Rating:  Summary: HOMOEROTIC ACADEMICS Review: This highest rating refers to the "director's cut" of David DeCoteau's homoerotic campy but sensual chiller thriller. It already is a cult classic and has quite a following.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Acting...Boys... Review: This is a dumb movie, only watch it for all the guys. That is about all it is worth.
Rating:  Summary: slow moving flick Review: This move is barly over an hour long and does not move very fast. It is your basic scary movie with voodoo mixed into it. The only good thing is seeing decent looking men running around in there boxers.
Rating:  Summary: One of my most enjoyable movie experiences in recent memory- Review: This movie is great. The framing and camera work is borderline incompetent, the plot makes absolutely no sense, the special effects have all the flair and production value of an early episode of Xena, and the eyebrow acting is straight out of a porn film--the actors often times seem confused as to whether they should be more focused on hitting their mark or making sure their good profile is toward camera, and at all times seem not quite up to the task of holding two thoughts in their heads at once. All of which makes the film extremely funny-- and not funny in a Van Helsing kind of way. That was a film that was funny at all of the wrong moments. This film knows exactly what type of film it is, and it knows exactly how bad it is, and it revels in that. It's all part of the fun, because story and plot and craftsmanship are all more or less beside the point here. And what is the point, you ask? Hot boys, of course. This movie set out with one main purpose: to show extremely hot boys in extremely hot situations. And, once again unlike Van Helsing, when this movie sets out to do something, it succeeds. Does it ever! Wow.. very, very, very hot. And rubbing themselves, too. If I had known that Christian school students sported this many different styles of designer boxer briefs, I might have been converted. So, the point of the plot and everything else is just to make the film bearable when the boys aren't mostly naked.. if it had been just some passable, solid story, it would have done that, but it would have been deadly boring. Instead, it goes full out for hilarious over-the-top camp, and it's never boring for a minute. Well, OK, maybe for a few minutes.
There's a school of thought in film criticism that I very much agree with, and it states that you should not judge a film based on what it is trying to do, but by how well it accomplishes what it set out for-- and by that criteria, this one totally earned the 5 stars I gave it. Bring on the Ed Wood dialogue, electrified confessional booths, and boys strapped to voodoo tables in their underwear!
Rating:  Summary: Voodoo Academy Review: Voodoo Academy is a fun movie. It dosent take itself serioussly and its very funny. A boy named Christopher Sawyer enrolls in a bible college and the head mistress accepts him and he soon meets his roomates and the reverend and strange things start to happen. At night the boys start having ( nightmares) which look more like they are having wet dreams and they go off to the head mistres's room/Christopher cant figure out whats going on at first but he has his suspicions and soon figures out what is going on-the head mistress is trying to turn them into voodoo dolls to chanel satan. This movie is hilarious and gay men and women/maybe even straight men will like this. The boys are gorgeous and 2 of them have been in previous or more recent films lately. The reverend and the boy in the cofession booth is a really good scene and the nightmare scenes. I especially liked the sarcastic blond kid, he was really funny. I recomend this film for a laugh or anyone who likes boys in boxer briefs or anyone who just likes a funny movie.
Rating:  Summary: HomoErotic Greatness Review: Well I totally disagree with the lady below me, this movie geared toward GAY MEN, not women, and it really doesnt suprise me that she didnt catch on being a straight person and being a women and all.
