Rating:  Summary: Very cool Review: THEY is a very cool horror film, indeed, and very original. It will make you jump several times, guaranteed! See it if you liked DARKNESS FALLS and THE RING.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best scary movies i have ever seen!!!!!!!! Review: This movie is VERY scary and is just a over all SCARY ... movie!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A LOT better than Darkness Falls Review: After seeing the trailer for 'They', than the trailer for 'Darkness Falls', you could easily tell they were almost the same. I personally think that They was A LOT better than Darkness Falls. I mean, Darkness Falls even ...the idea of 'night terrors' from They. Anyone can tell that. Anyway, enough of my "venting". I thought They was an excellant horror movie. It is SO much better than what's out there today, not to mention the ill-fated DARKNESS FALLS! (you can see my anger) It had such a simple plot, but did so much with it. The atmosphere was excellant, and it actually had character develeopment! That is something you hardly ever see in a horror movie. It also had a lot of suspense and pop-out scares. I mean, at one part the whole theatre let out one big shriek. Now that's what I call a scare. The acting is also very goodand beliveable. I personally reccomend you renting They first because it's one of those movies where you like it or you don't.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly good- Review: I would agree that some of the acting in this is terrible, as the pace really changes mid-stream in the film, so does the quality of performances. This is a movie so divised that I almost would have to critique as two separate parts. The first half is slightly ridiculous, dull, wooden acting, vapid characters, yet somehow the film manages to set a very clear tone -and this movie is all about tone! As the pace picks up and the actors shift gears, I found myself really immersed in the thick as fog sense of dread. Straying away from explicit violence and an emphasis on atmosphere and haunted house bump in the night chills-this movie really will get to you! Horror movies often more than any other genre demand the viewer be pro-active about suspending disbelief and "going with it". Turn off the lights, grab some popcorn, and have some fun getting scared. When I saw this movie in the theater a woman on 4 or 5 occasions literally shrieked at the top of her lungs and ran out the theater (still screaming!). That's a good sign.
Rating:  Summary: It's okay, but it isn't as bad as some are saying... Review: They, which comes with the "Wes Craven Presents" imprimatur, does a pretty good job of turning subway stations, elevator shafts, and deserted indoor swimming pools into scary places. After a little intro in which a young boy is spooked out of his PJs during a stormy night, the Robert Harmon-directed thriller (he did The Hitcher) jumps to present day and our soon-to-be-besieged heroine. Julia (Laura Regan) is a self-assured psych major up for her master's degree. She has a bike, a Mia Farrow Rosemary's Baby haircut, and a boyfriend, Paul, who's a smart, sensitive EMT. Why he's sharing an apartment with a couple of deadbeat frat guys is a question that Paul tries to explain - but then the phone rings, and Julia's off to counsel her childhood friend, Billy, who's got an emergency case of the freakouts. This movie does have some bad parts simply because of huge plot holes and areas in which it drags, but it does manage to bring in a few scares, but all in all I'd say rent it.
Rating:  Summary: It's alright, but I've seen better and worse. Review: This isn't nearly as bad as Jason X, Halloween: Ressurection, 8 Legged Freaks, or Resident Evil. People actually jumped in this movie, but it's not as good as The Ring.
Rating:  Summary: How sad is this? Review: This movie is easily one of the dumbest movies ever made. I wasn't scared at all during this movie and I pity anyone who was.
Rating:  Summary: Remember when you were a kid - and afraid of the dark? Review: I gave this film 4 stars basically because i enjoyed it. (And 2 stars for the acting). It was different from the predictable slasher films and certainly interesting in the sense it brings to the screen a story about "being afraid of the dark".....(a story/plot not often used much, compared to "slasher" type plots or films.....eg Freddy, Michael, Jason....). I remember when I was a kid that the light had to stay on, the closet door tightly shut and everything in my room looked so different at night compared to the day. I often lay in bed thinking if there was something there that "got me" at night if I was to peek over the covers or get out of bed to get a drink. One thing to remember though is that this is just a movie - not reality! Some reviews I have read basically run this film and many other different yet satisfying horror films into the ground. People expect so much from a film prior to seeing it - that is why I do not read previews before a film, make up my mind before sitting through a film nor do I "bag" new and different horror stories that attempt to shock, scare or freak us out on the big screen. I give all movies a chance and this was one of them. "THEY" certainly was good with the story and idea.......and sure, some of the acting was bad.....but I did like the film. Rent this and give it a go - it will either work and remind you of when you were afraid of the dark......or it will get you thinking/saying..."how stupid". For me, it didn't scare me - but brought back the memories of when I was young. MOVIE - 4 STARS ACTING - 2 STARS
Rating:  Summary: This inhales greatly! Review: This [is bad] and is a big piece of [it was bad]! Don't see this, it is so dumb!
Rating:  Summary: A MAJOR FAILURE! Review: This movie by far is one of the stupidest, most uninspired, most uninteresting movies ever made. Not scary, not funny, not suspenseful, just full of crappy actors, terrible script, and a kid who (if hadn't I would of) shot himself. This should be missed at all costs. Don't even rent it or watch it on cable, becuase afterwards you just might want to commit suicide! Skip it, not worth you time, money, or even your life. There are so many other better movies out there, but then again, you can't get much worst than this piece of crud!