Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone Review: I loved this movie, most did not. I think people were expecting a virtual copy of the first film, however the makers of this film tried to be brave and produce a true sequel, following up on the story of the first. Most importantly, this movie offers a reason for the original possession. It turns out Regan has the power to heal, hence the demon choosing her as its subject. She is not the only target either, a young boy in Africa and a young lady in South America also did battle with the same demon, not always with a successful outcome. As usual, Linda Blair is absolutely stunning in this movie, having grown into a truly beautiful young woman. There was quite a furore in Hollywood at her paycheck for this film, approximately $1,000,000 in 1977 when price tags like that were almost unheard of. Richard Burton does his best with a very difficult role, James Earl Jones (as usual) is wonderful, but, Louise Fletcher seems to flounder. She comes across like she has been getting stuck into the valium, we know she can act, but here she is flat. Kitty Winn & Max Von Sydow also return. The movie is very cerebral, relying more on the imaginitive stimulation rather than in your face shocks. I think this movie would have been a wonderful book. The soundtrack by Ennio Morricone is truly haunting, beautiful and sweet in some places and rhythmic and disturbing in others. I commend John Boorman for his attempt. As I said earlier, I truly enjoyed this movie, though it was evident the director struggled at times with an extremely difficult subject matter. This DVD release contains the longer version of those available, it has a couple of minutes on the end, which is a welcome addition, not just letting the movie finish as abruptly as on the video release. It also contains trailers and filmographies. I would recommed that most people watch the movie before they buy it. For Linda Blair fans though, it is a must. Definately not the turkey it is portrayed to be, I recommend this movie to those who don't mind a movie that makes you think.
Rating:  Summary: Linda Blair & Max von Sydow return, with Richard Burton. Review: Linda Blair is back in the Exorcist II: The Heretic. Becoming a fine young adult and very pretty. In a very important role, returning as "Sharon" is Kitty Winn. You may remember her in the first film, The Exorcist (1973) as the mother's house assistant. I will not tell you anything about the plot accept that, yes, they do go back to the house in Washington DC. A fine cast includes Richard Burton as "Father Lamont", Louise Fletcher, Paul Henreid and Ned Beatty. Max von Sydow returns as "Father Merrin". This DVD is the 117 min. version with scenes and footage that was originally excised from the film. It's all here. The third film is THE EXORCIST III (1990) with the return of Jason Miller. Linda Blair was a possessed housewife in the comedy-spoof film, REPOSSESSED (1990). A fourth film, EXORCIST: THE BEGINNING (2004), a prequel, will be released September 2004.
Rating:  Summary: good Review: ok, i dont know why but when i read review about exorcist II the heretic, i found them not good. i wonder why. this movie is good, one of the greatest sequel. of course, its not the original exorcist, but its still good
Rating:  Summary: I have no idea what this movie meant Review: This sequel was a poor attempt to follow up on Regan, who has grown up a few years. I got lost from the beginning. There was no plot or even anything remotely scary compared to the first one. Unless you want to see a mature, beautiful Linda Blair, this would be the only reason to buy this film.
Rating:  Summary: This Sequel More Than Lives Up To The First Film!!!!! Review: The Exorcist is a masterpiece of horror and a winner of two academy awards (for best director and best adapted screenplay). This sequel won an award too. It was voted as the second worst film of all time at the Golden Turkey Conventions. Why is this? I love this movie! It wisely keeps the storyline of the first going (unlike William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist 3, which completely departed from the original story). It also has three returning cast members from the first. It has Kitty Winn returning as Sharon Spencer, Max Von Sydow as Father Lancester Merrin, and, of course, Linda Blair as Reagan MacNiel. The plot takes place in many different areas around the globe, including Africa, India, Georgetown, and New York. The beggining scene involves a young woman who is being possesed and needs an exorcist. Father Phillip Lamont (Richard Burton), a good friend of the late Father Merrin, attempts to exorcise the woman, but she commits suicide using a bunch of candles. We then get to see how Reagan MacNiel (Linda Blair) is getting on with her life. She is now doing dance compititions nearly every day, and sees a psychiatrist (Louise Fletcher) as well. Reagan remembers her possesion, but refuses to talk about it with anyone, and they all assume that she doesn't remember (even at the end of the first one, Chris MacNiel, her mother, said she didn't remember, but I think she was faking). Father Lamont is instructed by the Cardinal (Paul Henried) to investigate the death of Father Merrin (Max Von Sydow). Lamont goes to the hospital where Reagan stays, and questions her doctor, asking if she remembers anything. The doctor dosen't want to ask Reagan, because she's afraid that it will trigger a shock, and Reagan will attempt suicide. However, they use a special mind machine to dive into her head and see. What they do see is a man (James Earl Jones) fighting a tiger. Lamont finds out that that man is Cacooma, who was once possesed by Pazuzu, and exercised by Father Merrin. Desperately, Lamont attempts to track down the man and question him..... Exorcist 2 The Heretic is a brilliant movie. Why it is so hated by review criticts is beyon me. It has an interesting style, brilliant camera movements, and gorgeous music (Reagan's theme is beautiful). The movie seems to have a bit more of a plot than the first (although the first is terrific), and a better story going for it. Linda Blair is great as 18 year old Reagan, and Fletcher is good as the no-nonsense doctor, but Richard Burton's performance is a little bit cheesey ("I saw it- it was horrible, utterly horrible") but he's still fun to watch. Although Von Sydow dyed in the first film, he's here in flashbacks, and footage of the exorcism in Africa. This one isn't really scary, although I don't think the intention was to be scary. Also, the 118 minute version is MUCH better than the 110 minute version. The 118 minute one goes deeper into the charecter's developement, and includes a different ending. I do not know why this movie hasn't gone onto DVD yet, but this VHS is bad. The color is drained, and the picture is mudgy. But, it's the only version available, so LIVE WITH IT!!!! If you enjoyed Exorcist 2 The Heretic, I would also recommend The Exorcist, Damien Omen 2, Jaws 2, and Halloween 2. Exorcist 2 The Heretic is Rated R For Some Violence, Brief Language, Brief Gore, and Small Nudity. PS If you found my review helpfull, please vote for me!!!!! Brett Michael Roberts
