Rating:  Summary: Starts slowly, but... Review: This movie is a worthy addition to your DVD horror library. It features a refreshing balance of drama and horror. The horror builds very gradually, almost seeping into the lives of the main characters. Great acting, great directing.Very highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Terrifying Review: If you are new to the horror movie watching genre, I'd skip this one until you've watched a couple others. This movie will give even the most hard watched horror fan nightmares. Centering on a young girl who becomes posessed by a demon(s)and a priest whose faith is fading away, you will become caught up in the changes the girl goes through when the demon fully takes over. Although the movie was made in the seventies, it does not take take away from the scare factor. This movie is best watched with the lights on and definately not alone.
Rating:  Summary: good movie but it wasn't scary Review: i saw both versions of this movie as well as the sequels, the first one is the best of course, the movie certainly wasn't scary as people said it was(well it wasn't at all), personally think movies like "the thing" are scarier, the only disturbing part of the movie was the girl's demented face, other than that the movie failed to create an eeerie mood. if you want to see something that is ACTUALLY SCARY then go buy the "aphex twin - come to viddy" video.
Rating:  Summary: This is It Review: The Exorcist is what horror movies are suppossed to look like.....Great plot, great extras, great acting, and to top it all of....an unbelievable soundtrack. This is a one of a kind movie.
Rating:  Summary: An Epic Film Like Nothing You've Seen Review: This is a film that goes way beyond the horror genre for which it has been labeled with so many other monster movie offerings. It is an exploration of faith, a complex struggle of good versus evil that stems from the conflicts that are present in each of our lives, combined with a theology lesson and the belief in something greater than ourselves. Ultimately, it is an exploration of the worst kind of horror, the horror that exists in the belief that for every good, there is an evil, and to that end, that even the ultimate good has an ultimate darkness lieing in its shadow. This film, based on the novel by William Peter Blatty, and directed by William Friedkin, is the story of two priests and a family living in Georgetown University, just outside Washington D.C. Blatty, who wrote the novel and screenplay, based the story of a child's possession by the devil on actual events that he had read about many years before writing the Exorcist. The story begins with an elderly priest, Father Merrin, who is working as a missionary in Iraq. A former exorcist, Merrin is confronted by a vision of the demon and is given a premonition of events that will unfold later. The story continues in counterpoint, introducing us to Father Damien Karras, a young, Italian priest whose mother is dieing of poverty. A student at Georgetown University, and the psychiatrist on the staff of Saint Michaels, Karras's faith is shaken when his mother dies while in the custody of a sanitarium for the poor and impoverished. The other half of this counterpoint is the story of Regan, daughter of movie-star Chris MacNeil, who is at Georgetown University filming a student-rights movie. They rent a home on the campus, and while they live there, Regan begins to refer to an invisible friend who she refers to as "Captain Howdy". As the story progresses, Regans disposition begins to change. She starts complaining of headaches, and has outbursts that are completely uncharacteristic of her, and before long, all that see her begin to believe she is either medically insane, or possessed. Chris MacNeil implores the help of Father Karras to aid her in exorcising her daughter. Uncertain what to do, Karras turns to the head of his order and seeks the assistance of Merrin, who has since returned from Iraq. The story works on a number of levels. The visual experience of the film is horrifying, as Regan is transformed from an innocent little girl into the demon that possesses her. The film is dark, graphic and often very disturbing in its imagery. But what makes this film far more frightening than the visual images is the psychological effect it has on its viewer. This movie transcends the screen, and plays out like a literary work, giving incredible depth to each of its characters, making them very believable and easy to relate to. By the end of the story, the movie examines everything from the power of faith, to the power of darkness, and leave the viewer with an experience that will effect them to their very soul. The DVD edition of this film contains many extras, including interviews with the director of the film and the author of the original novel (who himself was a Georgetown student). It also contains footage that has never been seen in earlier releases of this work. The film is controversal, and still one of the most disturbing pieces of all time. It is an important film, and not one to be taken lightly. Scott Kolecki
Rating:  Summary: Religion, sex, guilt, violence and silliness Review: A lot of talent went into this trashy film. Long flights of stairs, darkness, dogs, and psychiatrists are scary but there is also much unintended comedy - a priest who boxes and jogs and lights a cigarette just after his morning run deserves what he gets in this film; Mr Von Sydow's exorcism ritual must have had the cast rolling around clutching themselves in painful laughter; and Ms Blair wetting herself in company goes down a treat. Entertaining, but........
