Rating:  Summary: Huge dissapointment for rob zombie!!! Review: i have to admit when i heard of this movie coming out in theaters..i was pretty excited since it was written and directed by the horror man himself (rob Zombie) I had very high expectations for this film. Little did me and my friends know what the hell kind of movie this would be. The movie starts out actually pretty cool, a nice opening scene of two men working at a local gas station who end up killing two guys trying to rob them. The film then gets progressively stupid. A few teenagers car breaks down in thw woods and meet some freaky people..SO far ok...but it then goes completly down hill from there..!! the constant laughing of rob zombies's girlfriend really agitates you even though she is hot. The editing was plain horrible. The music was decent but Rob zombies song "Brick house" was horrible and they used at a bad time in the movie. There was no kool deaths whatsoever excpet a "stabbing scene" towards the end. In general rob zombie did a herendous job on trying to capture the same suspense as "the texas chainsaw massacre," "Motel hell," ect. Also The constant and random flashbacks also became extremely irritating, these flashbacks had absolutlety nothing to do with the film there were just annoying and stupid. In other words don't make the same mistake i did and spend any money on this terrible movie. Its not worth the hour and a half of suffering.
Rating:  Summary: Complete unwatchable garbage Review: I'll try and keep this review short because I don't have much to say about this movie. 'House of 1000 Corpses' was by far the worst piece of garbage I have ever seen in my life. The plot was pure nonsense even for the horror genre and the acting amongst the entire cast lacked any convincing. Everything about this movie seemed cliche and done-before, including the costumes, the makeup, the scenery, and the childish jokes thrown in every now and then. What a shame that this project was hyped to become one of the most ground-breaking films of its genre. If you want to see horror films with some class, I recommend 'The Exorcist', George Romero's 'Night of the Living Dead', Bram Stoker's 'Dracula', the original black & white version of 'House on Haunted Hill', or Hitchcock's 'Psycho'.>>> 0 stars. A rundown of how I rated this movie: Acting: D Plot: F Cinematography: F Set Design: C Originality: F Repeat Playability: F - the enlightened one
Rating:  Summary: Just. Plain. Awful. Review: This movie starts off with some potential, but quickly degrades into failure the likes of which hasn't been seen for quite some time. It's quite clear what garbage this film is going to be; Glimpses of grotesque imagery the likes of which would churn even an iron stomach start right from the murder ride. Shortly after the ride we meet Sheri Moon's character, and for a few minutes things go pretty good again. Then we meet the rest of the family and for the entire movie after this point it's trash beyond trash. I've nothing against gore in a horror film, but with this movie I found my line between horror and sickness. Flesh eating, long spans of torture, and not a drop of plot to be found. Just scene after scene of torture and ranting. There's brief shots of nudity throughout, but mostly of dead girls. At least there's glimpses of Sheri Moon as well. A shame her acting can't match her voice or body. Maybe it's just the movie, but she comes off as a porn star. If you enjoy half naked corpses being cut up with razor blades, screaming, crying, begging... you've found your movie. Otherwise, do yourself a major favor and skip this. - Rirath_com
Rating:  Summary: The Sickest Mind At Work Review: This has got to be one of the most twisted movies ever.....AND I LOVE IT.....the movie has a certian mood it puts you in when you see it....and when a movie does that...its good...see this movie...buy it when it comes out on DVD...don't watch alone...you will literaly [wet] your pants..!!
Rating:  Summary: sorry Mr. Zombie Review: but your movie is just lame. I wanted to badly to love it as i have your music, but oh my how i was let down. What was with all the flashy, nonsensical editing and all the wannabe arty junk, huh? Why did you remove every bit of emotion or tension for the sake of technical glitz? you know, if you wanted to harken to the oldies then why not learn from them first? this piece of dulling cinema was not worth my $$.
Rating:  Summary: Is the world not sad enough already? Review: "Well, I'm sure at least one of these people makes it out alive......what? They DON'T!? Why NOT?!?!" My friend and I were dumbfounded as to why we paid seven bucks to be saddened for an hour-and-a-half. What exactly is the appeal of "nope, sorry, everyone is dead" what could possibly be the allure of no hope? I happen to love horror movies, but I just don't see why Rob had to kill everybody. One, two, ten dead people, FINE! But to kill everyone in the movie that isn't inbred and psycotic lacks any appeal. There, now that I got the worst of this movie's problems out of the way, I would like to make a request. Would somebody fire that Speilberg jerk and replace him with Rob Zombie? The man was made to direct. I'm no fan of his music, but, DAMN! The man can he call a shot. The effect shots were fabulous. I felt drawn into the movie, which made the saddness of it that much more difficult to bear. I liked the overall aspect and theme, and while the plot lacked any real......um.....story, the method in which it was delivered was extrodinary. Somebody write this man a script, he's good!
Rating:  Summary: What the...?! A cyborg?!!? Review: Well, this is the movie that Rob Zombie was born to direct, I guess, fusing his fascination with classic horror cinema from the 30's to the 70's with the gory underside of American culture. I liked his directorial style and the hallucinatory interludes thrown in. The movie's major failure to me is delaying the promised supernatural terror of Dr. Satan until the end, and shifting the focus to the white-trash Dr. Satan-worshipping family, who turn out to be a rather annoying dysfunctional Bundy-esque (as in Al, not Ted) group of psycho killers. Finally, at the end we see the promised bogeyman, but whatever horrific impact the scene might have had is immediately subverted by the entrance of a GIANT CYBORG (huh?) in a supreemo moment of cheese that surpasses anything ever presented on Mystery Science Theater 3000. It was quite funny, really, as was a lot of the movie, especially Sid Haig's performance. Ultimately, Zombie is too much in love with the cheesier aspects of the horror/splatter genre to give us something truly scary. Also, he doesn't know how to set up scary situations. We get something like a music video that incorporates classic horror images, but isn't frightening because there's no suspense. I actually got kind of bored by the end. Among recent horror flicks I've seen, it's not as suspenseful or gory as "Wrong Turn" and doesn't have the supernatural dread of "The Ring." If they added some really over-the-top "Dead Alive"-type gore, then this movie might be the "Pink Flamingos" of horror/splatter cinema. Two and a half stars, just for the comedic appeal, and cool music by Buck Owens and The Ramones in the soundtrack!
Rating:  Summary: A refreshing breath of air onto the Horror genre... Review: For a while now it seems like alot of the horror movies have to do with reused Ghost story concepts, lame Scream ripoffs and cheap monster movies. But along with the bad ones come a couple bright ideas. House of 1000 Corpses is one of em'. With a story dating back to the 70ies style of horror movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and a reto-style direction this is one of the best horror movies i've seen since Jeepers Creepers. The movie starts off with an awesome opening scene and kicks into a wild ride with an ending that I think is super... Rob Zombie does a good job directing with alot of color effects and a good soundtrack. Not as gory as has been said but up there.
Rating:  Summary: Great slasher flick Review: If you love old fashioned B-movie slasher flicks then this movie is for you. It was not made to be a jump out of your seat horror movie. House of 1000 Corpses is more about gore and violence. If you watch this movie expecting Exorcist type horror then you will be disappointed. Expect something like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and you will enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Is there an unrated version coming? Review: I see the DVD release is R-rated, so it's the theatrical release. But I know Mr. Zombie had to make many cuts to get it down to an R-rating. I was hoping there would be an unrated version of the DVD.