Rating:  Summary: Exorcist II - The Heretic Review: This film was better than I expected it to be.I really don't know why everyone trashes it.Even though it is no where near as good as the original it still offers a good story.The plot is unbelievable well thought out it is either pure genius or crap.A priest has to investigate father Merrin's death which leads him to Regan who is having bad dreams and hallucinations.She is watched by a relative and shrink.The acting isn't all that great and neither is the dialogue, but the plot is just so interesting.(SPOILERS)The device that helps the two get n'sync is real interesting.The African flashbacks are so intriguing it could be a sign that this is a hidden gem.The dream sequence with Regan on the balcony is shot beautifully.It really answers alot of questions that were unanswered from the predecessor.I hated the bug that the camera kept following though.You decide whether it is good or bad.(6/10)"Very enjoyable in retrospect, and a big improvement on its source material." -- Jake Euker, F5 (WICHITA, KS)
Rating:  Summary: Linda Blair & Max von Sydow return, with Richard Burton. Review: Linda Blair is back in the Exorcist II: The Heretic. Becoming a fine young adult and very pretty. In a very important role, returning as "Sharon" is Kitty Winn. You may remember her in the first film, The Exorcist (1973) as the mother's house assistant. I will not tell you anything about the plot accept that, yes, they do go back to the house in Washington DC. A fine cast includes Richard Burton as "Father Lamont", Louise Fletcher, Paul Henreid and Ned Beatty. Max von Sydow returns as "Father Merrin". This DVD is the 117 min. version with scenes and footage that was originally excised from the film. It's all here. The third film is THE EXORCIST III (1990) with the return of Jason Miller. Linda Blair was a possessed housewife in the comedy-spoof film, REPOSSESSED (1990). A fourth film, EXORCIST: THE BEGINNING (2004), a prequel, will be released September 2004.
Rating:  Summary: It's HARLDY the worst movie ever made. Review: I have viewed EXORCIST 2 on several occasions just to see the reason as to why it's constantly referred to as the worst sequel ever made. Although I certainly agree with the film's inferiority to the classic original, I don't agree with it's constant crucifying. First things first, I think that one of the reasons so many people walked out of this film during it's theatrical run was due largely to the film's lack of shock sequences. The original EXORCIST was full of them; head spinnings, regurgitations, doing bad things with holy relics. The sequel offered none of the above, not even the occasional cuss word and alot of people were left unsatisfied and angry. My biggest problem with EXORCIST 2 is in the make-up effects. The original had frightening make-up effects that transformed the innocent beauty of Linda Blair into a hideous creature from hell. Her face was scarred and mutilated, sweaty and slimy, with colourless eyes and chapped lips. Truly terrifying. The make-up in the sequel is too made up, too neat. It doesn't even come close to the same frighening level. Another factor is the voice effects. The demon in EXORCIST 2 sounds like an old woman. It's predessesor used an amplified demonic voice which not only spoke English but also in Latin and in many scenes, there were several overlapping voices, making it seem that Regan was possessed by a legion of demons. The overall effect was as chilling as the nasty visuals. The sequel fails to deliver on that level as well. Another factor is the silly use of the "synchronizer" machine. All of that mumbo-jumbo about some mysterious machine that is able to hypnotizes 2 individuals at the same time and one is able to see the other person's dreams, blah, blah, blah is simply too over the top unbelievable. I think the film would have worked better had they just resorted to good old fashioned hypnosis. All of that said, EXORCIST 2 is still a very attractive looking movie. The special effects and cinematography are excellent. Even those who despise the film have commented on the visually stunning set pieces- The sweeping views of the African landscapes; the surreal images of the locusts swarming an impoverished African Village; doves flying over Regan's Penthouse balcony; and last but not least Linda Blair's exquisite and radiant beauty. The film's score is also quite good. As a matter of fact it's quite beautiful, especially Regan's theme. The tune wouldn't leave my mind for several days after I watched the film. I also liked the idea behind Regan's possession- she's some kind of Godsend, a healer who Satan wants destroyed. However on the negative side, the whole scenario is executed to such a ridiculous extent that we end up being annoyed instead of moved by the whole experience. There are 2 versions of EXORCIST 2. There's the original theatrical version presented on this DVD and there's also a version Boorman released after the films critical attack. The version they ALWAYS showed on TV here in Toronto was the latter and it's the version I'm used to. I personally think it's a definate improvement over the original theatrical release. The alternate opening is included on this DVD but the alternate ending is not which is disappointing because the second ending is far better. Although no less confusing, it's edited to an extent that it flows better and all of the bogus dialogue after the collapse of Regan's former residence is gone. What I found ridiculous about the "original" finale is that you have a house collapse into nothingness, you have a fatal car crash, a fire, a swarm of a million locusts, yet no one on the block seems to notice. The street is absolutely empty. Come on people, not even a " Bertha, what the heck is going on next door??? or "Why did I just see a million angry grasshoppers fly by our window????" Nada. At least the director's final cut ended with Regan's "locust" dance so we don't get a chance to ask all of these relevent questions. EXORCIST 2 is definately NOT for "original" EXORCIST loyalists because you will only religiously dislike it. However, if you have an open mind and view it solely as entertainment, you might find plenty to like. It offers dazzling visuals, breathtaking scenery and some surreal imagery. Not perfect, but definately NOT THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE.
