Rating:  Summary: The monster the way he should be Review: I hate Freddy Krueger. I don't like horror movie fans that like him. I don't think anyone should like a character that is a rapist. (Freddy Krueger raped teens before he was killed by the parents living in his town). I think Wes Craven went too far when he made Freddy into a rapist. It was bad enough that he was a Demon that killed people in their sleep. They should have never made him a pervert as well.I like "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" because the monster in the movie is not a rapist. He is just a Demon that takes the shape of a man that looks like Freddy Krueger. It is better to make a monster that does not do things that real-life monsters do. I see monster movies to get away from the disturbing headlines that I see on the news. I don't want to see a villain that hits too close to home. "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" was a decent horror film because the villain was scary without being disturbing. The other "Nightmare" films would have been good if they made Freddy more like the Demon in this movie. A decent villain does not have to be a pervert to be scary. "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" was also a decent film because the villain did not have all of the moronic jokes that Freddy Krueger had in the other films. I hate villains that tell jokes. Spike (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is the only horror villain that can tell jokes while he maintains his menace.
Rating:  Summary: Mind Numblingly Boring Review: I heard good things about this so I rented it because I love Freddy and the other franchise horror movies. What I heard was wrong. Sure it had the original actors but the movie was so slow and boring. The story was ludacris and I hated that little kid in the movie. It's always the worst when they have to save a little kid in a horror movie. BLECH!
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: When I was a little kid. I would try to watch these movies but they really freaked me out. Now that im 15 I had to give this one a try. Freddy's Dead was on television and once I saw one part with Freddy and Carlos(Carlo's ear) it freaked me out, but now I watched the whole movie of this and I have to buy the 8 disc box collection. I just special ordered it. This movie was really good. I can't wait to see all the other movies even that one part in Nightmare 6 with Carlos. Maybe this time I don't think it would be as bad, but I think everyone should give this movie a try. Wes Craven is very creative. I've seen his other work like Wishmaster 1-4 and he's done pretty good job. Check this one out!
Rating:  Summary: Staying Awake won't Save YOU!!! Review: The Best of the series and maybe the scariest! Wes Craven did a wonderful job!!! Dazzling Special EFX!!! Great Freddy makeup!!! The BEST!!!
Rating:  Summary: Scariest Nightmare of them All Review: It's extremely close as to what was the scarier movie. The original Nightmare on Elm Street, or this one, Wes Craven's New Nightmare. I did indeed have nightmares from this movie. When Freddy was introduced as a guy who could only kill you in your dreams, everyone was at ease when they were awake. But in this movie, Freddy could get you in real life as well. Scary stuff. Good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Nightmare 7 Doesn't Quite Cut It. Review: I know i'm not in the popular crowd here. I really, really tried to enjoy this movie. I thought it was overlong and the acting extremely lethargic at best. Was Wes trying to put us to sleep? I found this movie very hard to sit through, and it wasn't because of the lack of killings. It's just a very slow movie. I think if there was more to the storyline, I may have enjoyed it. The first hour of the movie is Heather trying to figure out what's happening to her son, who is acting very strangely. Yawn! I also found myself almost laughing at the corny dialog between Wes and Heather when Wes is explaining that Freddy has nowhere to go after the "Nightmare" series ended and now "the Genie is let out of the bottle." Gee, lets see. A character that was made up and doesn't exist in the first 6 movies, all of a sudden exists in real life, and now wants to terrorize the cast of the original "Nightmare"? Does this make sense? The actor who plays Dylan is decent I guess, but i've seen better kid actors. It just wasn't convincing enough. I can see him acting, and that's not good. I think this would have been a better movie if it was cut a little shorter and it didn't disregard the rest of the "Nightmare" series. For fans who may have not seen this movie, I say watch it. For people who can care less, stick with the first "Nightmare".
