Rating:  Summary: horror Review: this is a grate movie right um the first part freddys hand got drunkned in to the guy neck that there was a earthquake than freddy ript open the guys haret and tooked it out
Rating:  Summary: A brilliantly innovative return to Elm Street Review: Freddy was always Wes Craven's baby. The Elm Street sequels, without the creator's active involvement, veered increasingly farther away from his original vision, and Freddy Krueger as we knew and loved him did die in the sixth film. Evil never truly dies, though, a fact made clear by this remarkable, visionary film. Only the most ingenious of scripts could bring Freddy back to us in an acceptable way, and Wes Craven was the only man who could do it. Hearkening all the way back to the fairy tales of old, we learn that Freddy was only one incarnation of what could be called the ultimate evil. Stories, so long as they are told, have the power to contain the forces of evil; when Freddy was killed and the Nightmare series ended, that evil was freed from its bonds and thus given the opportunity to cross over to reality. The whole idea behind Wes Craven's New Nightmare is simply brilliant and ingenious, and it works fabulously on more levels than I will have space enough to expound upon here.Heather Langenkamp, who played Nancy in the first and third films, plays herself in Wes Craven's New Nightmare. She is joined by a myriad of cast members and contributors to the original Elm Street film, including John Saxon (who played Nancy's father), Robert Englund (whom everyone knows played Freddy), Wes Craven himself, and a number of the men and women who worked with Wes and New Line Cinema to bring Freddy to life in 1984. Craven is working on a new script that will revive Freddy and pit him against his old nemesis Nancy. The only problem is that fantasy is becoming fact for Heather and her family, and the script begins to mirror real life in a frightening way. Heather begins having horrible dreams of Freddy, and her son Dylan (Miko Hughes) begins suffering from his own nightmares. As crazy as it sounds, Heather is forced to conclude that Freddy Krueger is somehow becoming real, and she will eventually have to reassume the role of Nancy in an effort to stop him from passing through the final gate from fantasy to reality. Wes Craven's New Nightmare is to me the greatest Freddy film of them all. The idea of having cast and crew members of the original film serve as Freddy's conduit to true existence works amazingly well. Langenkamp gives a truly amazing performance in the highly personal role of herself, trying to save her son and her very sanity from the evil she once defeated as a character in a movie. Non-actors such as Wes Craven and New Line Cinema's Bob Shaye play their parts very effectively, and the images of Robert Englund that we see could not be in greater contrast to those of his character Freddy. There are a number of direct references and haunting similarities between the original film and this fresh and exciting new Freddy classic. Not only should these delight the Freddy aficionado, they serve to make the ultimate ending of this film believable and effective. Heather Langenkamp has to become Nancy once again to stop Freddy, only this time the battle is disturbingly real. Wes Craven's New Nightmare presents itself as real life rather than cinema, making this the most innovative horror sequel I have ever seen. Some Freddy fans don't care for this film, while others such as myself absolutely love it. For some people, Freddy had become the witty, wise-cracking, over-the-top killer of the later Elm Street sequels, and these fans want this type of film to showcase Freddy doing his thing as many times as possible. To me, that is not the true Freddy. A Nightmare on Elm Street's original power was drawn from an incomprehensible foe that could kill you in your dreams and scare the audience to death in the process. He was evil; he just wanted revenge in the form of blood, guts, and terror, and he didn't need to make a big production out of it. It is that Freddy who now haunts Heather. This dark film may deliver far less of Freddy-ness in terms of body count, dialogue, and on-camera minutes, but that only makes Freddy all the more frightening and effective. Wes Craven's New Nightmare truly morphs the boundary between the real and unreal, delivering a level of suspense and evil that all the earlier Elm Street sequels could never hope to equal. The DVD features a long-desired extra in the form of commentary by Wes Craven himself. He not only furnishes the reader with all sorts of fascinating trivia about the film, he also captures the true essence of Freddy as a monstrous villain and lends a philosophical appraisal of human nature and the archetype of evil in society. I see this film as a defense of the horror genre itself, one made abundantly clear in Craven's references to a career of anguish with the MPAA and censors in particular. It is the very existence of horror stories that allow evil to be contained in this world, and the eradication of horror films in particular, something a number of people would love to see happen, would truly let the genie out of the bottle and give free rein to evil in the hearts of men. Wes Craven's New Nightmare captures to a significant degree not only the attraction of horror but the absolute necessity of it.
