Rating:  Summary: Where's the twins? Review: The movie was ok if you didn't read the book. If they are taking a book and making it a movie shouldn't they try to keep it as a close as possible. I was expecting it to be closely like the book but i was deeply disappointed. What happen to the story of the twins? That was one of the most importing things. They didn't even show how the Queen was made. That was the best part of the book. They cut so much out. I was expecting to get to meet the other vampires, they never mentioned them just showed them briefly at the end. And the end wasn't even close as it was in the book. The only things that were good were the acting and the music. Why didn't they let Anne Rice have a say. She should have let the people who made "Interview with a vampire" make this one, at least it would be have close.
Rating:  Summary: visually and audibly stimulating Review: Very different from Interview, which is both good and bad. Good because it wasn't so sad and slow, and bad because it lacked some of Interview's substance. Townsend makes a wonderful Lestat, even if his hair was too dark. Don't get me wrong, I loved Cruise, but when he played Lestat, it was like Lestat was playing Tom Cruise, if that makes any sense. Townsend is terribly sexy, both scary and sympathetic. Altho most of the characters were a lot more two dimensional than I would have liked, I thought all were cast well, with the obvious exception of Marius. No offense to the actor, but he looked nothing like the Marius from the book. I didn't mind the slight rewrites of Rice's story. Fair warning to Orthodox Chronicle fans... they take some liberties with the film. The music, of course, was the spine of the movie, and it fit perfectly. I'm not so into goth rock, but some of the songs are irresistable, even to a showtune lovin' girl such as myself. Would've liked to see more characterization with the major vampires... learning all their names wouldn't have hurt at least. But they at least looked the part. Armand... much better cast this time. Also DiCaprio looking. Perfect. But like others, I missed Mekare and Gabrielle. If they were going to bring in parts of TVL, I also would've preferred seeing Nicolas. My last criticism is the killing of Akasha scene seemed too early in the film. Ten more minutes of plot couldn't have hurt that bad since the movie was less than two hours as it is. All in all, a good film, well acted. Will definately see it again just for the experience alone. But if you're the mundane type of moviegoer, you probably won't enjoy this film.
Rating:  Summary: Queen of the Damned Review: I saw Queen of the Damned this weekend. It was excellent. It was a bit gory but good. I wouldn't recommend it for kids though. Stuart Townsend played the role great. He was cute. Aaliyah wasn't in it as much as I thought she would be. It was still a good movie. The one thing that bugged me was it did not go with The Interview with the Vampire (the movie). The soundtrack is good also.
Rating:  Summary: I loved it and I'm not sure why! Review: In case you were wondering, this movie is a combination of TWO books in the Vampire Chronicles series by Anne Rice: The Vampire Lestat and, of course, Queen of the Damned. A lot of things about vampires (including what the heck Lestat is doing there in the first place) are explained in the books and not explained at all in the movie, so it can be a little confusing if you haven't read Anne Rice before. Also, this movie is NOT a continuation of Interview with the Vampire. In the book series they are connected, but the movie is entirely separated from the first story. Lestat doesn't even mention Louis, he's hardly even the same character he was in the Interview with the Vampire movie. Actually, everything in this movie is completely different from the book. The movie is probably what the book would have been like if Anne Rice had run out of paper and could only write ten pages. In any case, this movie is a lot of fun. Everything seems very fast and exciting, while a bit dark and creepy at the same time. The characters aren't particularly deep or interesting, and neither is the story line. They're mere shadows of what was in the book. But for some reason, this movie is still fun to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Movie Left A Bad Aftertaste... Review: I was very excited to see Aaliyah's last movie. Since she passed away every last reminder and piece of work is special. After viewing the movie I was dissapointed to say the least. Stuart Townsend has very little presence to me and is not worthy of sharing the screen with the late great Aaliyah. First, you must wait a least an hour before you actually see Aaliyah act...but when she finally arrives, her entrance is grand. This scene may take your breath away, although not for the reason the director intended,in the case of this scene the parallels between art and life are too close for comfort.Immediately after viewing the movie I walked the mall for almost and hour, thinking how distasteful (if that's a word) it was for the producers of this movie to allow it on the big screen, especially so soon after the passing of this earth angel. Aaliyah did play her part well however, the few lines she was given, she owned, but there's a downside to this as well. The overdubbed vocals combined with the thick accent she had to master make it difficult to understand her words at times.But, If you are a fan of Aaliyah's , you will not be dissapointed in her performance. However, if you are just a movie fan, you may want to head for John Q.
