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Things That Go Bump



List Price: $24.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SNOW! The greatest 80's gang member ever!
Review: The cheesy dialog, red and green lighting and quirky characters make this movie fun for all. Although the focus of the movie is on 2 university students trying to find a stripper, the true core of the movie lies in the character of Snow and the goth/french/Japanese head vampire Katrina. Snow and his gang, which is composed of albinos and black hookers, has a slough of side splitingly funny lines and an awesome soundtrack to back them up. You have to hear Snow's Flute theme to believe it! These characters provide hours of amusment even after the movie is done. The strangest Character in the movie is Katrina the Head Vamp stripper. Her strip act encorperates new age music, a gravity defying chair, and goth makeup. In her act she uses rather peculiur dance steps and at the climax has spasem on top of her bizzar chair, and then fianlly ends by giving oral sex to her chair. Once again you must witness it to believe it. Her performance is enhanced further by her metallic sexually armour that she wears. Other notable parts of the movie are the incredible spinning car scene, the killer elevator, the dominatrix stripper, the rich Chinese guy, the main characters uncanny archery skills and the fabulous green and red lighting. Whatever you do don't try to take this film seriously, the special effects and acting are horrible, but that adds to the fun of the movie. Besides the Snow character is worth it. Don't let the chance to see this comic masterpiece pass you by, you'll regret it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A hip "After Hours"-type horror film that is bold and funny.
Review: This film is surprisingly cinematic and cool. The characters are real, the situation unreal. A perfect combo. Everything is just a bit off kilter and keeps you rivited. The use of music is great and the direction superb. The casting is so on the money. Grace Jones and Sandy Baron steal the movie and even the minor rolls stand out. All in all, and excellent movie. A huge reccomend.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Vamps and Tramps! Great DVD!
Review: This is an example of a GREAT job by Anchor Bay in packaging a cult film, and loading it with extras as well as a very good transfer. The blooper reel offers some deleted scenes, the rehearsal footage is hilarious (Grace Jones attacking the director!), and the commentary on the DVD is funny and engaging.

The movie itself is an 80s horror-comedy modeled almost slavishly on AFTER HOURS. The premise is two college buddies end up trying to find a stripper for a frat party, but somehow end up in a weird alternate reality where vampires prey on the homeless and hapless. Grace Jones has no lines as the titular role and first-billed and maybe 8 minutes screen-time total! But what a great vampire, and she does make her scenes pop off the screen without saying a word. DeeDee Pfiefer (yes, sister of Michelle) plays Amaretto ("not my real name") with a wide eyed glee that counters perfectly the darkness around her. And Chris Makepeace and Robert Rusler play chums caught in the TWILIGHT ZONE that is the world of VAMP. Add in a comedic turn by Geddy Watanabe (of 16 CANDLES FAME - Long Duck Dong), and you've got a game cast to do a dark comedy!

