Rating:  Summary: why wes? WHY! Review: if you are a big fan of the nightmare series FORGET THIS ONE! its because of wes that there wont be a new nightmare on elm street sequel! the plot for this is is that the freddy charicter was reincarnaited into real life and he's stalking robert englund and heather langankamp (the stars from the 1st nightmare) they should of at least left it at 6 or they could of had alices son be stalked by freddy. but noooo! wes wanted to screw up the nightmare series! if you want the entire colection do not add this to it.
Rating:  Summary: Creepiest most dreadful Nightmare to date Review: If you are expecting the standard "teens get slaughtered by wisecracking Freddy", think again...this is a truly creepy movie that contains a sense of dread throughout the entire film. Most of the cast from the original Nightmare is back playing essentially themselves in real life. Langenkamp looks just as gorgeous as she did in part three, and she plays a terrified woman who thinks shes losing her mind....shades of "Exorcist" as her little kid seems to be possesed by the evil spirit of Freddy. And Freddy himself is well, "Nightmarish", no pun intended...not the fun maniac we've grown to love and cheer on, but a maleovent, evil character, straight out of hell. The plot is great and at first is like a sort of psychological thriller, that slowly reveals itself to be the 2nd best of the series.
Rating:  Summary: The Best in the Series Review: The whole NOES series was basically dejavu all over again. But finally, we meet what seems to be the final and most creative out of them all, New Nightmare. All I have to say is, anyone can see this great movie.
Rating:  Summary: "The Matrix" meets Freddy in one of the best movies ever Review: The best thing about "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" is not just the originality of its plot, but that it screws with your head more than the Wachowski Brothers did in "The Matrix." This is like a horror film version of that movie and it makes the Wachowski Brothers look like amateurs in the field of reality manipulation. Wes Craven finally returned to the series after ten years - unless you count the screenplay credit for "Dream Warriors - and he has made what I believe to be one of the best horror films ever made. It still has its effects on me even after I've seen it about twenty times. Freddy is finally back to where he belongs - being a terrifying idea instead of some joker. He is vicious. He is mad. He is demonic. He is evil incarnate. And Heather Langenkamp is back, too, as herself, as is practically everyone in this film. She's pretty hot in this one, too. Anyway, this movie is a superb example of what can be accomplished in the film craft with a little original thinking. Sure, this film ends with the same kind of underworld plunge that the entire series specialized in, but that was to be expected. Where else are you gonna fight Freddy? Besides, the sets were so spectacularly built and the action so tight that it didn't matter to me that Wes had gone back to the typical "Nightmare" cliche. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. And Wes Craven did it right in every single frame. My favorite sequence has to be when Heather's little boy Dylan decides to take a rather dangerous route home. You know what I mean by dangerous, right? Like, there's a freeway between where he is and where he wants to be? Yeah... that kind of dangerous. Man, that scene still has me holding my breath. This is the best entry in the series, period. I loved the original, and it's the only other one that I would give a full five stars, but if there were more stars to give this movie, I'd give it about a seven.
Rating:  Summary: What was the point of this???? Review: Talk about beating a dead horse. How much further can the Freddy thing get stretched? The idea of a character from the movies 'becoming real because he was so evil' is ludicrous at best. It would be like walking into 7-11 and bumping into Darth Vadar as you were filling up your Big Gulp. Robert Englund was happy to make this I'm sure, I mean after awhile people started calling him Freddy everywhere he went. What else was he gonna do, make Cereal or Laundry Soap commercials? Stick with the original series, this was stupid.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing... Review: Wes Craven shows his true genius with this film-"New Nightmare" is a stunning and horrific reinventation of Freddy. No more a man of dreams he is making his was up from hell to reality, and causing a lot of havok on the way! One of the most memorable scenes in the film is the funeral scene-watch it and find out why. Wes also related some of the material to his original(and best) nightmare. The scene in which Julie is dragged across the ceiling a la Tina and also by using some of the same actors. This is a sadly overlooked horror film that is one of the best that has ever been commited to film. It reversal of fiction and fact is simply stunning.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie Review: I have always been fascinated with Nightmare on Elm Street. I first saw the first one when I was really young (4 or 5 years old actually). And ever since then I've always loved it. I was drawn to the movie for some reason when I was in the video store. When I watched it I became fascinated over Heather Langenkamp for some odd reason, still to this day she is my favorite actor and the first 'Nightmare on Elm Street' is my fav movie of all time. Just several months ago I found out that she was born on July 17th, I was born on July 16th. Freaky. I'm not an "obsessed" fan, all I've got are all the VHS movies and the toy glove that came out in the late 80's. I'm going to buy the whole DVD set some time in the future.But, if you notice in the 'New Nightmare' movie, the Language Arts school teacher that was in the original movie is in this one as a hospital nurse (she's also been in other movies with small roles). And the boyfriend to Tina in the original movie (Nick Corri) is in this one as one of the people in the group that was at the funeral (he has been in other movies as well, but not as small). I thought it would have been neat if the mother, Tina, and Johnny Depp was in it.
Rating:  Summary: An actual scary Elm Street sequel Review: How does Wes Craven manage to be pretentious and self-referential and still scary? Scream had the Kevin Williamson script, but this movie is simply a sequel and a sequel in a series of movies that had past their prime. In the Seven Characters Looking for a Play tradition, Craven is being arty, clever and irritating on one hand and scary on the other. The plot has the actress from the first movie having bad dreams about Freddy Krueger. She asks around and finds out that Robert Englund is having similar problems. She asks Craven and he talks about a movie where some evil spirit got trapped as Freddy Krueger and liked the role but now he's free. Camera pans to the computer screen and you see that the the script being written is the same one that they just talked. As people die and Heather tries to make sense of the nightmare, it is increasingly obvious that the evil spirit who was once Freddy Krueger is coming back to the real world. What distinguishes this movie from a slew of other movies is how much you buy it and how much it manages to scare you. This isn't the wisecracking Freddy Krueger of the previous 5 movies. This is a terribly malignant and creepy character that may or may not be real and it's that tension that drives the movie. If you are not on an 80s nostalgia kick and you just want to watch a horror movie and you've already seen the first one - skip ahead to this one without watching any of the ones in the middle. By the way, I know taht there has been a lot of talk about a Jason vs. Freddy movie and I would just like to say that if it does happen, not only will it be a disappointment but it will ruin the great endings that both Freddy Krueger and Jason have come to in their respective movies. Nightmare reached a point of being scary again while in Friday the 13th they finally did a slightly logical chapter in which tehre is entertainment. These facts should not be ignored.
Rating:  Summary: Wes Craven's New Nightmare Review: New Nightmare has a twist to it. Instead of having him in their dreams, Freddy returns as not only being just some foolish horror character but He was even real. Freddy seaks his way out of their dreams and heads into the real world. Freddy looks and acts alot scary then the rest. The one I liked most was Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. But I thought this movie was good and I say its worth buying for your Freddy collection.
Rating:  Summary: Strange but scary! Review: This is the last episode of the "Nightmare on elm street" series. It is the most original of them all. This time Freddy is real, and is coming back to kill Heather Langenkamp and her son. Sounds silly? Maybe, but the movie is great, it's scary and original. If you have seen the first movie, you will find many similiar things, like when Heather is sinking into the stairs, and Freddy's tongue coming out of the phone. We also get cameos, and small roles by Wes Craven, Robert Englund, John Saxon and a couple of the producers. This is just pure fun.