Rating:  Summary: The Title Says It All! Review: I watched this film at home (alone) last night at like eleven o'clock. It was extremely scary. It could be the fact that I was alone, or just that it really is a truly terrifying movie. Nonetheless, the fact that a film is scary does not exactly mean it is good movie. The best way I could think to describe this movie is to think of an extremely sadistic, violent version of "Silence of the Lambs". Granted, most of the violence in the film is offscreen, it still makes you shiver to think of the sick, twisted torture the killer's victims are put through. I call him a killer, yet he really didn't kill anyone. One victim died of cardiac arrest (basically being scared to death), but the others he merely tortured to no end. One of the most terrifying things about this film is fact that this could really happen, and maybe even does. Putting yourself in the position of the victims alone is enough to give you nightmares for weeks. I guess I should add a little plot summary for all readers wondering: a sick, grunk pyscho (the guy from Twisted Sister) is luring in young teenagers over the internet by asking if they "wanna come to a party?". Those who make the mistake of accepting his invitation are brought into his house of horrors and tortured...
Rating:  Summary: See it! Review: This movie is a great Work. From the beginning to the End I was fascinated by Dee Snider playing Captain Howdy. His performace matches up with Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs, although it wouldn't be fair to compare these two movies. The development of the Movie is really unexpected- sometimes you really can't deceide what side you're on, because Captain Howdy's second Tour of Pain is basically caused by what the People made of him. It really makes you think and this is what lacks most of the horror/psyco films. Dee Snider's Soundtrack also rules, check out the Videos at the End of the Movie, you will love it. Robert Englund also gives a great performance as utter Redneck scum and makes you want to encourage Captain Howdy for having a little session with him. Don't miss it!
Rating:  Summary: Sweet movie! Review: Well, the first time I saw this movie, I was totally revved up, and as I watched it, my excitement built up so much! I loved it...Dee Snider did a great job writing this, and playing the psychotic body art afficianado CaptHowdy! I love it so much, I've watched it 8 times...it's totally unforgettable...very sick, twisted and demented! If you're into tattooing, piercing, scarification, you'll love this movie! It's crazy!
Rating:  Summary: _Much_ better than I expected! Review: I rented this movie expecting it to be a really cheesy and forgettable slice and dice flick. Yep, it was a tad cheesy at times, and yeah the plot was filled with convenient coincidences and a butt stupid hero but all that aside it was exceedingly good. There were plenty of terrifying moments (which I didn't expect) and some horrific images that I won't soon forget. It's legions above some of the [movies] making megabucks in the theatres these days.
Rating:  Summary: Strangeland Review: This is an awesome movie. If you are into body piercing and self mutilation, then this movie is for you. Dee Snider plays the ultimate bad guy. He could kidnap me anyday. This also dives into some of the problems with kids being in chat rooms that really shouldn't be. If you have teenagers with a computer this is a movie to get so they can see the black side of talking with people on line and meeting them. I definately will show this to my kids when they are old enough. I can't wait for Strangeland 2. Definate must see movie in my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: DEE SNIDER'S STRANGELAND Review: I have been looking forward to seeing this movie ever since Dee Snider started talking about it a year back. It was fantastic! This is the most original horror movie I have seen, and I am a huge fan of horror films. This movie should be watched by all teens who decide to go meet someone they meet on the internet. I will bet my life that they would think twice!
Rating:  Summary: Who coulda thought a Twisted Sister could do this? Review: This movie is really inventive. I just love every moment of it. It just strikes me as odd that it came from hair metalist Dee Snider. But oh well, the man redeems himself. I didn't even know what this movie was until i was at a friends house and his mom found it and thought we would like it. Boy was i blown away. The music videos at the end are hella cool. Excpet for the Kid Rock one. But Coal Chamber and Sevendust rock. Screw Scream, THIS is a breakthrough in horror. Makes me think twice aboutgoing into a chat room. All scream made me do was think twice about pressing play on my vcr or pulling my money out to pay for the rental.
Rating:  Summary: Worked on the film and love it! Review: I was a production intern on Dee Snider's Strangeland and was lucky to visit the set every once in a while. Standing in the background and watching the actors at work then seeing the finished product were two completley different experiences. The psychology of Capt. Howdy is captivating because what he speaks is true. Americans have lost the sense of ritual in passing from childhood to adulthood.
Rating:  Summary: disgustingly good! I love it.... Review: for those of u who love horror movies and do not get disgusted very easily, Strangeland is for you. It has some pretty great moments, and it is very disgusting. An additional treat is a small role for robert "Freddy Kreuger" Englund. The performances are great, the plot is irresistible, and the suspense id edge-of-your-seat. Be forewarned once again-IT IS DISGUSTING. But very well worth it.
Rating:  Summary: First you dream... THEN YOU DIE! Review: Before I start, if you haven't put CaptHowdy on IM Block, I most definetly suggest you do so. Now. Anyway, after a long and boring night of watching The Blair Witch Project 5 or 6 times in a row, this movie was quite a relief. Its one of the most gruesome, yet strangly realistic horror films I've ever seen before. I loved how Carlton had sort of a split personality... with his medication, he is a calm, meek young man... but without it, he's a sadistic, deranged murderer. However, this movie is for the fan of the cheesy horror film, and that horror fan alone. If you didn't like Little Witches, Jack Frost, or Warlock III, I can guarantee you WON'T like this one.