Rating:  Summary: Candyman: Best of the Genre Review: I lived in Chicago for several years and I would often visit friends in Cabrini Green. My familiarity with those housing projects is what made "Candyman" more than just a movie to me. This movie not only had a unique story line, but by movie's end you are not one hundred percent sure if Candyman committed the murders of if Virginia Madsen's character did. This ambiguity, this vagueness is what lends realism to a movie that I consider to be the best of the genre. Tony Todd, a long-time underestimated actor, gives a sterling performance as the baritone voiced "creature." Testimony to the movies greatness can be evidenced by the lack of long, drawn out dialogue on Candyman's part: "Be my victim," "come to me" and other short, blood curdling statements sufficed. An important note: this movie's premise is that Candyman, as a young artist, fell in love with a white girl, the daughter of a wealthy plantation owner. The plantation owner would have none of that, and sent henchmen to murder the young man. As part of the torture, they not only cut off the hand that he sketched his pictures with, but they also brought in bees that stung him until he hwas dead. The legend kicked in: if you look in the mirror and say "Candyman" three times, he will appear. BUt did he? One need only understand how sick this society is, and the existence of the anti-miscegenation laws that prevented interracial interaction, to know that such a premise not only could exist, but twas played out in this country's history. Virginia Madsen's performance is incredible, as is that of newcomer Kasi Lemons. I recommend this movie without reservation.
Rating:  Summary: The REAL Urban Legend film Review: Candyman is yet another fantastic adaptation of one of Clive Barker's stories into a film. It has a very different feeling to it compared to Hellraiser, Nightbreed, or Lord of Illusion. The world in "Candyman" feels more real, which makes it more frightening. The story is about a graduate student working on a thesis about urban legends and modern folklore that people use to deal with the baser human fears in modern life. Once the legends get spread they eventually take on a life of their own. In the case of Candyman, a legend taking on it's own life gets on an entirely new meaning.That's enough to get you started without giving away too much. In the right atmosphere, this movie can be down right frightening. The use of sound in the film is phenomenal. The constant switch between silence and Philip Glass' creepy score is wonderful. On top of that, Tony Todd's resonating deep voice will send chills down your spine when he calls out Helen's name. The movie is starts very slow paced in order to keep the suspense up, and then explodes. This is an intense, highly psychological, and gory film.
Rating:  Summary: just say my name a cuple of times Review: candyman... it's a okey movie..not my kind of 'horror' but it's nevertheless a good one... to make this a short one:i think my dog at that time was more scared than i was(it takes a lot to spook moi)...*lol*...just kiddin'..i like the film... i dare you to see it....:p
Rating:  Summary: "Candyman" will leave everyone in awe. Review: I was very impressed by this movie. Just the opening track made me want to hide under the covers. Not only was this the most morbid and delightfully haunting movie I've ever seen, but it really DOES leave you somewhat parnaoid. Every time you glance in the mirror you can't help but wonder about the legend and recap some of the gruesome events that took place in the film. It was an interesting movie and personally, I strongly urge everyone to pick up a copy. Most horror movies are old and dull after you've seen them more then once or twice.... definitely not this one.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant, Unique and Entertaining! Bravo! Review: This film is more than just a horror film. Candyman is the perfect blend of visual and musical creativity. The score is haunting and beautiful. The cinematography is well done. All in all...this film is a masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: Candyman Is The Best Horror Film of The 90s Review: Stylistically haunting, visually engrossing and absolutely horrifying... "CANDYMAN" is in my opinion the best horror film of the 90s. THIS MOVIE JUST DOES EVERYTHING RIGHT! We are never quite sure, is Candyman real? Even though we see him kill so many, the question is left open-ended... The cheese radar is on 10, I didn't giggle the whole time... I am also not afraid to say that this is the most sensual and cover your ears horror fans "SEXY" slasher I have ever seen... Essentially, Candyman combines BETRAYAL, SENSUALITY, VIOLENCE AND "GHOST STORIES" without sacrificing any integrity... Did I mention it has an incredible score by philip glass? You can't go wrong. You can interpet this movie in many ways, it has a great take on "urban culture" that few will catch.
