY make the movie. So much is missing about what exactly the Phantoms are and the ending in the book much better. WHY? WHY? WHY? I just can't understand WHY this movie was made in the first place. It should have been a TV miniseries. At least then you can actually make it longer then two hours and people will actually understand what the hell is going on. The book was very suspenseful at times; the movie was a big bore!
Rating:  Summary: Ben Affleck was great! Review: This was a very scary movie and I do not scare easily. It is much scarier than Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer. Ben Affleck was of course the greatest part of the movie making an adorable and beleiveable character. As sheriff he wears this cowboy hat and it is actually a good look for him. Rose McGowen was definately not the best part of this movie, but give her a break her part didn't have much to it. The almost romance between Ben's character and the older sister needed to be played out more. The movie is good and if you are a Ben Affleck fan this is a must to add to your collection.
Rating:  Summary: DON'T LISTEN TO THE CRITICS Review: I love D. Koontz books, and "Phantoms" was one of my favorites. This movie was dismissed without cause. I think it's a great adaptation of the book. I like to see a movie (or read a book) that pushes the envelope of believability. Anyway, at least rent this movie. I have, I also saw it in a theater, and now I'm buying it. Also, Koontz's "Intensity" (one of his scariest stories by far) was made into a good TV movie. Check it out.
Rating:  Summary: Forget Scream, this is the horror movie to watch! Review: Phantoms is a great horror film, it's scary and underrated. A must see.
Rating:  Summary: Destined to be a cult classic. Review: I'm a little surprised Phantoms bombed as badly at the box office as it did. I mean, it has a good cast of young stars (most notably Ben Affleck) and it's commercials and trailers looked intriguing and scary. Sure, the reviews weren't great, but it wasn't anything worse than any other horror/thrillers like Urban Legend and I Know What You Did Last Summer, and those movies made money for some strange reason. As a matter of fact, Phantoms is considerably better than those movies, as it does feature an imaginative premise about a town that has disappeared. It's a well-written Dean Koontz adaptation, with deft direction from Joe Chappelle, and good performances from Affleck, Joanna Going, Peter O'Toole, and Liev Schrieber. I noticed when the film was first released everybody seemed to hate it, but as I look at the reviews now, it seems to be gaining some sort of small fan base. This is possibly a good cult classic thriller that will be seen for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: Man, this is a cool movie. Granted that it does not have quite the feel that the book had, and a lot of the scarier stuff is gone. But it is good anyway. The movie, unlike the book, did not go on and on and on about disease and all that stuff that takes the attention away from the outline. If you get a chance, see it. And dont pay attention to the other reviewers who said that this was a bad movie because it had all the stuff an old scary movie had. The older ones had some good stuff. They should have kept them that way.
Rating:  Summary: "It's the Devil don'tcha think? Come up from Hell tonight." Review: First off any bad reviews for this movie come from people who have never read the Dean Koontz novel it was based on. That said, the movie Phantoms doesn't even come close to being as good as the chilling novel it was based on. But it's a satisfactory attempt nonetheless. With a screenplay by Koontz himself the movie maintains all the key elements and many of the high points of the novel. The scare factor is high, the action terrifying and intense. The unexpected and seemingly inexplicable demise of the residents of Snowfield, the Ancient Enemy and all its gruesome manifestations. The special effects are damn good, the scenes of death and carnage as original as the book they were based on. The cast is enjoyable and believable (especially Peter O'Toole as Timothy Flyte and Liev Schrieber as the creepy deputy) and Rose McGowan and Joanna Going make great eye candy. The creep level is pushed to the limit in this film, the monster a truly frightening vision. Finally, a good movie based on a Dean Koontz novel! "Chaos. Chaos in the flesh."
Rating:  Summary: Very good horror flick Review: In a genre not really known for quality, 'Phantoms' is a great horror film that deserved far more credit than it got. Chilling, atmospheric and unpredictable, Phantoms is definitely a refreshing change of pace from the typical, run-of-the-mill horror films that have come out these past several years. The story opens with two sisters driving into the small town of Snowfield, Colorado. The older sister is Dr. Jennifer Pailey (Joanna Going), the town doctor who is hoping to save her younger sister Lisa (Rose McGowan) from their alcoholic mother by having her come and stay with her for a while. Once they arrive in Snowfield, something rather frightening has happened-700 people have vanished without a trace and no one knows exactly what happened. Arriving on the scene is town sheriff Bryce Hammond (Ben Affleck) and his deputy Stu Wargle (Liev Schreiber) who try to sort through the mess. First they think it's chemical warfare, then a serial killer. Given this is a horror movie, the menace is much more complex and dangerous than that-namely a centuries old entity known as the Ancient Enemy with the only person capable of stopping it is Professor Timothy Flyte (Peter O'Toole). In fact the Ancient Enemy wants the powers that be to summon Flyte from his San Francisco job (working for a trashy tabloid paper) and come to Snowfield and write the Gospel of what it is and what it's about. Phantoms has several truly creepy and scary moments and should be appreciated by most horror fans.