Rating:  Summary: not bad Review: this is'nt a bad movie.you don't want to turn it off because it's so suspenceful.the film is'nt really that bloody,which sorta bummed me out cause i like that that.but it still is a good movie.bloody or not.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated (2,5) Review: C'mon people!No I don't think that Nightmare on Elm Street 6 was a Highlight but this isn't one either. The Plot is as good as what comes to my mind when I am stoned - Irrlogical, confusing, noone understands it but me, no sense at all. If you don't get stoned that often, I want to tell you what made me dislike this movie: 1.WHY DO TWO PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE BEFORE THAT FISHER GUY GETS HIS IDEA. HE COULD EASILY GET IT TWO HOURS BEFORE BECAUSE THERE IS NO CONNECTION TO WHAT IS GOING ON THE WHOLE TIME AND THE STUPID ENDING! 2.THE STUPID ENDING ITSELF: WHERE'S THE POINT? WHAT HAS IT TO DO WITH THE REST OF THE MOVIE? IT SEEMS LIKE THEY MIXED UP THE ENDING TO THIS ONE WITH THE ENDING OF ANOTHER MEDICORE-AT-BEST MOVIE! 3.THE ABSENT SCARES: A FEW REMARKABLE SCENES DON'T COME UP TO THE LONG AND BORING MAJORITY OF THE MOVIE. my favorite scenes are the discovery of daniel (just an idea - "piece of mind" from iron maiden just looks like this) and the cat in the shower O.K., maybe I'm mean to this movie and I shoudln't be. There ARE actually a few scary scenes as I told before and the Story isn't that bad either. But even as a child ( I watched this movie when I was a child ) I wouldn't give it five stars because there is just nothing special about it. Hate me for it but ... Nightmare on Elm Street 6 had a less stressful flow.
Rating:  Summary: Very scary! Review: "The Legend of Hell House" freaked me out as a child. I could barely go to sleep after the first time I saw it on TV. Yet thereafter, everytime it came on, despite the fact that I was scared to death of this movie, I always tried to watch it (under a blanket cover, of course). It is probably one of the most frightening movies, haunted house or not, ever made. It relies on the bare minimal of special effects but rather gets its chills from the eerie cinematography and sound and the uniformly solid performances from the actors. The film has a deadly serious tone to it, which makes it all the more scary, unlike such modern junk like the new "Haunting" or the "Scream" series. In fact, I would consider this film the equal of the original "Haunting" and "The Changeling" in terms of haunted house movies. The plot is this: a small group of people is hired by an eccentric millionaire to determine if there is indeed life after death. The millionaire assigns them to investigate a notoriously haunted house in order to provide him with an answer within the week. The group consists of a scientist and his wife and two mediums; one guess whether they are all alive by the end of the film. By the way, this is not a slasher movie at all. It is almost a psychological film, which is probably why it may give you nightmares after you see it. But definitely see it, especially if you are in the mood for an honest scare.
Rating:  Summary: one of the best Review: Hard to top this one for pure creeps and shudders. For years, Hell House sat in Limbo, disregarded by supposed horror-lovers who thought Nightmare on Elm Street #6 was a high point in horror cinema. Gladly, the film is enjoying a comeback as more and more people are discovering its treasures. The film drips atmosphere around every dark corner and hallway, and the cast is great and believable. After the remake of The Haunting, with its silly computer-generated effects, the subtle, yet frightening tone of this film is welcoming. Hell House is in a small class of great haunted house stories. The others are The Innocents, The Haunting(original version), and The Changeling. Based on the number of films out there, related to haunted houses, this small list seems like a fluke. It is. Hollywood will never put out another film like these without the obligatory over-the-top special effects and star billing. Unfortunate.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie that's Actually Memorable... Review: A lot of people write reviews of movies they've watched recently, where they remember people's names and lots of little details, but just to be novel I thought I'd try something new: here's what's actually stuck with me about this movie I haven't seen in almost eight years...First, this movie is VERY suspenseful. If it's supposed to make you jump, it DOES. If it's supposed to make you lean just like the characters are leaning to peer around a corner, YOU DO. The only real blemish on this movie is the patience required to watch it ... in today's world of movies that race along at breakneck speed, you may find yourself twiddling your fingers during some longwinded speeches and redundant discussions. Don't worry - most of these aren't that important anyway. However it totally redeems itself through the bumps in the night, the sudden frights, and the genuinely intriguing mystery of just what the heck is going on in the house. The ending surprised (and, back then, confused) the bejeezus out of me. (Also, it has very few scenes of gore or special effects, which makes it all the more real and more genuine.) Wondering why I haven't seen it in so long if I like it so much? 1) Sadly, it's on TV once in a blue moon, 2) most rental stores don't carry a copy, 3) my mother lost her copy, 4) I saw it when I was eleven ... I generally don't remember ANYTHING from back then, but I caught about 30 seconds of Hell House on Space the other day and it all came flooding back! Suffice to say I ordered it at a local store and it'll be mine in about a week!
