Rating:  Summary: A parent's love and Revenge Review: Sometimes revenge merits reaction, the depth of which seemingly hinged upon how badly the wronged party is slighted. In Ed Harley's (Lance Hendrikson - Aliens) case, the end to satisfy his pressing need goes well beyond even the strangest ways of "getting even." After a few moments of movie affirmation dealing with how much he loves his son, he decides, rather unfortunately, too leave him at his country store while he goes and delivers an order. While he's away, some "city kids" that have just arrived decide to do a little motorbiking and accidentally kill Harley's son. Quite distraught by what has happened, he goes and sees an old witch about bringing his son back from the dead only to find out she can do nothing for him in that field. After she breaks the news to him that his child's death is irreversible, his need for revenge causes him to seek another, bleaker, path to sate his anger. Defying the legends about the cost of such dealings, Harley decides to invoke the pumpkinhead, a beast to kill all those who had wronged him. The only problem with this idea, as he soon finds pout, is that he must watch them die, one by one, as his bloodlust takes the form of a "demon." Psychologically, can he deal with this or can he find a way to undue that which he has wrought? Ah, the fun of signing over all your objections when you're peeved. Pumpkinhead is another superb outing by the masterful effects wizard Stan Winston (Aliens, T-2, Jurassic Park, She-Creature, How to Make a Monster, Earth Vs, The Spider) that brings a lot to the table. Besides a nice looking monster, you have an interesting storyline, a motive for the events taking place, some really good acting mixed with some average acting, and plenty of characters to sacrifice to the kiddy grinder. All in all, its a murderous treat with enough flair to make a monster-lover swell with tears of pride.
Rating:  Summary: Sowing the Seeds of Revenge!!!! Review: Who couldn't use a pumpkinhead in their lives? I love the premise to this. A redneck has his child murdered by sterotypical teens and goes to the "old witch in the hills" for revenge. Her bright idea is to summon "pumkinhead", a hideous creature who literally feels the rednecks pain. It sets out on a mission of vengnece destroying the guilty parties with a ferocity not seen in horror films in a long, long time. The demon is cool. Theres lots of bones braking and suffering though little gore. So why only three stars? For one, the score is downright aggravating. I never want to hear a harmonica or blues guitar again! ever! Plus the screenplay is rotten. I found the characters to be painfully one dimensional. You really could care less if they all end up rotting in pumkinheads vile belly. You just don't "feel" this movie like others of its ilk. Theres a pretty cool demon in "The Unnamable" and that film is far superior to this. Still, pumkinhead has a pretty dark and sombre mood to it. If thats your thing, this movie could be for you.
Rating:  Summary: "Stay Away From Pumpkinhead..." Review: Rising from fiery legends of backwoods folklore, our story begins as a young Ed Harley witnesses the gruesome death of a "marked" man by a creature known only as "Pumpkinhead". Fast- forward to the present. While living peaceful life with his son Billy and their pooch Gyspy, a now grown Ed Harley's (Lance Henriksen) world is turned upside down when careless city folks accidentally kill his boy. Pained by his son's death, Ed knows that simple justices will not be enough. He turns to the only avenue he knows...Pumpkinhead. Were the legends true? Did he really see this mythical beast as a child? What will the price be for vengeance??? Good questions, too bad Ed doesn't care about the consequences, he wants retribution. After striking a deal with the mountain witch Haggis (Florence Schauffler), the demon "vengeance" (a.k.a Pumpkinhead) is sent forth to unleash its hellish fury upon these transgressors. As blood, body parts, and religious symbols fly, this dark executioner of the netherworld reaps vengeance on its unsuspecting prey. But something strange begins to haunt Ed as Pumpkinhead dishes out its unholy justice upon the innocent. Is Ed too late to stop this verdict of damnation ?? I won't tell. This is a definite must-buy!
