Rating:  Summary: A Good Movie Plauged By A Poor Script! Review: Queen of The Damned for all its flaws is a surprisingly good movie. I enjoyed the movie right up through the concert scenes and if the movie had ended there it would have been a far greater success. Unfortunately, the scriptwriters seemed to have no idea on how to end the movie. The entrance of Akasha in the film although quite dramatic at first quickly fades due to a lack of character development. We never know Akasha's motives and reasons for wanting to pursue her goal of world domination and we never get to know any of the characters that show up at the concert. Maharet, Pandora, and Armand seem like nothing more than afterthoughts which is quite a disappointment considering how well they are developed in the novels. The whole movie seemed to go by too fast. It could have easily been given another half hour to forty-five minutes, which could have clarified the glaring holes with the plot. In the day of the DVD movie length should not be such a big concern. I say make longer movies if it means better explaining such rich and detailed books like Queen of the Damned or The Vampire Lestat. The set production was nice and lavish and the soundtrack was very appropriate and perfectly projected Lestat's rock star image from the novel. As for the performances I thought Townsend did a very good job at portraying the Lestat I read about in the second novel. He produced the perfect amount of bravado that Lestat is known for and it's clear that Stuart did his homework and took the role very seriously. As for Aaliyah's performance I thought it was very good despite a very poor script. She perfectly displayed Akasha's evil and sensuality with perfection. It's a shame that this was her last movie. One performance that was over emphasized was Natalie Moreau's performance as Jesse. Moreau played the part well but Jesse is given far more importance as a character in this movie and I honestly felt that the romance between her and Lestat was very cheesy and typical Hollywood B grade rubbish. Vincent Perez was hardly the Marius that I envisioned but he played the part well and I was surprisingly satisfied with his performance. Overall, I really feel that this movie has its moments and is fun to watch but is plagued by a poor script. They really should have made separate movies instead of combining both books. The movie could have easily been called the Vampire Lestat since his character is the dominant story when in reality Akasha should have been just as strong a presence in this movie. It's clear that this movie didn't get the first class treatment that its far better predecessor received and that's a shame.
Rating:  Summary: Anne Who? Review: As a dedictaed Anne Rice fan, I was determined to see the movie regardless of critics for or against. I was at a loss for words as I witnessed the pages of her novel seemingly burned by the second as the film progressed. Had I not read the books, I might have enjoyed the movie. Although a lackluster plot and actor performances, it still had entertainment value. A definite "MTV" vibe but that's where the movie is marketed to. After reading review after review, I was saddned by the self-proclaimed "die hard" Rice fans who hailed the movie as following very closely to the orginal story. I think they have forgotten that lestat was not made by marius - thus his whole "I'll give you the choice I never had" tagline. David Talbot was obsessed with Marius? Maharet kills Akasha and becomes a statue? Akasha doesn't want to kill male children so she can have a society of women? etc..etc..etc.. Now that I have raved over the masacre of the story, let me review the movie honestly - Aaliyah is given much praise because it is her last movie, but her performance is minimal and without any real command. Make-up is spectacular but special effects are overall weak with a few cool spots but nothing that wows the audience. Stuart Townsend is the definite plus to this film. Stuart who? was the question months before but he commanded a role that was forshadowed by the likes of the great one. He did a fine job of portraying the devilishly toublesome Lestat as depicted by Rice. Although rated R, the film is definitely geared to teenagers (as are most rated R movies) and one should expect the MTV amosphere based on the movie and the original story itself. Slow in the beginning, but quick to pick up. Middle to end keeps your attention and paces nicely. Worth paying ticket price one time for the fun value. Don't go expecting a deep, meaningful film with dramatic performances and you'll be entertained just fine.
Rating:  Summary: LOVED IT! Review: Although the movie is unlike the book, I loved it anyways! Queen of the Damned was my favorite of all the vampire chronicles, and I have read them all. Stuart Townsend is as sexxy, if not more so, than Tom Cruise was in the interview. If you're interested in vampires and/or Anne Rice, I would definately go see this movie!