Rating:  Summary: What the...? Review: I was looking forward to this movie, I really wanted to see another Anne Rice book come to life... then I saw it. There are so many BIG inaccuracies Magnus made Lestat... NOT MARUIS!!! It was like the screenwriter went out on the street and asked people what they remembered about the book. "...Oh, so there's this queen and she is a vampire and like evil and stuff... someone dies... There's a concert, like in.. Let's say death valley..." If the book were a person and had gone on a drinking binge coupled with a heavy drug addiction and the one moment of clarity is Lestat's character, it would become the movie. There are times when I was guessing as to who the other vampires were, I don't know how you could understand what was going on unless you read the book, and if you did read the book you will be obsessing as to Marius & Lestat's haircolor. There are only two reasons to see it; Stuart Townsend, he did an excellent job as Lestat, and the preview for "eight legged freaks" which seems like an oscar contendor... (yeah right)
Rating:  Summary: Very Dissappointing! Review: Let me start by saying that I was eagerly awaiting this movie from the moment I heared it was being made! I mean, I loved the first movie - though it strayed from the book just a bit - and I loved the books! I loved Aaliyah and her work in Romeo Must Die! I saw the previews, which were cool beyond belief! The scenes of the Queen had me half out of my seat every time I saw them! That being said, I was a little scared that Lestat didn't have blond hair, but I thought "hey, who cares, it's still going to be great!" Then in the theater, opening night, the first scene, my heart sank....first there was BAD ACTING... then came the BAD ADAPTATION... which tied in the BAD SCRIPT... and the BAD DIALOGUE.... and led to a just plain BAD MOVIE. When I say BAD, I mean HORRIBLE. This movie did no justice to the books, it did no justice to even a good storyline. If you like the books, save your money. If you like a good vampire flick, one that makes sense, save your money. If you like to watch a movie and leave the place in a good mood, save your money. But, if you like to be confused, upset, or just plain disgusted after two hours of squirming in your seat, this one's for you! Don't get me wrong, I loved to see Aaliyah in her final role. Her portrayal as the Queen was excellent. It was just not enough to carry the rest of the movie. I'll end by saying that I understand the excitement of the reviewers who had not yet seen the movie, since I felt the same only two days ago. However, now that I have been, I can only say that I haven't been this dissapointed since... well, I've never been this dissappointed. Sorry!
Rating:  Summary: QUEEN OF THE DAMNED ROCKS!!!! Review: This is really one kick ... film. I loved the music, Stuart Townsend was much better than Tom Cruise in the role of Lestat, and Aaliyah had great screen presence in the film. Stuart Townsend brings a Peter Pan quality to Lestat. He actually enjoys being one of the damned. I felt that I was experiencing a rock concert through out the film. I hope that they attempt to do "The Tale of the Body Thief." I plan on seeing this film two more times. It tops the film version of "Interview with the Vampire."
Rating:  Summary: Sadly Disappointed Review: I was very excited when I heard that QUEEN OF THE DAMNED was coming out. The day is arrived at the theatre I got my ticket and watched one of the 1st viewings. After the first 20 minutes I wanted to scream and walk out. But...I held my seat and finished the film. There were many inaccuracies. If I had never read the books I may have liked the movie with a bit of editing. There were a lot of characters left out of the movie; Lestats Mother, Armand, Louis.... I hope Anne doesn't go to see this.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie that could have been....................better Review: I went and saw the movie on opening day, i was very excited. I had been waiting for this movie since I heard that filming began. But the movie could have been a whole lot better, the combination of Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat and The Queen of the Damned was by far the wrong thing to do. I personally think that they should have stuck to making the movies book to book. The movie was a good movie, but it could have been better. Aaliyah plays the title charecter of Akasha(Queen of the Damned), but she was hardly in the movie at all. I mean if they would have made the movie according to the book queen of the damned she would have been in the movie a whole lot longer. as it is she was in the movie for about 1/2 hour at the very end. I waited and waited for this movie release and was to my suprise unsatisfied.