Rating:  Summary: boring and dumb Review: This movie was a waste of time. The characters were dull and one-dimensional, the acting was bad, and the plot of the movie was nonexistent. You never actually found out what 'they' were, and both the original and alternative endings made no sense. It isn't even worth renting.
Rating:  Summary: You could use it as a coaster... and that's about it. Review: I cannot believe how really bad this movie was to watch. The script, the setup and the pace were all below a tolerable level.Basic premise that probably a number of people have already written: four people suffered from night terrors as children, have been marked with some type of sliver-wound that bleeds when "They" are targeted and are disappearing one-by-one while (surprise!) no one believes them. To be honest, that's it. Nothing else is explained in this movie at all. No one knows what "They" are, where they're from or why they tag these people and take them to Neverland in hell. The pace on this is so slow I found myself bored. I didn't even jump when I was supposed to because the jump scenes were way too predictable. I stayed with the movie hoping that the ending would make up for it (as some movies do) but unfortunately the ending was up there with "The Ninth Gate" with Johnny Depp. Even worst, Ninth Gate was BETTER than this rotting turkey. It's confusing, boring, incredibly predictable (my family and I would blurt out who would get picked off at each scene) and a terrible ending that was a complete let-down. On a special note there's a DVD extra of an alternate ending that actually was better than the one they used. It could have redeemed it, but alas, it was not to be. I read that there were 10 writers that worked on this script -- I'm pretty sure they won't be working on another movie for some time after this snoozer. My recommendation: You want Craven? Go get a Freddy movie. Even the bad Freddy movies were more interesting that this big ol' nothing of a flick. A 0 out of 5 stars would be my final review if I could.
Rating:  Summary: 'They' Movie Review Review: I can understand why most people don't like this movie - it has plenty of bad sides. The acting isn't really great, and there is one really badly cheesey scene in the first half hour that almost made me turn off the TV. But I stuck with it, and let me tell you I LOVED this movie. The special effects were a little ... (the monster looked very animated), and some of the dialouge was bad, but this is a very psychological movie and there were plenty of scenes where I my heart starting beating fast. And one scene I jumped out of my seat. If you are really so totally skeptical... try to borrow it off friends, or get a free pass from Hollywood Video or wherever. If it is bad, and ..., you'll get over it. But if you like psychological movies, or have a good imagination, I suggest you rent this.
Rating:  Summary: They...your typical horror film. Review: Wes Craven's "They" is your typical horror film, focusing on the night-terrors that haunt the main character. Julia, is a psychology student, who witnesses her good friend go crazy from his nightmares. He eventually kills himself to avoid his nightmares, but this brings back all of her fears. She and couple of friends, all share nightmares and night terrors and are haunted by their fears. It is never made clear exactly what they are fearing or what is after them. The movie is your typical stock horror film with so-so acting, mediocre plot and a bad ending. The good thing about the DVD is that it features an alternate ending (though just as bad). "They" is good for horror fans but there is nothing surprising in its story.
Rating:  Summary: "THEY" were asleep at the wheel... Review: ...when "they" decided to make this movie. "They" should be strung up like the fools "they" are. I realized that i was 55 mintues into this movie and nothing had actually happened. I get the premise, i really do. What could be scarier than what you CAN'T see? Well, I'll tell you, never getting back the 83 minutes I wasted watching this garbage. The only redeeming thing about this movie is the alternate ending which is in fact the ONLY thing that makes any sense. This movie is a real stinker that doesn't even deserve 1 star, but there isn't an option for negative 100 stars. P.U.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Movie Ever Review: If somehow the movie gets in your hands, the only part worth watching is the last 3 minutes.
Rating:  Summary: They. They? They stinks like a rotten egg. Review: This movie is pitifully bad. Even a cast of supporting television regulars cannot help raise this stinkfest above terrible. The title is obviously an homage to similarly named films of the late 1950's and early 60's: "Them", "It", etc. It doesn't matter. Supposedly, we're dealing here with the boogy man. Well the boogy man needs to show himself, because what we do see of him looks amazingly similar to the newly hatched alien in Aliens. Every time we're supposed to learn about the boogie man it suddenly becomes so dark we can't see anything. Really, folks - this movie is terrible! Don't bother.
