Rating:  Summary: Horrible Movie! Review: I saw this movie on opening night expecting to see a horror movie in the vein of all the great horror movies of the 70's. Do not let these other reviews fool you. This movie is just an hour and half gross out. The characters are not engaging nor is the "plot". If you get off on scenes of sadistic torture then you will love this film. If you like horror movies that are not only gory but are actually exciting then save your money. This is just scene after scene of despicable things happening to helpless people that you don't necessarily want to see tortured but don't really have any feeling for either. You know that things aren't going to turn out well for them so you just don't care. It's just shock for the sake of shock and takes the viewer to the limits of depravity. I am a huge fan of the horror genre and it truly disturbs me if this is what today's horror fans have been looking for.
Rating:  Summary: OK........Disapointing Review: OK. I have seen every horror movie under the sun and this one was sad. No horror no suspence and bad scripting. Rob did a great job directing but the problem is the people didnt fit thier roles. But it does have some interesting parts like people being stabbed in bunny suites and girls cutting up a guy to disco funk music...
Rating:  Summary: welcome to mr. zombie's nightmare Review: WARNING: this film is not intended for weak stomach or the faint of heart. needless to say, leave the kiddies at home & don't bring your grandma. after waiting nearly 3 years for the release of rob zombie's first feature film, i'd have to say it's well worth the wait. over the past couple of years, i had actually hung up the idea of 1,000 corpses ever seeing the light of day.(no pun intended here) needless to say, i'm glad i saw this in the theatre & didn't have to purchase some godawful bootleg tape from ebay or download a copy from morpheus. that would've literally killed the experience for me because a film like corpses is most effective if seen on a large screen in a dark hallway. having only seen occasional rob zombie videos here or there & reading little about the film itself, i wasn't sure exactly what to expect but i believe mr. zombie did deliver the goods on this as he promised. corpses has all the makings of a cult classic or perhaps midnite movie & it's so rare we see a film like this anymore. rob zombie obviously is well-versed in the annals of the horror genre & he knows how to scare the devil out of you while making you laugh out loud. here, mr. zombie has crafted a true horror film in every sense of the word which should serve as a ghoulish treat for fans everywhere who crave a tad bit of movie with their carnage.(smiles) ok, this film is not a complete gorefest but it would qualify as one of the most graphic or intense horror film made within the last 20 years. although it's quite gruesome, corpses is easily in the top best horror films of the decade. how scary is this film? how bloody? if you've seen some of the freakiest films of all time, i don't think you'll find this film particularly shocking but i know you'll have a good time nevertheless. did you like texas chainsaw massacre? hellrasier? phantasm? ok, you get the idea. yes, there is bloodshed here & there but the most loodshed you'll see comes in to play after the first twenty five minutes. in fact, the very beginning of the film is very campy & actually quite hilarious. think tarantino-esque humor laced with the camp of rocky horror picture show & you'll get the big picture. surprisingly enough, the performances here are actually quite brilliant! there are a lot of newcomers here who a decent job but the main props should go to sid haig, karen black, & ofcourse rob's grrrrl sheri moon. gosh, sheri moon's baby character is [cool], frightening, & hysterically funny all at once. too bad there is not an equivalent of the oscar or golden globe awards for horror films because the actors/ actresses here could really rack up on nominations. in fact, i think the acting here is so much better than what we saw in dee snider's strangeland. i can only hope we will see more of this demented cast in the future or that lions gate sees fit to allow rob one more crack. although i'm not sure what more he could do with the house, i would definately be interested in visiting the sequel provided sid, karen, & sheri would return in all their gruesome glory. there really isn't a whole lot about the story i can tell you which you haven't either heard before without giving away the meat or the heart(again, no pun intended) but i'm planning on going again to see this one again tonite. i'm also planning on buying this film on dvd whenever that day comes. i can only hope that lions gate will do this one up real well & include lotsa goodies such as deleted footage, interviews, & all that other great stuff we can't seem to live without. perhaps an unedited or unrated version will be made avaialable to us all. again, this film may be considered quite shocking to those not accustomed to REAL horror. if you like subdued films like the others or the sixth sense, stay away from the house of 1,000 corpses. this film is NOT for you.
