Rating:  Summary: Interesting ways to show blood and gore. Review: Going into this movie, I thought it was going to be scarier than anything I have ever seen. But, halfway though the movie, I was wondering just when Zombie was going to start with the fear factor. This movie has plenty of blood and gore ... (Makes you wonder just what the NC-17 version would have been like). There were some very interesting parts in the movie. But, mostly the movie just seemed to jump here and there without any real direction.I found myself confused and wondering what was going on more often than once. There were actually people walking out of the threatre when I saw it. But, if you want to see a crazy movie, this is the one. I would wait until it comes out on DVD/Video and spend your money on renting it. With the price of tickets nowdays, I can't honestly say that this movie is worth the amazingly high prices.
Rating:  Summary: Zombie Delivers Review: I went into this movie expecting to see a fun-filled throwback to the classic drive-in slasher movies of the 70's and that is exactly what i got. This movie was awesome. Unwanted by two major studios, Lion's Gate gave Rob Zombie the chance of a lifetime. He wasn't trying to make the most amazing horor film of all time, he was trying to pay tribute to classics such as: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Last House on the Left, and The Hills Have Eyes. Taking a classic plot: a group of kids is stranded in the middle of nowhere, onlt to be terrorized and brutalized by the family from hell, he twists it into a fun-filled nightmare. The family in this movie is one of the funiest and most terrifying families you will ever see on film. This family lures unsuspecting passers-by with the youngest member of the family (played by Zombie's real life girlfriend) and then proceeds to torture, eviscerate, sodomize and do just about everything you can to someone. The actors delivered as well. Sid Haig is hilarious as the foul-mouthed Captain Spaulding. The acting is corny, as well as it should be. Some might get bored after the hilarious opening scene. The first two thirds of the movie introduce the characters and the disgusting family. The final one third of the movie is a terrifying nightmare that morphs from a gore-filled slasher film to a science fiction acid trip. The ending might make some mad, but I found it fitting to the whole plot. I had heard a lot of hype saying how violent this film was. It is to a point. I am a gore hound so I din't find this as violent as Dead Alive or Cannibal Ferox(One of the sickest movies of all time) and the r rating takes a good chunk of the film away from the viewer. I can't wait for an unrated director's cut to be released
Rating:  Summary: INSTANT FAVORITE - BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD Review: Where to start...Everything about this movie was great...The action, the gore...the story line...the fact that it took place in the 70's...it all came together perfectly in this film about 2 couples that find themselves caught in the clutches of a group of twisted, sadistic killers...not to mention the twisted humor of Captain Spaulding. The casting agent for this movie was right on target. Everyone did an outstanding job with their role. Walton Goggins (from the smash TV series The Sheild) was great even though his role was a short one. This horror, thrill, cult movie was even better then I could have hoped for. These kind of movies are few and far between...(most people are greatful) and the ones that do come out aren't done to this level...to this caliber. Rob Zombie had a vision and was able to use his artistic abilities to turn it into this extraordinary movie. I can't wait to see the movie in it's un-cut form on DVD. Thank you Rob Zombie for giving us House of 1000 Corpses.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunetly mediocore Review: First, I am a strong fan of Rob Zombie's music. However, given the information that he is a fan of horror I was overall disappointed in the movie. From previous reviews with him about his movie I knew going in that it was a movie based on the earlier horror movies, i.e. prior to 1980 or the even the late 1970s. Still given Rob's vivid imagination It was difficult to sit through the movie. It was unable to keep my attention and I forced myself to stay only because the movie was made by him. I knew it was not going to be a horror movie based on suspense like Scream and Final Destiny so I didn't go into the theatre with any preconcieved ideas that the movie would follow that genre of horror. Still, I found the movie rather monotonous and boring.
Rating:  Summary: I am a true horror/gore fan Review: This film is ART, a tribute to the classic horror movies. Rob Zombie and cast and crew did a terrific job. I love the colors and effects....It was well crafted... this film was shelved for two years because UNIVERSAL had dropped due to its policy on gore and violence. Also, the rating people told Rob Zombie in order to release it into theaters, he must cut a lot of graphic scenes involving gore. So what if it wasnt that gory in the film, the way it was made was great along with everything in the film....Anyways, cant wait for a DIRECTOR'S CUT DVD when it comes out.... One more thing, this film was a low budget film anyways..It is supposed to be like this...BUt I love this movie so much and watched it three times in one week..
