Rating:  Summary: They should have used the alternate ending Review: I admit I was pulled in by the "Wes Craven Presents" moniker, so I expected at least a fairly scary movie. What I got was a story with mild frights, tension, and a terrible ending. The bad thing is there is an alternate ending on the disc that was much better than the original and would have greatly improved the overall movie (more on this later). The general plot involves "night terrors"; those things in the closet that scare us as a kid. As this story goes, "They" really exist and come back for us when we grow up. A young psychology student (Laura Regan) witnesses the suicide of her friend who has become so frightened that "They" will find him, that he takes his own life. She later learns that her and two friends were taken as kids and marked so "They" can find them as adults, and take them back to their world. In fact, we witness the abduction of the suicide victim in the opening scene of the film. Early on, the movie relies on mood and what we don't see to scare us. Later, we are shown the CGI generated creatures. As I mentioned, the disc contains an alternate ending to the film. Had this ending been used, many of the stories inconsistencies would have been cleared up. I suspect the writers/director filmed the movie with one thing in mind, but shot the ending that ended up on the film due to the reaction of a test audience. That's a shame because with the alternate ending, the film would have had more of a "Wes Craven" feel. Some films are ruined by the ending and this is particularly true for a B-Grade horror flick. The widescreen picture is sharp and clear. The Dolby 5.1 is not overly utilized, but handles the creature noises well. Other than the alternate ending, there are no other extras on the disc. Not that this movie warrants a lot of extras, but the price of the disc is fairly high for such a bare bones offering. I would have like to hear the director's reason for changing the ending. If you are a die hard fan of modern horror, there are many other titles that I would recommend before this one. Others will want to avoid it all together.
Rating:  Summary: "They" Aren't Worth Your Money - Or Your Time Review: The first sign that I wasn't going to like this movie: it reminded me too much of that OTHER incredibly bad "horror" movie that came out last year, "Darkness Falls". Actually, for all I know, they may actually be the same exact movie, only with a different cast. Heck, they both even star former Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast members! However, that is not enough to save either movie. In "Darkness Falls" the evil baddie was the tooth fairy who stayed away from the light because she was all disfigured, and if anyone opened her eyes and saw her, she'd kill them. In "They", the evil baddie is, well, "they" (don't ask me what "they" are, please. I really don't know. And more importantly, I don't care). "They", like the "tooth fairy", like to stay out of the light. But get them alone in the dark and "they" can't wait to pounce on our little Mia Farrow lookalike named Julia (played by Never-Seen-Her-Before Laura Regan). You see, these little "they" things marked her and a few other people as children. Seems "they" implanted them with what looks like a splinter. Why, you ask? Because "they" could. That's why. Seriously though, I can't tell you too much about this film, the main reason being that it just didn't hold my attention for very long. Yes, I did finish it, and I will admit the ending was not 100% bad. However, it does not make up for the rest of the movie. The acting wasn't that good, however it was not the worst I've ever seen (for that, check out "The Shaft", possibly the worst excuse for a movie EVER). The plot? Well, there was one, I'm sure. I just didn't pick up on it. Probably just me. Other people may love this. But if you're looking for a good scary movie, please look elswhere. You don't even have to look that far: Wes Craven's "Nightmare on Elm Street" series is pretty creepy. I guess he should have stayed in the realm of dreams. It's a tough world out here, Mr. Craven. At least, that's what "they" say.
Rating:  Summary: WATCH GHOST SHIP INSTEAD! Review: They is just stupid and non scary! I rented it because I like Ethan Embry but of course his character had to die! Dont waste your time with this stupid thing-rent Ghost Ship instead! The only good thing about the They dvd is the trailer for the movie Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind! One reason that They was so bad is because of that one blonde woman-she cant act-and she acted stupid most of the time-man I was glad when she got it in the end! Any movie that has night terrors in it is dumb!
