Rating:  Summary: The Exorcist is a MUST for Horror buffs! Review: This movie is very scary! Made in the mid 70's, it does not use a lot of special effects. Instead, it relies on the viewer's intellect. There is also an ACTUAL story to it (unlike most films these days)! Whereas the material may be somewhat controversial (a 12 year-old girl becomes possesed and appears to become slightly demon-ized, with all the fun to go along with that), it is well-written. If you have a Horror Movie fanatic, this one will definitely quench their appetite! Not a movie for kids. As a side note, I find the lack of musical instrumentation (for mood-setting) an almost eerier (is that a word?) effect. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Very Scary Review: Believe it or not a movie that terrifies most people who've seen it, can be considered A MUST SEE FILM. However, that's the case with this film. This is a definate for all hardcore movie buffs. The story line of a little girl who is possessed by an evil spirit is taken to the extreme and leaves the audience in fear. Linda Blair plays the role of the little girl and has a great performance. If you're interested Linda is all grown up now and has been doing some acting; mostly in low budget films. Most noted, sort of a comedy spoof on this film entitled REPOSESSED. She also did a film called NIGHT PATROL where she goes topless.
Rating:  Summary: A Bit of a Let down Review: My brother and I got ready to watch the exorcist, hoping to be scared silly, but we were sorry to say it did nothing but make us laugh. The first half an hour is extremely slow, which made us both lose our concentration on the film. After this things got slightly scary, but not as bad as we had hoped. Maybe the exorcist was scary in the 70's but it isn't half as good as psycho - a real horror movie.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not great in itself Review: Consider for a moment the intrinsic shock value of thispicture. Still thinking? Okay. Now; think about the hype machine thatthrew the movie up in a whirlwind back in '73 and understand that its publicity alone was a third of the battle. I first saw this movie when I was 16 and found the beginning of it absolutely terrifying. The Iraqi backdrop (land of Sumerian demons) and the imagery conjured by Friedkin's lens brought on an intensity which was very hard to follow on from. And that was the problem later on in the film. Indeed, the possession of a 12 year-old child of a modern, upper middle-class parent in a big American city (one of the most unfrightening settings in the world) does strike the nail home in terms of fear-casting but, through no fault of the writer or director, there is just no way that after the opening Iraqi scenes this can scare. Special effects are great and the true feel of the demon Pazuzu does come through. Still, one must understand that this movie's overall appearance does borderline the documentary. It seems that Blatty's novel (itself based on the 1949 possession of an American boy) was cut down a little in size and then transmitted verbatim onto the screen. The scariest part of 'The Exorcist'? It has to be that scene when the good young Father is seeing his mother ascend a flight of steps from a subway in a vision and then, all of a sudden, Satan's face (not the girl's possessed face as I once thought) manifests itself for but a frame or two. Fairly good stuff all in all. Von Sydow's acting alone could pass as a reason to see it. But the movie as a whole was quite overrated. Banned in the UK, this film helped set the occult blockbuster standard for the '70's (which films like 'The Omen' and 'The Sentinel' would follow). But its reputation traveled too far ahead of it. You will be scared but, after coming through all the slasher films of the late '70's and '80's as well as being immersed in a New Age culture (where 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' and her ilk proliferate without fear of reprisal), it really is a matter of asking yourself 'How scared can this make me?' If I was reviewing this 25 years ago, I would've given four stars. Sadly, though, I come from a generation entirely desensitised to both the occult and the effects of massive marketing stratagems, therefore in 1999, 'The Exorcist' can only hope to get 3 stars out of me.
Rating:  Summary: Well i wont sleep for a while... Review: ...but it was a movie that HAS to be seen.This is one of the few movies that made my nights sleepless but as i said,you have to see this.
Rating:  Summary: It will scare the wits out of you Review: This is the most frightening movie ever! You will be scared beyond belief. Sensitive veiwers should steer clear.
Rating:  Summary: I watched it 20 years ago when I was 11 and it still Review: terrifies me to this day. It was a good movie but the subject matter is very disturbing. Linda Blair did a great job but the image of how she looked haunts me to this day. I will never watch that movie again (at least not alone). My dad on the other hand loves it and it doesn't scare him in the least. But a great movie if you are in for a good scare.
Rating:  Summary: Do you believe in the devil? Review: One of the scariest films I have seen. Indeed it starts off a little slow, but the wait is worth it. The fx effects are good for it's time and I think the plot is outstanding. If you question wether this should be rated as one of the scariest films, you should watch it in the dark by yourself with the doors wide open, at night.
Rating:  Summary: Prepare to be PETRIFIED! Review: As a fan of horror, I thought nothing could ever scare me too much. I was wrong. The Exorcist is the most frightening thing I will ever see! I can barely place my DVD in my player without a shudder. The image of Regan's head turning is constantly with me and at sometimes at night, I swear she is behind me!DO NOT WATCH THIS IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO BE FRIGHTENED BEYOND YOUR WITS. If uou are though, watch it! - A masterpiece!
Rating:  Summary: Good plot, but not too scary Review: This 1973 Classic sure had its moments. It had a very well planned out script. It was a movie that was intended to make the viewer have chills up their spine. It does not quite to do that. Although it is a little scary. The directing was great too. There was a lot hype for this movie back in 73. It reminded me of the all the hype of the blair witch project. the difference is that the Excorcist did not suck like the Blair witch project. It was a thriller that lived up to the hype. The movie also did very well for a horror movie at the box office, during that time in 1973. the bottom line is that any true horror fan must watch this. For people who are not horror fans, they should check it out too. If anyone thinks this movie is bad, its probrably because they did not get scared which this movie is supposed to do.