Rating:  Summary: Avoid this like the plague Review: This movie has got to be the biggest most pointless waste of 90 minutes I have ever had the misfortune to endure. The acting is terrible and the plot is practically nonexistent. The beginning of the movie is somewhat interesting, with the stereotypical four teenagers looking for a local legend called Doctor Satan. Much to the viewers dismay though, the movie quickly degenerates into clumsily stiched together shots of satanic rituals, necrophiliacs, torture, and almost any other disgusting and tasteless image you could think of. Add to all that the most horribly annoying laugh ever recorded in a movie, which belongs to Rob Zombies utterly untalented girlfriend. In my opinion, the only redeeming feature this film has is that it features the Ramones in the soundtrack, though it seems Rob Zombie is trying to use this to make up for the horrible butchering of 'Blitzkrieg Bop' he recorded for a Ramones tribute album. All in all, this movie was a complete waste of 6 bucks and an hour and a half of my life. Do yourself a favor and go buy The Evil Dead on DVD, there you'll at least get a good campy horror film from the 70's, as opposed to this uninspired piece of trash
Rating:  Summary: MUST SEE! Review: This was definitely what I've needed after a long time without a decent horror flick of this variety to be found. As takes place near the beginning of the story, I'd classify the whole of this movie as a wild carnival ride/freakshow. Just when you think it can't get any stranger, it does. There are some amazing characters in this movie. The dialogue is clever and well written catching this viewer up in the motives and suspicions of everyone involved. The characterisations are probably the most memorable and well done aspect of the movie. I can't figure out why some have had trouble understanding the video style insertions during some of the action sequences. It was obvious to me that they represent internal dialogue or memories -- perhaps in some cases actually recorded on video by the characters at a later time. Stylistically, this movie is the ultimate. The look and feel of the film is very gritty -- sort of real and unreal at the same time. The film's pacing is hectic yet doesn't seem to skip details. The effects and make-up are spectacular and freakishly sick. The humour is unexpected at times but pulled off in a sly, clever manner. There is plenty of campiness, although the insanity of some of the characters is realistically and frighteningly presented in terms of mannerisms and speech. The accents are very good and definitely believable. Hollywood hardly ever achieves even a close approximation of the Southern accent. Story-wise, there are some cheesy moments but, if you get the genre Zombie was aiming at, you'll understand that those moments are exactly what he was wanting. I get the feeling that the unrated DVD will flesh out some of the movie's storyline, especially towards the end. Nothing really 'falls apart' as some critics have claimed but you get the feeling that the censorship was pretty harsh and that there's just a little more story to be 'eeked' out from what was cut. Overall, I'd say that this is a spectacular first movie for Zombie and I look forward to more of his sick, freakish tales if Hollywood has the sense to back him.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: If you like classic horror flicks, this one is for you!
Rating:  Summary: House of 1000 ...!! Review: Just when you thought the new age horror genre couldn't get any worse, Rob Zombie finally releases his long awaited debut film: "House of 1000 Corpses". I've heard people (Rob Zombie marks) claim that this movie is a classic and is not "new age". Give me a break! Everything about this movie falls right into the long list of mediocre horror flicks that have hit the screens since the late 1990's. From the opening scene the tone of the film is perfectly clear......!! Four teenie-boppin' ... are in pursuit of an urban legend referred to as "Dr. Satan". They predictably find themselves lured and eventually trapped in a macabre farmhouse VERY reminiscent of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre's Sawyer family residence. But sadly, Leatherface does not reside in this shallow hovel. Instead, we are introduced to a ..., mediocre cast of annoying hooligans who prey on the hapless, innocent victims of this horrible flick. You cannot look at anything in that house and not be reminded of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. To say the movie has terrible actors/actresses would be a very kind statement. The cast in this movie are almost as disturbing and utterly ridiculous as the cast of "Jason X". And the attempt of delivering a creative story filled with frightening (not to mention original) villains and gut-wrenching terror conclusively falls short as "House of 1000 Corpses" seems like a watered down, 88 minute Rob Zombie music video. I dare someone...ANYONE to make a respectable horror film worth me slapping my hard-earned cash down to see. Any takers?
Rating:  Summary: Valiant First Movie by Mr. Zombie Review: Okay, lets be honest - the man (RZ) hasn't found his own voice yet (cinematically) but he is definately on his way to developing his own visual style. This is not simply in terms of using various video formats, as that has been done before in music videos and Natural Born Killers, but rather in the tone and texture of his film, which is - as the great Dario Argento has shown us - often elemental to a good horror movie. The film definately is lacking storywise, atleast in originality - the film is in many ways a salad bowl of all the great horror movies of the 80's with a comic book touch added in. The biggest problem I can see with the film is the relentless repition of the name of the bad guy "Doctor Satan" which really has got to be one of the dumbest names I've ever heard. That aside, its entertaining enough, and makes for a darned good little horror movie (much better than that of the other rock star gone filmmaker Dee Snider's Strangeland; though they are different in approach, this is definately a higher quality movie.) I dont think it's destined to be a classic, for part of what makes a movie a classic is having something different too it - something new - something people haven't seen before. We have seen all of this before, albeit spread out amongst a number of movies, Rob Zombie is simply reminding us what once made Horror great in the 80's (and even in the 30's with his gothing tunnel settings) and what has since been lost. Bravo.