Rating:  Summary: Sam And Bruce In The Woods... Review: EVIL DEAD is an incredibly creepy, gooshingly gory, immensely entertaining movie. When you consider that Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, and their friends just decided to make a horror movie and went out and did it, it boggles the mind! They were all just kids from Michigan State University, on a top-secret (so secret, they didn't know it themselves) mission to make movie history. The result is an intense 85 minutes of dread and terror! Ash (Campbell) and his friends are staying in a cabin in the middle of the deep woods. They have no idea that this particular cabin is the stomping-grounds for a demonic presence of pure evil. Unleashed through a tape-recorded recitation, the dark forces descend upon Ash and company, possessing them and playing sadistic games with each. Death, oozing gore, and rape by a tree (!!) are only some of the things that make this unforgettable. Turn out the lights and enjoy...
Rating:  Summary: Low Budget Schlock can give quality thrills. Review: Anyone who watches any of the Evil Dead series should know going in that they are low budget films, but enter with an open mind and you will not go away dissapointed. Sure the sets and actors are not from the Hollywood mold, but that in essence is what makes this film and others of it's genre trully artful. By making the most with what they had to work with, Sam Raimi and cast make a real attempt to freighten while never taking themselves or their craft too seriously.Evil Dead and it's brethen are great for what they are: tongue in cheek horror at it't very best, anybody who watches this movie and doesn't laugh at least a little, just don't get it. Not every director gets $100 milion to make Waterworld, but for those who get it, these movies rock!!!
Rating:  Summary: Evil Dead, revisionist hype and the abuse of superlatives Review: This is, without any doubt, one of the worst films ever made. I'm not a film snob or punk trying to antagonize the deluded legion of dupes who idolize this piece of garbage. I'm just trying to provide balance to the roars of approval for this not-at-all-good "film." Seriously people, have you even watched this stupid thing? It is AWFUL (and not even in an "Ed Wood meets Dead Alive meets tongue-in-cheek" way)! There is, and I want this to be crystal clear, NOTHING GOOD ABOUT THIS MOVIE! NOTHING...ZERO...ZILCH!!! Save your stars (seriously, FIVE stars for this crap - ARE YOU INSANE?!) for a movie that delivers...anything. Can we please relegate Sam Raimi and this "train wreck" to the pile of hyped up hacks and "cult faves" where they belong?!
Rating:  Summary: Evil Dead Special Edition, more gore, yeah!!! Review: "Evil Dead" is an excellent example of what you can do with a little money (I mean a very little amount) and a ton of imagination. Goerge Romero did it with "Night of the Living Dead", John Carpenter did it with "Halloween", and then Sam Rami did it with this horror gem. The story goes that Ash and his friends travels to the Tennessee hills (my home turf) for a vacation. While they are there, they happen across the Book of the Dead, and a recording of it's translation. After listening to it, Ash's friends become possesed one by one. Many people liked "Evil Dead II" better than the original. I can't deny that part two is good; indeed I liked it very much. This one, however, is much more serious with less sight gags and Three Stooges-like antics, though it is funny sometimes. Bruce Campbell dose well, but this on isn't really his moment to shine, that will be the next movie. "Evil Dead" has huge amounts of gore in it, as you can tell by it's NC-17 rating. There are a few problems I have with it, though. How did Ash know about this house if it wasn't his or any of his reletives, and how did he come by it? Well, it doesn't matter, common sense is thrown out the window; this is, after all, more a spoof of horror than horror itself. Also, did you notice that the thing in the basement looks an awful lot like Linda Blair from "The Exorcist". Over all it's a horror classic that should be in any serious horror fan's collection.
