Rating:  Summary: 70's horror is back Review: You can only classify this movie as a classic 70's, campy horror flick. It's simple plot, blatant sexual content, scenes of unadulterated violence, and barrage of grotesque video clips makes this the best horror/thrillers I've seen in years. DO NOT expect a pretty, special effects filled film. If you're looking for realistic, yet stylish scenes of anguish & torture, this is for you. I also enjoyed the artistic shots in some scenes.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Film Ever. And Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: OK, this will just be a rather short review because I'm not an "expert" on the subject. I'm sure there are more qualified critics out there who might complain that it is derivative from this move, derivative from that movie, that the acting isn't the best, etc., etc. Who cares? It is the movie Rob Zombie probably wanted to make all his life. And if you are at all familiar with his music and/or "artwork" you'd understand that this movie has probably been brewing in his sick mind all his life. While watching it in my mind I would exclaim "This is the best movie I've ever seen in my life".I can only hope that one day and hopefully not too late, that the powers that be realize his evil genius and give him a big budget to do another movie, now that he's gotten all this out of his system. It's genius in that it takes place during the 1970s. Do what you know, that a good rule to follow, and that's when Rob Z. was a kid and was influenced by all these grade B horror flicks. That's when the best schlock was made, and the worst, and all the ones that came before were on the late night TV because there weren't a thousand TV channels and that's all they had to play late at night. The plot of the movie? Secondary. The lack of digital effects to impart a sense of realism to the gore? Unnecessary. The lack Oscar nominate-able acting? Hardly matters. It's the overall camp of the mood, the ridiculousness and cliché of the characters. The holes in the plot? Oh, you're taking this much too seriously. The movies only fault is that, if Rob Z. intended it to be scary -- it's not. But that's it. Rob Z.'s style is his own even though it is influenced by countless others. Rob Zombie's time will come, and when it does "they" will realize what a work of genius this movie is. I can't wait until his next feature. I'll be first in line.
Rating:  Summary: "Got Blood All Over" Review: I have been looking over some of the reviews and I see that this movie is not favored by many but I thought it was good. I love the beging where it shows you what those redneck hicks were like. I thought it was actually not that scary and it really didnt have much of a plot. But it was very fun to watch and great characters.
Rating:  Summary: It's true. The Boogeyman is real, and you've found him. Review: Rob's a fan of the genre and he's made a quality homage to sadistic hedonism and to the films of his/my adolescence. If memory serves me correctly, this movie was completed three years prior to it's theatrical release--i know this only because I viewed a bootleg copy over a year before it hit the big screen. Month after month, I was left asking, "Yo, Goober, where's the meat?" Apparently the film was too graphic and the film's backers were afraid of the NC-17 curse. Guys, you don't win friends with salad. At any rate, it was worth the wait and I now own the DVD. The movie is packed with hilarious, if not slightly disturbing dialogue. The characters are exaggerated and disgusting...and Baby Firefly (played by Sherri Moon) is eerily alluring, whether it be during one of her many tirades or as she pleasures herself with a skeleton. I particularly enjoyed the movie's cut-away snippets-reportedly shot by Rob Zombie himself with a 16mm hand-held...in his basement, no less. The soundtrack is kickin' Oh, and of utmost importance, Rob Zombie found a role for Michael J. Pollard (Herman, one of the lovable homeless people/corpse/winged angel from Scrooged). If you think Evil Dead II is the funniest movie in creation and your idea of the perfect date movie is Chainsaw Massacre, then this pic's for you. If you're idea of terror is Scream 2, the Wrath of Dewey, then I'm guessing this aint' your movie. run rabbit run
Rating:  Summary: fans of Rob Zombie only. Review: I'm really not a big fan or horror movies, so it was with great reluctance that I viewed this DVD. As it started out though, I found myself quickly pulled in by the story. First time director Rob Zombie created a cast of bizarre and unique characters and gave the film a creepy yet professional look. He also wrote the score for the film. I started to feel very much like I was watching a John Carpenter movie. Seeing as how I'm a fan of John Carpenter, that was a good thing. With redneck killers, clowns, and other freaky things, Zombie had all the elements of a great horror movie. Throw in a tongue-in-cheek approach along with a great sense of humor and this is what I'm looking for in a horror flick. However, it quickly went downhill after the beginning. House of 1000 Corpses eventually degenerates into a sick, twisted gore-fest that is neither clever or entertaining. Rather than being a 70's style horror flick as they'd like, it ends up being nothing more than a bunch of bloody effects with little else. What little remaining plot there is winds up being nothing more than character X running from point A to point B with freak W chasing them through set Z. That being said, this film is probably going to end up being a cult classic. The twisted Captain Spaulding character is quite memorable. Horror fans will thoroughly enjoy it and Rob Zombie fans will get even greater enjoyment out of it. Unfortunately, though, it simply wasn't my cup of tea. I would like to see what Rob Zombie could do with a better script, though. I think he definitely has potential.
