Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone Review: Hellraiser Inferno is not for fans who just want a lot of Cenobites and blood. Mind you, I enjoyed Hellraiser 2, 3 and yes (shudder) 4. But each movie had its own distinct reason for being a fun flick. Inferno takes us back to the flavor of the original Hellraiser.Yes, the Cenobites do not get a lot of screen time, perhaps less than even the first movie (I did not time it), but that makes their presence all the more effective when they do appear. The new Cenobite designs are cool, and one is reminscent of one of the fan favorites: Chatterer. Any Hellraiser fan who read the Hellraiser comic book series by Marvel (not the Pinhead and/or Harrowers series, the ones that preceeded those) will enjoy this movie since it follows a very similar premise with focus on the people, utilizing the Cenobites as well placed plot devices. The acting is not Oscar caliber, but it is sufficient to move the movie along. Inferno is a fun ride, but it's not for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Exactly what I loved originally with the Hellboundheart Book Review: I really must say I enjoyed this film. It brought me back to the first 2 films and the book. For me, the book says a lot that just didn't translate to any of the films. This is what Inferno had to offer the viewer. It brought the viewer on an exploration of pleasure and pain. Not some stupid "horror movie" where Pinhead was jumping out at you. It brought you back to the story behind Hellraiser. I admit, the film is slow at first but the last half is really amazin. It sums up what the book was getting across to me. I would suggest any Hellraiser fan to really give this film the time that it deserves.
Rating:  Summary: Finally Review: I was glad to see the Hellraisers had a plot again while it may not be hellbound I was glad to see Pinhead go back to being the judge of hell and not some mindless pain freak all the people who have only seen Bloodline and Hell on Earth will hate this movie because they don't show pinhead all the time and because you actually have to think a little during the move
Rating:  Summary: A disgrace to Hellraiser fans! Review: I'm having a hard time describing the disgust i felt when I was through with this film, not because of the usual gore, but because they totally ruined a perfect series!!! Pinhead appears but 5 minutes at the end, and then with the morals of a catholic priest!! I am lost for words to describe my disappointment...
Rating:  Summary: Refreshing Original Follow Up Review: Following some of the previous customer reviews of this movie I approached it with some trepidation. However I'm happy to say I was not dissappointed. I loved this film. After the dire Hellraiser4: Bloodline I thought that the series had no where else to go. I was wrong. What we have here is a new and interesting take on the Hellraiser mythology. Pinhead is back to being a sinister presence lurking round the edges of the story. The violence and gore is kept to an effective minimium. The script is sharp and inteligent. The writers have carefully avoided churning out just another bog standard sequel and given us a much more refreshing horror movie. Graig Sheffer is a revelation in the lead role, managing to make his character brutal, corrupt, sympathetic and sexy. I wouldn't usually buy a DVD without seeing the movie first but I have no idea when this film will be released in the UK. It was worth the risk. I was not dissappointed with Hellraiser: Inferno as a film. A few more extra features would have been nice though. There isn't even a trailer. The lack of features on the disc is the only reason that I have given four stars and not five.
Rating:  Summary: Hellishly Disappointed -- No stars!! Review: I'm sorry. You might think that this Hellraiser is a smart thinker, but I saw it and I know it is a stinker. The acting is leaden and your brain it will deaden. Pinhead is mysteriously missing from action. In his place is a lead character who need to go back to acting class. Some say this makes it a psychological thriller, but I say it makes it a sh##y movie. Seriously, it betrays all fans of the series and tries to evolve into something new. I do applaud them for trying to invigorate the series, but I do emphatically insist that they fail. I wouldn't even use this for a coffee coaster. Phhhht!
Rating:  Summary: Unique, but distinctly not a Hellraiser movie Review: I was surprised I somewhat enjoyed this film. Low expectations coupled with bad buzz from creator Clive Barker himself made me quite fretful. The film centers around an immoral cop's personal hell and how the infamous Lament puzzle box and a shadowy figure known only as The Engineer is involved. For a low budget horror movie, it does have its moments and is at many times visually interesting and somewhat satisfying. Barker did hit the nail on the head, though, with his comment about the film: the people who made it have no idea what they are doing with the material and mythology behind Hellraiser. I would say that the only reason that Pinhead or Cenobites or the name Hellraiser is in this movie is that they wanted a higher return as far as rental and sales go. This film does exist, however, pretty well on its own as a non-Hellraiser movie. The dreamy, unreality of the personal hell we are given a glimpse of is nice, but this is not in the same vein as Barker's original novella or film. Though Pinhead and the Cenobites do take something of a backseat in the narrative as they'd done in the first film, "Hellraiser: Inferno" is lacking the same feel of painful eroticism and forbidden, Faustian themes examined in the first (and best) film of the series. Think of the movie as the suspicious, supposed second cousin at a family reunion that nobody seems to know and you'll probably enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: hellraiser can go to hell Dont bother seeing it . Review: well here we go the same mistake that john carpenter maid with halloween 3.from what i here this is a stinker and pin head is only in it for 2 sec.i have not seen it or intend to but i may buy it if it is on sale in a bargain bin.
Rating:  Summary: Pinhead is Back Review: The nice thing about HELLRAISER: INFERNO is that although a background to the HELLRAISER series would be helpful, it is not necessary. You can just watch it and pretty much know what is going on with out having to see any of the other ones. I like it because it adds a whole new twist to the Hellraiser series, with an excellent ending sure to shock everyone who watches it for the first time.
Rating:  Summary: Dont they have negative stars? Review: My only regret is that I cant give this a negative score. It actually sucked so bad that my head got stuck to the TV. If you liked the Hellraiser series, you will hate this cuz they screwed it all up. If you didnt like the Hellraiser series, you will want to kill yourself just because you wont be able to go on living in a world populated by such horrible movies. I know this because those I viewed it with ranged from die hard fans to Hellraiser virgins and we all agreed on its suckaliciousness. I swear the director must have lost a bet to have gotten stuck on this one and now he's the director that Ed Wood makes fun of. I bet Clive Barker already killed him for destroying his franchise. You know that big actors strike you keep hearing about? This movie caused it. Run for your life. Please, hear me. It isnt cerebral. It isnt intelligently written. It isnt even remotely scary. The plot twists are as thin as chicken broth. The horror would almost be laughable if it didnt embarrass me as a human to have to watch how cliched it all was. Do not buy it. Do not even rent it because you will feel robbed... Just run away. Run. Run away and dont look back. To those of you who do not heed my warning: you will have created your OWN hell. Still dont believe me? Two words: demon cowboys. Nuff said.