Rating:  Summary: Improbable Flap-Snot Review: Nobody should see this movie. If your family is being held at gunpoint, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT watch this movie. You can always get another family, but you can never get back the 2+ hours of your life that you will immorally waste sitting through the greatest pile of drivel-tripe that has, and will, ever be committed to celluloid. Exorcist 2 (I can't even be bothered to type the whole title, such is my deep and unwavering hatred of this movie) loosely follows the 'plot' of a Priest (Richard Burton; did he do this movie to get Liz to divorce him again??) who is investigating the death of Lankester Merrin (Max Von Sydow, from the first brilliant film) and, in his travels, meets a whole host of stupid, possibly mentally deficient characters, the most woeful of whom include James Earl Jones as an Insect-Man, Louise Fletcher as a femininity-challenged Doctor, and of course, fat l'il Linda Blair as the hapless Regan, who runs about in an array of hideous off-mushroom gowns and idiotically manages to get herself repossessed by the end of the movie. Who cares? How a bunch of talented actors like Fletcher, Earl Jones and especially Burton could be hoodwinked into maing such a desolate and joyless piece of tat is beyond me. My money's on Rohypnol. As for the Director, John Boorman, you should be VERY, VERY ashamned of yourself. Were you suffering from bi-polar disorder at the time? Oh, tragedy upon travesty, this film is eight different kinds of horrible. Do the smart thing and leave it ALONE, people. There are better things to spend your money on, like horse manure and pieces of the True Cross. Which, let's face it, is probably the only thing that will save your soul after you've sat down and watched this terrifyingly bad, mystifyingly inexplicable and morally bankrupt Hole O' Scum. Forget it ever existed. BTW, people who rated it highly: Are you possibly, conceivably thinking of an entirely different film?
Rating:  Summary: Bomb bigger than Hiroshima! P U! Review: It seemed like a good idea. Heck, I'm sure it seemed like a brilliant idea - a sequel to, what at the time, the greatest boxoffice success of all time: The Exorcist. The result, however, was far, far from anything worthy of being successor to the first film. The Exorcist II: The Heretic attempts to maintain the dignity of the first film in having the focus be on the priest rather than the possessed. Though it is difficult to re-imagine, The Exorcist, really isn't a book or a film about a possessed girl. Both are about good and evil and faith and the loss thereof. The problem with The Exorcist II, is that it went too far in the other direction from what the audience wanted. Add to that, poor scripting, laughable acting, and bizarre African tie ins, and you have a disaster waiting to unfold. Publicly the studio admitted to having crafted a script based on the actors they were able to secure from the first film. Ellen Burstyn had the good sense to pass on the sequel. The characters Max von Sydow and Jason Miller played had died in the original, but they were sought for the sequel all the same. Linda Blair signed on (which was a no brainer, since she couldn't get work outside the horror genre). Then the studio attempted to resurrect the career of ham actor and 2 time Mr. Elizabeth Taylor: Richard Burton by casting him as Father Lamont, a priest with heretical thoughts out to prove himself. Add James Earl Jones, Louise Fletcher, and other unknowns and you have a bizarre film with almost nothing to do with the moniker that the first name lent it. There's some sort of pyschobabble going on with Fletcher as Blair's psychologist attempting to cure the girl, who just can't seem to shake her possession. Father Lamont attempts to assist by finding out more about the priest who exorcised her - in Africa... One this is certain: When you finish watching this film, you're glad it is over. It is nonsense, pure and simple. It is poorly crafted and badly acted (Burton is so bad, that you will find yourself actually laughing out loud). Don't bother wasting your time with this unworthy sequel. Watch the real sequel: The Exorcist III: Legion, which was directed by the author of the original book based on his own novel.