Rating:  Summary: This movie will possess you!!!!!!!!!! Review: "The Exorcist" is a classic scary movie in my opinion. I was scared when I first witnessed this movie because I had never saw anything like this before. Linda Blair plays Reagan, a atheist who gets possessed by a demon. "The Exorcist" is a timeless masterpiece that never gets old.
Rating:  Summary: The definition of perfect cinema. Review: The Exorcist, the much talked about 1973 hit film about a young girl (Linda Blair) possessed by the devil, has a lot going for it, including rotating head, vomit, levitation and the first film ever to use very profane language on more than one occasion. There has been so much written on The Exorcist over the years, and it's doubtful that anything I write will make a difference in people's opinion on the film, but I'm giving it a shot anyway. The plot: 5/5 stars: The plot for The Exorcist is a surprisingly complicated one. That is because the whole film does not center on the possession of the little girl. It focuses greatly on a young priest/psychologist (Jason Miller) and his struggle with his faith. He is hit hard when a loved one dies and his faith takes another leap downward. When he is confronted by the little girl's mother (Ellen Burstyn) to perform an exorcism on the girl, he is skeptical. After tests and a persuasive message written on the girl's stomach, he decides that it very well is a serious case of demonic possession and brings it to the attention of a superior priest. It is suggested that a more experienced and older priest (Max Von Sydow) should be an aid in the exorcism. The elder priest arrives at the little girl's house to perform the exorcism, which then leads to the last 25 min. of the film. The acting: 5/5 stars: Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn, Jason Miller and Max Von Sydow are the four major players in the film, and they all do a tremendous job with their roles, which could be argued they were born to play. Max Von Sydow is a screen-stealer, he has a great presence when on screen and is a dead-on portrait of an elderly priest. Jason Miller does an incredible job as well, especially considering this was his first movie. Linda Blair is amazing as well; I can't imagine someone playing a possessed girl any better. Ellen Burstyn gives a knock-out performance as Linda Blair (Regan's) mother, probably her best acting job ever. Lee J. Cobb, Kitty Winn, Jack McGowaran and William O'Malley are bit-players but are equally as impressive as the four main guys. Overall: 5/5 stars: The Exorcist is definitely one of the best (if not *the* best) movies I've ever seen, and that's saying something, because I've seen a lot of movies. With a brilliant screenplay, cast and story, The Exorcist remains one of the scariest - and best - movies ever made.
Rating:  Summary: The Exorcist (1973) Review: The Exorcist is widely known as the scariest movie of all time and I agree. This film is both shocking and very cerebral. It starts out with actress Chris Macniel (Ellen Burstyn, Academy award nom.) hears strange noises in the night. Her daughter Reagen (Linda Blair, academy award nom.) feels her bed shaking. After a few such strange happenings Chris takes Reagan to doctors who say its just nerves. Repeated examinations don't help and they send here to a shrink who recommends an exorcist. Reagan does things to convince Chris that she is inhabited by demons and Chris goes to Father Damien Karras (Jason Miller, academy award nom). he examines her as a Psychiatrist and as a priest; he determines that she is indeed possessed. The church sends experienced exorcist Father Merrin (Max Von Sydow). The latter part of the movie shows their attempts at exorcism and eventual success despite their deaths. Lee J. Cobb plays a detective investing a death at the Macneil Home. A 25th Anniversary edition on video and DVD includes an interesting retrospective on the film. In 2001 a new 'writer's cut' included 11 min. of extra footage.
Rating:  Summary: This is... Review: ... the scariest movie ever made(in my opinion).But i loved it it's so good. The story revolves around a normal girl who starts acting a little weird.If u love scary movies like me this is for you.This refers to the vhs adition.
Rating:  Summary: Leave you're expectations at the door... Review: I've come to conclude that people who are most disappointed with The Exorcist are the people who had extremely high expectations for the film. The tagline: "the scariest movie ever made" usually pumps people up to believing that The Exorcist will scare them to death, literally. When I borrowed The Exorcist from a library about a month ago I had absolutely no expectations for it whatsoever. I had heard that it was the scariest film ever, but I somehow didn't believe it, especially because I don't scare easy. Well I put the tape in and watched it. It literally blew me away. I had never seen such a horrific, yet at the same time compelling movie ever before in my life. There are parts of the film that will make you want to turn away, but somehow I couldn't. I was completely transfixed by what I was seeing. It's like there's a huge power in the film that will take over you're body. After I saw the film I became totally obsessed with it, and watched it countless more times, it was like I couldn't get enough of it! I wanted to record it but I don't have 2 VCRs [....] I plan on buying it [...] soon, and I advise you to the same!