Rating:  Summary: thin on plot but looks good Review: I think that the movie is thin on plot and story line...but is visually very appealing...the acting on the part of Aliyaah was not that great...but she was best known as a singer...overall the movie was enjoyable..but could have had more plot to make it more interesting
Rating:  Summary: Queen of the Damned---damn wrong Review: Okay, I'm sure that the plot of the movie is already up in this page, so I'll skip that and get right to the point. First off, this movie is a mix of the two Anne Rice books: The Vampire Lestat, and Queen of the Damned. The first half an hour was boring as hell. Sure, it had good moments here and there, but it just didn't seem to go anywhere. And then when Akasha, the title character, FINALLY appeared, it started looking good....for about five minutes. It seemed like the film makers were struggling to make it look good, which is a real shame because they have so much potential with this. But the movie just seemed to drag. And then, when there was action, it was just thrown away. It was too short. The only good thing was the music. Another beef with this movie was the SCARCITY OF THE TITLE CHARACTER!! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT???She was probably in about 15 minutes total of the movie. And I know for a fact that Aaliyah was alive for the whole run of the film, rest her sole. That is why this review has 2 stars instead of 1. Aaliyah's acting was really good. It is a real shame. My last beef with this movie is that you really don't know who to root for. Essentially, there is no good guy. Even the supposed good guys are still blood sucking demons. All in all, this movie was a real let down. I'm sure vamp fans and goths will love this flick, but it was too disappointing for me, and I love vampires.
Rating:  Summary: Not that bad... Review: I think people went into this movie thinking that they would hate it. Especially some fans. I'm an Anne Rice fan and I'll say this: it doesn't follow the book completely, but I liked it quite a bit. To sum it up, Queen of the Damned is actually made up of the second and third books of the Vampire Chronicals consisting of chunks from both Queen of the Damned and The Vampire Lestat. It may be called Queen of the Damned, and the posters focus on Akasha, but it really is about Lestat (which is what Queen was about anyway.) I wasn't sure if I was going to like this movie, but went into it with an open mind. I liked Interview, but didn't care for the choice of Tom (over the top) Cruise as Lestat. The choice of Stewart Townsend was WELL casted as he slithers about reeking of sexuality, just like Lestat; too bad he wasn't the original choice for Interview. In terms of the storyline, to incorporate or base a movie on both books is a difficult task that can fail and unfortunately, it did in some areas. From reading the negative reviews about QOTD, too much was incorporated into the storyline without explaining the background of each (i.e., Akasha is the first of the vampire bloodline and when her life ceases to exist, so do all the vampires created beneath her.) Stuff like this is never explained and anyone who has never read the books can understandably be confused. I was more excited by seeing the characters I became so familiar with come to life, but we are only focusing on specific characters in this flick. Namely, Akasha, Marius, Lestat, Jesse and Maharet. All the others are present, but most of them don't even have a single line. Vampires such as Mael, Armand and Pandora are present, but have such a small screen presence that it is disappointing considering they had larger roles in the books. Also, the movie is heavily edited. In the beginning, when Lestat comes across the band "Satan's Night Out" the shots go immediately from "You're a Vampire? LOL!" to "Are you going to kill us?" Obviously there was a chunk of conversation cut out from them to laugh at him and then be frightened of him -- it's illogical. These are probably going to be on the DVD later. Methinks they should have obviously done two movies and both books, but the "need" for bang-em-up scenes led to skipping the second book and doing the third. Somewhat disappointing there as I feel the storyline suffered. The storyline is choppy, but the visuals are just stunning. We're not talking Matrix-like effects of jumping and such, but imagery, setting the tone of the movie, sets and glowing eyes... I really felt like I was seeing the world of vampires through theirs. It reminded me of a really good Goth video and I found myself really pulled in. On another note, if you're into heavier Korn-type music you will definitely get a blast out of the soundtrack. All in all, I was really pleased with this. I went into this movie knowing that to capture the whole storyline would be impossible and understanding that artistic licenses would be taken. With that in mind, any fan with this attitude would enjoy this movie for the creation it's become. Give it a shot -- you might be surprised how much you like it.