Rating:  Summary: You will die like the others before you! Review: 1983's "Evil Dead" is a dark and gritty horror film that scared audiences with its grisly gore and frightening concept. Not bad for a movie that cost just $375,000! While setting the stage for the events to come in "Evil Dead 2" and "Army of Darkness," this movie marks the debut of Bruce Campbell, whose character Ash evolved into the genre's own cult hero. Five college students rent an old cabin located deep in the Tennessee woods. In the cellar, Ash and his friend Scotty (Hal Delrich) discover two interesting objects: an archaeologist's tape recorder and the Necronomicon (Book of the Dead). Bound in human flesh and inked in blood, the Necronomicon contains Sumerian burial rites and bizarre incantations. If read, the Book's pages resurrect unseen demons that lie dormant in the forest. Upon playing the tape, the students accidentally unleash the dark forces of evil; one by one Scotty, Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss), Shelly (Theresa Tilly) and Ash's own girlfriend Linda (Betsy Baker) all become deranged, bloodthirsty zombies. Armed with an axe and a double-barrelled shotgun, Ash is left alone to fight for his survival. The only way the evil could be destroyed is through bodily dismemberment! Audiences will be shocked at "Evil Dead's" onscreen gore; corpses will be chopped apart, wide-eyed zombies will fester beyond recognition, and rivers of blood will gush from the basement pipes! Sam Raimi's direction can be clearly indicated by the fast, low-level camera motion used throughout the film. Such an element represents the unseen shadows that can crash through windows and knock down trees. If you have seen "Army of Darkness" first, you might be surprised as to how Ash's character behaves. Instead of a chainsaw-wielding, gun-toting bad boy, Ash is simply a sensitive, caring person who happens to be caught in a terrifying situation. He's overcome with grief as he can't stomach the thought of killing Linda, the woman he loves. Quite interesting! Horror movie fans will be quite pleased at what "Evil Dead" offers. I must warn you, though, it ISN'T for the faint of heart! Indeed, this movie is nothing short of 85 minutes of heartstopping terror!
Rating:  Summary: you gotta love this movie Review: This is one of my favorite horror movies...I saw this in the mid 80's when I was really young...probably 6 or 7 but anyways out of any horror movie I think I've watched this one the most...It does have some tense scary moments but I think the movie was made to really shock you with it's extreme violence and gore..and this movie is just downright nasty when it comes to gore...I've always liked the atmosphere in this movie...Alot of people like the sequel better which is really the same formula as the first (this one) but this one is hands down the scariest one !!!! Defiantely a must-see classic for every horror fan !
Rating:  Summary: "It was the woods themselves" Review: A true horror classic. Everything from the sounds, to the setting, to the camera angles is perfectly done. If youre a gore or zombie fan...this is a must-have. The film starts out with a group of friends going out to a cabin for leisure and ends up with a fight to live amongst themselves. This movie also has comical aspects, in the low-budget filming and the extreme gore it contains. Overall, a great movie and worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: One of the all time greatest Review: I still jump when I watch this film. I've seen it over 100 times and it's just as great now as it was 20 years ago!! BUY IT!!
Rating:  Summary: LOW on budget but HIGH on Imagination and Gore. Review: I have to frankly admit that I was hesitant in purchasing this DVD. The reason being is that I purchased EVIL DEAD 2 FIRST after reading several of the rave reviews posted on this site. I was extremely disapointed with it. I am NOT a HUGE fan of HORROR/COMEDIES- I think the only one I thoroughly enjoyed was AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. I found the sequel to be a loud jumble of excesses that didn't make much sense. However something within me told me to give this film a chance, so I did and I prefer this film over the sequel any day of the week. The story deals with several people spending some quiet time in an isolated cabin in the middle of nowhere. They accidently stumble upon the encantations from the very powerful BOOK OF THE DEAD unleashing Hell upon them. The demons start by raping one of the girls and later possessing her. The possessed girl then attacks, another one becomes possessed, she attacks then another is possessed and so on and so on. The film moves along at a good pace and there is GORE A PLENTY. However, what makes this film better than EVIL DEAD 2 in my eyes is that it plays more like a horror film. It's over the top but no where near to the extent of DEAD BY DAWN. There are no SEVERED WALKING HANDS, LAUGHING MOOSEHEADS or LAUGHING LAMPS. What you get are frightening possesion scenes- reminiscent of The Exorcist, pencil stabbings, beheadings and ALOT of BLOOD & OOZE. The films major strength lies in it's creativity and EXCELLENT MAKE-UP EFFECTS. Gorehounds and HORROR movies fans will find alot to like in this fast paced shocker that delivers the goods despite it obvious low budget.
Rating:  Summary: Watch it for the gore, not the acting. Review: This is a really fun "B" movie. If you like horror movies featuring gore and dismemberment, then add this to your collection. The special effects are a bit "cheesy", but it's all in good fun! Recommended.