Rating:  Summary: Reality, or fantasy, or fiction . . or a film within a film? Review: This probably isn't the best Freddy film to watch if it's your first time watching one. But I needed to see one, to get the gist, as I'm going to see the new 'Freddy Vs Jason' movie in a couple of days. I've seen some Jason/Friday 13th movies, and I know the basic storyline behind the Freddy films, but I thought it would be best to see one. I probably should have watched one of the first ones, right? This film has shades of 'The Exorcist', 'Poltergeist', 'The Ring' and 'Urban Legends 2: The Final Cut'. It has the best bits of all these movies thrown in. Unfortunately, I can't say which bits, cos it might give away the plotline. But you get the idea. This film gets very confusing, and I found myself with my head in my hands throughout, trying to figure out what was happening. Wes Craven plays himself, as does Robert Englund. And according to the credits, Freddy Krueger plays Freddy Krueger. Right . . .There are quite a few actors who play themselves in this film, which I didn't realise, having not recognised anyone, including the lead actress. There are quite a few mistakes I noticed in this film; mainly the microphone quite often appears at the top of the screen. Does no one watch these films anymore, in the editing room? Or were they on that tight a budget that they couldn't afford to? It's really noticeable. It must have been really weird for Wes Craven to be in front of the camera for once. He was a natural too. Although he didn't have a big part, he had a considerably bigger part than in the first Scream movie, where he appeared for a split second (blink & you'll miss him!), as a janitor, wearing a Freddy-esque striped sweater. The soundtrack to this film is absolutely fantastic! I really enjoyed it, and it was noticeable throughout the film, which was actually a good thing. I recognised some of the music, although could not place it. Although it doesn't have as much killing as the Jason movies, Freddy has all the suspense and creepiness to keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the film. Without all the blood & gore that has Jason fans going back for more, it's hard to see why these Freddy films were as popular. I was disappointed that there wasn't more killing, and when there was, it was always in a dream - or was it? If you're after blood & guts, and teenagers getting killed right after they've done the deed, then you need to watch the Friday 13th movies. However, if you want to be jumping out of your skin, or wondering what IS going to happen next, then you're best going for the Freddy movies. But if you're a fan of both movies, then you will have to see 'Freddy Vs Jason', and get the best of both worlds. And who's going to win? After seeing this . . . I think it might be Jason, although I stand my ground, and say there's going to be sequels upon sequels!
Rating:  Summary: The best of the Nightmare series Review: Without a doubt this is the best one of the series to date. (I have yet to see Freddy VS Jason so that could change ;) ) I saw this when it came out in the theater and was blown away how well the story was written. The 1st Nightmare to most is the best as I can see how that is possible since it spawned all the sequels. However I look at that one as a set up for this movie which is so clever I am not sure how any Nightmare fan can honestly say this one is bad. The story is about the real lives of the actors who played all the characters in the Nightmare series from the 1st movie. They portray themselves. The movie starts off with a bang with a great opening sequence. I am not going to give away what happens as that would spoil it. However for a 1st timer who is a Freddy fan this is a great way to start off the movie. It really does set the tone. The thing that is asked here in the movie is what is reality? Where does reality and fantasy cross the line and how can you tell what is real and what is not? A great premise and good spin on the whole series. Is this movie loaded with tons of kills? No. Tons of gore? No. The tension however that builds in the movies is priceless and to any TRUE horror fan this is a must own and must see movie. It does help however if you are familiar with the Nightmare series to enjoy this one so it was written for the fans. With that respect if you are just getting into horror movies do yourself a favor and watch Nightmare 1 1st. Then watch this one. You really do not need to see any of the other in the series for this one to make sense but seeing the 1st one does help make it more enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: Nightmare on Elm Street 7: Ruining Freddy Review: All I can say is WOW!! I love Freddy and recently watched every single movie in order (Including the ones I already saw) and could not wait to find out how they resurect Freddy in part 7. I knew Wes Craven directed this one too which made me even more excited. Then in the first scene of the movie they ruin the entire frachise (ALMOST)! They directly state the previous movies are movies. WTF!! Horrible idea. Now Freddy haunts dreams and doesn't haunt dreams. He kills people that aren't sleeping very very wierd stuff. THE GOOD!! Standing alone this movie is pretty good. It is creepy and gorey. It is well written and I applaud Wes Craven for TRYING again. Also I love the connections to the previous movies. THE BAD!!! Freddy has no crazy killing scenes. He barely kills people in there dreams. The plot line is lame (HE needs to be in movies or he will kill people in the real world.)Also freddy barely talks and is really not freddy (Does not even look the same). He is really only freddy by name only. Watch this only to say you have seen all the Nightmare movies. And only buy it if you are getting the box set (A DAMN GOOD BUY).
Rating:  Summary: Postmodern masterpiece 2 years before Scream Review: I was very pleasantly surprised by the intelligence of this film. Horror movies have a tendency to rely on cliches and the same old scare tactics, but this is one case where I wasn't really sure which way the movie was going. By placing the Freddy Kruger mythology within our reality (and not that of the film itself), Craven achieves a sardonic, cynical level of intertextuality. People point to Scream (also by Craven) as the father of the new horror genre, the realistic, self-aware and ultimately very postmodern type of film, but New Nightmare does it all --and in many ways better-- some 2 years earlier. It opened to critical raves but didn't do so well at the box office, no doubt being ahead of its time. If you are one of those people who goes to see cliched horror films and are expecting nudity and other staples of the genre, you'll be disappointed (see reviewers below), but if you'd like a new take on an old classic, this is a great opportunity.