Rating:  Summary: Wish they still made horror like this... Review: After all of the Godawful "horror" films that have been unleashed on the viewing public in the recent past, I really wish directors would be forced to watch movies like this before they're allowed behind another camera. Successful horror isn't extremely difficult, and this is what makes Pumpkinhead great-it's basic in storytelling and acting, but it excels in creating a mood and involving the audience. Yes, you will actually care about Mr. Hendriksen's character. Another feature which separates this film from recent horror movies(well, about 95 percent of all movies lately) is that it doesn't treat the audience like idiots. Crazy idea, I know. Also, Pumpkinhead represents the apex of monster puppetry. So if you're like me, and you're not frightened by un-believable computer animated creatures, or Roger Rabbit horror, and you like to be impressed by the physical presence that the nemesis has next to the protagonist, you'll enjoy this. All in all, solid film, very well crafted, good repeat viewing potential. Check it out.
Rating:  Summary: This film proves young, Hollywood talent isn't necessary. Review: There are no big stars in this film. There's no massive budget. There's no sex and no sexy, young, Hollywood talent to ruin it. F/X genius Stan Winston captures what makes a film scary...atmosphere. The soundtrack is great. The low, ominous, keyboard drone carries the film. Add a kick-a** monster, put it in the woods, have it jump out when you least expect it, and you've got gold. ... What makes this film believable is that they weren't in it. I'd like Winston to come out with another film, and use the same techniques. By the way, the witch was creepy and PERFECTLY cast. She was the star, not Pumpkinhead. Great movie. It won't scare you like the Exorcist, which kept people from sleeping, but it's a GREAT ghost story. I was surprised. It's now one of the DVD's I play when people come over and ask for something good.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Good Thriller Review: Most people probably wouldn't really think much of a little horror film called "Pumpkinhead" from the start. But, if they knew that it was directed by effects and make-up legend Stan Winston, in his first directorial effort, then they would know that it would have to be pretty decent. Pretty good, as a matter of fact. The always great Lance Henriksen stars as a woodsy kind of guy whose little son is accidentally killed by some 'city folk' who are bike riding near his dad's grocery store in the middle of nowhere. The devastated dad goes to an old witch and wants revenge. She sends him to get the corpse of the ancient demon named Pumpkinhead, who will rise from the grave and exact revenge on whoever or whatever the person who ressurected it wants. Once the demon is brought to life, and goes about finding and killing the young city kids in horrible, gruesome ways, Henriksen realizes that he made a terrible mistake and tries to stop it. But, you can't. It has to run it's course. The creature itself is magnificently scary. It's scenes are directed very well and very creepily. That's something the sequel sorely lacked in. Henriksen delivers a fine performance. He ranges from happy dad to a revengeful hatred person. He pulls it off. The supporting cast is a bunch of nobody's, with exception to Jeff East, who played the young Clark Kent in the original "Superman" movie. The fillm doesn't end the way one would want it too, but it's a pleasing and satisfying horror film nonetheless. Not great, but not bad. Check it out....if you dare!.
Rating:  Summary: Great all-round horror, Henriksen delivers Review: Besides being a great horror movie with a good storyline and outstanding special effects, it's a must have for all Lance Henriksen followers. Forget the teeny-boppers, they get what they deserve as usual. The real performer to watch is Henriksen as he creates a believable man seeking vengence and pays the price for getting it. This movie is great anytime so don't save it just for Halloween. It's a must have.