Rating:  Summary: It was worth the wait! Review: Let me tell ya, I've been waiting for 3+ years for this movie to come out. So, needless to say, I had some pretty high expectations for it. However, 'House Of 1000 Corpses' exceded my expectations SO much, that it is now in my top 10 favorite movies of all-time. Think about this, take the plots from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 and Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4, add Chop-Top from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and add the excessive gore from the Re-Animator, and you've got yourself an instant classic. HO1000C is the tale of two couples who are traveling the back roads of the USA in order to write a book about road-side attractions. They come upon a place called 'Captain Spaulding's Museum of Monsters and Madmen'. There, they meet Captain Spaulding, who tells them about a local legend by the name of 'Doctor Satan'. One of them is interested and asks the Captain for a map to where he's rumored to be. When they leave to go find the place, they pick up a hitchhiker and their car gets shot. So, the hitchhiker takes one of them to her house so that her brother can come get there car with his tow truck. That's basically the story. When all the people get up to the house, the insanity follows. It is, in many ways, similar to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but the people who say it's a ripoff don't really get the point. Rob Zombie loves movies like that and this is kind of his tribute to those kind of low-budget 70's movies like TCM and the Hills Have Eyes. The best parts of this movie are Sheri Moon (Zombie's real-life wife) and Bill Moseley. I think that this is definitly one the best movies to come out in the past 1000 years. Zombie definitly proved that he can write, direct, and come up with a soundtrack for a great horror movie. I can't wait for his next and I'll be buying this one as soon as it comes out.
Rating:  Summary: Shock and Awe meets the Adams family Review: I just saw this at the local theater and I can tell you that this movie really is not for everybody. It's probably going to become some kind of cult classic. Rob Zombie is one talented director. This movie reminds me of Blair Witch with some of it's camera flashes, close-ups and the way the suspense is built up and then maintained. Kind of the same feeling in places. The Good: 1. Some bloody scenes with plenty of gore. I wish more of the torture had been shown in greater detail though. This was just touched on and left mostly to your imagination. Suspense was well developed and several story twists kept you guessing. 2. The characters. Everybody does a fantastic and totally believable job. Given the situations I never once thought, "No, that just wouldn't happen like that". Sheri Moon is [beautiful] and scary. The ultimate bad date. 3. The film never lets you rest. It's one assault on your mind piled on top of another. 4. No Affirmative Action. Neither Will Smith or anyone who remotely looks like him plays a significant part in this film. The Bad: 1. Not much in the way of a story. Should have developed that and the characters alot more. It would have made the film more memorable. The characters just suddenly appear in the film. You don't really know much about them. 2. Volume WAY TOO LOUD. Physically unpleasant. Got in the way of enjoying the movie. I don't know if this was intentional or just the lousy theater I saw this in (I sat kind of toward the front, but still). If not, I recommend taking earplugs. I'm not kidding. 3. Some scenes moved so quickly that you couldn't really follow what was happening. Again this would have been helped by explaining the story more. Finally: I actually found this movie a bit too disturbing and I wouldn't recommend it for everyone but I think you'd probably enjoy seeing it at least once. It's a good scary 90 minutes if you're in the mood for some gore and a high level of consistent suspense. This is a film you'll tell your friends about. Take earplugs.
Rating:  Summary: Sick and twisted Review: This is a genre film for horror film lovers. If you are not really into scary subversive film, stay away. If you like unusual, perverse, oddball stuff - this is for you! Fans of the Jim Rose Circus Sideshow and Guinea Pig films should lap this up. I'm a huge collector and fan and definately am glad that I checked it out. It's Alice in Wonderland meets TCM with a little bit of video game high-tech weirdness. Hey, what else do we expect (demand) from Rob Zombie?! Cheers, Rob. It's a killer film and I'd pay to see 1000 more!
