Rating:  Summary: Very Intense! Well done, Mr. Branagh! Review: Kenneth Branagh takes no prisoners in this very intense and moving interpretation of the Frankenstein story. This is not a film for the faint of heart and is not a traditional horror movie. Robert Deniro's performance as the monster is brilliant. True to Mery Shelley's original concept, Director Branagh and Deniro have created a truly tragic creature here that's only a monster on the surface. Underneath, there's a thinking, feeling being who just wants to be accepted and loved. He makes every attempt to find his place among humanity, including offering to disappear forever if only his creator will build him a female companion. When all the creature's attempts and pleas are scorned, he vows revenge on the one who created him and doomed him to such a miserable existence. Many viewers will find this movie too gory and sad, but I thoroughly enjoyed the intensity of Branagh's direction. This is a movie everyone should at least once. Well done Mr. Branagh
Rating:  Summary: a grevious error Review: This movie was wildly disappointing to anyone who has actually READ THE BOOK. The screenplay authors have apparently added things just for hollywood's sake. It's terrible. The whole part about Frankenstein making a girlfriend for the monster is completely fabricated. It never occured in Shelley's book. ...
Rating:  Summary: not too scary, more sad Review: This was a good movie with a good point about the way society doesn't always accept people who are different. But, I was really disappointed. When I read that Robert De Niro was in this movie playing Frankenstein's monster, and that it was a horror movie, I was expecting an entertaining, wild, bloody, eerie, and terrifying horror about a mad monster. But, instead, it was a very sad film. I almost wanted to cry. Just thinking about the scene in which Frankenstein's monster kills a good-hearted woman makes me sad. And, what's so sad is that the monster wasn't truly a monster at heart. He had love inside him, but nobody understood him, so he reacted with violence. The sadness of the film makes it less enjoyable to watch. Overall, it is a good movie though. But, don't watch this film if you are prone to weeping about sad scenes in movies. And, I wouldn't recommend watching this movie if you're looking for a scary movie, because it's not all that scary. If you like science, and you enjoy creating strange experiments, and science fiction, and watching tragedies befall upon good people, I recommend this movie.
Rating:  Summary: DVD Breathes New Life Into "Frankenstein" Review: This DVD(Columbia/TriStar 1998) of "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein",really shows off the many qualities of this engrossing film. If your'e a fan of the book the story stays close to it, and if you're a fan of the 1931 and 1935 "Frankenstein" and "The Bride of Frankenstein", you will be happy with Kenneth Branagh's adaption.The story of course, is about Dr. Victor Frankenstein, who becomes obessed with death and creating life. He has lost many close to him and, and spends every waking hour in his lab using electricity, and body parts("raw materials") to recreate a life that has been lost. What he creates though is a hideous creature with a brillant brain and a raging heart, that when provoked will destroy all around him.This "creation" seeks revenge for the life he is doomed to and Dr. Frankenstein's family and loved ones are the ones who must pay for his mistake. Victor must try to undo his deed, leading his creation to ends of the earth. Kenneth Branagh directed this visual feast, and also leads(as Victor Frankenstein), a supurb cast. Included are Robert DeNiro, as the creation, Helena Bonahm Carter as Elizabeth, Tom Hulce(Amedeus), as the reluctant freind, John Cleese as the brillant scientist,Aidan Quinn, the explorer who is as obssessed with his endeavors as Victor is, and also the always wonderful Ian Holm. Branagh also makes outstanding use of the scenary, costume designs, music, sound effects and color(This last seems especially true of the color red which is brillanty used at specific times).And I must also mention the fabulous make up and costume design that Deniro must have spent hours getting into. The DVD has captured all those wonderful qualities mentioned above in an excellent transfer. The widescreen (or full screen whichever you prefer), picture is clear and sharp in ALL the scenes, colors are breathtaking,music and sound effects outstanding. There were some moments when the dialouge seemed a bit low, but nothing major and always clear.It is in 5.1 Dolby or 2 channel(this set up found in the language section).Don't look for too much on the "Extras". There's the language choices of English, Spanish or French(also subtitles in these languages), some theatrical trailers of the artists various works, and a little booklet about the making of. It's a great DVD and film even without all the extras(maybe one of Deniro getting into make up would have been nice),it is definitly worth owning or viewing at the very least. So get the popcorn, get ready to jump, and don't watch it alone...enjoy....Laurie
Rating:  Summary: A stylish horror movie Review: When Kenneth Branagh made "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" he had already established himself as a competent director within the horror/suspense genre with his stylish thriller "Dead Again". With "Frankenstein" he went one step further, creating a wild and bloody film that made the critics and the audience somewhat uncomfortable. But while it is true that the film is intensely dramatic and theatrical, people forget that that is the very point. This is a gothic horror story, and just as with "Dead Again", Branagh made a film that is very much steeped in its own genre. Wild camera-moves, operatic music and over-the-top acting is part of the charm of the piece, and if one cannot accept that, then one should look for other forms of entertainment. That being said the film could still have been better. While the acting, the setting, the music and the cinematography is great, the script is just too rushed. The film moves very quickly and never gives you time to take a breather. You never get close to the characters and therefore the dramatic impact when something horrible happens to them is smaller. A few extra scenes showing us more character developement would have benefitted the film, I think. But overall, the main point of a film like this is to scare the hell out of people. And although Branagh manages to bring forth the central points of Shelley's novel, it is the horror in which he excels. A good scare.