A good movie gets royal DVD treatment. Snap it up before it's gone!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Blood . . . light
Review: This movie is interesting as long as you aren't looking for anything TOO deep. The premise is two college guys get mixed up with vampires who own the local bar. One of them gets turned into a vampire while the other spends his time desperately trying to understand what's going on. It's fun fluff and features singer Grace Jones as the head vampire. The ending is a surprise but nothing that carries any special meaning or message. I'd save this one for people who are diehard vampire fans . . . and it might be a little too tongue in cheek for some viewers. It was nonetheless very different for the time when it was made. Give it a chance . . . it might grow on you.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Blood . . . light
Review: This movie is interesting as long as you aren't looking for anything TOO deep. The premise is two college guys get mixed up with vampires who own the local bar. One of them gets turned into a vampire while the other spends his time desperately trying to understand what's going on. It's fun fluff and features singer Grace Jones as the head vampire. The ending is a surprise but nothing that carries any special meaning or message. I'd save this one for people who are diehard vampire fans . . . and it might be a little too tongue in cheek for some viewers. It was nonetheless very different for the time when it was made. Give it a chance . . . it might grow on you.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: okay, so i like this movie!
Review: this tongue in cheek movie about the undead operating a strip bar in a run down section of a city to lure drunks and other retrobates to their death is an original-if somewhat silly concept for a movie hence the 4 stars instead of 5).but despite this obvious flaw in the movie(i really think it was produced this way on purpose)it makes for a wonderfully funny(if not sometimes kind of gory) vampire movie. the lead vampire played by grace jones is always being hounded by her manager to move to las vegas but she is doing just fine where she is.
this movie is full of stripping vampires,whiteheaded street freaks and little girl vampires who like to chomp on big persons necks.
the humour is intentional,the acting is good and the the script is okay.this is another of many strange movies that i just can't help liking.this is another movie that i'm sure the critics didn't like-but the video buying public have embraced.i am so glad they put this out in dvd-we need to just keep pressuring the studios to keep putting out these older movies in dvd.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: An interesting little movie
Review: This was clearly the work of someone fresh out of film school making their first commerical production. It's easy to write this movie off as typical 80's throw-away horror/comedy fare, but if you look at the film critically, you will notice a number of nuanced touches to the acting and directing that make the film almost surreal. The director was certainly influenced by German expressionism, and there appears to have been very careful attention paid to the color schemes and cinematography. Grace Jones is FANTASTIC as an erotically fascinating vampire (she has no lines, but her mere presence dominates the film and leaves the film viewer spellbound). Her costumes alone make the movie worth watching. There's also a kind of strange, muffled existentialist undercurrent to the film; young students lost in an abadoned, zombie-filled nocturnal city-scape; a newly made vampire who despairs because he fears his thirst for blood will eclipse his love for his best friend (a kind of implicit homoerotic strain enters their relationship at that point, with the vampire declaring, "I love you," to his former college roommate and 'buddy.') Disregard the puerile fratboy humor and don't be afraid to analyze this greasy morsel of 80's film in a penetrating manner.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: 1980's TEEN COMEDY-HORROR
Review: Vamp (1986) is a movie that was overlooked by many critics. It's obvious that this is indeed a low buget film with its less than extravagent sets but at the same time the film manages to evoke an eerie, atmospheric feel to it that remains consistent throughout. Although billed as a comic-horror, there are very few laughs and you only really sense it's meant to be with the rather at times, caricture performances. However on saying that the cast all satisfy amicably with Chris Makepeace and Sandy Barron being the main players, although Grace Jones gets top billing (even though she does'nt say a single word and parodies erractically throughout the film giving mean, menacing looks). The film holds it's fair share of shocks and jumpy moments amongst the hair raising adventures making this an overly good film. On saying that the film can come across as a painfully obvious product of the 1980's with it's scenery (although its green light is surprisingly effective) and it's performances, but the film is still watchable and entertaining. Recommended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Seduction Surrender...
Review: VAMP is not meant to be serious, so don't even bother taking it there. It's meant to be exactly what it is, an insane vampire comedy. ...

Anyway, I've loved this film ever since I was a wee girl (about 4 years old). I had a very hard time finding a VHS copy of the film and never found one(all I had was a Beta copy). Then finally I got a DVD player and my very first DVD, Vamp! The DVD is SUPERB all around. The special features, the transfer, and the sound. The movie is just lovely. The actors are cute and funny and charming. Especially the late Sandy Baron, Dee Dee, Gedde, and Chris. The commentary track is hilarious. It's ALL good. It was also great to finally see it in widescreen for the first time (my eyes).

Last, but surely not least: Grace Jones... She is fabulous!!! Her seductive strip dance is to die for.... Grace Jones is a beautiful and wonderful Goddess! And maybe a bit scary, just a lil' bit (or always).

Seriously though, I assure you this movie will grow on you and you'll just adore it, if not... Grace Jones will lunge at you stiletto's first! BUY THIS MOVIE NOW!!! *HISSSSSSSSSS*


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Seduction Surrender...
Review: VAMP is not meant to be serious, so don't even bother taking it there. It's meant to be exactly what it is, an insane vampire comedy. ...

Anyway, I've loved this film ever since I was a wee girl (about 4 years old). I had a very hard time finding a VHS copy of the film and never found one(all I had was a Beta copy). Then finally I got a DVD player and my very first DVD, Vamp! The DVD is SUPERB all around. The special features, the transfer, and the sound. The movie is just lovely. The actors are cute and funny and charming. Especially the late Sandy Baron, Dee Dee, Gedde, and Chris. The commentary track is hilarious. It's ALL good. It was also great to finally see it in widescreen for the first time (my eyes).

Last, but surely not least: Grace Jones... She is fabulous!!! Her seductive strip dance is to die for.... Grace Jones is a beautiful and wonderful Goddess! And maybe a bit scary, just a lil' bit (or always).

Seriously though, I assure you this movie will grow on you and you'll just adore it, if not... Grace Jones will lunge at you stiletto's first! BUY THIS MOVIE NOW!!! *HISSSSSSSSSS*


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