Rating:  Summary: "They" will catch you falling asleep Review: I'm one of the few who probably stayed for the WHOLE movie when I saw this at the theatre. Wes Craven used to be good. After the Scream trilogy, his movies have gone downhill. This movie is basically about night terrors. It wasn't suspenseful, wasn't scary, and had no real storyline to it. I waited for the entire movie to see maybe 30 seconds of something cool and horrorific happen at the very end. But even that wasn't scary. I collect horror films. This will never be in my collection. Don't buy it. If you really want to watch it, rent it first. If you're a squeamish person and spaghetti makes you think of brains, then yeah, maybe this is the movie for you. For all the other ppl, don't bother.
Rating:  Summary: the only thing dissapointing about they are the reviews Review: "they" is a moody little piece that relies on atmosphere and subtlety over annoying effects, retarded teens, and dumb, overly extended death scenes. night terror's are horrifying- anyone who has experienced such a phenomenon will testify to this. fear must revolve around the unknown. i'm not easily shocked, but something completely unknown gets me every time. i must also add that wes craven did NOT direct this. his name shouldn't even be on the box. wes craven, sorry to say, lost his directing knack some time ago, and had this film been directed by him i'm sure the subtle air that makes this movie would have been replaced by neve campbell screaming, followed by two or three sequals. after saying all this, i will also say that this movie could have been better. less hollywood glam, slightly more serious acting and no computer effects would have made this movie wonderful. as it is, this movie is still definately one of the better horror movies to come out in recent times.
Rating:  Summary: banal as they come Review: To suggest that there is something real behind those numbing, sourceless fears that many of us (whether we admit it or not) experience in the dark, is a horror concept that you'd think would be hard to go wrong with. It plays off of deeply rooted psychological fears shared by most of humanity, and requires little explanation to get the point across. But somehow, this movie still derailed utterly (in my humble opinion). Consider the first scene. It was well-executed, but also formulaic: Mother tells child there is nothing to be afraid of. Mother is wrong. Mother leaves somewhat comforted child alone in dark room, with door open a crack. Let the games begin. It's such an overused and unimaginative approach that any movie beginning that way is marked for failure in my mind. The dialogue and the acting were nothing special, which is not entirely a bad thing, considering that 'Darkness Falls' was definitely 'special' in the same area...specially awful. Better run-of-the-mill than pathetic. Some elements of the horror, such as the electrical interference, the ambient sound, the mirror scene, and the "mark," were clever and fairly original. And it was a little scary, although it didn't stick with me for any length of time. That's about all that can be said favorably about this film, however. The plot, if I may be so generous as to call it that, was sheer nonsense: these dark things, demons or whatever they are, took the characters into their nether realm as children and marked them, then let them go...so that they could track them through the marks, and come back to take them again when they were grown up, and this time not let them go. The movie doesn't explain anything more than that, and no rationale I can think of makes it any clearer why the demons (for lack of a better term) didn't just keep these people when they took them the first time. Perhaps they were fattening them up to eat them? In addition to that, although these creatures supposedly can't come into the light, when they grab the main character at the end, they take her out of a psych ward room with bright afternoon sun shining through the windows! The filmakers couldn't even stay consistent with their own shaky premise. It's like they got tired of trying to make it work, and just chopped it off, creating a contradictory, overly sudden, and pointless ending. Other problems: the demons are shown (albeit in the shadows) almost from the beginning, which stomps the sense of mystery the film might otherwise have had. Even then, god it could have been scary with different "creature design," but the demons look like aged, toothless versions of Gollum from "Lord of the Rings"; not pleasant, but hardly terrifying. Ultimately, this film is just a bunch of horror-movie elements thrown into a mix with a minimal effort to make them work in combination. Okay for a junior high slumber party, but for a group of thoughtful people expecting quality entertainment? 'The Sixth Sense,' 'The Ring,' or 'What Lies Beneath' would be far better uses of your two hours. The main reason I'm writing is to give everyone who might watch this movie fair warning that their time will be wasted. This is the first Wes Craven I've seen, as a fairly new horror fan. If it accurately represents his level of skill, I won't be seeing any more.