Rating:  Summary: Good but something is missing! Review: That meaning something is missing from both the film and the DVD. I agree with various reviewers that this should be more entitled "Kenneth Branagh's Frankenstein", because that is essentially what it is. It's more a rehash of the British Horrors of the 60s, and hardly a faithful rendition of the novel. Even Bride of Frankenstein was more faithful than this. The story begins very well with the voyage of the Sea Captain encountering the emaciated Dr. F, a footnote not many are familiar with. The story begins from Victor's childhood, and the tragedy of his Mother's death turns his quest into an obsession. The build-up towards the Creature's birthing sequence is very well staged. I do like DeNiro's develop of the Creature. First as a mentally underdeveloped brute, then slowly becoming educated through sight, touch, sense, smell, and taste. Heck, anybody who maintains a fairly decent complexion through a balanced diet of raw potatoes should catch on quickly. After the inevitable scene where the Creature is banished from humankind and seeks revenge is where the entire story begins to spin madly out of control. Too many key scenes in the film that DO take place in the novel all occur out of sequence. The Monster's encounter with Victor in the snow mountains, the murder of William, and the hanging of Justine. In the novel, Justine is condemned to the gallows, and Victor seeking solitude has a not so fortuitous encounter with his creation. There the Creature tells his story beginning with his birth. It's the same thing for Elizabeth's death scene. He was supposed to strangle her - not play Mortal Kombat by plucking her heart out. Following that where Victor revives an amalgamated Elizabeth/Justine is too campy. It spoofs not only BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, but all the others; Andy Warhol's 1974 FLESH FOR FRANKENSTEIN, YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, even FRANKENSTEIN UNBOUND. I do like that Helena Bonham Carter, like Catherine Rabett before her makes a sexy Elizabeth. John Cleese, Tom Hulce, Aidan Quinn, and Ian Holm are also always joys to see onscreen. I'll say Kenneth Branagh and Robert DeNiro had a good time making this movie. I like the scene where he tries about thirteen times to help him stand over a layer of amniotic fluid. Patrick Doyle's score and Roger Pratt's camerawork also don't help the production much, making the film even more overwhelming. So do I recommend it? I'm ashamed to say it, but yes. The trouble is I still have YET to see a movie version of the novel that is entirely faithful. The film has it's strengths and weaknesses, and is still an enjoyable treat for those in the mood for an entirely different perception of FRANKENSTEIN than the Gothic trademark laboratory and lightning. As far as the DVD is concerned, the picture and sound quality is outstanding. The color contrasts are treated so they are appropriately light during day, and bluish-dark during night. This is not an uncommon restoration process through silent classics. Seeing the film in widescreen also gives it a very different dimension. The VHS version looks too lacking in color and contrast. Watch it with the lights turned off, and you'll see what I mean. The extras include French and Spanish audio, and the original trailer, plus strangely enough the MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING trailer. My only disappointment with it is there is no audio commentary from Branagh and/or DeNiro. If a newer version of the DVD is released including an audio commentary I would be very interested in hearing it. To wrap it all up, this is a good version of the FRANKENSTEIN saga, but along the way, I can never help but feel something just is not appropriately registered.
Rating:  Summary: A well spoken monster Review: Gorgeous, creepy, intense, sensual. I've never read Frankenstein and this movie really surprised me with the eloquent way the "monster" expresses himself. DeNiro is god. Totally rockin. Buy this movie whie you can.
Rating:  Summary: The first movie treatment that's actually close to the book Review: Unlike every other Frankenstein movie that has the monster as an illiterate brute, this movie actually follows the original book somewhat closely with a literate, well spoken monster. Great acting by Branagh, and beautifully and sensitively filmed. Still, it doesn't quite live up to the original book, which is sad, becuase there was no reason (in my opinion) to take some of the creative liberties they took with this one (and this is why I give it four stars). OVerall, the story and the plot still hold together quite well in this one, and the performances from all concerned are strong and sensitive to the role. Perhaps some day we'll get a real version of the original, and then the world will finally know just what Mary Shelley actually wrote. If you haven't read the book, you must. And then you will know how completely off the mark every other Frankenstein movie out there is.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST VERSION EVER!!!!! Review: This movie is AWSOME!!!! Kennith Brona and Robert Denero are excellent as victor frankenstein and the creature. This version beats all the other versions hands down. So by all means buy this movie it's the best horror film of the century.
Rating:  Summary: Do not read the book, see the movie! Review: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the novel, was so boring compared to this movie. This movie brings the story out more; more action, more detail. It also exaggerates some of the scenes a little but, that's okay. The novel was boring the whole way through until you hit the end. I think you should see the movie instead of the book. You'll enjoy the movie better, the novel makes the whole story a little corny, if you ask me. The movie catches your eye from the beginning to the end. Robert DeNiro played a good role, I didn't even know it was him at first. I highly recommend this movie to anyone interested in seeing it. It keeps your attention by leaving you guessing a little, waiting to see what happens next. I liked the twisted part when Victor(Kenneth Branagh) brings his wife back to life by creating her with different body parts. That really caught my eye, I just wished they showed a little more than what they did. As far as the killing went, they could have showed him killing them instead of leaving it blank and we just catch the part when their dead. The only time they didn't really do it was when Justine died and Elizabeth(Helena Bonham Carter's). I really think that you should watch this movie and see why I like it so much.