Rating:  Summary: It's been with us for almost 30 years.... Review: ..and to this very day, no other horror film has come close to presenting filmlovers with a masterly blend of intelligence, class and sophistication with horrific, disturbing and balls to the wall terror, as The Exorcist does. Although imitated many times, it still remains a one of a kind film. Can anyone name a single film, other than The Exorcist, that was aimed for a mature audience, giving us an intelligent presentation, all the while bombarding us with shocks and gore at a level that's rarely been reached in cinema. I can't think of one. That this film has been debated, discussed, analized, summarized, scoffed at, adored, imitated and written about for a consecutive 30 years tells you all you need to know. It is flat out the singular masterpiece of modern horror. Maybe younger audiences are indeed laughing at it these days, but go to any horror chat room (where lots of young people dwell) and discover which film gets discussed the most often. It's amazing that a film that "didn't scare them" gets the most deep conversations going. From what I've observed about recent horror films, I truly believe these young people's kids and grandkids will be admiring the The Exorcist when their time comes. Unfortunately, not since 1973 has there been a horror film really worth an in-depth discussion....and I think you all know what I mean. I prefer the original version, but the "new" version is also great.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST AND SCARIEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: What can I say. This is the best movie my two eyes have ever seen! After I saw the original I had to see The Version You Never Seen. I couldn't sleep, Heck,I couldn't even go up the stairs by myself. It was great,it was scarry,i'm still after a month scared to go up the stairs by myself in the dark. I'm skared of Ragen coming down the stairs doing the spider walk. It is by far my favorite movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: Landmark stuff! Review: I love horror movies and this of course is one of my all time favoites. Willim Freikin and the special effects crew take no prisioners with strong gore and a realistic feeling of evil. To my supries the eleavation sceen near the end with the girl is very moving in my opinion. You must read the novel by William Peter Blady. One thing I must point out this the awsome acting. Ellen Burstyn gives this her very best as the mother. Max Von Sydow gives this his very best as the priest.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, but not as scary as some say. Review: Let me just say that i loved this movie. Although made 9 years before i was born, i enjoyed it greatly.However, there is no way that i thought it was the scariest movie of all time. It might have been because of all the "shock/startle" horror movie out these days, or possibly because i had read the book before seeing it. I made sure that i watched it after dark alone for maximum effect, but it failed to scare me at all. If any thing, i found some of the scenes rather humerous (such as the "walking" down the steps) but that might just be my strange sense of humour. Aside from this though, it is a great movie. My best advice is watch it yourself and make up your own mind on it. After all, its been nearly 30 years since it was first released and for it to survive that long, it surely must be considered a classic.
Rating:  Summary: So many years later and it still scares the hell out of me! Review: First released in 1973, "The Exorcist" still remains the scariest horror movie of all time, at least in my opinion. The new version (with deleted scenes and new special effects) was not as good as the original, because the new stuff damaged the climate that the movie had. That's why I recommend this version: it has new remastered sound and images, but it doesn't add any new fancy shots, leaving you the experience perfect as it was. In the words of its director, William Friedkin, "The Exorcist" is so scary because it looks very real. He wanted to do a movie that felt more like a serious documentary rather than just another horror flick. He definitely hit the jackpot with William P. Blatty's awesome screenplay, as well as great performances by Jason Miller and Linda Blair (whose acting career never recovered from this role). So many things have been said about "The Exorcist" that I can't possibly think of saying anything new on the subject. This DVD edition is one of the best ever. It is (as all DVD's should be) literally packed with special features: theatrical trailers, bios and filmographies for the main stars, deleted scenes, a text about the actual events that inspired the movie, and an excellent 1-hour making-of documentary made for British television. If you're a fan of this movie, this edition is THE ONE for you. If you are one of the few that never saw it (personally, I wasn't even born when it was released), then this should be a good opportunity for you to view a classic in the horror genre. And as Friedkin said: "turn off the lights, turn up the sound..."
Rating:  Summary: random entry about Mr. "Dumb Horror Flick" Review: obviously anything I say about the movie has already been said. it's scary and a classic. I'm writing simply to tell everyone to scroll down to the review titled "Dumb Horror Flick" so you can all witness the writing of what has to be one the stupidest individuals every allowed access to a computer. seriously, read his review, it had me laughing for 10 minutes. this kid has to be partially either retarded or have sustained heavy blows to the head as a young child.
Rating:  Summary: Not a horror film, but an intense human drama story. Review: I really don't think of this film, scary as it may be, as a horror movie, but actually an intense human drama that rides on a universal theme: the battle between good and evil, and each person's role in that neverending struggle. Witness Father Karras' guilt over his mother's death, and how Pazuzu tries to wedge his way into Karras' conscience using that guilt. Also there is Chris MacNeil's increasing meanness as Regan's stuation gets more and more hopeless...Probably my favorite movie and a very beautiful story, believe it or not.
Rating:  Summary: good movie Review: the exorcist is a well made movie. it is also one of the most terrifying movies i have ever seen. i still get scared thinking about the possessed girls voice. scary...also based on a true story, so that makes it even scarier. i reccomend that everyone at least rent it.
Rating:  Summary: Dumb Horror Flick ??? Are you nuts ??? Review: I wasn't going to write a review for this, but after seeing the review that says "dumb horror flick" i HAD to write this. This new version is far scarier than the original, the updated, soundrack sends chills through your bones and the added subliminal effects with the added scenes will chill you right down to your core. The reviewer who sadi "dumb horror flick" must not be very old or religious, or come from either a catholic or christian background. This movie isn't about a serial killer, like Jason Vorhees, or Poltergeists, or killers like Michael Myers and is not going to be scary in that way. This is a psychological horror movie and when another reviewer commented that this movie might be pure evil, i think he was right. I think this movie will go on for years and years and always be the scariest movie ever made, because it's what you don't understand or your beliefs or what you don't believe about this movie that makes it scary. I'd hope the "dumb horror flick reviwer" will email me so we can discuss it. If you plan on not sleeping for a while then this is the movie to see. Personally i like the ending of this version of the movie far better than the original. I saw this version in a THEATER when it was released and it's even scarier there.
Rating:  Summary: The Scariest Movie of All Time Review: The movie that launched the most controversy the world had ever witnessed! This film, based on the 1971 novel by William Peter Blatty, was released on December 26th, 1973.......only to shock and terrify anyone who dared to see it. Upon release, the film went on to break box-office records, garner 2 Academy Awards and countless nominations, and show the world what had never been seen before. This film depicts a successful actress whose daughter's body has been possessed by the Devil himself. The daughter, played by Linda Blair, is changing for the worse every day as the Devil grows in her. Ellen Burstyn plays a powerful role as the mother, Chris MacNeil. She received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress and did Linda Blair for Best Supporting Actress. The film holds intensity up until the shocking exorcism scene, performed by Jason Miller and Max Von Sydow. The film is a true masterpiece of the horror genre and the best among the AFI's 100 Greatest Movie List. Avoid the sequels.