Rating:  Summary: great movie Review: this is a great film, its not the scariest of the Nightmare on elm street series but is very well done, is scary overall,I would suggest this movie to others it will be confusing if you haven't seen the others in the series.
Rating:  Summary: I wanted to be scared, but wasnt. Review: I thought this was a decent horror movie, but I wasn't as scared as I wanted to be. I was afraid for the the characters in the movie and found myself at the edge of my seat, but it lacked the jumping-out-of-my-skin scenes that I was looking for.
Rating:  Summary: A decent idea for an aniversery movie Review: Wes Cravin returns to directing the sensational horror franchise which he started, and even making a cameo as himself. Most of the cast of the original "Nightmare on Elm Street" also return staring as themselves. The film is Freddy crosses into reality, as his creator Wes Craven writes a resurrection screenplay, to stalk Heather Langenkamp (Nancy in the original and third Nightmare) and her son since she was the original survivor. This one is suspensful and very scary. Unlike the other films since the original, you may never want to sleep again.
Rating:  Summary: "WHERE'S YOUR PASS !!" - A Great Reunin. Review: Heather Langenkamp as "Nancy", "Nancy" as Heather Langenkamp. That whats interesting here. A movie about a movie about a movie. I really enjoyed it, but would not recommend it to those who are not well versed in the history of the series. The special effects were great...as well as the "new" look for Freddy.
Rating:  Summary: CREEPY Review: This is a good movie, not only because it doesn't count on gore entirely, but also because it portrays evil well. I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be, but it's still a movie I've seen often, and wll probably rent a few more times before Freddy gets me. END
Rating:  Summary: Ghastly but for the wrong reasons Review: This stinker never should have been made. It drags, it's "humor" is heavy-handed, the acting is stilted at best & the usual driving rhythm of the Freddy movies just never gets going. All in all it's just a desperate little self-referential exercise that would have been better if assigned to a batch of talented 12 year olds.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, a somewhat scary 'Nightmare'! Review: It took 'em seven tries, but they finally put out a 'Nightmare' that was kinda scary. And setting in the 'real world' was a great angle for the principals-- including 'Nightmare' 1 & 3 star Heather Langenkamp as the focal character, along with Robert Englund, New Line producer Bob Shaye and director Wes Craven in supporting roles-- to play off of. I also liked its relatively low cheeseball factor compared to the previous "reel world" Freddy adventures. There were no corny one-liners, the Freddy-killings are actually kinda shocking (albeit relatively mundane), and the whole deal with 'real' Freddy messin' with Langenkamp's kid actually disturbed me a little bit. Sadly, the climactic ending was a bit too hokey, bringing down a movie that I thought had some real momentum going up to this point. The 'New Nightmare' DVD includes a theatrical trailer, English subtitles, and a feature-length commentary by director Wes Craven. I was shocked by how calm and soft-spoken he was here-- his demeanor and behavior just didn't seem to jibe with his reputation as a premier horror-film director. Not really having seen himor heard him talk all that much before I took a listen to this track, I was kinda expecting some stark raving madman who'd just escaped the local psych lock-up... Anyhoo, in the commentary track Craven goes over the usual stuff that directors usually discuss in movie commentary tracks: the technical aspects and the difficulty he had shooting some scenes, the things that inspired him to make the movie, and his philosophy on filmmaking. He also talks about how close to REAL real-life his movie got with the principals (particularly Heather Langenkamp), both on a personal and professional level. All in all, I found 'New Nightmare' to be a somewhat compelling new take on the 'Nightmare' franchise, and a pretty good bookend to the whole schmear. If only the ending was a bit stronger... 'Late
Rating:  Summary: "The Matrix" meets Freddy in one of the best movies ever Review: The best thing about "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" is not just the originality of its plot, but that it screws with your head more than the Wachowski Brothers did in "The Matrix." This is like a horror film version of that movie and it makes the Wachowski Brothers look like amateurs in the field of reality manipulation. Wes Craven finally returned to the series after ten years - unless you count the screenplay credit for "Dream Warriors - and he has made what I believe to be one of the best horror films ever made. It still has its effects on me even after I've seen it about twenty times. Freddy is finally back to where he belongs - being a terrifying idea instead of some joker. He is vicious. He is mad. He is demonic. He is evil incarnate. And Heather Langenkamp is back, too, as herself, as is practically everyone in this film. She's pretty hot in this one, too. Anyway, this movie is a superb example of what can be accomplished in the film craft with a little original thinking. Sure, this film ends with the same kind of underworld plunge that the entire series specialized in, but that was to be expected. Where else are you gonna fight Freddy? Besides, the sets were so spectacularly built and the action so tight that it didn't matter to me that Wes had gone back to the typical "Nightmare" cliche. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. And Wes Craven did it right in every single frame. My favorite sequence has to be when Heather's little boy Dylan decides to take a rather dangerous route home. You know what I mean by dangerous, right? Like, there's a freeway between where he is and where he wants to be? Yeah... that kind of dangerous. Man, that scene still has me holding my breath. This is the best entry in the series, period. I loved the original, and it's the only other one that I would give a full five stars, but if there were more stars to give this movie, I'd give it about a seven.
Rating:  Summary: The Absolute Best in the Series! Review: This NOES film, is at the top of my list, this film is superior to all the other nightmare films in Plot,Characters, and Suspense. Plus Freddy Krueger is not a comedian at all like he was in the previous films. In this frightening final installment, Freddy Krueger is pi**ed over the fact that he was killed in the previous film, Freddy's Dead: the final nightmare. So he decides to jump out of the Reel World, into the Real world. Are world that is, and continue his killing spree by killing off the creators and actors of the NOES films. The main person he is after in this film though, is Heather Legenkamp, who played Nancy Thompson in the first, also he will stop at nothing to capture her son played by Miko Hughes. At beginning of the film Heather realizes she is being stalked by someone but she is not completely certain that it is really Freddy Krueger until her son begins to show some very strange and outrageous behavior. And also her husband dies in a car accident under somewhat mysterious circumstances. Also some of the film crew gets killed too. After all this occurs, she soon knows that it is Freddy Krueger, and he will stop at nothing to kill her and her son. Nancy realizes that she is the only thing guarding Freddy from entering the real world. At the end of film Heather understands that she must play the part of Nancy one more time to fight and defeat Freddy once and for all and iternity. The absolute Best NOES film in the series, Wes Craven is truely the master of horror, great plot, an excellent storyline, minimal blood and gore, excellent theme music, great acting espicially by Legenkamp and Englund,and a excellent big budget ending that really really kicks a**. Top of line acting on Englund's part as well, freddy doesn't joke around at all in this one. Overall the best film in the entire NOES saga. This is truely a Wes Craven masterpiece, and a great finale to the best horror series ever made. Thanks, Wes Craven, you are truely the master of horror.
Rating:  Summary: freddy's just as terrifying in your dreams as he is in life Review: just as sick. twisted, funny etc as all the Nightmare on elm street movies
this one almost made me puke in every death scene
the violence thing definitely went up in this movie
the laughs went up too
the shock value soooooooooooooooo went up
saw this tons of times on tv
shocking horror movie to have in the nighmare dvd collection
i'm so glad i saw this
it terrified me into the extremes
so worthy of dvd buy
glad I have it on dvd
it shall be played more trust me