Rating:  Summary: Sooooooo bad...but that's what makes it GOOD! Review: Where do I even begin? The script is BAD. The acting is BAD. The story is BAD. The effects are BAD. The quality is BAD! The movie is GOOD! David DeCoteau has directed countless "B horror" movies. This is the first movie, I've seen directed by him. I wouldn't count this as a B movie though...more like and F movie. However, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot of the movie, as little as there is, involves an exclusive bible school that enrolls six beautifully handsome boys each year. The school is a front for Ms. Bouvier and her assistant, Father Carmichael, to turn these boys into voodoo dolls to raise Satan. When the seduction of one student goes bad, they enroll a new student who begins to uncover and has to stop them from bring their evil plan to completion. This movie is not so much as a horror movie but soft-core [erotic] without the nudity. The opening seduction of the boy has Fr. Carmichael mimicking the seduction opening his shirt and touching himself. Then as the movie progresses, spiked wine gets the boys, once again so beautifully handsome, all hot and turned on, and in their sleep (while each and every one wears designer tight, white boxer briefs), they touch themselves in what seems like an overtly extended scene. Then during the ceremony to transform the boys into voodoo dolls, Huntley Ritter (famous for his role in Bring it On), is rubbed all over with hot oil by Fr. Carmichael. Don't forget that he is being rubbed down while wearing his boxer briefs. This movie was not meant to be good. It's sole purpose was to titilate, which it does quite well with heavy homo-eroticism. The director has commented that this was supposed to be directed at teenage girls; however, I'm not sure I know of any teenage girls who wants to watch guys stroke their chests, take baths together, and men rub each other down. Don't take the movie seriously, sit back, relax, and have a good laugh.
Rating:  Summary: Sooooooo bad...but that's what makes it GOOD! Review: Where do I even begin? The script is BAD. The acting is BAD. The story is BAD. The effects are BAD. The quality is BAD! The movie is GOOD! David DeCoteau has directed countless "B horror" movies. This is the first movie, I've seen directed by him. I wouldn't count this as a B movie though...more like and F movie. However, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot of the movie, as little as there is, involves an exclusive bible school that enrolls six beautifully handsome boys each year. The school is a front for Ms. Bouvier and her assistant, Father Carmichael, to turn these boys into voodoo dolls to raise Satan. When the seduction of one student goes bad, they enroll a new student who begins to uncover and has to stop them from bring their evil plan to completion. This movie is not so much as a horror movie but soft-core [erotic] without the nudity. The opening seduction of the boy has Fr. Carmichael mimicking the seduction opening his shirt and touching himself. Then as the movie progresses, spiked wine gets the boys, once again so beautifully handsome, all hot and turned on, and in their sleep (while each and every one wears designer tight, white boxer briefs), they touch themselves in what seems like an overtly extended scene. Then during the ceremony to transform the boys into voodoo dolls, Huntley Ritter (famous for his role in Bring it On), is rubbed all over with hot oil by Fr. Carmichael. Don't forget that he is being rubbed down while wearing his boxer briefs. This movie was not meant to be good. It's sole purpose was to titilate, which it does quite well with heavy homo-eroticism. The director has commented that this was supposed to be directed at teenage girls; however, I'm not sure I know of any teenage girls who wants to watch guys stroke their chests, take baths together, and men rub each other down. Don't take the movie seriously, sit back, relax, and have a good laugh.
Rating:  Summary: HOT Review: WOW - THIS MOVIE WAS SOMTHIN- I HAD VERY LOW EXPECTATIONS GOING INTO THIS FILM but i was pleasantly suprised - i thought this film would be full of unknown actors but i recognized 2 of them from other films. AND BOY ARE THEY GORGEOUS. THE ACTING WAS DECENT. I THOUGHT the acting by the boys was pretty good actually - i thought the priest and lady wernt that great. the lady was good as the school master or whatever she was but not as the devil especially. OK SO THE STORY WAS ABOUT 6 GUYS WHO GO TO A PRIVATE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL OF SOME SORT AND THE TEACHERS OR THE PRIEST AND HEAD MISTRESS OF SCHOOL ARE VOODOO WORSHIPPERS AND ARE TRYIN to turn the guys into voodoo dolls- sounds pretty stupid huh? well it is but its good. i found the spells and the heads on the guys especially annoying and dumb.but other than that boy this was a hot movie! - the men were good looking with great bodys and massaged themselves lol- and thier is also a hot scene in the confesion booth involving a cross and a student. GAY MEN AND WOMEN WILL LOVE THIS. maybe even straight men. this is funny movie at times and was very nice to watch/ RECOMENDED FOR A LAUGH