Rating:  Summary: Never give this man a Movie Camera Again!!! Review: Folks, This is sad. For a few years now, I have heard about this movie, and how it was going to be a masterpiece of horror, and how Rob Zombie was going to revive the genre by fixing everything that is wrong with it. Instead, He has managed to fall into every single one of Horror's pitfalls and cliches. Oh Lord, where to start? This is pure garbage, front to back. Mr Zombie has merely lifted the plot of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and tried to put a new spin on it. It didn't work. This film is loaded with terrible (TERRIBLE) dialogue, forseeable twists and turns, Horrible acting (note to all directors, just because your girlfriend says she can act, PLEASE audition some actresses who CAN act, as well), and ridiculously out of place camera effects. The use of double and triple mirror effects do nothing except give this a cheap look. The audience I saw this with hated it as well. And I do mean ALL of them, roughly 300 people in the theatre. No one yelled, or jumped, no one acted scared or even jumped at his terrible "cheap scares". How many times can someone jump into frame? If you've seen his videos/album covers, you've essentially seen this movie. And where did all the Zombies end up? I saw roughly 30 seconds worth. In all fairness, some of the acting was decent, considerng the material. The 4 teenaged idiots with the broken down car (what a novel idea!) weren't too obnoxious. Kudos to the casting director for not giving us 4 "Dawson's Creek" people there, but take away points for casting Rob's girlfriend. She is perhaps the worst actress this side of Keanu Reeves. Come to think of it, Adding Keanu into this movie may have even added some life to it. Ponder that for awhile. Some of you may read this and say "It can't be that bad.." It is. It's worse. It may be one of the worst films I have ever seen. I feel especially bad for the Kids today, because this stuff looks like genius next to "Scream" and that sort, but it is truly garbage, boring, too long (even at 90 minutes), and a waste of film. Please, dear consumer, heed my advice. I consider myself to be a true fan of Horror, and know good Horror when I see it. This ain't it. Save your 10 bucks for better movies, or better yet, go buy "The texas Chainsaw Massacre" on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: I wasn't expecting anything at all from this movie and I wa. Review: I wasn't suprised. Let me begin by saying I went to see this movie w/my friends because I had nothing else to do on a friday and someone offered to pay. So what the hell, a free movie that couldn't be worse then some of the other movies I saw. Well, I was wrong. This was bad from beginning to end. There was no plot to follow, storyline was terrible...if there was one, characters couldn't act... any of'em. Dialog was sputtered and scattered throughout the movie. Non of it made any sense when they spoke. There were a lot of cut scenes in the movie where it would show odd things and old movies. This is coming from a person who got to see this movie for free. I hope Rob Zombie stays off the screen for ever. I can understand why this movie went through hell when it was trying to be released. IT was HORRIBLE, this was/is/every will be, the worst movie i've seen. I gaurentee that. I could tell I wasn't the only one who thought it was bad when about 25 other people around said about the exact same thing. Always polite to end on a good note though, the soundtrack was best thing about this movie, and the only good thing at that. Stay away from this moive, i warn you.
Rating:  Summary: Zombie's struggle Review: Anyone complaining that the movie is derivative: that's the point! It seems obvious from the opening seconds, as well as it should to anyone even slightly familiar with the work of Rob Zombie, a man who knows his horror history-- that this flick will be in major part a loving homage to the director's favorite horror tropes. Zombie uses a lot of techniques, from quick cutting to slow motion, black and white to negativized footage, to add drama. The acting is delirious and deliberately over the top. The movie is the ultimate joyride, because in ways it's a horror film of horror films-- a candied stone glittering neon shock brightly and proudly. The plot is also cobbled together from other more notable horror films, most familiarly _Texas Chainsaw Massacre_. Its intense streak of dark humor and its intentional stylishness make it a flick that wants to have its cake and eat it, too, right down to the gloriously cheesy "THE END?" final title card. It even references Groucho Marx. I liked it a lot. It's a fun horror film-- one with a lot of death, cornball lines, scantily-clad women and screaming. Sid Haig and Karen Black give awesome performances, and Ms. Moon, Rob's girl, manages to be both creepy and cute. Combined with the twisted happenings, the film is a moody, sick classic. All filmgoers considering themselves horror fans should give this a most worthy viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Long awaited and unfortunately dissapointing. Review: I just returned from watching this movie, I've waited more than 2 years to see. I expected so much more from all the hype. If you're a fan of Rob Zombie, If you've been to any of his shows or his old White Zombie shows and you loved their stage act you will love this movie. Tons of over the top melodrama, unbelievable characters, gore and confusion reign in this film school dropout's version of texas chainsaw massacre. I hate to say this about a musician that I respect and who's music I enjoy, but if you aren't a [real] fan I suggest you wait until it hits the pay channels. There is no plot to speak of and no characters to identify with. Sid Haig's character is th only one that is engaging and he has a bit part in the film as the proprietor of a creepy gas station. If you are looking for an intelligent horror film that will keep you guessing and interested this is not it.