Rating:  Summary: Great film, basic disc . . . Review: This is a great little halloween movie. Superb direction from then first-timer Stan Winston, and a truly awe-inspiring central creature in the title role. It's production problems were highly publicised at the time, what with its yo-yo title changes (Vengeance, the Demon, anyone?) to the studios flipping the movie back and forth, it seemed like this movie would remain forever in limbo. Luckily for us in the UK, it did get its release (even if it was direct-to-video). Which meant for me it was a happy sight to see it emerge in the digital format . . . or so I thought. Back to the film itself, the story is rather lame, highly reminiscent of the FRIDAY THE 13TH movies in the 80s, but what those movies don't have is Lance Henriksen in the lead role. He elevates this movie from what could have been usual direct-to-video dreck to cult classic status. His strong figure gives gravitas to all of the story around him, and you actually feel his emotions are played for real, as they could have so easily been trivialised in lesser hands. It is a great monument to him and director Winston for giving this movie a heart and soul, that is so lacking in many other horror movies of the day and quite considerably now. The look of the movie is great with Bojan Bazelli giving the film a dark and fairy-tale/Brothers Grim feel. Richard Stones' score is marvellous and the creature effects are spot-on (just take a look at the pedestrian effects in Pumpkinhead II to make you see what wonders they did on this show). So, all in all the movie itself is a four or five star affair. It's a pity the disc is not. MGM have put out some wonderful discs in the past year. Their Bond 007 special editions are faultless, and they have shown a lot of respect to other movies with great DVD transfers, extras and excellent packaging. What annoys me about this particular edition that I have is that MGM have hardly put any effort into it. The disc is a bare-bones affair and is obviously a "budget release". No anamorphic widescreen (I assume WInston shot in scope, can anyone enlighten me if he did or didn't? It would be great to see this movie the way it was shot.), the picture quality is poor (and highly resembles my CBS/FOX VHS 1989 UK release copy) and not an extra in sight. Okay, we get the trailer, but what about a commentary track or new documentary? C'mon MGM, I am willing to shell out again for a PUMPKINHEAD special edition than have the movie in this lacklustre edition. This movie has been messed around enough, show it some respect now with DVD . . .
Rating:  Summary: A one of a kind horror that doesent come around every day.. Review: This has got to be the most terrorfying horror movie I have ever seen.I would have enjoyed this alot more if I was alot younger like at age 8 or 9 because when your at that age you get to be scared when watching a horror movie but now that im grown up and an adult you dont enjoy a horror flick such as this in the same perspective as you was when a child.I do remember watching this when I was little but I dont remember that much but I do remember being so scared I couldent sleep in my bed for a week.Any ways back to the movie.I gave it 5 stars because I realy see no flaws in this exept for when the little boy billy is supposed to be dead but if you look at him in the back ground you can see him blinking,and I also thought it was a little weird when pumpkin head climbs up on top of the house and the tree,now I cant picture somthing that big and clumbsy climbing up a tree.Aside from those two things I didint see any other flaws.The acting of the charecters are great and there personalitys have lots of depth such as Ed Harly.It is also very heart breaking to see that cute little boy die and you feel very sorry for Ed after words because of the great loving relationship between him and his son.Believe it or not but there was a few city folks in the movie that I was rooting for pumpkin head to kill like the one guy who hit the kid with his motor cycle(you could tell that the bast*** didint care when he hit him but just about himself)and his girl friend because I just couldent stand the way she acted and also the guy who was the brother of the guy who hit the little kid just mainly for the fact he was helping his carless brother but the rest of them I liked and wanted them to make it through alive.The monster is great and it goes good with the back woods seen.I recomend this movie to anyone who loves those original horror movies that dont just come around every day.Rated R for strong langeuge and gory violence.
Rating:  Summary: BEST HORROR MOVIE EVER!!A ONE OF A KIND!! Review: Awesome,movie was the best ever.I have never seen a horror movie as good as this one.It keeps you on your toes through the whole movie!!The design of the monster is so awesome.It goes great with the back ground of the movie.The special effects are even better than the ones in Pumpkin head 2.Acting is great and the atmosphere of it is spooky and creepy.Its realy gory to.And they make the teens look like bad guys so somtimes it makes you root for pumpkin head.but any ways this is a perfect horror movie.I see no flaws or any thing in it but I do think if it was released a few years later the special effects would have been even better.I dont think that any actor could have replaced Lance Henriksen.Some of the teens did a good job of acting to.If your sick of horror villains that spit out endless one-liners like Freddy Krueger,Chucky,and Pinhead in sequels 3 and up(not that I dont like those horrors,I love them)then you will like pumkinhead.He is realy an evil creature that lets his sharp claws,and bone breaking strength do the talking for him.He is very scary looking to.Still,I have no idea why this great horror is so underrated.Could it just be the name of the movie,or the picture on the movie case that people see and say it looks stupid?Well,I suggest that you dont pay attention to the case or name,and listen to the positive reviews about this great film(it's obvious to me that there are more good reviews about this film than bad ones).So I please ask you to atleast take a look at this movie,it will be way better than you think.Bye now.