Rating:  Summary: Not bad at all... Review: First of all, I am a huge Barker and Hellraiser fan ( excluding the atrocious Hellraiser 3 and 4). I had really low expectation regarding the fifth one so I was really surprised that I liked it! It may have Pinhead for a little while, and less gore and maybe be a little blasphemous to the original myth, but personally I forgive all these because this movie is well directed, very moody and atmospheric, nice photography and lighting, and tries to show you something new. How many horror sequels dare to do that??? This approach reminds a little of Lynch, Fincher and Jacobs Ladder and that was fine by me. Despite the myth and story flaws I believe that Clive should reconsider on his negative comments because of all it's other merits! On another note I really cannot see why to frown so much upon the way the Cenobites are treated here when on the previous sequels there were so many inventive ways that they were ridiculed !!
Rating:  Summary: UNSURE to a hellish breakdown Review: I have very mixed emotions about this movie. I am a die-hard Hellraiser fan. Hellraiser is probably the only film series (with the exception of Star Wars) where I like the first four films with high respect. (...) Then comes Inferno. I was cast off at first because of the lack of Hellraiser references. I loved Craig Sheffer in Nightbreed, but here, he's just not a likeable character. And he's not supposed to be in the plot, but still, I was completely turned off by his acting. Umm..I thought Pinhead was done great (no surprise) at the end. I think the story was what frightened me away. I simply couldn't convince myself that this was the next Hellraiser installment. I thought it (was bad) after first viewing. The ending was the only thing that stopped me from being angry. I don't mind Pinhead taking the back seat. I think all horror movies should limit the time that the viewer SEES the monster for effect. And this was accomplished beautifully in the first two films. (...) Why don't I like this one?? I can't comprehend that it has a Hellraiser label. It's just not Hellraiser to me. I watch and I watch, but it's uneven. It's not Hellraiser till the end. I also found this movie to be a bit on the stupid side. (...)What was the point of Inferno? Yes, explore personal hell. Maybe I didn't find this interesting enough because personal hell is something we all share. Again, it wasn't (totally bad), but not very interesting in Hellraiser standards. (...) Hellraiser: Inferno is a 50/50 piece smacked inside the Hellraiser series. Some like it, some don't. Clive Barker hates it and I can fully understand why.
Rating:  Summary: Clive dissowned this movie as did Doug Bradley (pinhead) Review: Boring and trite the pointless tale follows a corrupt cop exploring the murder of a prostitute he was having sex with while in possession of the box. Some one thought they'd be clever by telling us at the end the that he was in hell the entire time and is doomed to repeat the event for eternity. Well, perhaps his M. Knight Shyamalan had written it, but alas no such luck. Pinhead appears for about 3 minutes at the close of the movie, if your still awake for it Doug Bradly certainly is the only thing worth watching here. It's finally happened, Hellraiser has fallen into the bin of made for video trash. DON'T BUY IT, DON'T RENT IT!
Rating:  Summary: A Dark, Refreshing, and Stylistic Departure Review: Let me start of with something that ... me off... no original theme music. Now that thats out of way let me really get into this movie. I have always loved Hellraiser for being a different kind of Horror series. It became more predictable however starting with 3 (which I still love just because its Hellraiser) but it sort of changed into another Freddy sort of thing and I really believe that even though this takes the series in a pretty new direction, that if it really does anything, it really brings back the feel of the first two in a certain sense. Here we follow a man into his own personal hell. We got to see a glimpse into that in the second film and we now have a whole film of one man's hell. Some of the shots and effects in this are incredibly stylistic for its straight to video budget. Those wanting a Pinhead movie will be disappointed. Those wanting a somewhat predictable yet interesting thriller will not want to miss this. Especially if you are a Hellraiser fan not just a pinhead fan. While there is still plenty of gore some of the scares are more effective using sound and other effects. One of the screams by a woman over the phone is particularly terrifying. I myself really enjoyed the film. It doesn't take much to scare me I will admit but some of this movie is just plain evil and I think Hellraiser fans will embrace that evil with open arms not to mention the moderatly contrived yet awsome last half of the movie. I really liked it... Again no one liners from Pinhead but who cares. I was happy to see the series, if only for this brief moment, go into a new direction. And with news out that the new one Hellseeker will have the return of Ashley Lawrance and the Mute girl (for hellbound) I can't wait to see what happens there.
