Rating:  Summary: Why are you watching this? Review: This film is no more. The reason why is because There is no such thing as that ridiculous Damien Thorn. What were the producers thinking when they were producing such a film like that? The person by the name of Jonathan Scot Taylor is a hipocrit. I'd rather this film be destroyed than being scene by human eyes. Come on people! What good is a film that has ominous scenes to it? I say it's a bad film with bad acting, bad scenes, and what an evil child you've got there on that film. You mean to tell me that there is a person who plays Damien? Anyone who plays the character of Damien Thorn is a hipocrit. This entire Omen II has been one true hipocracy after another. Anymore Omen films like that! and Damien Omen II should be destroyed. You'd better take this warning because the film of Damien Omen II is hipocricy, apostacy, deception, betrayal, lies, ridiculous prophecies, ridiculous death scenes, terrible rating, and most of all! it's an evil film. If you buy this film! you will regret it. You don't believe me? Then see for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Boy Devil Review: Another masterpiece of the Omen series, Damien:Omen II is a thrilling watch for Omen fans. Here he is no longer a child, but a 13 year old boy ready to steal his uncles's business empire Thorn Industries. If you loved the Omen you are in for a real treat!
Rating:  Summary: Lives Up To It's Predessecor Review: Well excuted Grisley horror scenes and a decent William Holden performance Three Years before his death makes this film worth watching. A Few years have now passed since the aftermath of Damien Thorne the antichrist's destruction in "The Omen" and now the little boy is a teenager who is slowly coming to realize his unholy existence And horrific death to anyone who suspects him of his evil herritage or gets in his way. The most gruesome of death scenes in the film was when a doctor suspects something abnormal in Damien following an accident in a chemical plant the doctor is trapped in a unstable elevator and is eletocuted and split in two by a fallen live wire. Another shocking scene was when a crow under the influrence of Damien visculousy attacks a journalist nearly ripping her face off with it's claws only to be run over by an on coming semi truck. Did Not have the luster of the original film but it certainley is a well made horror film on it's accord.
Rating:  Summary: Ridiculous mess but fun nonetheless Review: Oh, it's got the usual gruesome deaths, and the music that signals when something terrible is about to happen. But the main attraction (or distraction, depending on your outlook) is the bad acting. Lee Grant is awful! Her reactions to the dreadful things that happen are ridiculous. It makes her performance in "Valley of the Dolls" look good. William Holden looks like he'd rather be anywhere else but doing this picture. Nobody really fares well in this. It is definitely a guilty pleasure, as one of the other reviewers noted. I like it, but it is without a doubt a BAD movie. But then again, some of my favorite movies are the rotten ones, like, come to think of it, "Valley of the Dolls".
Rating:  Summary: Dull Glances Review: In this film, dont wait too horror.Because it s not as horror as the first one.But there s afew scenes which is really to bounce. Cast's r good but a few scenes they couldnt show good performance.But i cant say same thing for Jonathan Scott Taylor. Really he has used his eyes very frightening and dull.And showed very good performance.On the other hand film's music's r to effecting the human.But in this film, the most important thing is scenario.The scenario is so fascinating.Shortly this film is a completely OMEN.
Rating:  Summary: an underated classic Review: When i first saw DAMIEN OMEN 11 in 1978 , i was quite impressed. At that time i hadnt seen the original movie , so DAMIEN was an introduction for me into this genre of movie . The thing that got me first was excellent cinematography, which to this day stands up against some very highly regarded movies . Then , came everything else . The stand out acting by the more then impressive cast. The set pieces, such as the death of the Lew Ayres character . The tribute to Alfred Hitchcock , with a combination of NORTH BY NORTHWEST and THE BIRDS . The scene where the doctor gets cut in half by an elevator cable . Jerry Goldsmiths demonic score is next . Its a wonder why that wasnt nominated for an oscar . And ofcourse , the wonderful direction by Don Taylor , who acted with William Holden in STALAG 17 in 1953 . These are just some of the things i can say about such an underated classic like DAMIEN OMEN 11
Rating:  Summary: 666: The curse of Damien Thorn! Review: I was weary of watching these 'Omen' films as I thought the would be dull. But to my surprise I enjoyed this sequel. Plenty of gore and plot and starring the ol' horror and sci-fi veteran Lance Henriksen. As sequels go its pretty good. Poor old Damien, everyone he cares about either goes mad or ends up dead. Check it out...
Rating:  Summary: The Ominous Omen Part 2 Review: Damien: Omen 2 was the film that gave me a many sleepless nights at the young age of 8.Also, it didn't help any that I was attending a Catholic private school, at the same time, destined and structured on teaching us about the forces of good and evil.The rest is history.It is now over 20 years later and I laugh at what scared me back then; the "killer raven" right out of the movie "The Birds" (was it Satan,Satan's minion,Damien's guardian ?), the symphonic/ electronic synthesized score by Jerry Goldsmith,the melo-dramatics by a few of the actors, and , yes, those 70's fashions for the extremely-corporate wealthy. I almost forgot what great actors William Holden and Lee Grant were (no hidden sarcasm here). Really, these were the more memorable "mature" actors from the golden era of Hollywood (40's,50's,60's)that added the distinguishable touch to an otherwise regular horror/thriller flick. Jonathan Scott-Taylor was just as intense and professional for such an early age ! Imagine, as child actor, being told what character you will be playing and the Hollywood players involved...To answer whether or not this movie scares, it is yes, no, and maybe. Yes, if you're a young child. No, if you're a grown up. Maybe, if you are into religion...
Rating:  Summary: Fun-filled satanic antics Review: Although it lacks the queasy, frightful atmosphere of the original film and is plotted rather loosely, Damien: Omen II is loads of fun. Damien, now a very scary-looking adolescent, begins to understand his destiny while at a military school, while his uncle (William Holden) starts to realize that the chain of crazy deaths surrounding his company and family have a signifigance he doesn't want to face. Omen II definitely fails in creating a strong narrative thrust: far too much is going on, and there are too many characters simply waiting around to be killed in another grandiose satanic "accident". Dramatically, the film is best when it centers of Damien's experience at the school (Jonathan Scott-Taylor plays Damien's ambivalence extremely well) and William's Holden's growing insecurity. But the subplots about Thorn Industries never go anywhere, and characters and ideas are introduced mere minutes before another death scene brings them to a screeching halt. But the film does deliver on the clever fright and gore scenes: cracked ice, runaway trains, crazy elevators (eeeeeewwww! you'll see what I mean), and ghastly ravens accompanied by Jerry Goldsmith's score make the flick an unpredictable wild ride. And even if the finale doesn't build up as well as it should, there's a geuninely shocking twist that makes it all worth while. The new DVD transfer shows off the film's impressive cinematography, which will only help you enjoy it more. Ave Satani!