Rating:  Summary: Should have known... Review: Rather than re-hashing in detail what has already been said, let me just confirm the following: 1) Below-Average acting in general. Stuart Townshend had some OK moments, and Vincent Perez was fairly good as Marius. 2) Poor storyline. Hey, it's not a rule that you always have to stay faithful to the book....but if you're going to stray, at least make sure that the result is good. One other thing...I realize that a large percentage of people that went to see QOTD were Aaliyah fans, and I agree that she had talent...but don't make more out of her role than there really was. Anyone that thinks they can make a real assessment of her acting ability from the role she had in this movie is kidding themselves.
Rating:  Summary: Who was this movie made for!?!? Review: I'm not sure who this movie was made for. If you have never read the books, you will be utterly confused. If you HAVE read the books, you will be utterly OFFENDED and APPALLED at the blatent disregard for everthing Anne Rice wrote. The ONLY saving graces were the music, the queens costumes, and the stunning portrayal of Marius by Vincent Perez. Aaliyah's one and only good scene was her taking out the "Adrmirals Arm's" - which was perhaps THE MOVIES only good scene. Stuart Townsend i'm afraid confused the roll of Lestat with the roll of THE CROW. Or was this atrocity perhaps the fault of the director? "NO NO NO!!! POSE MORE!!! TILT YOUR HEAD DOWN AND STARE THROUGH THAT BROWN SMUDGE AROUND YOUR EYES THROUGH THE WHOLE MOVIE! YEAH! THAT'S IT! THAT'S GOOD ACTING!!" And yes this is minor, but who exactly was it who decided EVERYONE'S hair color had to be made the exact OPPOSITE from how it was written! ... Please take the above warning and, if you must see it due to your loyalty to Aaliyah, trust me...wait for the video.
Rating:  Summary: The Queen Of The Damned-Movie Review: I thought the movie was way shorter then the book and I didnt really like how alot of things where different. First of all....Lestat was created by Magnus..who killed himself after he told Lestat a few tips. Second of all...Lestat didnt meet Marius until he heard about him from Armand..who Marius created. Third of all...Jesse wrote to her aunt Maharet, and was seriously injured at Lestat's concert from which she was brought to a hospital and taken by Maharet to her place where Maharet made her immortal. And Akasha's goal was to kill 98% of men to make the world a BETTER place, not HELL...even if it would cause chaos. Maharet also had a twin sister named Mekare for which was searching to kill Akasha for all the pain put on her. In the ending,Mekare and Maharet EAT Akasha's brain and heart...for which they become the strongest of them. Talk about way off....but the movie still deserves 5 stars. RIP Aaliyah!!
Rating:  Summary: Why can't anyone adapt an Anne Rice Book? Review: The movie was terrible. The only good thing was Stuart Townsend. He was the perfect Lestat except that his hair color was wrong and his accent was off. He is french not hungarian. Now for the bad part. The entire part about the twins was cut out. Louie was never mentioned. Marius makes Lestat in the movie and in the movie Marius is an evil monster. If you read the book you know Lestat was made by Magnus. In the movie Lestat and Marius go out and kill two gypsies without a reason and then Lestat writes a song about it 200 years later. Akasha didn't want to give the earth to women like she did in the book. She just wanted to drink a glut of blood. Oh yeah, that was just the first twenty minutes. The worst part for me was when Lestat made Jesse a vampire so he could spend eternity with her. Oh my god. In the book he may have only spoken with her once. And Maheret made her a vampire. Mekare isn't even in this. And you don't know that Khaymen, Pandora and Armand were until the credits. Bottom line: If you read the book and enjoyed it, don't watch the movie. it will just leave you feeling really, really angery.