Rating:  Summary: In Fact the Worst Nightmare Movie Review: This movie was absolutely terrible! The only good thing about it is Heather Langenkamp and Robert Englund starred in it. Also what's the deal with the krappy new Glove that looks like veins and other organic things are attached, huh LOL! I feel sorry for the Nightmare fans because this terrible sequal was made. It destroys the Nightmare Name and the Original Idea of Freddy being only a dream killer. Don't buy. THIS MOVIE SUCKS!
Rating:  Summary: I've seen better Freddy movies. Review: I know i'm one of the few people that didn't like this movie but it wasn't that great and you don't really see Freddy until twenty minutes before the movie ends.But the movie stars Heather Langenkamp as herself trying to deal with nightmares shes been having about Freddy Krueger and so on.But honestly the movie isn't really that great,its like a movie inside of a movie but it really doesn't make you jump or make you cover your mouth,Pulp Fiction was more surprising then this,if you want to see a good Freddy film see "A Nightmare on Elm Street #1 & #3" those are the good ones,this film sucks,i'd like to write a longer review but I can't.All I can say is this movie sucks.
Rating:  Summary: Again it never ends. Review: They've come up with titles again and again with the final nightmare or the final chapter or the final friday. It never ends. Our grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren will be watching the 45th nightmare on elm street along with halloween and friday the 13th it will never end. They tried to mask how many they made by taking away the numbers and just putting in a name. Nice try it didn't work. I love horror movies and Freddy's my hero but making the other 6 just movies and making this 1 real life is dumb. Next it'll be Wes Craven's 2nd New Nightmare. Getting Nancy a son was a good idea considering the plot was gettin old but Freddy Kruger a TV character. Come On. If something's fine why change it. The nightmare on elm street's are great so why tamper with it. Still though next time they make one the movie better not be a movie
Rating:  Summary: Hes real Review: Hes a real guy on this one, oh my. His face is scarier.Only one thing I didnt like bout this one is that hes not a comedy mood on this one.And where is his hat, theres no Freddy if theres no hat. But this one is worth watching
Rating:  Summary: He's not dead!!!!!! Review: Part 6 was not the final Nightmere. Why? Becouse Freddy's not dead. In this latest Nightmere, all the other nightmere films were made to stop a real Demon named Freddy from entring the world. But now that the series ended Freddy can now enter the world and the only one who are going to try and stop him are WesCraven writter and drictor of the first film and the actress heather Lankentop in the first film. This was the best one sence the first and is very fun to wacth. WesCraven should do another one of these. I can't wait intil I get to see Freddy vs Jason to see Freddy come back in the 21 censtory(I did not get to see the film at the movies so I am waiting for the DVD).
Rating:  Summary: Best of the Nightmare series! Review: I first saw this movie on HBO an ordered the DVD soon after. In fact, it was the film that really turned me on to the Nightmare series. It stars Heather Langenkamp, Robert Englund, and Jhon Saxton, all of whom played in the original Nightmare and returned to play themselves. I loved almost everything about this film, especialy the awsome upgrade they gave Freddy.It was directed by Wes Craven, The creator of the series and the best director to ever make a horror film. It was a nice change from the other Freddy flicks. The plot could have been better though. the whole idea that Freddy was actually an ancient demon seemed stupid. Another thing I didn't follow was the little boy that played Heather Langenkamp's son who kept getting possesed by the demon. It just didn't fit with the film. Other than that,this was a great movie. I loved the way it trys to parallel the first Nightmare film. And it was the scariest one out of the entire Nightmare series. It was a well balanced production with a little action, a little gore, and no stupid love scenes. And this is the only one that shows Freddy the way he should be; a demonic phsyco killer. It is a more frightning, more demonic Nightmare film that will keep you on the edge of your seat! It was a perfect way to end to best horror series ever procuced. so if you are a Freddy fan, I would highly reccomend this exellent movie.