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece!!! But? Review: Ok I loved this movie. I had to read The Novel as a child because my parents wouldn't let me see Excorcist but the Omen was ok? Yeah that's weird but it's true. I can go on with the story about the book but I'm not going to, except it was one of the best. now I just baught the dvd today, and I was excited. Now I've seen this movie in the theater. so instead I watched the directors comentary. now if you are not a film buff and don't want to hear someone talk shop. I suggest You never watch the directors comentary. but in this case, since I am a video artist and I love film. I study and find any info I can about any given film I find a serious Fancy too. With director comentaries, I feel they are a great source of Information. because you get to hear actors and directors react to each other and learn things about the film. you get the idea. Well I loved hearing about Friedkin talking about filming in Iraq. I found it insightful and in my eyes very "NERD FULLFILLING" But as I watched the Comentary I realized what a dullard he really is. I mean the whole thing was Him speaking. You got very little insights on the movie making process. no interactions between film maker writer producers or actors. Just as you would In most DVDs. The best one is Texas chainsaw massacre which I saw on the IFC. that gave you a whole lot more to offer. You got a since of the struggle to get the damn thing done. But with Freidkin You got a since of his vision and not Blatty's. No interview of Linda Blair or Max von Sydow. these people ar all living, so there was no problem in getting these actors imput or memories but Instead You basically Friedkin talking over the movie, and simply providing naration, which is quite annoying in my opinion. I like Friedkins work. but that was a bit much. I realized if given the chance, I might want to pass up working with Friedkin He seems so self absorbed that It would be like working with an ego maniac who can't do it again. it would be like trying to build a boat with Noah, and all He talks about is the Stupid Ark. or flying in a Jet plane with the Wright Brothers. Talk about Bragards!, and lets not forget about me trying to put a bullet in my head. Thats the since I get after hearing Friedkin. this is a man who created something so profound. Inspired so many people by scaring the BEJESUS out of them, and yet believes his own hype. Despite his prolific career. he has yet to make something as Good as the Excorcist. In fact most are forgettable or not worth watching. He kind of reminds me if Geraldo Rivera had any actual Talent. Now think about what I just said.
Rating:  Summary: Teens are just being "tough" Review: They say films like They, Scream, and I Know What You Did Last summer are scary, and say that this film is boring. Well most of it is due to the fact that when it was advertised as the scariest film ever they went in with there buds with the intent on makinf fun of it. And the people like the ring? The Ring has nothing on this. For one this this movie actually scares you with visuals and psychological. That's right teens you have to allow it terrify you because gore just isn't scary. So go back to your black comedies, and us intelligent people will get scared. For all those that laughed at it I have to say they should have let it scare them because they mist out on a wild ride.
Rating:  Summary: Here, I'll be a coward like you! Review: Comically Horrifying, October 15, 2003 Reviewer: A viewer from San Diego, CA United States is obviously afraid of something that he can't control, like the fact that he was going to be criticised for saying what he said. I mean it's not this film's fault that it's the scariest movie. I mean Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, and Halloween aren't scary. I mean they have things that you can stop and control and defeat. They're living things. They can be stopped, but the supernatural have no rules, and they can do things like this. Oh and this is based on a true story, and rarely these days do they happen, because, if you believe in God, Satan doesn't want the foolish sheep of the earth to think he exists. The people of our time rely on science, but science has caused more the death and destruction, and hasn't helped man-kind that much, except it made him weak and greedy. I like technology, but it has turned our society into morally corupt people. Anyway to the film, Adapted by William Peter Blatty from his controversial bestseller, this shocking 1973 thriller set an intense and often-copied milestone for screen terror with its unflinching depiction of a young girl who is possessed by an evil spirit. Jason Miller and Max von Sydow are perfectly cast as the priests who risk their sanity and their lives to administer the rites of demonic exorcism, and the mother can only stand by in horror as her daughter's body is wracked by satanic disfiguration. Unfortunately this film has gained alot of flack recently, mostly because it was popularized and marketed as "The Scariest Movie Ever Made" and that did it no favors. There are always people out there who like to tear down the popular horror films, and support crap like 28 Days Later. I mean what's so funny about watching your own daughter be possessed by the devil, and basically being mentally tormented and disrurbed as you watch her desecrate and harm her own body. I mean these people who claim to laugh at this, could very well be the same people who laughed at all those who died in the 9/11 attacks. Viewing this film in there mindset is like watching Saving Private Ryan and laughing at all the soldiers who died. I mean why is it that you guys find real life attrocities like this funny? Do you think it makes you look tough or something? It's pathetic that people these days won't watch a scary movie with the intent on allowing it to scare them. That's like watching a comedy and watching it so that it won't make you laugh. This film won't only effect you if you allow it, and to do otherwise shows ignorance and the maturity level of a 5 year old who pitches a fit when his mother tells him he can't have a cookie. Stop making fun of horror films, and just let them scare you. That means quit watching them in broad day lights with all your buds, and watch it alone with the lights out. If the intent of the movie is to scare you, the let it scare you. This film's intent was to scare and it accomplishes it's goal effectively. This girl is possessed literally by evil. This is the only documented account of an exorcism. Other records have been destroyed. Out of respect to the people involved names and charcters were changed, but the events in this film are true, and if you don't believe, then you'll be in for a surprise when you die. Go ahead and vote this review unhelpful, that's what I expect from all you people, but that won't change the fact that I'm right and your wrong. Watch the film as it was meant to be watched, and take it seriously. Otherwise what's the point of watching a scary movie? we turn to science to make the puzzle whole what lies beyond those hollowed eyes we'll be defeated, destroyed by our own ghosts when the last grave has emptied when the last shred of hope melts away an endless swarm of damnation will swallow the last of humanity into the black. the soils of hell shall keep them coming our feeble planet overrun with the legions of the dead. May you all see the darkness that I have seen.