Rating:  Summary: Overkill... Review: House of 1000 Corpses is a horror film that takes the word overkill to the literal meaning. Two college couples are on their way home to the father of one the girls when they find out about a local mass murder of innocent patients in a mental hospital decades ago. Their curiosity wants to take them to the tree where the killer, Dr. Satan, was hanged, but instead their car breaks down. Soon they find themselves among insane people who practice witchcraft, cannibalism, and murder for pleasure. As a cinematic experience this film offers some interesting shots, cinematography, and editing, but this too seems to be driven to overkill and makes the story a feast in repetitious carnage. Thus, the story seems lost, but the violence keeps the audience's attention due to its graphic and abnormally painful nature.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps one of the worst films ever made. Review: I'm a cheezy horror movie fan. I loved the Evil Dead series, and I considered "Freddy v. Jason" one of the best ideas anyone has ever had for a movie. That said, I hated--nay, LOATHED--"House of 1000 Corpses". With movies like this, you must have one of three things: a great story, a story so bad it's good, and/or buckets of blood. "House" has none of it. The 'story' is wayward; it weaves around the movie like a drugged and drunken pirate. It's so bad that it cannot, by any rational means, be dubbed charming, obtuse, avante-garde, or for that matter, bearable. And, to be perfectly morbid, the deaths they bothered to show were blahze in the extreme. I honestly felt like mangling something when the film was FINALLY over--perhaps the title was meant to indicate how many people died of boredom, or killed from frustration, after watching this movie?
Rating:  Summary: more then a 5 star film Review: I just loved this film,It wasn't a stupid teeny,turned into a love story,like most movies are these days.It was pure wierdness,Finally someone makes asweet film,thats fun....Go rob! I love you,make more films....
Rating:  Summary: House of 1000 corpses..? -Way better then; -TCM 2. Review: House of 1000 Corpses is much better then; -The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. -1986. -Becuase; -Bill Mosely did a better actor here then; -chop top from the silly cannibilistic; -clan. -I think mosely was fine in that. -House of 1000 Corpses. -Thanks as a horror movie. -But it goes two camp and sillyness. -Yep. -This is not for any one with a serious heart problem. -You know what I mean. so this is for younger viewers ho love these kind of stuff. -Rob Zombie is a really good potential horror director. -Billy Mosely gets so carried away. -I've bet he gets carried away like this in real life. -At home. -He gets in the charactor such as much of these charactors ho won't make it threw out the flick. -Rob Zombie pits him self as a serious horror director. -He don't care about those stupid comedy's; -or dramas. he loves the horror field. -And he did a great job. -Sid Haig. -At the begininng. -Plays the freaking clown ho everyone in this movie and sends them off two a freaky family that act stupid. -But they act seriously. -I think that the actors knew what their doing the hole time. -They even took a whipping from their dialoge. -Nevertheless. Haig. -The clown; -sends some college kids on a carnival side show of horrors. -Where even the person. -Ed Gein. -Was mention. -As the clown gives them the tour. -Gives them free chicken. -And the rest go off two a weird looking house. -It has some weird messed up family. -And they put on a wacky show that is sure two make you think twice not going two meet this family. Then they all get killed by this family. -But one girl remains alive from this nightmarish family. -The movie does not know when two quit. -It seems two have many lose ends and don't know how long it will go.. But; -Rob Zombie; -really packs quite of charisma two the plot holes. -The characters.. This is my idea of a good time..? Even it's my cup of tea..?
Rating:  Summary: A Near Perfect Horror Film!!! Review: This movie I thought was one of the goriest horror films I had ever seen and it had its scary moments but the person who really steals the show is the awesome Sid Haig(Captain Spaulding) and the beautiful Mrs.Zombie,Sheri Moon(Baby).This film by first time director and long time musician Rob Zombie has managed to create a film that audiences can laugh or scream in the same was Pulp Fiction makes people say "that sucked" or "awesome". Otis played by Bill Moseley (who also plays Ed Gein in the film) also manages to make me laugh.But with Sheri Moons evil laugh and her beautiful eyes and such this film can be hard not to enjoy.Two couples are driving cross country writing a book about weird highway stops and they encounter Captains Spauldings Meuseum of Monsters & Madmen where they discover a local legend called Dr.Satan.After driving off and picking up a hitchhiker named Baby they're tire is blown and they end up at the House which features Otis,Tiny,Mother Firefly (Karen Black),and the sometimes hilarious sometimes just stupid Grandpa Hugo. After a lipsynching stint with Sheri Moon they horror really emerse.This movie would probably be liked only by hardcore horror fans if you liked TCM and Wrong Turn.Enjoy.