Rating:  Summary: By far the BEST of the sequels and one of Craven's best. Review: I love this movie. The original "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" might as well be the only two films in the series. After creating a classic horror film with the 1984 original, director Wes Craven sold the rights to his Freddy Krueger character and the series was taken over by other filmmakers. This resulted in many mundane, lifeless sequels (with exception of Nightmare 3 which Craven did cooperate with as executive producer and story writer). By the time "Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare" came about, the series probably could not have gotten worse. Then, a few years later, Wes Craven returned to the series with "New Nightmare", a film which takes place outside of the movie universe of the Nightmare films. Heather Langenkamp, star of the original film, returns and many actors play themselves (including Craven in a rare acting appearance.) I'm so glad that Heather Langenkamp is in this movie. I loved her in the original and found her more appealing that any future lead actress in the series. The result, in my opinion, far exceeded any of the Nightmare sequels. In fact, I'd say it's among Wes Craven's best movies. Like the original, it's a horror film with a brain and real ideas. Not just another slasher-fest with Freddy cracking jokes and killing. "New Nightmare" is an intelligent, well-written and well-made film. The idea is that Freddy Krueger is an evil force that really exists and that after being killed off in the movies, he wants to move into the real world. One thing I love about this movie is how it blurs the line between films and reality. Wes Craven is one of the masters of brainy horror and he really manages to add depth to his films that you don't often see in the genre. This is why I regard Craven as one of the greatest horror directors of the last three decades. "New Nightmare" is one of his finest achievements and is absolutely essential for Craven fans. Some fans of the Nightmare series give this movie flack because it strays so far from the established formula. However, that's exactly what I love about it. It doesn't just rehash the same old crap again. It gives us something new and original. Sure, Freddy doesn't have much screen time, there's not much gore and there's no dumb teenagers (a big plus), but that's not bad at all. "New Nightmare" sacrifices visceral thrills (which some horror fans can't accept) for ideas and innovation. This is a great horror movie from a great horror director.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Scary and Very Clever Review: First off, **** 1/2 stars! Anways-I saw this when it came outin 94 and it confused me because it was so unlike any other Freddy movie out there. And I just saw it again last night and it was really creepy and I enjoyed it a lot! The reason I enjoyed it is because it is so unlike that rest. It takes place in the real world, in the life of Heather Langenkamp and her family. That right there makes it a whole lot more interesting than the other countless sequels. It is reaching the 10 year maek of Nightmare On Elm Street, and Wes wants to make another/final Freddy movie, but as the stars playing them self, like this movie does. And it can get confusing at times, and slow but it's exciting when it gets going! So, Wes Craven is having these dreams and writes them dowen into a script and Heather is having dreams and what she dreams comes true and her son ( who is so annoying I wish he would have jumped off the top of that jungle gym!!! ) is acting like Freddy and Neither of them can sleep. And we never really see Freddy until the end but he is definitaly updated! Leather pants and long balck jacket and a metal glove and his burns are strange and his eyes are unreal. It is Robert Englung but you can't tell. And some of my favorite effects are when the kid is in the hospital and the baby sitter gets killed in pretty much the same fasion as Tins in the first movie, but less blood and then the kid escapes and runs across the freeway and that whole scene is very well put together! And then when Heather and her son are in Freddys dream world that too has been re-created. And they aren't as many kills and you don't see Freddy until the last 30-45 minutes but this movie plays with your mind and some people on here say how it's the worst, they say that because you have to think with this movie. It makes you think about it and what will happen next and one person on here says it's bad because there is no nudity, HORROR movies are supposed to scare you, not pleasure you with nakedness. If you want nudity go rent a porn stupid!!! This movie actually had class and sufistication. One of the best in the series!!!!