Rating:  Summary: hmmm... Review: This movie is filled with "Could-Have-Been." Not enough follow through. besides the fact that it is a rediculously bad rendering of the Classic Clive Barker story, it really has no solidity as a film of the genre of horror. I was more appalled than scared. It lacks all of the punch that Hellraiser has, and all of the thought that went into Lord of Illusions. It's a mess. Avoid it if you have any devotion to Clive Barker. The reason it gets 2- Tony Todd is interesting, not accurate, but interesting. I'd never looked at the Candyman with any nature of humanity, but his performance demands it. I prefer the Candyman that I pictured, regardless.
Rating:  Summary: 1.Candyman 2.Candyman 3.Candyman 4.Candyman 5.Candyman... Review: Oh yes. I done did it. I looked in my mirror and said Candyman five times...but guess what? I'm still here! Atleast long enough to write this review...after that, who knows?! I must say that this was an interesting concept for a movie, but I did not feel that the filmmakers and the screenwriters took it seriously. Yes, there were many, many chills and thrills, but as the film played on, I realized that this was going to be yet another by-the-numbers horror flick. Oh, the things they could have done with this!!!! They simply missed the opportunity to make a great film. Don't get me wrong, it was good - but not great. I can say this: the whole bee thing was freaky. Total freakishness. The director Bernard Rose made a far better movie back in the eighties called, "Paperhouse". Watch that one first, then rent "Candyman". One great, the other just plain ole' good. Memorable, to say the least.
Rating:  Summary: A deep, hard-core, underrated horror classic. Review: Although it's practically unknown outside the English-speaking audience, "Candyman" is considered one of the finest horror movies of the nineties. The reason? The absolute purity of it. It haunts the spectator using the brutal story of a folk tale and throws an amazing conclusion: horror can be real, as long as you believe in it. Based on the literary work of Clive Barker, "Candyman" explores the myth of a supernatural murderer that haunts the lower-class housing project Cabrini Green. A graduate student called Helen is doing her thesis on urban folk, and ends up knee-deep in the tale of the terrible Candyman, who is said to appear to those who say his name five times in front of a mirror. In an act of arrogant disbelief, Helen summons the ghost as if it was merely a joke. There will be no laughter when she realizes that Candyman is not only real, but is also after her! Director Bernard Rose gave the movie a very plain, middle-class point-of-view, which was definitely the right way to go. One is struck immediately by the difference between the neat cleanliness of Helen's condo and Cabrini Green's maze-like darkness. In this atmosphere of absolute realism, the presence of Candyman is like a deep voice from the Other Side, a trap that lures Helen into the claws of horror and insanity, where no one can help her, either because they are afraid of Candyman or because they don't even believe in his existence. Through all the movie, the subjects of belief and disbelief become the main issues, right up to its incredible ending, which of course I won't spoil for you. This DVD edition, however, should have included more special features. It barely has the theatrical trailer, and it lacks other stuff that would have made it more interesting, like some commentaries by the stars and director. The technical quality is more than good, specially the sound, which allows you to really appreciate the music, the movie's strongpoint. In a word, if you're a horror fan don't hesitate in getting this cult classic. Candyman really is prime-quality stuff. It'll scare you because of its profound sense of reality, and I can assure you that you'll love it, as long as you stay away from the cheesy sequels, none of them deserve to mentioned here.
Rating:  Summary: Candyman Review: Clive Barker's intense, horrifying story is brought to life in stylish fashion, providing enough scares and gore for even extreme horror fans. However, blood and guts is not what makes "Candyman" such an impressive slasher flick. Virginia Madsen is excellent as a grad student researching the myth of a dead hooked slave who is haunting the slums of Chicago. Yet, when Madsen gets closer and closer to the truth, she realizes that she has gotten herself in a horrific mess that she may never escape from. Director Bernard Rose does a fine job of creating genuine suspense, while mixing it with some honest dialouge and an eerie musical score. Certainly one of the better slasher flicks of the early 90s. The ending is a shocker! Director: Bernard Rose. Cast: Virginia Madsen, Tony Todd, Xander Berkeley, Kasi Lemmons, Vanessa L. Williams, Michael Culkin. Rated R for extreme violence, gore, profanity, and brief nudity. 98 minutes.