Rating:  Summary: Bon Jovi Kicks ... at Killing Blood Suckers! Review: So, this is the ninth review. What can I say, this movie kicks ..., and while it was made on a lower budget, the special effects (for the most part) and the acting is definitely excellent. I have always loved lower budgeted horror movies, probably because they tend to have more emphasis on make-up effects and gore; a lot of work, energy, sweat and blood from the actors, director, and make up artists get put into the film. This movie captures all of that, and more. Jon Bon Jovi kicks ... at killing Blood Suckers. He is such an incredible actor, as well as a musician (Yeah I'm biased! I was born and raised in Jersey!). I love every movie he's been in, and it is good to see Jon as a slayer in this Gothic/Western Vampire flick. The rest of the cast is just as phenomenal, it's even got Natalie Wood's beautiful daughter in it (Natasha Gregson Wagner). It is an excitingly suspensful, fightening, edge-of-your-seat vampire event! Don't miss it!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie for JBJ vidcaps Review: The movie as such is entertaining if you like vampire movies. But the main thing is JBJ. If you like to make vidcaps of him this is definitely a must. His looks run the gamut of hard masculine warrior to scared little boy.
Rating:  Summary: Typical B Movie, Nothing More Review: The movie is good until the last 20 minutes. The problem is the main vampire is supposed to strong and powerful, but it comes to Bon Jovi and his pack of hunters its seems them powers are gone. Also the main vampire is pretty stupid as she falls for there tricks, as when Bon Jovi says "come out I want to talk to you." OK, Even when The vampire kid naps the priest, that whole part was stupid to.Another problem with the movie is you don't know anything about the main vampire's character. Where did she come from? How etc. This is just a typical movie, there isn't no depth in the storyline and it has your typical B Movie ending, we're chasing some powerful vampire, which can't hurt us and everything goes our way, the end. The first one was better.
Rating:  Summary: wallows in utter stupidity Review: the only thing likable in this movie is Bon Jovi and his character springs to life but the story crumbles and wallows into a vortex of mindnumbing stupidity. ok the woman snorts crushed pills and becomes a daywalking vampire, pretty neat, not. we got wooden actors and lots of holes. for those only who want to see Bon Jovi fight evil vampires
Rating:  Summary: Vampires: Los Suckos Review: This brainless, low-budget attempt to cash in on the success of John Carpenter's Vampires was so foul and lame that the studios couldn't even bribe one of their lap-dog "reviewers" to crank out a glowing review for the DVD cover. Or maybe they couldn't afford the kickback--who knows? In any case, the bad casting and inept acting had a kind of narcotic quality like an over-the-counter sleeping pill and the movie had so many plot holes that I used the DVD later to drain my spaghetti. "John Carpenter Presents"--a piece of incredible crap!! Its general level of radioactive badness probably made me sterile.
Rating:  Summary: NICE, NOT LIKE THE FIRST, BUT STILL GREAT Review: This is actualy a very good sequal to the first, the film was written and directed by Tommy Lee Walace. I think he did a great job, the story was very intertaning and well rounded. Even Jon Bon Jovi did an excellent job on this, this is the first film I have seen with him as the star. Cristian De La Fuente, Arly Jover, Darius McCrary, and Natasha Wagner all did great jobs on this film. Alot of people have knocked this film as a remake of the first, well all I can say is you try to make a movie half as good as this, I bet you can't.
Rating:  Summary: Better Then Vampires Review: This is one of the only times I can actually say the sequel is better then the original. Although James Woods is a cool bad [...] on film it seemed that Jon Bon Jovi just played this part better. Bon Jovi had a more lack-a-daysical and loner type attitude toward the whole business of vampire hunting. In this movie there is also a little bit more to the plot then the orignal, although it does have drawing power from the original. All the actors did a good job and I'm not even sure I would call this a B-Movie, you just don't get that cheesy feeling when you watch it. If you're a fan of "Vampires" or the genre I would definately buy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: The bad sequel curse strikes again!!! Review: This movie was described as terrifying. It was BORING!!!! In fact I wish I could give this movie a thumbs down instead of one star. This movie deserves a big fat ZERO rating.