Rating:  Summary: On the Short List of Best Haunted House Movies! Review: I'm very gratified, having read the other reviews of this film on Amazon.com, to see THE LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE getting its due. This is truly one of the best haunted house movies there is. Everyone is "right on" to place this with Robert Wise's THE HAUNTING and Clayton's THE INNOCENTS. Oddly, THE UNINVITED now tends to seem a bit dated while these other three films hold their impact well. For the modern jaded youth, HELL HOUSE has the added "advantage" of being a color film, though in style both INNOCENTS and HAUNTING are visually superior. HELL HOUSE may suffer by virtue of its budget, but not in much else. Richard Matheson's story (the novel IS very good) is mysterious and fascinating and perhaps more fully formed in some ways than that of THE HAUNTING. The premises of HELL HOUSE and THE HAUNTING are similar enough to make one wonder about cross-pollenation, but the truth is that the stories and their handling are quite different. All 3 films deal in some form with repressed sexuality. Pamela Franklin was a child actor when she (coincidentally) turned in her exceptional performance in THE INNOCENTS. Now as a young woman medium in HELL HOUSE it is her sexuality which plays a key role in the unravelling of the Belasco mystery. HELL HOUSE has flaws pertaining mainly to a tinge of melodrama in its execution, but overall it sits very comfortably in company with THE HAUNTING (NOT the new version) and THE INNOCENTS, and if these reviews serve any purpose I assume that the overwhelming recommendation of this film will encourage new viewers to see this movie and enjoy what it has to offer.
Rating:  Summary: The depth of this movie is amazing Review: Ok, so you've read the scenario. Let's get to the meat. We have a very analytical "scientific" ghostbuster,his wife and two very true mediums cast in this movie. One fails to see, though each's theory is technically right, that it is not the whole. At one point it is extremely ironic though Mr Scientist's theory closely coincides with the spirtual "medium"'s he fails to see his mistep comes from his unwillingness to see they are talking about the same thing, trapped in his own verbage he could not cross the bridge of true understanding. The result of such myopic thinking is of course death (sorry if I spoiled the surprise). After seeing the movie it is interesting to note the spirit protaganist suffered from an extreme sense of "less than" and focused his life to feed, fan and blaze man's (and womans)negative lasciviousness into a maelstrom of evil energy which survives physical expiration. Only when Roddy Mcdowell understands, gets mad and calls Belasco to the carpet, that the truth set his spirit free. And prays that the good souls guide his way to peace. This movie is truly fantastic, believable with good acting and tone. It is a leader amongst many due to its tasteful, yet artfull way of dealing with the subject matter. Any student of life would appreciate this movie, and liken to the "Poltergeist" it is entertaining for all.
Rating:  Summary: The Medium is the Message Review: At least one critic has argued that there are three great films on the haunted house theme: "The Uninvited" (1944), "The Innocents" (1961), and of course "The Haunting" (the original 1963 version). Opinions will differ as to whether "The Legend of Hell House" should be classed with these three, but in my view it is easily the best color film on this theme ever made, with a first-rate cast and a script that, while it may lag toward the end, is still convincing. Actually, this film is almost a recap of the 1963 "Haunting." Curiously, too, the novel that the earlier film was based on was Shirley Jackson's "The Haunting of Hill House," so the title of "Legend" is an obvious nod to the Jackson book. As in "The Haunting," there are four psychic investigators, two men and two women. Also, like the earlier film, there is a "chief" investigator whose task it is to gather and coordinate the rest of the team for maximum advantage. Unlike "The Haunting," however, the main detective here is a much more cynical and skeptical type, who, from the outset, seems more determined to "de-mystify" the house than to investigate it. The curious anthropologist of "The Haunting," in other words, has been supplanted by a hard-nosed physicist, for whom "spirit" is just another word for "energy." The other main affinity with "The Haunting" is Pamela Franklin, who, like Julie Harris in the 1963 film, is the catalyst of events, and who carries the plot almost single-handedly. In fact, watching her in this film, you really feel sorry for this charming and gifted actress, who rarely got roles that did her any justice. As a side note, this is the same Pamela Franklin who played the role of "Flora" in "The Innocents" when she was only 11 years old. Not that "Hell House" lacks flaws. For one, there is hardly a speck of humor in the entire film, and while some may find this admirable, for me it weighed things down. I almost feel like saying (as Carlos Clarens did about "The Day the Earth Stood Still") that the film "trips on its own seriousness" and occasionally becomes laughable as a result. Toward the end, for instance, after both Pamela Franklin and Clive Revill have been killed off, Roddy McDowall goes into a scurrilous soliloquy against the former owner of Hell House that is embarrassingly over-the-top. This comes close to deflating whatever suspension-of-disbelief the viewer might have felt to that point. Clive Revill, too, is a little too pompous for his own good, and somebody should have written in a few quips for the poor guy. Whatever the contributions of the other cast members, "The Legend of Hell House" is ultimately carried by its central actress. As in "The Haunting," she is the "mental medium" who, without even realizing her inner powers, causes nasty things to happen. In fact, one of the most interesting aspects of these two films is the way in which both Julie Harris and Pamela Franklin seem totally oblivious of their connections to the spirit world, and seem, alternately, to "embrace" and "repel" it. In short, go see "Hell House" for its lush photography, its literate script, and the quietly alluring Ms. Franklin, not the paranormal jargon and feeble denouement. Whatever its flaws, this is one of the superior films in its field.
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Truly Great Horror Films Review: Although not in the same league as "The Haunting" or the "Uninvited," "The Legend of Hell House" is a genuinely effective, highly frightening film. (The book, by the way, is even better.) I must say a word on Clive Revill: This is a wonderful actor, who isn't sufficiently seen or appreciated. In this film, he holds his own with Roddy McDowall, which is no easy task -- I like R McD, but he's such a ham! Anyway, enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: incredible....... Review: roddy mcdowell has always been my favorite horror movie actor & he continues his reputation in The Legend of Hell House. The BEST haunted house interpretation i've seen to date....