Rating:  Summary: All I can say is... Review: This is the one movie I refuse to have in my house because it scared the %@#! out of me both times I saw it. Once as a pre-teen when it first came out and most recently for the "extra footage". I probably will never see this movie again. It's that scary. Any movie dealing with something that may actually happen in real-life is serious stuff. Just look at how many reviews are in here. Almost 400? Is that a record? That in itself should tell you something. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life with disturbing images burned into your head from this film, don't watch this movie. Of course, having read that comment, you're just going to get it, aren't you? I don't scare easily but I'm telling you. When I saw the "spider walk" I screamed and grabbed the person next to me. In fact, just about everyone in the theatre reacted loudly. Nuff said. My only advice is: Don't watch this alone and don't sit near a staircase if & when you do.
Rating:  Summary: SCARIEST MOVIE EVER MADE! Review: This is the only movie that really ever scared me, well when we were small kids it doesn't count because we were affraid of everything. I watched this movie once and never wanted to see it again. I had it on DVD then gave it away because I was so scared. The DVD is good, the features are awsome. Look for the spiderwalk in the features that's a very creepy deleted scene. The features itself are another reason o buy this. But don't underestimate The Exorcist. You might think it's not scary like me, but after you've seen it you will be very scared. Everyone knows the story, girl gets possessed by some entity then does nasty/shocking things. I don't want to ruin it for you but you must get it or at least rent it. This is one movie you don't want to miss!
Rating:  Summary: I'm a big fan... Review: ...of The Exorcist! It is my all time favorite movie, and I have been quite obsessed with it for 6 years. When I get a little older, I want to be an Exorcist historian of some sorts, I want to do things like write articles on The Exorcist and stuff like that (not that there hasn't been anything said about The Exorcist that hasn't already been said). I'm passionate about the film and I love it a lot. I see The Exorcist as an artistic and dramatic masterpiece rather than a "notorious horror film" like some people do. I have to say that I prefer the 1973 version over the 2000 version simply because the 1973 version is the version most people remember and the version I fell in love with. I am an ardent Exorcist fan, and I will be forever. If you see this film (rent/buy/or somehow convince you're local theater to show it somehow) I guarantee 100% that you'll be affected in some way - hopefully it'll be positively.
Rating:  Summary: See the 1973 version... Review: The Exorcist was re-released in the U.S. last September 22nd, with 4 completely new scenes added in as well as countless changes to the classic original. Here's a list of the new scenes added: 1. The first of the new scenes (or old ones but re-inserted) is a scene where Regan is at the doctor's for a physical exam. This scene is O.K. to put in I guess, becuase later in the film when Chris and Regan are talking about "...what the doctor's said..." it makes more sense, and we realize that something may be wrong with Regan before the doomed dinner party where Regan becomes ill in the original version. 2. The second scene is the famous "Spider Walk" where we see Regan descending a staircase backwards, and up-side down. This scene is really scary, but there are enough scares in the film already so this scene wasn't really necessary. It doesn't really fit in because we go from Chris learning about her friend's demise to Regan going down the stairs...overall, this scene should've been left on the cutting room floor. 3. The third scene is really short, maybe 10 seconds at length. It is during the exorcism and we see Merrin and Damien sitting on the stairs. In the original, they are silent, but in this version, they have a brief bit of dialouge about the possession. It is sort of interesting but the viewer is probably saying "let's get back to the exorcism!" and this short scene disrupts the energy of it. 4. This is my least favorite addition. The fourth scene ruins the ending completely and makes the viewer confused as to what's going on. Father Dyer is walking away from the steps and he runs into Kinderman, the detective. They have a bit of dialouge and they talk about movies...it's ridiculous and it feels really out of place, it makes it seem as if the film will go on for another half-hour! Heck, this new ending practically ruins the whole movie! So now that you've read all about the new additions, take my advice and see the original 1973 version, it's vastly superior to this uneven "producer's cut." Thanks for reading. P.S. I give the '73 Exorcist 5 stars definitely but the new 2000 edition gets 4.
Rating:  Summary: A Fan Review: I've been a big fan of this movie since it first came out on video (in the 80's). I finally bought the version you've never seen before and loved it. The theatrical trailers in the DVD are great. I Highly recommend it.