There was nothing terrifying about this movie at all. When a so called scary scene would happen it would get lame again. The movie stars Jon Bon Jovi as vampire hunter Derek Bliss. He is sent on assignment in Mexico to hunt and kill a quick moving vampire names Una. Una had some nice moves, but they did not last long enough. She would come at you quick, and get you with her sharp nails before sinking her teeth into you. He has to recruit other hunters and ends up with Zooey who may or may not be a blood sucker herself. Father Rodriqgo, Sancho, and Ray Collins (Darius McCrary from Family Matters). Ray Collins is this gruff sounding (actually pathetic gruff sounding) vampire hunter. The voice was so bad, all I could do was laugh. Zooey take a medicine that helps her control her vampire urges, but when she loses the medicine Derek has to make a choice if she is worth saving. You get very little gore, terrible acting, and why folks think this movie is better then Vampires is a mystery. This is a horrible, horrible sequel, and it?s not better then Vampires!!!
If you have nothing better to do, then watch this movie at your own risk. Better yet, rent some better Vampire movies. See Vampires, Blade, Blade 2, From Dusk till Dawn, and the Lost Boys.
Rating:  Summary: Campy and Fun Review: This was a very intertaining film; much better to watch than James Wood's version, although I must say I did like his as well. I thought Jon Bonjovi brought a more down to earth, likeable, and more fanciful hero in the vampire hunter genre. I recommend this to any vampire film enthusiast and to any fellow Jon Bonjovi fan.
Rating:  Summary: Shot down in a blaze of boredom . . . Review: To begin with, John Carpenters' original movie 'Vampires' was no great shakes. Sure, it was an entertaining time-waster - but, from the guy who once gave us the sharp tension of 'Halloween' to the gross delights of 'The Thing', the film displayed the director far from the top of his game. However in comparison, this cheap-looking and plodding sequel not only manages to make the original movie resemble something quite good, it also makes other recent vampire movies out there (ie, The Forsaken) seem a whole lot better in retrospect. The story (I use that term loosely) has slacker-ish vampire hunter Derek Bliss (played by a comatose Jon Bon Jovi) enlisted to track down a female vampire in Mexico. He bands together a team (hewever, he doesn't like this as he usually works alone), only to discover they have just been murdered by said vampire. Along the way he picks up Natasha Gregson Wagner, who has been bitten and is slowly transforming into a vampire as we meet her. She keeps her vampirism at bay however, by the use of a startling new drug which slows down the infection and is keeping her human. (Give you a slight plot hint. Guess what happens to her drug around two thirds through the movie?) From then on its the usual desert roads, banal vampire attacks and boring character (un)development all the way until we are taken to the rather dull and frankly boring finale. Its a shame this movie was so bad. Director Tommy Lee Wallace has tackled the vampire genre before in the underrated 'Fright Night Part 2', and proved he could move the action along fairly well. His other movies (Halloween 3 and IT) have all been decent enough productions to warrant that this endeavour may at least be a little entertaining. However, he seems to be preoccupied in presenting us with dull characterisations, uneven storytelling and lacklustre direction. The opening vampire attack (and subsequent payoff) are poorly handled and seem more at home in an episode of Buffy or Angel than in a movie of this kind. Jon Bon Jovi seems to be bored out of his mind throughout the movie, and the rest of the cast are playing their roles in the usual genre movie manner that we are all accustomed to. Only Natasha Gregson Wagner comes away from this movie looking any good (as she does from most of her other roles), portraying the character with depth and charm. The cinematography is crisp and audio is sharp, which of a movie this recent that should be expected. Extras include an interesting commentary from Wallace (who informs us of the low budget he had to work with) and a the usual trailers, etc. To sum up, if you are a fan of the original you may enjoy this one but probably not much. It feels tired and has a 'so-what?' attitude running through it which left me feeling grouchy and I quickly began to remind myself about the good old days when great vampire movies like 'Near Dark' were actually trying to be something like entertaining and strange. Not dull and boring.