Rating:  Summary: This is Hellraiser? Review: This would make a fine "cop-thriller" movie, but Hellraiser it ain't. I agree that Hellraiser needs a new direction after Hell on Earth and Bloodline, but this isn't much better. And not because "Pinhead's not in it enough." Let's get a few things straight: 1. Hellraiser DOES NOT have to revolve around Pinhead (unless you're a studio exec only out for max profits, or a closed-minded casual horror fan). There are dozens of top-notch Hellraiser stories out there without Pinhead. Clive Barker wanted Julia to be the main character in the sequel(s), but those who now owned his franchise had other plans. 2. While Pinhead isn't supposed to be "the bad guy" like in 3 & 4, he also isn't supposed to be "the guy who teaches morality and punishes the wicked by putting them in Hell's version of Groundhog Day." The cenobites are in Hell to let those taken there to "explore the further reaches of experience." 3. WHY would you put someone who is only in the movie for 2 MINUTES on the COVER(hmmm, maybe to cash in on the 4 previous movies)? Overall, this isn't a bad movie, it's just not a good Hellraiser movie.
Rating:  Summary: Hellraiser: Inferno...Easily the best Hellraiser film Review: Well, put away your 3D glasses and don't expect the typical bad horror movie garbage. Hellraiser is back from the dead and it looks like the writers and directors have set it back on track. And it's a good thing too, because after the last two bastardizations of the Hellraiser concept (Hell on Earth - puke, and Bloodlines - bad) Pinhead is back and isnt' this would-be, world-dominator type that the last two movies made him out to be. I regret not seeing any of the originals (other than The Chatterer - of course there's only half of him) but honestly, this was some really clever thinking applied to cenobytes. You can't convince me otherwise (all you die-hard Hellraiser 3 & 4 fans - get a life, those two movies bit bigtime) that this film is anything but well thought out and that it contains a riveting ending. This one's a buyer.
Rating:  Summary: THIS MOVIE [stinks] LIKE NO OTHER HAS [stunk] BEFORE!!! Review: I would like to invite the director/writer of this "movie" to tell us just what the [heck] they were thinking. This has no business being called a"Hellraiser"sequel. You could cut out the two minutes of Pinhead footage and no one would notice....because he doesn't even really figure into the incredibly stupid storyline!! Why would anyone sign on to direct a "sequel," and then show such comtempt for the fans?? Even worse, this movie has the look of a cheap porno...no wait, most pornos have better lighting and even better storylines!!! This movie is just a big stinking pile of [stuff]!!! Ignore the other reviews, because it must be the director and his family trying to trick people into buying this really BAD, BAD movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: The best Hellraiser since Hellbound. Review: I bought this movie not really knowing what to expect.I have heard all type of conflicting reviews on this movie.Some saying its the best Hellraiser sequel since Hellbound.Others ripping it apart for not really being a Hellraiser film.And i guess i agree with both views.Hellraiser:Inferno didnt really feel like a Hellraiser movie.There was little gore,and the cenobites(while being cool looking)werent really shown all that much.Neither was pinhead.Which is a shame since i feel they could have used them better.But with that out of the way,i also agree that this is the best hellraiser film since Hellbound.But thats not a big acomplishment considering Hellraiser 3 and Hellraiser:Bloodines both were horrible.(to me anyway)The bottom line is this movie might disappoint hardcore Hellraiser fans who expect another Hellraiser film with Pinhead and the cenobites as the main focus of the movie.But other fans of the Hellraiser franchise who just want a movie in the same vein as the first two(and by that i mean Hellraiser fans who like theyre Hellraiser movies dark and gritty with an interesting story)then you migh enjoy this.
Rating:  Summary: Starts out weak; ends with a bang! Review: I must say, state and write that I did not come in with very high hopes or expectations for this movie in particular, Hellraiser: Inferno VHS, since I had heard that Pinhead was only the movie for two minutes and that it was and is a straight to video release. However, I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. The movie starts out weak to say the least and the co-star of the movie is not a good actor at all. However, as the movie progresses the plot definitely thickens and there is a psychological, ethical and moral questions that are raised, e.g., is he going insane; does he deserve the punishment that he ultimately receives (based on his vile life style and his poor judgment). They utilize the cenobites very well in this movie (even though they are used very sparingly in this movie) and they are able to achieve very effective, gruesome and sometimes even shocking effects by the lack of showing the gruesome action. So, overall, I would have to finish and conclude by stating the following; ok, this is not your regular Hellraiser movie, but I would have to say that it has to be considered the more intelligent sequel and on an intellectual and cerebral level it far outpaces number Hellraiser III, and Bloodline and is more in line with the with first two movies, i.e., Hellraiser and Hellbound (which in itself is a very good thing).
Rating:  Summary: WAIT Review: I have heard two different reviews, one: pinhead wasn't in it, therefore it......... two: this is a great "film" that "makes you think". HA! i laugh at both. this movie ...... but not because of the absence of pinhead. ..............., and for those of you that think its a great throwback to the book, its not. This is the worst representation of the book i've ever seen. Also, I have seen a lot of horror movies and this one was cheap, predictable and DEPRESSING. At least .................... wasn't quite so depressing. damn. this was complete crap! CLIVE BARKER RULES!