Rating:  Summary: A valid copy of 'Darkness Falls'. Review: 'They' is pretty much a knock-off of other big horror films like 'Darkness Falls' and 'Pumpkinhead', but I found that I still enjoyed the film and thought it was pretty good, but it had so many boring stretches throughout the movie that it was sort of hard to want to continue on. This is pretty much your typical "new-fashioned" horror flick, where the crew relies more on loud noises that would make a lot of bass on your sound system and countless hallucinations of the creatures. The plot follows a young girl (Laura Regan), whose friend committed suicide in fear that 'they' would eventually find him and kill him. After, she begins research on a specific disorder, Night Terrors ('Darkness Falls', people). She later learns with the help of two friends that 'they' took them to their world when they were kids, marked them, and have now come back 19 years later to catch them, take them back to their world and, supposedly, eat them. The reason this is such a big rip-off, mainly of 'Darkness Falls', is because of the whole Night Terros thing, and the fact that someone is fearing that 'they' will eventually get him, except the suicide thing was new. But the biggest thing that ripped it off was the fact that these creatures only appear in darkness, and when a light is shined at them, they run away/disappear. I don't see why such a creative man as Wes Craven would copy off other movies in such a vile way, it's like they basically used the screenplay for Darkness Falls and changed a few things. Not as bad, and easy to dismiss, is the fact that the creatures bare a strong resemblance to a cross-breed between the Violator ('Spawn') and the Pumpkinhead (heheh, 'Pumpkinhead'). Of course, that does not matter as much. The film is still entertaining, and thrilling in some parts, but in places it gets boring, but through most of the movie you're on the edge of your seat. The last thing I would like to comment on is Laurie Regan. Did she starve herself for this movie or something? Gawd, she looks like a dang scarecrow. Or this could be just the new thing with actresses, get yourself good and bony before shooting another film. The probably should have went with someone with a little more meat on them like Lexa Doig or Estella Warren. And for the nude freaks, we do get to see a brief section of Regan's hind quarters and a brief area of the breasts, but not for long. Anyway, the reason that 'They' gets three stars in the first place is because it puts you in temporary fear of the dark, and the creatures are cool, but the downside is the fact that it is a major rip-off of 'Darkness Falls', 'Pumpkinhead', and 'Spawn', and they could have cast someone more meaty and better at acting than Laure Regan. Thanks for reading!
Rating:  Summary: "They" Smell Review: The most excruciating thirty minutes of my life. Wait, the movie was eighty-something minutes long. I couldn't stand this movie! "Wes Craven Presents They" irritated the hell out of me. I walked over to my bed and bent down to see if any monsters would jump out to stop the pain. Please avoid at all costs. Watch "Little Monsters" instead with "Wonder Years" boy and Howie Mandel; far superior entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad...Just different... Review: When I first seen the commercials for this movie I thought it was going to be another Sixth Sense, The Ring, Darkness Falls or The Others. You know, something supernatural with ghosts in it, twisting and turning at every minute. Well, to my surprise this isn't at all like that. In my opinion that is a major plus right there. Don't get me wrong, I like those movies, but enough is enough. Without spoiling it, I'd just like to say, it's not nearly as bad as others have said and it deserves at least a rental viewing by any sci-fi or horror fan. With that said, I can understand why some wouldn't like this movie. It isn't as mainstream as most movies are and it isn't as supernatural/freaky as Wes Craven movies usually are. Again, in my opinion, by NOT being typical Wes Craven supernatural-horror is what saves this film. I suppose most would dissagree with me on that matter. If you're a Sci-Fi or Horror movie fan you should at least give it a chance. You may be surprised. Just don't expect typical Wes Craven horror and this movie will be really neat with a fantastic idea.
Rating:  Summary: 'They' had me at hello, but lost me well before the goodbye. Review: "They" starts out with a brilliant scene introducing the 'night terrors' that disturb a little boy. The scene was creepy and very well done. Soon after, though, it all went downhill. Don't be fooled by the "Wes Craven presents..", he had nothing to do with the direction of this film. And it shows. The plotline and premise quickly fall apart and the ending leaves you wondering why you wasted your time. This movie is one of those that was totally butchered. If you're a die hard horror fan, like myself, rent it just to see it. But don't expect anything too spectacular.
Rating:  Summary: If you're a horror fan you might sleep trough this Review: No realy, I'm not kidding. It has happened. The movie has a very poorly depincted plot, laks almost any real horror momments and by the end you won't even know who "They" realy are. Exept for a somewhat tense admosphear, I haven't yet figured out why this movie is labelet as Horror
Rating:  Summary: "Me" reviewing "They" Review: How could you give this thing five stars? This might be the worst horror movie i've ever seen. Most of the film is spent watching lifeless characters hear noises around them: a door creaks, a baby starts to cry, a bird chirps outside..."oh my God what was that"!!! For 90 % of the film, people are getting spooked by everyday noises. The plot itself is really really bland: terribly bland, like an under-par x-files episode without Mulder or Scully ever showing up, just the guest actors. Stephen Kigns "It" was similiar to "They", but much much better, creepier, and smarter. They shouldn't have ever filmed "They", what were they thinking? So concerning "They", watch "It" instead, and pray they never make a move like it again....um Ok? Wait,, what was that....i just heard my computer make a sound like it was loading or something.....oh ..my ...g o d.
Rating:  Summary: Come on! Review: Come on, people! Give this movie a break! Okay, sure, maybe in a few weeks nobody will remember they even saw it, but it really isn't THAT bad! I personally liked it alot and would recommend it, but if you're looking for this type of a "monster in the dark" movie, definately see this but also definately see DARKNESS FALLS. (Very cool movie)