Rating:  Summary: So where's the book of shadows? Review: What's wrong with this film? I can't count all the ways. The title of this film is book of shadows, misleading since said book never appears or is mentioned in the film. Makes no sense, but then very little else does here. It is mindboggling to try and keep track of all the plot holes.Everything about this film is crude and overdone, from the characters to the direction. A favorite effect of the director is to quickly cut from the present to some weird, spooky imagery, but this effect is so overused(nearly every minute of the film, no exageration) that it loses any impact and quickly becomes tiresome. The characters are all relentlessly obnoxious, one dimensional stereotypes. The dialogue is laughably banal, especially that of the townspeople and the redneck sherrif. Is this the way people from L.A. think small town New Englanders look and act? At times I had to wonder if the filmmakers were trying for a campy film. Probably not. In the end, that is probably the best way to enjoy this movie, as unintentional comedy. No, I didn't want them to remake the first blair witch. In fact I'm glad they tried to do something different here. I liked the premise of this film, but it just didn't go anywhere. Still, that redheaded Wiccan was pretty hot. I give this film an extra half a star, just for her.
Rating:  Summary: Mediocre horror flick Review: I went to see this and I thought it was pretty bad. Then I watched some other recent movies and realized, well all in all it was not that bad. The story is ok, the acting is TERRIBLE. I would not let young children see this film because parts of it are disturbing. I really do not know how to review it because it was not great and not awful..somewhat mediocre. If you love horror movies, watch it. If you don't, avoid it at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: Do you smell something? Review: You'll like this movie a lot if you're the kind of person who likes really dumb movies. However, if you're not the kind of person who likes really dumb movies, then you'll think this is one of the worst movies in the history of cinema. I happen to fall in to the later category because I'm not the kind of person who likes really dumb movies.
Rating:  Summary: A Deeper Movie then the Critics Realized. Review: For anyone who likes deep and mysterious movies, this film is for you. Director Joe Berlinger did everything in this film to make a point about blurring the line between fiction and reality. Group hysteria, or demonic possession? This movie was made to be different then the original and even acknowledges the Blair Witch Project as "just a movie." The hidden things in this film (Hidden words and phrases linked to the website (images from the "Secret of Esrever") show that this isn't simply just another horror movie. The only way this film could've been improved is by cutting out some of the random gore scenes that Artisan Entertainment forced Berlinger to use against his will. This is a truly haunting sequel, especially if you know the lore of the Blair Witch. Berlinger's Director's Cut of the film will likely not be released for a while, if at all. This is unfortunate seeing that there are some things that Artisan forced that should be eliminated. Still, as is, I HIGHLY recommend this film to lovers of the Blair Witch Project, but be warned. To expect the same thing as you saw in the first movie, but as you watch Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, remember, always look deeper into things than they at first appear. Also, remember, film lies, but video tells the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Didn't work. Review: I'm sorry, but this movie should have never been made. The original was so haunting by itself that it should have been left at that. All this movie does it scream commercialism at you. The producers knew they were in for a quick buck when they made this. But then again, not all sequels are bad, are they? No. But this one sure is, for a number of reasons: 1. The music is too overpowering. There was a five minute scene where about 8 different songs were played. I'm sorry, but U.P.O. just don't scare me. Hell, the whole movie might as well been one big Marilyn Manson video. 2. The characters are cliched. You have the "I'm too cool to be here" Goth-Chick (I don't know about you, but all the goths I know love to crank up P.O.D. when they are driving), the "I look like I'm wasted but there is more to me" main character, the mis-understood witch, blah blah blah. 3. The acting, oh my god the acting! How horrible! The first half hour of this movie I was about ready to turn this off because of the goth chick's acting alone! Horrible! This movie pretty much just drags on, going nowhere until the very end where some rather interesting things start to happen, I won't ruin the last 30 minutes of it for you, because it is the only good part of the movie that existed. I really hope they don't make a third Blair Witch movie, this one was bad enough, I really don't want to see what else they can come up with.
Rating:  Summary: stay away ! Review: i enjoyed the first blair witch movie . i heard the bad reviews this movie received but still wanted to stay open minded about it and see it. i made a terrible mistake. this movie is horrific. it is pointless . after viewing this or forbid purchasing it , you will wish you had listened to everyone and stayed away from it . it picks up on five people hiking into the woods where the blair witch movie took place to get a first hand experience of the place. for an unexplained reason they begin to go out of their minds and halucinate. why ? this is explained to the extent of "something from the woods is with us" . the second blair witch movie could have been so much more. it should have explained what happened in the first or been a stand alone story that would be as enjoyable as the first but is neither ! again , it is a pointless story of five campers wanting to retrace the steps of the original three. the dvd has some of the usual features , trailer , cast info and cd soundtrack. infinite features coud be added to this disk ,however i believe nothing could save such a terrible movie. i give this movie the minimum one star . DO NOT BUY , DO NOT RENT !
Rating:  Summary: scary for the wrong ressons Review: I will make this review short. This film is worse than battlefield(absolutely vile and abismal, spit,spit,spit,curses,curses,curses)earth nuff said p.s that owl stil haunts my dreams.
Rating:  Summary: One Freaky Movie Review: Forget all those bad reviews. This is one freaky movie. I loved every minute of it. Better than the first one. Check it out. It's worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: Movie of Shadows! Review: This film truely gave me the creeps. Unlike giving a bad case of motion sickness! I loved it and the cast. I believe they did a great job filming and acting this movie. The gothic girl, Kim, was my favorite. She was awesome, just like her movie!
Rating:  Summary: what the ?!? Review: I was so dissapointed by this mess,it starts out strong with an energy filled intro to the dumb kids who go on a trip to the woods they could have taken themselves for free,but decide to pay some fruit cake they havent even seen on a blair witch web site.To make a long story short, you know the creators should have been beaten with a baseball bat when they put the characters in an abandoned broom factory.plus the only way they THINK they find out what happens to them after they blackout is on video that they have to watch backwards?!? How in the world you screw up a movie like this i will never know....