Rating:  Summary: Worst movie EVER! Review: When the guy took out a gun and used it as a phone I knew there was no saving this movie. Why did the evil alien speak with a British accent? Why did the good alien take on the form of a retarded boy and let people undress him stuff dog poop in his mouth? Why did the good alien invite his friend out into the path of speeding traffic? This movie has flashback scenes to when a group of friends were once young children. Hello? Wasn't this done already back in "IT"? This movie is horrible. There is nothing good about it. The acting is horrible. The special effects are horrible. The story is the worst part. What was Morgan Freeman thinking?
Rating:  Summary: watch out for those slimy weasels! Review: I didn't read the book and I rarely get to the movies these days, so when DREAMCATCHER made its debut on DVD and video I was was excited. I was going to purchase but after reading through many of the customer on line reviews here at Amazon I decided against it. Well I just got around to renting and I have to say, this movie had me on the edge of my seat. WATCH OUT FOR THOSE SLIMY WEASELS! The first scene where they make their appearance is freaky. I was pleasantly surprised with this movie and think it is better than average, I would rate 4 out of 5 stars. Good special effects and a fine performance from MORGAN FREEMAN. I can't understand what everyone's beef is with his performance in this film. Understand this, Morgan Freeman is in a supporting role and is not in every scene. Not having read the book, I can't comment on the novel to screen adaptation. I am sure the movie couldn't duplicate the novel in terms of character and plot development. So what? DREAMCATCHER, once it grabs you, will take you along for the ride.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: This was a great book and great movie!Fine acting, excellent direction and cinematography and an interesting horror/sc-fi storyline. Beware however, that people who did not read the book will become confused and not like the movie as they don't really understand what is going on, as evidenced by some of the reviews I have have read here.
Rating:  Summary: I, however, did enjoy it! Review: Despite the many negative reviews of the so-called psuedo-intellectual masses, I have no problem sharing the fact that I absolutely enjoyed this movie. Even though it wasn't quite as nightmarishly freaky as "It" or "The Shining" (and I don't think that it was meant to be) it still contained a quality that kept me relatively glued to the couch cushion. I believe that I would have loved this movie more if I hadn't read the book so many times before I watched it. Once you fall in love with a story it's hard to accept something just "based" upon the novel. The movie adaptation was written to be squeezed into a time frame so of course things are going to be twisted, contorted or left out. This movie will not satisfy those who do not wish to see the multi-dimetional elements or anything other than "the book". But I did love this theatrical masterpiece!
Rating:  Summary: What is this??? Review: Now i understand why Warner Brothers attached "Last flight of Osiris" (the Animatrix short) before this movie.... The beggining of this movie is good, but then, it goes out of control!... Very very bad movie... something like: Stand by me+ ID4 * X-files / Alien = Dreamcatcher
Rating:  Summary: Another hit for Stephen King... Review: This is a very enthralling movie. The characters draw you in quickly and it moves very fast. When the plot start to unfold, you can relate more to the earlier scenes. I especially enjoyed the special features. Pay attention to the original ending...and the worm...from special features. Very good.
Rating:  Summary: I really mean -1 stars Review: This was one of the worst movies I have EVER seen in my life. Stephen King novel movies have yet to impress me and by the way they went with this movie, they never will. This was not at all scary, no plot. I recommend Jason X over this. And I really hate Jason X. Don't watch this movie, it's a waste of 2 1/2 hours.
Rating:  Summary: The Book was Great, Movie is Aweful Review: The Dreamcatcher book was an excellent read. The movie, however, was very poor. In my life, I have only quit watching three movies I paid for half-way through because they were dreadful. Dreamcatcher came very near to being the fourth. It was that bad. I wanted so bad to turn on the TLC Channel or the Home Shopping Network or watch a dog show or something. Anything. The movie characters were lousy and poorly defined. The acting stunk. What special effects? The story was hopeless and hard to follow. Cool book concepts were slaughtered in the movie. The movie ending was truncated like the director just wanted out of the mess. Sorry, I the movie was downright torturous. If I saw it in the theater, I would have definately walked out in a rage.
Rating:  Summary: They really DUD IT!!! Review: The script is worth $1, a little more than the other Stephen King novels-turned-to-movies. What does the dreamcatcher have to do with anything in the movie?
Rating:  Summary: If you're a fan of the book, this shouldn't disappoint you! Review: I saw this movie in the theatres the weekend after it was released, and wasn't disappointed at all. Just two weeks ago I purchased it on DVD, and witnessed the fun of the theatres all over again. The plot follows Henry, Jonesy, Pete, and Beaver who share a gift that was given to them in their childhood by a Down's Syndrome by whome they saved from bullies. Now, 20 years later, they reunite in the woods for their annual hunting trip, and soon all hell breaks loose. It starts with a wandering stranger named Rick McCarthy, who unkowingly brings with him a terrifying creature that grows inside you, and escapes your body in the most inhuman way imaginable (and no, they don't come out of your chest). Not long after that the four friends are in deeper than they imagined as they battle a creature from another world and their only chance of survival rests in their shared past. And in their Dreamcatcher. Well, personally I found this movie quite good. Then again, not many Stephen King adaptations have been pulled off poorly. Well, with the exception of The Shining, that movie sucked, but the mini series on Sci-Fi was much better. Anyway, as for Dreamcatcher, the film had plenty of moments where your heart would melt, and other moments where you're trembling because you don't know when one of those chittering little creatures is going to leap out. The acting was great, too. And I laughed my @$$ off at the farting. There were also many humerous undertones as well as its fair share of jumps and jolts. I would recommend Dreamcatcher to any fan of the book. Thanks for reading.